Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample

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Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample
Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample
Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample

Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK


The use of internet has increased in the last decade and this is motivating the organizations to make their presence online. E-business means to manage transactions electronically. Businesses are going online to create more customers and revenues. This will help them to understand customers and their desires. This Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample helps in learning different e- business model and their future development. Various business models, transaction types and benefits of e-business will be studied in task 1 whereas task 2 will describe the implementation of e-business using right internet approaches. Study on revenue generation and impact of different factors on revenue will be analysed in task 3. The final task will assist to create the own online shopping presence with e-commerce website. For instance, the study is made on e-business of F&M Company which is the oldest and reputed company in the UK. F&M offers gift hampers to buy online.

Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK

Task 2

(a) Internet technologies and their importance in making an E-Business successful

Internet technology is a common term used for E-business system. The global system is interconnected by a computer network. There are billions of users scattered across the globe. Internet technology is integrated part of the business to reach consumers. It uses following internet technology which is important for E-business and helpful to expand business:

  • Website: The official website is important for F&M in order to improve the sale of goods. The website is available at 24*7 hours so it is easy to order and purchase goods at anytime and anywhere. Online marketing strategies also involve the website. F&M Company can advertise their products on popular social networking sites and they can make their product available at famous E-commerce websites. This would definitely encourage people to buy their products and services (Wirtz.et.al.2010).
  • Internet Communication Technologies: Internet communication technology is a new way to conduct business. The internet communication tools are E-mail, instant messaging, VOIP telephony, social media and video conferencing. F&M Company should use E-mail and instant messaging tools to communicate with stakeholders. They have to send messages about their products and offers like discount etc. It is faster and cheap resource to reach the target audience. The company may use video conferencing and social media to deal with their business associates and clients.
  • Cloud computing and Data centres: Data centres are a group of computer network server. F & M Company should use them for remote storage, processing and distribution of information at the remote station (Different Stores of F&M). Cloud computing allows employees of company retrieve and sends information from a remote location. Apart from this, backup is also maintained by using Cloud computer so that organization is able to recover from a disaster (Chernatony, 2010).
  • Big Data and Packet Switching: Packet switching technology allows company to send a simultaneous response to their consumers.  It also improves network efficiency and robustness by sending data in the form of packets. Another internet tool is big data which are also known as larger data sets. F&M use them for predictive analyses or extract valuable data from them. The big data is valuable to find latest business trends and helpful in decision making. Therefore, it improves operational efficiency also.

(b) Explain the main features of HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark Up Language. It is a standard mark up language that is used to make web pages. HTML codes are written by its elements and elements consist of tags. The tags are written in angular brackets (like <html>).  The opening and closing tags are <h1> and tag is closed by </h1>.  The web browser uses <html/> and </html> to interpret the content of web page. HTML elements are considered as a building block for websites. Web developers insert fundamental features of the web page in HTML elements. The elements are encoded by tags, data type, entity reference, and colour and character reference (Cundall.et.al.2013). HTML allows inserting heading, subheading, paragraph, images, tables, forms and frames.

A simple example of HTML codes

<title>  Good morning </title>
<h1> Heading level 1</h1>
<h2> Heading level 2</h2>
<p> Paragraph 1 </p> <p> Paragraph 2 </p>
<p> Hello dear </p>

The first tag <html> and closing tag </html> is used for interpret the content of web page. Title tag is used to insert title of web page. Main heading, sub heading, images, paragraph and tables are included in body tag.

(c) Functions of clients-servers, browsers and the role of search engines and its applicability for F&M

Client-Server Model - Assignment Help in UK

Clients are individual components which are connected to the server via the internet. Client- server model allow the client to send request and server respond according to the query of clients.  A server host can run one or more server procedural programming. Network servers are accessible by multiple consumers but it requires additional memory, storage and high processing speed to handle a load. Common network servers are the web, proxy, game, and FTP server. The client-server model also allows using a central storage which is shared by multiple servers on a computer network. Servers are mainly connected with data warehouse, bigger disk drives and power central processor. Clients are only connected to the server and send a request to the server only. Clients are not allowed to interact with the underlying system (Xuefu and Ming, 2012). The above diagram defines two-tier architecture between client and server.

  • Advantages: It allows real-time communication between client and server. It is beneficial to maintain the security of the system by providing indirect access. Its maintenance and understanding are easy.
  • Disadvantages: Its performance is degraded when more users connect with it. Congestion is network reduce the speed of downloading. The system goes down to error or failure occurs at the server.

Search engines and web browser tools are important for F&M in order to discover information on the web. In the present scenario, search engine marketing is used for online marketing. The organization can expose their products and reach to the consumer with the help of web browser. Web browsers and search engines are the main interest of advertisers. The web page is divided into organic and sponsored part. The left side screen is mostly used for sponsored link. F&M Company can improve their selling by display sponsored link on web browsers (Dou.et.al.2010). Yahoo is a common search engine for sponsored links.

 (d) Use of intranets and extranets within business communications

An intranet is a network which is used within organization only. It allows exchanging information between human resources of the company. For example- An employee of F&M post a question then it can be answered by an employee who is expertise to solve that problem within the organisation on the internal network. Corporate information is very sensitive and intranet allows it flow within company environment. It does not allow access to outsiders. The intranet is now used for operational support, coordination between business activities and collaboration. F&M Company should use it for the purpose of employee engagement, learning, make innovative ideas, risk mitigation and decision support within the organization (Uckelmann.et.al.2011). An Extranet of F&M company is accessible by employees and also available for authorised outsiders. The primary goal of the extranet is to establish a link with internet resources that can be accessed by suppliers, business associates, customers and partners. It gives significant value to the business by improving relationship between F&M and its suppliers and partners. It makes business entity closure to satisfy their needs and expectation. This would strengthen overall business. Sometimes enterprises need to include their business associates to take a critical decision. The Extranet allow secure communication between them (Spralls.et.al.2011).

Task 3

(a) Different e-business Revenue models can be used to generate revenue for a business

E-business models are useful to implement the right design rationale based on the type of business done by the organization. Design models provide important information regarding the conduction of business on the internet. Well-known models are:

  • Storefront model: This is the simplest type of model to facilitate the merchants to sell goods and services to customers. Storefront model includes the options of payment gateway, security, transaction processing and information management etc. Using this model F&M Company can bring the store in front of customers to buy products (Demil and Lecocq, 2010).
  • Auction Model: This is used for a forum like websites where customers post about the product they want at a lower price and receives a bid from others. For more detail, the customer can post images and deadline regarding a commodity. Some examples are: ebay.com and liquidprice.com.
  •  Portal Model: In this model, the user can search the stuff to find relevant information available on the server of the website. It includes news, weathers, sports etc. Some special portals link the customers to merchants. Examples of such business models are hotbot.com and yahoo.com (Al-Debei and Avison, 2010).

(b) Compare two revenue models by assessing their benefits and challenges

Organizations are using different e- business models that have the ability to generate revenue. The capacity of generating revenue is different from one model to another. The above-described revenue generating models associate with benefits and challenges.

  • Storefront model: This e-business revenue model is designed to generate revenue for the owner of F&M. Some website that follows storefront model is designed to enable buying and selling take pace via the internet. Storefront model also includes online payment system. This system generates the bulk of revenue by selling goods on the internet. The main benefit of this model is gaining high profitability. However, the website that adopts such model faces the problem of data traffic. The owner of the website also plans a strategy to advertise their services and product. Therefore, extra investment is required to influence people to access it. This is the biggest challenge.
  • Auction Model: In this type of model help F&M to post their products on the different website and hope to receive interest from buyers. This is more expensive as compared to storefront model. The website owner charged for each transaction. Revenue generates by selling the product is shared between website owner and product owner. Some website owner is listing fee charge on monthly of yearly basis (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). It still requires investment for advertisement of their product also.

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(c) Future developments in e-business revenue models

Internet and communication technology is emerging new communication tools. Customers are connected from all over the world. There are great chances to generate revenue from e-business.  Therefore, future development is required for above-explained e-business revenue model. Their development should be based on the following model:

  • Transaction Fee Revenue Model: This model is mainly used by Amazon and E-bay. According to this model, customers have to pay the fee for the transaction of goods to the platform. The organisation is a platform of the transaction. A customer can be buyer and seller. The customer needs to register himself/herself. So that company can identify seller and buyer. A future development is required on the basis of transaction fee revenue model where the company is charges commission from both buyer and seller.
  • Advertising Revenue Model: This model is adopted by Google, Facebook and New York Times. E-marketing and social care media marketing are related to this model. Fees are generated in exchange of advertisement.  Two companies also propmote each other and share their customers. This model allows an organisation to flash advertisement of another who belongs to a different field. Like- Facebook display ads of Google and Google can display ads off Facebook (Zott.et.al.2011). Wallpaper, super banner and skyscraper are the example of marketing and company have to pay according to traffic. Future development is required according to the strategy of advertising revenue model.
  • Sales Revenue Model: The future development of model should include a strategy of sales revenue model. The prices are set on the basis of competitive advantage. The model is used to increases sale of the product. At present, the model is used by Amazon, Brands4friends and Otto. It has been clear that future development E-business revenue model should be based on Transaction Fee Revenue Model, Advertising Revenue and Sales Revenue Model. These models are adopted by top E-business companies (Zott.et.al.2010).

Task 4

(a) Use and apply key elements of a good website design structure

The structure of website basically comprises of body, description, navigation and Meta tags. The key elements of website are appearance, clear navigation, contrast, simplicity and good attention to usability. Such elements are basic building block of every website.

Home page for e-business website - Assignment Help in UK                              

The above template is suggested for F & M website. This template has good colour contrast. This would be eyes pleasing for visitors. Images are clear and attractive. The contents are properly categorised a home page. It also shows latest offer on products at home page. It would retain visitors to check out such products. It will boost quality of structure (Garrett, 2010).

Home page footer - Assignment Help in UK                                The bottom of the home page also includes a link to connect with social networking sites. The customers can solve their query by using contact number and E-mail address of the website.  It is required to add contact details and live chat option for the customer. The above template depicts well to solve such purpose. This website includes complete product detail at home page so that visitors immediately choose their prefer product. The main feature of the website is user-friendly and easy to understandable about what company is promoting.

(b) Evaluate the impact of a well-designed website on an e-business

There are three aspects that impact sales of products. Following aspects would contribute for customer preference and business improvement:

  • Good Design: Customers are influenced by attractive and innovative design of the website. F&M Company may use effective and clear images at the home page. The structural design will boost daily sale. Latest offers and brands details should be added to website design.
  • Appropriate categorised Content: This is another most important aspect. F&M Company should include content which is easily understandable and very clear about what it wants to sell. Visitors easily find information and knowledge by selecting a category. Its navigation plan will also reduce the number of clicks from one page to another page as it includes complete detail on the home page (Rahimnia and Hassanzadeh, 2013).
  • Functionality: F&M Company requires ensuring proper functionality of web content. So that users would be more confident to access website. Functional quality improves financial stage of the company.

(c) Report on the issues concerning website usability

F&M organization need to focus on some issues that degrade quality of website. It would reduce interest of customers and affect selling of goods. Such issues are explained as follows:

  • Poor Image: Inappropriate and poor quality image decrease the usability of the website. Web surfer avoids such sites where images are not clear. Irrelevant and confusing images are not able to attract consumers. Buyers do not take such products.
  • Usability Mistake: Usable website offers great experience to visitors. It is important to check that all the links are working. F&M Company needs to avoid the tiny clickable area while making a website.  Some links are added to the website which are too small and users find them difficult to click (Fernandez.et.al.2011).
  • Poor Readability and overuse of ads: Colour contrast of website affects readability. Background colour and content colour need to be complementary. It also is seen that content is break and not constant. F&M Company should not overuse ads because this would degrade website quality. It is difficult for users to find information due to multiple ads.
  • Poor formatting and overuse of multimedia: Overuse of videos, images and audio link is not preferred by the user because it looks very clumsy. F&M company should use appropriate and few links only.   Poor formatting leads to the unread ability like- bad search option, visited link colour not change and text is not aligned (Petrie and Power, 2012). 


The Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample has concluded that establishment of a business as an e–commerce is important to build a global market. Various business contract and implementation factors have been analysed to determine correct strategies and to depict e-business opportunities. The study also describes that selection of right internet tools and services are important to build brand value as well as the market. HTML like technologies has been studied to start with online business. Also, benefit and limitations of approaches have been analyzed to select right choice for business. The study also depicts the future and scope of F&M Company in gift market with e-commerce implementation. A detailed analysis is made to eliminate issues in e-businesses. 


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This Unit 29 Internet and E-Business Assignment Sample helps in learning different e- business model and their future development, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.