Unit 14 WWLP Role of leadership Assignment

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Unit 14 WWLP Role of leadership Assignment
Unit 14 WWLP Role of leadership Assignment
Unit 14 WWLP Role of leadership Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 WWLP Role of leadership 

QFC Level

Level 5


Leadership is considered to be the most important aspect in guiding the team together toward the achievement of common goals. Working with leading people identifies the leadership quality which shows bigger understanding of working with leading the people. The current report basically focuses on the different aspects of working with or leading the people effectively. It started with document preparation for selection and recruitment of new employees in Easy Jet. After in next activity, it depicts the skills and different leadership styles with the clear distinction between manager and leaders. Working with leading people will help in assessing the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical issues on selection process. It will also find the ways of motivating the employees through motivational theories. Further, it will show the benefits and effectiveness of working in team in the business. At the end, it finds the development needs and the success factor of the assessment process.

Task 1

Preparation of documentation to select and recruit a new member

Recruitment process plays a vital role finding a suitable candidate for an organization. For this, the Recruitment consultant would prepare 2 main documents i.e. person specification and job description. These are prepared by carrying out job analysis which is based on systematic evaluation and studying of the jobs. For analysing the job process of Easy jet following steps are followed:

  • Collecting the information like human resource, job context, human requirements, etc.
  • Review of organization chart, job descriptions, etc.
  • Job specification and job description.

Job description: Cabin crew:

Table 1: Job description

Job title:- Cabin Crew member

Reports to:- Cabin manager

Salary:- $40,000- $45,000

Work schedule:- 6 days in a week

Job purpose:-

The main role of cabin crew is to provide best services to the customers. Comfort and safety of the travellers are prime duty of the crew.

Duties and Responsibilities:-

- Should welcome and greet the passengers in a pleasant way.

- Make proper announcements during the flight.

-Must be able to deal with emergencies

Person specification: Cabin crew

Table 2: Person specification



  • No specific experience is required, important is skill of handling customers

Participation in selection process:  In order to meet the organizational objectives and maintain the potential in airline products and services, it is essential for EasyJet to appoint skilled and knowledgeable staff members. For that purpose, I will take part in the selection process by taking the interview of new eligible candidates. This is common technique that has been used for analyzing the decision making, communication and confidence of young professionals that is important for position of cabin crew at EasyJet. In addition to this, by taking the active participation in interview process I will help HR manager to select the qualified candidates. Apart from that, HR of organization is giving value to the interview process that helps to analyze the decision making, behaviour, approach and additional activities of candidates for specific job (Bak.et.al. 2013). For example, HR of EasyJet is conducting the interview through video conferencing which providing the opportunities to skilled candidates from different locations. This kind of initiatives is helping to hire professional and quality staff. Interviews could be conducted in many of the ways like structured, unstructured, online, offline, telephonic.       

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Task 2

Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership.

Leadership means the ability to guide and direct the people or even to whole organisation. The following skills required for leadership in Easy Jet are as follows:

  • Managerial skills- These types of skills help the management in decision making, analysing the issues and managing the resources that had a major impact on the organizational process to achieve the objectives. These sorts of skills help the individual to lead the team in one direction.
  • Communication skills- The most important skill the leader should have the good communication and interaction with the team member that influence the level of bonding as well the proper flow of information. Further the leader should understand the cultural and ethical value of the staff by interacting individually to the staff member (Northouse, 2015).
  • Motivation skills- Motivating the employees is the biggest task of the leader and the leader should have the advanced quality of motivating the staff through trainings and providing promotional incentives. It would also increase their productivity and performances which would beneficial for the Easy Jet.
  • Commitment- The leader and the team should be committed to their jobs. The deadlines and the services offered should be met with the commitment of the jobs which is helpful in gaining the retention of the customers (Stone, 2013).

Difference between leadership and management: Generally, many people think that both the terms are interchangeably used but it’s not that. Leadership and management are the different terms. It is understood that if the organisation has a good leader he/she would be the good manager too but the fact is false. It is rare that the manager can be a good leader. A leader lead the people toward the achievement of the organisation vision whereas the manager manages the people and provide the training effectively.

Leader and manager, UK Assignment writing Services

The table below would show clearly the distinction between the two:

Table 3: Difference between leadership and management

Point of differences

Leadership (leader)


Style of leading people

Transformational, participative and consultative style is been used (Strom et.al. 2014).

Whereas, authoritative, autocratic and transactional styles is been used.


It gives direction towards the achievement of team.

Here, it gives direction toward the achievement of task.


Leader viewpoint is for good foresightedness.

Here, managers have short view points.


Leading the team in one common goal.

Managing the work is mainly focused

Comparison of leadership styles for different situations: There are different types of leadership styles which help to achieve the Easy Jet objectives. The commonly used leadership styles are autocratic, democratic; transformation and laissez-faire leadership style etc. in autocratic style the leader have a complete power on the decision making and control over the team members. In democratic style the team works in healthy environment and given a chance in decision making and are free to give their ideas and opinions. The benefit is that the Easy Jet would have control over the teams and effective utilisations of resources would prevail in organisation (Stone, 2013).
On the other hand, laissez-faire leadership style gives the entire authority and decision making power to the team members and the leader act in this style to be immobile. In the present scenario, Easy Jet should use the democratic leadership style as it would helps to motivate the team members by considering their ideas and opinions and their active participation in decision making which will helpful in development of the scope of team members. With this the employees will also get job satisfaction and their growth and productivity in performances would be improved and they can resist the change easily.

Ways to motivate staff to achieve an increase in sales: Motivation is the most important tool in the management and should be carefully used towards the employees. There are indefinite ways to motivate the employees in Easy Jet. For increment in the sales ratio, Easy Jet can use the motivational theories. The common motivational theory is Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, X & Y theory, intrinsic and extrinsic model, Herzberg’s theory of motivation and many more. The management of Easy Jet can use Maslow’s need of Hierarchy theory. The theory talks about finding the needs of the individual employee’s by motivating them and fulfilling their basic needs like food, cloth shelter etc.  And providing them safety and healthy environment with job satisfaction through little bit of caring and making them comfortable that they too belong to the organisation (Kaur, 2013).

Maslow's motivational theory

Further, the Easy Jet can use following methods for promoting the staff with exclusive rewards. Like:

Appraisal- The organisation can use this reward system by identifying who is the key performer and helping the management in achieving the organisation goals and mission and functioning effectively in the business.

Compensation- For achieving the targets the HR managers could provide the compensation as a reward to care workers. Compensation like cash bonus or leave adjustments etc. can be given so that efficiency could be improved.

Task 3

Impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations for recruitment and selection process

Legal, regulatory and ethical consideration is the systematic process that should be in place in Easy Jet. The organisation should clear about the legal contention in the selection process that is not biased by the personal decision of the HR manager. There are wide impacts on the selection process as the recruitment done should be correctly. There are numbers of acts and rules which are to be considered while recruiting that are employment protection act 1978, sex discrimination act 1975, equal pay, race relation act 1976, etc. Going against these rules could have adverse impacts on airways which could lead to financial crisis and penalties. Indiscrimination and inequality should not be prevail and due chances should be given to eligible qualified candidates for the post of recruitment assistant (Kadushin and Harkness, 2014). With the selection and recruitment process consideration should be given to ethical standards prescribed by the respective laws. Unethical act like discrimination over gender, age or colour and favouritism etc. should be eliminated. Impact would be that it affects the financial profits, workplace culture or values, productivity of the existing employees due to not getting job satisfaction, the most important the image of the Easy Jet would be affected because customers trust them for their brand name.   

Benefits of team working for an organization:

Benefits of group working

Encourage healthy risk taking: The team member would like to take the risks that are considered necessary for the operations. By working in teams they would have the capacity to manage the risk. For example: Easy Jet has programmed a training sessions for the team members to take initiatives for the risk and steps to encourage the employees for taking risk for resistance.

Enhance trust: By working in groups the trust between the employees and organisation is made. It would also helpful in meeting the deadlines assigned by the top management and leads to long term retention of employees and commitments of their jobs towards the Easy Jet (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).

Enhancement in innovation and learning: In team working, the innovative ideas would be generated which could pass on to the top management that could help in developing the strategies and policies of the organisation. New learning would always take place in new task assign to the teams. For example: Easy Jet welcomes innovative ideas of the team members and rewarding system has been specified for the same if innovations are fruitful for the organisation.

Effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals: Working in team is the best method to achieve the desired goals. Easy Jet will achieve the trust of the employees by working in the group which will improve the effectiveness of the organisation as well of the employees. Teams working in the group will achieve the competitive advantages through working in coordination and proper communication which is helpful in achieving the desired target profits. The employees will build ability to develop the high skills in their working and the report of their work is formed that provides management the vision about the activities working according to the pre schedules framed (West, 2012). Management would set the mission for each team group which should be achieved by the group efforts of the employees which is sometimes a difficult task due to improper communication or conflicts of interest and could affect the effectiveness of the Easy Jet. For this the leader should provide healthy working environment by considering the needs of the every individual and acknowledging innovative ideas and assigning the right task to right team for the organisations achievements.

Task 4

Work and development needs of individuals

For better performance of the individuals proper training is required by an organization in achieving their goal. The main focus of the management is development of each and every employee through which better performance is achieved. For this, the management provide lots of program to develop performance and skills of the employees. To improve the performances of the employees some techniques are been followed, they are given below:

  • Training need: EasyJet management help in improving performances of employees by giving proper technical assistance to them. Management gives live experience to the candidates who have applied for the job of cabin crew. Management hires highly qualified individuals who can give their best to the organization (Lent.et.al. 2013). In case of any type problem or if any employees need help in any respect, the training assistant management would train them and improve the capabilities of the employees so that such issues should not arise in the future.
  • Learning Needs: The leader should be able to find out learning needs of the employees. For that lots of tests and situations are given to them so that an individual improve more. If the employee’s knowledge is not up to the mark then arrange seminars to improve their performance.

Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals: Manager has the responsibility to enhance the capabilities and knowledge of the employees for getting better performance. Some strategies which are planned by the management are as follows:

  • Motivation: Leader must find out motivation needs of each and every employee and apply various techniques to keep them motivated always. Every employee has requirement of different type of motivation by which their performance are improved (Sherif, 2015.).
  • Delegation: By this method the top management improves the skills of the employee by delivering responsibility to subordinates. For keeping them motivated management enhance the responsibility of each and every employee.
  • Communication: Another best method to build the skills of employees is communication. In this process the superior communicate with each employee and ask problems faced by them in EasyJet. Various methods and ways are been adopted for improving the skills of the employee and also try to put that plans in the growth of the employees in organization. Better communication enhances the efficiency of the work which is beneficial for the organization (Townley, 2014).

Success of the assessment process: To assess the success of the plan EasyJet adopt lots of strategies and implement them:

  • Feedback: To identify the regulated plan leaders of each team collect feedback of every policy. For identifying the pros and cons of any plan the leader has to collect feedback from the employees. In case any type of problem in the plan, the organization must take necessary steps to correct the plan. Feedback mechanism must be there in the system so that daily improvements could be made. Getting the feedback is the best way to improve any system. Positive effort been made by the leader to correct the shortcomings.
  • Appraisals: Leader must appreciate the performance of each employee so that they improve more and this will boast the confidence of the employee and also guide so that the individual to find out short comings inside them. Appraisal keeps employees motivated and gives idea about their performances (Fullan, 2014). Analysing the appraisal reports gives an idea how the individual employee is performing and where is the lack.
  • Discipline: Discipline improves the performance of the organization. Leader must implement the criteria of success of the plan. The management has to be very strict for getting their plans successful, in which discipline plays an important role.

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The study has briefly explained the importance of leader, their quality and other person which helps in attaining the bigger understanding or knowledge of leading the people or group effectively. In the next task it has discussed about the leadership style like autocratic, democratic etc. which are commonly used by EasyJet. Different type of motivation theories had been shown and Maslow’s need of hierarchy theory had been recommended to the Easy Jet to be used for motivating the team. The report talks about the impacts of not following the rules and regulation in recruitment and selection while keeping in mind the ethical issues. Benefits and effectiveness of working in group had been summarised clearly. In addition, it explains the factors for marketing planning of monitoring and assessment of workings and their evaluation success factor.


Books and Journals

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Arthur, Diane. Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, 2012.
Coghlan, D. and Brannick, T., 2014. Doing action research in your own organization. Sage.
DuBrin, A.J., 2015. Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Nelson Education.
Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015. Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education.
Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Holgersson, C., 2013. Recruiting managing directors: Doing homosociality. Gender, Work & Organization, 20(4), pp.454-466.
Kadushin, A. and Harkness, D., 2014. Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press.Kaur, A., 2013. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms. Global Journal of Management and Business
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Lent, R.W., Brown, S. and Hackett, G., 2013. Career Development.
Northouse, P.G., 2015. Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.
Rummler, G.A. and Brache, A.P., 2012. Improving performance: How to manage the white space on the organization chart. John Wiley & SoDay, R.D., 2014. Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization. Psychology Press.
Sherif, M., 2015. Group conflict and co-operation: Their social psychology(Vol. 29). Psychology Press.
Stone, R.J., 2013. Managing human resources. John Wiley and Sons.
Strom, D.L., Sears, K.L. and Kelly, K.M., 2014. Work engagement the roles of organizational justice and leadership style in predicting engagement among employees. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21(1), pp.71-82.
Townley, B., 2014. Selection and appraisal: reconstituting. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), p.92.ns.
West, M.A., 2012. Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research. John Wiley & Sons.
Wilson, J.R. and Sharples, S. eds., 2015. Evaluation of human work. CRC Press.