Unit 28 Work Based Experience Assignment - Tesco

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Unit 28 Work Based Experience Assignment - Tesco
Unit 28 Work Based Experience Assignment - Tesco
Unit 28 Work Based Experience Assignment - Tesco


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 28 Work Based Experience - Tesco

QFC Level

Level 5


For having opportunities over the desired career goals work based learning programmes are essential in recent context. Through these learning programmes the organisations are offering organisational skills and the improving the career path of the individual learners. Through these learning programmes’ assessments the institutes are also changing their courses. Within this unit 28 work based experience assignment Tesco a work based learning plan and related concepts are discussed. Suitable organisations which can deliver the industry experiences are researched and elaborated. A proposal over work based planning of mine and negotiation processes are discussed. Different business constraints are discussed on providing learning programmes. Agreeing and prioritising the instruction is necessary for the learners. A work base experience plan has been developed. Benefits over the activities of both learners and organisation are illustrated. Requirements over the codes and practices and their fulfilment are discussed. Systemic record of work undertaken is discussed. Initial plans are revised and suggestion has been provided on improvements are given. Monitoring the progress, evaluation of quality, analysis of the learning are done as well as recommendation on enhancements are also given. I prepare the work based planning and discuss the experiences as a  Sales Executive planning  in Tesco.

Unit 28 Work Based Experience Assignment - Tesco

Task 1

P1.1- Research and Evaluate Suitable Organisations that Could Provide Industry Experience

In order to have proper work based experience I have to choose adequate organisations which would help me in achieving my desired results. Different factors are associated in choosing the adequate organisations. (Barden, 2015).  

  • Assessment of details of training: on having clear indication of the details of training which would be provided by the organisation selecting the organisation for the work based experiences can be done. In order to provide proper training the organisation Tesco expects that the learners should have better knowledge over their own learning needs. The organisation provides professional mentor with experienced skills who would help me to achieve my goals. Similar organisation ASDA also provides internship along with placement which also involves many roles. 
  • Assessment of guidance: proper guidance is the main aspect within the internship. Through providing appropriate modules and training guidelines the instructor of Tesco delivers an overview over the while training processes. (Andrews, and Russell, 2012) Although Harrods provide temporary contract and pay during the internship I have chosen Tesco as this has placed itself as a repute organisation on the internship aspects.
  • Learning opportunities: for choosing proper organisation for the work based experiences the learners has to evaluate the learning experiences which are provided by the organisation and the opportunities over those experiences. Tesco arranges their internship or learning programmes in such a way that those place proper opportunities in developing skills. (Andrews, and Russell, 2012) By choosing this organisation I can have better understanding over the real scenario in the sales area.  Tesco plc  also arrange skill tests which are efficient for encouraging the learners in development of skills.
  • Organisational culture: culture of the organisation is the most concerning ones for selecting the organisation. Tesco’s supportive culture and motivating training executives are considered by me while choosing the organisation. Apart from Tesco Harrods also has supportive culture.

P1.2- Negotiates with work and academic supervisors a proposal for the work experience

Proposal for work based experience in Tesco

Proposed date of start: 5/9/2016                                       Proposed date of complete:30/9/16

Days per week: 3                                                                          

Hours per day: 3                                                                          Total numbers of hours: 36


Developing the team working abilities

Developing proper customer service skills

Developing proper skills required by organisations

Duties and responsibilities

Providing standards customer service skills

Cooperate with the team members

Calculating payments with proper technological knowledge

Provide responsible performances

Learning objectives:

Having better experience which can be useful in future perspective of working field

Having efficient knowledge and skills on the future growth in career

Providing potential benefits to the organisation

Seeking  personal and professional  growth through the work based experiences is crucial for the professional growth. There are different processes which should be concerned for sending a proposal to the organisation.

  • Providing necessary information: by providing all necessary details about me I had presented the plan to the organisation and its management. These details include the academic qualification and the desired career goals of mine. It helped them to develop a proper planning of training.
  • Learning needs: after analysing the academic qualification the organisation Tesco have to undergo my learning needs which would be needed for my career goal achievement. By going the through the learning needs which I had proposed the organisation and management would develop the training activities. (Andrews, and Russell, 2012)
  • Benefits of the organisation: the organisation seeks benefits on providing proper work based experience. By providing the learning experiences the organisation can also include the learners within the organisation which would beneficial over work force. (de Guzman, and Choi, 2013)

P1.3- Recognise the business constraints on the work experience

Organisations like Tesco arranges the internships and work based experience programmes in order to employ or recruit experienced employees within the workforce. Through the internship and learning programmes the organisation develops proper skills and knowledge as well as makes the trainees and learners accustomed with the working environment and culture of the organisation. (Barden, 2015).  In this respect the organisation have benefits from the internship and work based learning programmes. Apart from these benefits there are also certain constraints which impact over the business.

  • Additional costs: providing proper training and work based experience requires extra budget an costs. These additional costs are imposed as constraints for the organisation. Providing proper materials on different skills and knowledge relating to the working field would also be necessary for better working experiences. These would add further costs to Tesco. Apart from this during the training the measures of health and safety aspects over the working should be measured by the organisation.
  • Management of time: as the executives and other skilled professionals are engaged within the training sessions in order to provide knowledge and train the interns, issues arise within the management of time. (Barden, 2015).  
  • Maintenance of the organisational standards: as the interns and learners like me are unaware of the codes and practices and different policies of the organisation maintaining the organisational standards can be hard for the organisation. (de Guzman, and Choi, 2013)

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Task 2

P2.1- Agree and prioritise the tasks and responsibilities involved in the work experience

Prioritising the tasks and responsibilities which are assigned and allotted by the instructor is mandatory for having success within the professional working environment. Through agreeing and prioritising the work I can have capabilities to become a successful professional sales executive. (Mann, 2011)

  • Deadlines: meeting the deadlines is necessary for the employees for becoming a responsible professional. On respecting the deadlines I have to organise the work and to maintain the working flow to meet the targets within the given time span. In order to meeting the respective deadlines I have to learn on prioritising the work. In order to prioritise the deadlines I have to identify the tasks which are on a closure deadline and apply proper skills to complete them within the deadlines. (Stoner, and Milner, 2010)  By doing the tasks which on closure deadlines I can meet the time frame which has been set by the management.
  • Set objectives: by setting proper objectives of the tasks I can assess the needs and required skills to meet with the objectives of the tasks. The tasks which need greater skills and efforts are of greater priority as well as provide better work based experiences in career growth. In order assess the importance of every task I have to set the objectives over the completion of each tasks. (Wehman, 2013).
  • Measurement of pros and cons: through measuring the pros and cons on achieving the objectives of each task. The tasks having greater importance can impact over the organisational success in both negative and positive way. (White, 2012) By measuring the tasks on its importance and priority I can understand the pros and cons behind the impacts of the tasks on organisational context.
  • Time scale: setting the time scale over each unit of the task is necessary to achieve the allotted responsibilities in completing the work. (White, 2012)

P2.2- Produce a plan for the work experience

Plan for work based experience at Tesco

Position of the job: Sales Executive

Reporting to: Sales executive manager

Location: UK

Start date: 5th September 2016                                               Finish date: 30th September 2016

Days per week: 3 days

Hours per day: 3 hours                                                            Total number of hours: 36 hours


  • Providing a standard job
  • Respecting the instructions provided by instructor
  • Respect the employees of the organisation
  • Achieve proper skills and knowledge to deliver good services

Areas of interest:

  • Development of accurate skills
  • Improving the ability to deliver customer services
  • Learning team working

Learning objectives:

  • Team management skills development
  • Learning the maintenance of organisational policies

Benefits to organisation:

  • Having potential work force
  • Attract current talents to the organisation

With clear learning plan the learner like me can have better understanding over the performance criteria of the organisations. (Stoner, and Milner, 2010) Through the proper work based plan the learners can set their objectives over attaining the learning programmes. Clear plan would reflect clear understanding of the learning needs and also reveal the areas for improvements. Instructor at Tesco taught us to set clear goals within the plan for achieving the needs.

  • Internship: internships are the most common aspects of work based learning which are helpful in improving the current skills. Through this programmes the intern can also have placement within the organisation. By attending the work based learning programmes I can achieve proper working experiences within an organisation. (Wehman, 2013).
  • Subject knowledge: proper skills and subject knowledge is necessary to achieve the desired path of career. (Wehman, 2013). The instructor of Tesco suggested of having proper subject knowledge and improving the necessary skills like  marketing communication  skills, team working skills. I would complete this course and improve all desired skills within 30 September, 2016.

P2.3 Analyse the benefits of the proposed activities to the business and the learner

Work based learning programs are beneficial for both the trainees and the organisation. It places a great benefit for the learners in order to achieve desired position in future career. From the perspectives of the organisation the activities within the work based program place beneficial account by delivering adequate skills and talents to the workforce.

  • Benefits of organisations: Future talent pool: with the work based experiences the organisation can have better understanding of the future talent pool. By assessing the performances of the learners like me within the work based leaning program the organisation cam have better understanding over the ability of the learners in achieving the targets of the organisation. By analysing the performance assessment of the learners the instructor can identify the ability of learners like me to contribute in the organisational goals. (Stoner, and Milner, 2010)
  • Productivity: through the internship and work based learning the organisation can increase the current productivity. By providing proper skills and experiences to the learners the organisation can improve the ability of the learners can employ them within the organisational workforce. This will be cost effective than hiring regular employees. Through training the organisation encouraged new ideas and creativity within the interns which would be necessary for achieving the organisational goals. (White, 2012)

Benefits for learners or me

  • Work experience: through the learning programmes the learners like me can have better acknowledgement over the working within the organisation. Gaining the work based experiences is the main aspect of the learners in attaining these learning programmes. Through attaining this work based programmes I would gain knowledge over the real time scenario of being a sales executive in Tesco. (Wehman, 2013).
  • Professional environment: through the work based experience the learners can have better acknowledgment over the working environment and the professional activities or practices which are necessary within this environment. (Wehman, 2013).

Task 3

P3.1 Fulfil specified requirements of placement conforming to all related codes of practice.

Within every industry there are a set of standards and quality which are required by the organisation from their  employee professional relation.  (Mann, 2011) Tesco has gained the top position within the supermarkets by setting proper set of rules and standards over the performances of the professionals. In order to achieve the career goal of becoming successful and skilled sales executive I have to learn to act according to these rules and code of practices during the training sessions. As per the suggestion of mentor of Tesco I have to gain proper knowledge over the required performance standards and code of practices as the knowledge would help me to make progress over my career development. By understanding the codes and practices of the industry I will gather the knowledge over the ethical practices which are dealt by the organisation. My instructor has suggested me on improving the performances by analysing the requirements of the organisation or the industry in order to be a skilled professional and have future growth within the organisation. In order to be a successful sales executive within the service industry I have to gain proper knowledge over the codes and practices of the organisation. (Saunders, and Zuzel, 2010). According to the Tesco codes and practices I have to acknowledge technological knowledge over the area of services as the organisation has been upgrading its working practices and implementing different technologies for having customer satisfactions. It is crucial for me to not only gather knowledge over the required technologies nut also have to acknowledge the practical applications of hose theories within my performances which can be done with the help of  instructor. Through proper inspections over the services and working areas Tesco management ensures health and safety within working environment as well as maintenances of the hygiene standards in the customer services. The management checks different working areas like fire exit, electrical goods and their standards, technological machines electrical measures and also medical backups which are provided to the staffs in case of any injury. (Saunders, and Zuzel, 2010). The organisation also requires the knowledge over these hygiene and health and safety practices and standards in the placement. For becoming the sales executive I have to gather proper knowledge over these policies.

P3.2 Produces systematic records of challenges work experience undertaken

In order to assess the progress within the work based experience a systematic record is essential to be developed. Through this record the experiences along with the conflicts or the challenges faced in the work based experiences can be analysed. Through the records proper skills and competencies which are required by me would be analysed. Assessing the progress and knowledge the growth is necessary for being a successful and capable sales executive. By analysing the recent skills and comparing them with the required ones the improvements criteria can be identified. Through the systematic records of the performances and working skills can be analysed. (Mann, 2011)

  • Log books: these are efficient tools for the assessment of the work based experiences. Within the seminars the skilled and the experienced professionals tend to share their knowledge which would be beneficial for the learners who having training from the institutes. (Rosenberg, Heimler, and Morote, 2012) Through the by attaining the seminars I have gathered different knowledge on the professional working. In this regard I have maintained a comprehensive and detailed log book and documented the details of the seminars and conferences which I have attained during the work based program at Tesco. There are four seminars which I have attained during my training session. I have kept a detailed record of these seminars and documented the details with elaborative manner in the log book. I have kept an elaborative record of those details and also note the conclusion which I have drawn from these seminars within the record. The lessons which I have gathered from the seminars or the knowledge which are discussed in seminars and important in my professional growth, are recorded within the details. By going through this record my tutor and my instructor at Tesco would suggest me on my further development criteria. These seminars are also helpful for acknowledging the current market situation and respective skills to attain the changes in the market. These details are also added by me within my log book. These details are helpful for the tutor make proper improvements in the training methods. (Rosenberg, Heimler, and Morote, 2012)
  • Work journals: work journals are the set of high quality peer reviewed manuscripts which cover the entire course of work based experiences. Keeping the journals over the working experiences are helpful in recording the daily experiences which are helpful in succeeding in life both in professional and personal respects. (Robbins, 2010). The journals reveal the areas of the career path which need amplifications or improvements. Within my working journals I have kept the details of my every day experiences in the work based experiences along with clear dates, status of the work completion and results or outcomes of the experiences which I have gathered on completing the work. On reviewing this journal which I have drafted during the training at Tesco I have assessed different skills which I have gathered and other skills which are yet to be achieved.

P3.3  Revise the initial plan if required

Different skills have to analyse over the revising the initial plan:

Skill groups

Specific skills

Personal skills

  • self-assurance
  • self actualisation
  • ability to adapt different skills and act according to different situation
  • suppleness
  • skills over time management
  • ability to take risk situations and handle the situation

Interpersonal skills

  • Client cooperation
  • Ability assess the satisfaction measures of the clients and provide proper and satisfactory services
  • Networking
  • Skills over oral and written communication
  • Presentation skills for reporting to the higher management
  • Skills over specific technologies such as email, video conferencing, modern payment system, etc
  • Documentation skills
  • Management skills

academic skills

  • Adequate knowledge over the subject matter
  • Management skills of the project
  • Analysis skills
  • Risk assessment skills
  • Critical assessment skills
  • Confidence in the professional field
  • Skills for Synthesis
  • Knowledge over different languages to approach to different customers (Robbins, 2010).

The above table has been providing proper skills and the necessary ones which are required within the professional development. (Mann, 2011) Through including these skills within the professional field the individuals or the learners can be able to develop the current skills towards the professional level. These listed skills are necessary skills which are required for the efficient professional sales executive. In order to obtain the success within the professional area one has to adapt several skills and knowledge and through continuous development the individual can achieve proper place in the career field. By assessing the required skills the learners have to improve the current ones in order to keeping the balance in the current competitive market. (Robbins, 2010). On analysing these aspects I have listed all the required skills and develop a proper plan with the help of the instructor and successfully address all my training needs. Apart from the plan I have to make continuous improvements for further development of the skills.

P3.4 Make suggestions for improvement and review these with the supervisor

Different suggestions over the improvements: Analyse the goals: in order to review and suggesting the improvements the goals associated with the learning should be analysed. Reviewing the goals and targets would lead to the analysis of the needs of the individuals, which can be provided to through the training or can be developed through work based experience. By considering the suggestions provided by the supervisor of Tesco I have to evaluate the required skills and knowledge in accordance with my career goals and targets and indentify the improvement needs of the skills for the achieving the organisational needs. (Mann, 2011)

  • Identifying needs: on having knowledge over the targets the needed skills should be analysed. After having the knowledge over the needs and targets I have to communicate with the instructor for having suggestion over the development of the career plan.
  • Clarification over the objectives: on analysing the goals and targets and having the suggestion over the feedbacks from the supervisor of Tesco I would be able to set the objectives. Setting the objectives is helpful for identifying the required skills to achieve them and also to set the time scale over the achievement of the objectives. (Saunders, and Zuzel, 2010).
  • Negotiation with the conflicts: in the work based experiences learners can experience different conflicts and issues which are related to the working in the real time scenario. (Rosenberg, Heimler, and Morote, 2012) By handing these situations or solving different conflict the learners are able to improve their current skills. Within the work based experience in Tesco I have faced different specific issues which are associated with the working practices of a sales executive. By handling these situations and solving the problems under the guidance of the experiences instructors I have been able to develop current skills of mine.

Task 4

P4.1 Monitor progress against original proposal

Monitoring the progress against the learning is the significant for assessing the progress in the learning. Through the monitoring and evaluation of the initial learning the growth and development of skills by individuals can be assessed.  For monitoring the progress and evaluating the development there are certain processes:

  • Regular report of the status: rough regular report of the status of the work experience program the progress can be assessed. The instructor of Tesco has assessed on a periodic measure. Through analysis of the assessment report the instructor can analyse the progress in the learning of the trainees. As per the advice given by the instructor of Tesco I have to take certain specific responsibilities which can improve the progress of the initial learning. (Lee, 2011).
  • Review the results:  by considering the time scale over the results of the learning should be assessed and progress can be reviewed. Taking in account the time measurements against the initial learning results and the predefined needs the progress can be viewed. The growth of my learning in the Tesco organisation can be analysed through similar method. By taking in account the defined targets and assessing the time scale on achieving those targets or respective skills my learning growth can be analysed. Through this assessment the learning needs can be evaluated as well as it would help me to develop a new plan on the progress. (Looi, Zhang, Chen, Seow, Chia, Norris, and Soloway, 2011)
  • Review the plan: on assessing the results and the progress of the learning the review of the learning plan should be done on taking the suggestions and feedbacks of the instructor of Tesco. The assessment which has been developed my, would be helpful for the instructor to give proper feedbacks to me over the improvements in the plan and helpful in developing a new plan. (Robbins, 2010).

P4.2 Evaluate the quality of own performance

Evaluation of own performances is the most important in the process of the growth and development of the learning. By measuring the tasks the evaluation can be conducted. In the order to analyse the growth the identification of the quality within the performances has been essential. For pursuing desired professional skills and develop proper professional career the evaluation of the quality to the performances is essential. (Kolb, 2014) The evaluation should include the guidance provided by the instructor and the feedbacks provided by the academic institution.

  • Evaluation of own interpersonal skills: with the help of the evaluation of the inter personal skills the learners will identify further development needs and formulate new career development plan with accordance with the specific needs. Within this evaluation the suggestion provided by instructors should also be analysed. Through this evaluation the instructor can provide proper standards over the required quality in the performances. In Tesco the instructor provided the feedbacks over the performances of mine by suggesting improving my communicational skills as well as team working abilities and achieving target gaols within given time framework.  (Gibbs, 2013).  
  • Evaluation of personal skills: through this evaluation the learners can assess own personal skills and abilities in achieving the needs in the learning. Through self assessment and evaluating the current goals the personal skills can be evaluated. Through this evaluation the learners are able to draw a new plan.
  • Technical skills: for working within the current organisational context having technical skills are necessary. In my professional duties I would have to operate different activities which would need technical skills as well as knowledge over different technologies. By this evaluation it is evident that I have to develop certain technical skills which would be necessary for conducting the professional responsibilities. (Looi, Zhang, Chen, Seow, Chia, Norris, and Soloway, 2011)

P4.3. analyse the learning which has taken place during the work experience using suitable reflections

The learners have to report the progress to the instructors as well as to the academic tutors for providing information over their progress status in the working experience programme. Through these reports the academic institutes can develop the assessment over the learning and the progress of the learners. (Gibbs, 2013).  The teachers later use this information to develop the curriculum more enhanced for the future context.

  • Assessments of the journals: the journals and the work based logs provide different perspectives over work based experience programmes. After evaluation of the tasks the learning logs are developed. On analysing these journals and logs the academic tutors can have proper view over the learning needs and required career planning. (Looi, Zhang, Chen, Seow, Chia, Norris, and Soloway, 2011)
  • Assessment of the supervisors: through analysing the assessments made by the supervisors and analysing the feedbacks given by the instructor the performance standards and related skills the mentor can provide proper appraisal.

On following the learning within the work based programme I have acquired different skills which are needed for performing in the sales. Through the work based learning I get the ability to analyse different demands and current trends associated with the clients and deliver proper services to satisfy their needs. Through the work based experience programmes proper quality and standards required by the organisation is identified by me. (Gibbs, 2013).  

P4.4 make recommendations on how the experience could have been enhanced

There are different methods through which the experience can be enhanced:

  • Clarification the goals:  within the professional growth and development aspects the clarification over the goals and needs are most important part. In attending the work based programme the objectives of mine was to improve the current skills and also to enhance the knowledge over the organisational performances standards and qualities. (Gibbs, 2013).  Through attaining the work based programme I would be able to improve the personal abilities towards the practical field of sales and clear the path of becoming a professional sales executive with desired skill by the organisation. The organisation might provide more practical knowledge and skills which would improve the programme.
  • Supportive working environment: placing proper infrastructure within the work based experience environment and also efficient supportive culture is needed to provide proper experiences to the learners. Through the supportive culture the individuals or learners can be motivated to improve and include desired skills. Through the supportive culture the learners or students can be encouraged to place their requirements in the learning or their queries. The organisation should provide proper supportive guidance to the learners. I recommend the seniors should provide proper environment to place the queries. (Lee, 2011).
  • Opportunities to express: work based programmes are provides to the students who have different learning needs and have the desire to improve the current skills towards the organisational requirements or current market situation. Different ideas and perceptions of the learners over the learning sessions are important part in enhancement of the learning experiences. On analysing these ideas or views of the students the management can arrange more improved programme. The management of the organisation should provide such opportunities and encourage the learners to express their ideas over the work based programme. (Kolb, 2014)

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In recent situation in the industry the work based experience has been an essential part within the learning. Through the work based learning programmes the learners seek to gather proper knowledge over the practical skills and implications of the theoretical knowledge. Through these learning programmes the learners seek to endeavour necessary skill required by the industry. The work based programmes provide a deeper understanding over the professional requirements. On understanding the importance of the work based learning the institutes are offering courses along with work placement and internship programmes. Tesco is delivering proper knowledge and training of skills which are desired by the learners like me.


Andrews, G. and Russell, M. (2012). Employability skills development: strategy, evaluation and impact. HE, Skills & Work-Based Lrng, 2(1), pp.33-44.
Barden, M. (2015). A beautiful constraint. John Willey and Sons.
de Guzman, A.B. and Choi, K.O., 2013. The relations of employability skills to career adaptability among technical school students. Journal of Vocational Behavior82(3), pp.199-207.
Gibbs, P. (2013). Learning, work and practice. Dordrecht: Springer.
Kolb, D.A., 2014. Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press.
Lee, L. (2011). Corporate volunteering & business implementation issues. International Journal of Business Environment, 4(2), p.162.
Looi, C.K., Zhang, B., Chen, W., Seow, P., Chia, G., Norris, C. and Soloway, E., 2011. 1: 1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary science students: A study of learning effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning27(3), pp.269-287.
Mann, K.V., 2011. Theoretical perspectives in medical education: past experience and future possibilities. Medical education45(1), pp.60-68.
Rosenberg, S., Heimler, R. and Morote, E.S., 2012. Basic employability skills: a triangular design approach. Education+ Training54(1), pp.7-20.
Saunders, V. and Zuzel, K., 2010. Evaluating employability skills: Employer and student perceptions. Bioscience education15(1), pp.1-15.
Stoner, G. and Milner, M., 2010. Embedding generic employability skills in an accounting degree: development and impediments. Accounting Education: an international journal19(1-2), pp.123-138.
Wehman, P. (2013). Life beyond the classroom. Baltimore, Md.: Paul H. Brookes Pub. Co.
White, T. (2012). Employer responsive provision: workforce development through work?based learning. HE, Skills & Work-Based Lrng, 2(1), pp.6-21.