Unit 14 Working with leading People Assignment Copy – Airlines

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Unit 14 Working with leading People Assignment Copy – Airlines
Unit 14 Working with leading People Assignment Copy – Airlines
Unit 14 Working with leading People Assignment Copy – Airlines


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 working with leading people

QFC Level

Level 5


The working with leading people essay job analysis, job description, person specification of the Airlines cabin crew attendant has been provided. Impacts of the legal and regulatory framework on the recruitment processes are analysed. The impact of the CV, references application forms and interviews within the recruitment processes have been discussed. Team working benefits are assessed on the team working of six people within the airlines services. The working as the leader and member within the cabin crew has been demonstrated. The effectiveness of the team has been assessed. The factors which are needed to be considered in the planning, monitoring and assessing the performances are discussed. The methods to deliver the assessment to the staffs are also added.

Task 1

1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff.

Job analysis: the analysis of a job includes the responsibilities, activities, requirements which are associated with the job. The job analysis includes all the duties and responsibilities which should be performed within a job of airlines such as cabin crew attendant of a flight. Within the job of the crew attendant the person must have the knowledge about the safety features, serving foods, behaving politely to the guest, attend to the medical needs of the passengers. This knowledge should be acquired by prior education which has been identified by (Fine, and Cronshaw, 2014). The human resource management of an airlines organisation commences the job analysis for the new recruitment. The cabin crew attendant should demonstrate the methods of using the oxygen masks, emergency exit doors which should be used in the time of emergency to the guest of the airlines. The cabin crew attendant should receive the guest with warm behaviour and guide them to their allotted seats. The job analysis performed by the management for recruiting new applicants within vacant places. This enables them to fond better candidates for the required positions. With details of the recruitment such as the professional and academic qualification etc. management can allocate workforce, along with providing salary etc.

Job description: through the job description the job and the associated roles can be described in terms of job title, proper areas of responsibilities etc. The job description of the cabin crew requires a proper certificate on the Airlines course. The job description of the cabin crew in British Airlines requires good communicational skills for dealing with high profile customers.  The candidates should be able to do night shifts also. British Airlines will provide training of one month to the candidates. The salary will be provided as per the job responsibilities and also on the previous experiences. The resumes of the candidates can be sent through the career portal of British Airlines website suggested by (Cappelli, 2012). 

Person specification: the set of skills, personal attributes, etc are the person specification which is needed in the recruitment and selection process. British Airlines accept both male and female candidates for Cabin crew. The age should be between 20 to 30 years with fluent English communicational skill, with impressive personality. The person should have well health as the he or she needs to travel more than 5 hours through flight has been indicated by Bondarouk, et al (2013)

1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations that are needed for the recruitment and selection process.

For making the recruitment and selection process ethical the organisations like British Airlines needs to follow the legal and regulatory acts. Regarding the recruitment and selection process the government as well as organisation made policies and rules for diminishing the discrimination, inequalities from the recruitment and selection processes in terms of caste, race, nationality etc.

Within the recruitment and selection processes the legal acts which are necessary for the organisation to follow are equality acts including equality act 2010, sex discrimination act, disability discrimination act, race relation act, etc are defined in (Bell, 2012).  Within the processes of the selection and recruitment the panel board of British Airlines has to consider the legal and regulatory acts as well as ethical frameworks. The issues associated with the legal and regulatory framework on the recruitment and selection in British Airlines:

  • Transparency should be maintained within the recruitment and selection processes of British Airlines. The requirements of the job position should be clearly defined to the candidates. The advertisements of the job position also came along with the discrimination policies. Through advertisements the organisation should inform the candidates that the organisation providing equality within the recruitment processes.
  • On recruiting the candidates the organisation should choose the candidates based on their knowledge and experiences. The candidates should not be chosen in terms of race, nationality or gender. Privilege should not be provided to any candidates during the recruitment and selection processes.
  • On selection of British organisation should offer equal rights and salary. The questionnaire which would be asked by the interviewers should not be related to any discriminating facts indicated by Andolsek, et al (2013)
  • The recruitment team members should inform the labour department of the state stating the levels of the recruitments.

The impacts of the legal procedures:

In any occurrences of discrimination within the recruitment and selection processes can hinder the career opportunities of the potential talents and candidates. It will also bring legal consequences to the organisations as well as make negative image within the labour market. As a result the organisation may face lack of human resources. Penalty can be imposed on the organisation’s practices of inequality and discrimination as indicated by Andolsek, et al (2013)

1.3 CV, references, simulations, interviews, application forms.

CV is the details which include academic qualification, awards, professional qualifications, marital status, recognitions etc. Through the CV the human resource department can make initial selection among the applicants. British Airlines in order to recruit the cabin crew accept candidates CV with proper flying experiences and academic qualifications from a recognised institute with proper training experiences. Through the CV applicants provide their experiences and qualifications which make the recruiters able to filter among several applications. They select the applicants based on the requirements in the job position. The selected candidates are invited for the next stage of the interview suggested by TrevorYu, et al (2013). References are the processes within which the candidates are known to the people who are working within the organisation behaviour These people assure the recruitment board of the organisation about the candidates’ professional experiences and moral conduct. Within the British Airlines the cabin crew references can be granted from a recognised staff or a flight attendant who is working within the British Airlines.

Simulations are the processes within the recruitment and selection process where the candidates are provided with the environment where they have to go through a real life test. The British Airlines prepared such environment to see if the candidates are able to deliver organisation’s required services to the guests. Through this test the recruiters are able to analyse the personality of the candidates as suggested by Subramaniam, et al (2012).. The Cabin Crew of the British Airlines have to serve different people  from different countries, regarding this the applicants of the position of cabin crew might have to go through such test where the candidates have to serve to guests who are from different race, nationality background.

Interview is the main part within the recruitment processes. Through the interview the recruiters analyse the skills and personality of the candidates. The recruitment panel board checks the knowledge of the candidates through interview. Within the interview the candidate has been given a situation of crisis where he or she has to make decision. The decision making skills is necessary in the job position of cabin crew. Application forms are designed for the candidates. Through this form the applicants have been provided with information about the job details as suggested by Subramaniam, et al (2012). Within the job applications of British Airlines there is questionnaire which is based on the skills of a cabin attendant.

1.4 How have you contributed to the selection process to make it more effective

The selection and recruitment process with specific goals and objectives of the organisation to have better talent within the human resources of the organisation. As I have been working within the human resource management department of the British Airlines I have significant role in the recruitment and selection process. There are different stages in the recruitment and selection process. After passing the stages like interview, skills tests, and screening etc the candidates have to go through the stage of salary negotiation. This stage is the final stage within selection process (Oliver, 2010). The salary negotiation is done depending on the previous salary of the candidates in previous company. By going through the British Airlines rules and policy the candidate has been offered hike of 20%- 30% than the previous salary. Here the candidates place their requirements over the salary amount. I negotiate with the candidates on keeping in mind about the skills, experiences and the previous salary. In case of the fresher candidate I offer the company developed salary scale by comparing with the competitor organisations of British Company.

I have the role to make the candidates satisfy with the offered salary. Through my contribution within the recruitment and selection processes of British Airlines I try to make the employment process more effective. I follow company rules and policies within the stage. The government rules and regulations are also followed by me within this stage related to current salary scale within the labour market. I convince the candidates over the salary scales and wages and also convince them to join the brand of British Airlines as suggested in (Miles, and Sadler-Smith, 2014).

Task 2 

2.1 Explain the Skills and attributes required for leadership

Slide 4:

Leaders must have different skills and attributes as he or she has to lead a team with diverse people who are from different background. Among these skills the communicational skill is the most important one as through communication the team members can be motivated and encouraged towards the success. A team leader should listens to all team members’ opinion and suggestion. This will increase their belongingness within the team and make them increase their efforts. Through communicational skills the team members are also provided information from the team leaders (Schein, 2010).

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Ethics should be included within the team leaders’ attributes. Ethical approaches are necessary for an organisation like British Airlines to maintain the string image within the customers. These ethics are implemented within the services or operations of the organisation. The maintenance of the ethics within the operations of the teams is taken care by the team leaders. The team leaders of the cabin crew of British Airlines have to check if the services are provided with maintaining the ethical principles of the organisation. The team leaders develop the team on the analysing the skills and potentialities of the different team members. Choosing the right team members is also an important factor in the team leaders’ attribute as suggested by (Peterson, et al (2012).

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Team leader should have self management as he or she has to manage a whole team. This is the main attribute of a team leader. On having self management the team leader can take better decision on behalf of entire team. Conflict management is a necessary skill for team leader. As the teams are consist of diverse people rise of conflict is a common matter. The team leader must handle conflict to make the team members’ focus on the work as identified by Briggs et al, (2012).

2.2 Explain What is Difference between a leader and a manager

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Managers and team leaders though have similar duties and responsibilities they have different approaches. The manager of a team manages the team with the administrative approaches. The team leaders develop the idea to lead the team. The managers motivate the teams’ leaders through team meetings and direct them to ensure success of the teams. The team leaders motivate the team members by communicating directly with them as suggested by (Peterson, et al (2012).

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The team members and the success of the team efforts are the main concern of the leaders. The team members are concern over the success of the efforts whereas the managers are concern over the processes and systems which must be followed within the working. The performances team members are used as the parameter by the team leaders to check the achievements of the team(Anderson, and Anderson, 2010).

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The managers have different duties and riles within the job. The strategic planning is developed by the managers whereas the team leaders have the duty to plan the tactics which would be needed to execute the strategic planning developed by the management. The possibilities in the success are measured by the team by assessing the skills and compatibilities of the team members while the managers follow policies and rules as suggested by (Peterson, et al (2012).

2.3 Situations to include a crisis, change, implementation of a new strategy to improve the declining sales.

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Every organisation faces potential threats which lead to the crisis. British Airlines can face certain threats like the increase demands of the low cost charter plans, decrease of the costs of the transportation of roads, increase of the fuels, competitive strategies of competitors etc. these threats can increase the crisis in the sales of the organisation. The crisis within the sales can decrease the motivation of the staffs of the sales department which also results in greater loss of the organisation. In these kinds of situation the leadership skills and styles can influence the employees towards the organisation (Anderson, and Anderson, 2010).

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There are different leadership styles which impacts over the situations differently. Among these leadership styles this slide has been discussing democratic and coercive leadership styles. The democratic leaders on occurrences of the crisis situation involve the employees or team members within the decision making processes. The leaders handle the situation with motivating the team members. The coercive leaders are the followers of rules and autocracy. These leaders handle the situations with placing orders and rules (Schein, 2010)..

Slide 12:

Through this slide the authoritative and affiliative styles of leadership have been discussed. Authoritative leaders are the followers of the new vision and direction. On occurrence of the crisis these leaders place new vision in front of the staffs to direct them. The affiliative leaders need the affiliation of the employees. With the help of the employees this leaders try to handle the crisis as suggested by Peterson, et al (2012). 

2.4 What methods you would use to motivate the staff to achieve an increase in sales.

Slide 13

The time of crisis the staffs should be motivated. The motivated staffs will help the organisation in overcoming the crisis. After the crisis occurs the team leader should inform the staffs or the sales team about the crisis situation. This will make the staffs aware of the situation and the sense of belongingness will also arise within them. They can collaborate with the organisation or team leaders in handling the crisis through their own contribution as suggested by (Peterson, et al (2012).

Slide 14

There are different motivational factors which can motivate the staffs of the British Airlines. In time of crisis the management of British Airlines should provide better bonus or wages. The financial motivational factors are the most important factor in the motivational approaches. The staffs will motivate to increase the sales for getting higher bonus. Incentives, reward system are also impactful in these situations. As the staffs are joining the British Airlines for the higher incentives and wage the increment will be a greater motivating factor as identified by Briggs et al, (2012).

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Apart from the financial factors the non-financial factors are also important while motivating the staffs. The staffs should be promoted to a higher post. It will give a better recognition to the staffs. Promotion will satisfy the staffs from both sides of higher position and also monitory side. This will motivate the staff to work with greater motivation and more responsibilities. Participation and appreciation are also non financial factors which can motivate the staffs in time of crisis (Anderson, and Anderson, 2010)

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Task 3

3.1 Assess the benefits of team working in the airline and the team should be the cabin crew consisting of at least six members.

Working within a team is necessary for the airlines to provide better services to the guests. The cabin crew of British Airlines 3 managers of flight service, 3 pursuers including one chief pursuer. Through working with a team the cabin crew can provide better services with better quality to customers. Team working is also needed for reducing the customer complaints, providing greater safety. The fight managers have the duty to demonstrate the procedures of safety and other safety measures. The flight managers are also responsible for distributing the work within the team members. The managers also help the attendant in serving the guests with proper manner. Other areas of service such serving foreign guests according to their customs and communicating with them in their languages are also helped by the service managers. This makes the work faster. The chief pursuer has the duty to motivate the other pursuers to handle different hurdles like technical issues, communicational hurdles etc. Through the team working the moral among the cabin crew will be grown as by working team different responsibilities can be handled with a team of six members. The team working also provide better opportunities to speak about their ideas as suggested in Lee, et al (2013).. Through the team unity the cabin crew can handle any crisis situation which cannot be done by the individual effort.

Through the team working the flight service management can boost the confidence the individual employee. Through the team meeting the flight service manager try to boost team spirit within the team members, as identified by Taylor, et al (2013).. With common goals settings the managers or the team leaders within the Airlines tries to invoke the team members deliver better services to the passengers. The services can be offered with higher quality through high spirited team members. The unity within the team also needed to maintain the security measures. Flexibility in the services can be increased with the team working. In British Airlines the team members have belongingness within the team.asa result the team members help each other. If one member is busy in attending some guest then other members can serve other guests’ requirements as suggested in Kesson, et al (2012).

3.2 Demonstrate working in a cabin crew team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations that you may have faced of recent.

While working within a cabin crew a leader has to identify the responsibilities of other members of team and communicate their roles to them. The team leaders lead the team members towards the specific goals. Within the airlines services teams have the responsibilities regarding customer service oriented and safety oriented. The team leaders have the responsibility to calculate the man power which will be needed to serve the customer and also maintain the safety measures. The leaders allocate the responsibilities to the team members by analysing individual team members’ skills. Within the airlines team there are team members with diverse skills, background, origin etc. A team leader must have the quality to lead the team efficiently by placing unity among the diversities. Within such teams conflicts arise over different causes. The team leader should pose the ability to resolve the conflicts. Conflicts arise while the team members can different treatment in terms of salary, wage or opportunities. These kinds of conflicts can reduce the service quality and lead to negative image of the brand of airlines, as suggested in Kesson, et al (2012).

In case of Christmas there are large amount of passengers fly through the British Airlines. Within this season the airlines team have to face different issues like security concern and service quality. In this season my team has been asked to serve before 1 hour than scheduled routine. As my team has members from different countries the early arrangements make different conflicts among the team members as suggested in Kesson, et al (2012).. As a team leader I had to take controlling steps. I placed flexibility within the schedule. I asked the members to take the help from each other. I divided the workload among different team members to reduce the conflict and set clear goals consisting delivering customer preferred services and maintaining brand policy. I also used the Belbin model for setting roles and responsibilities. I divided work within the team members over their skills such as the coordinator can leads the other members towards the completion of the team, the plant is the idea maker, shaper directs the team through motivator etc. as suggested in Kesson, et al (2012). Apart from a team leader I also worked as a team member I helped all the members in completing individual work rather than a directing them.

3.3 As a leader of the cabin crew review the effectiveness your team has achieved in their recent goal of increasing customer satisfaction.

Effectiveness of the team can be referred to achievement of the goals and objectives within a situation. The cabin crew team of the British Airlines has the gaols to provide higher quality services along with security to the passengers. The customer satisfaction can also measured by analysing the feedbacks given by the customers. The reduction of the customer complaints also directs the efficiency of the team as identified by Taylor, et al (2013). My team has performed in accordance with the Belbin theory. The roles of team members were defined in accordance with their skills. By analysing the customers’ feedbacks I have analyse the team members’ performances.

My team has received better feedbacks from before. The customers were asked to provide feedbacks at the end of the journey over our services. They provided ratings to our services. 80% among the customers provided excellent rating to our services and better feeds to the customers. Many positive comments have been given to the team mates over their service qualities. These positive comments are the indication of the achievements of goals to perform better as identified by Taylor, et al (2013).

Task 4

4.1 What factors will you need to consider in planning and monitoring and assessment of work performance for the cabin crew.

In planning and monitoring the work performances different factors are needed to be considered. As the team of the cabin crew in British Airlines includes people of diverse cultural background. Considering three groups the monitoring and assessment can be done:

Learning needs diversity: the members of cabin crew who have several years of experiences have different needs in learning. The flight attendants who have the duty to serve the customers have the learning needs over the improvements of the customer services. the service attendant have the needs to develop certain skills which will help them to understand the customer preferences. The flight service managers who are unable to understand foreign languages have the learning needs over foreign language learning which has been identified by (Fine, and Cronshaw, 2014). . Through the performance review assessment the team members are provided the feedbacks to learn different skills for better growth. The age group of the employees has important role in the performances within a team. Experienced senior team members can assist the new team members in performing with better tactics and techniques. Conflicts can occur between different age groups for having different mentality or thinking criteria. By dividing the team members within different age group team leader can deal with them properly. On having idea about the different needs and criteria of different individuals from different age group the individuals can be motivated with efficient manner.

Cultural assessment: British Airways being an international organisation have diverse people of different cultural background. The leaders can provide different behaviour over the basis of their culture. This will reduce the occurrence of the conflicts Airlines as suggested in (Miles, and Sadler-Smith, 2014). As a team leader I have to keep records of the employees to provide feedbacks on the particular areas of services. I also provide training to the team members over different areas of technologies. There are different methods which can be used by me to plan, monitor and assess the work performance of the team members:

  • Surveys on the clients and customers
  • Setting time adherence methods
  • Performance appraisal
  • Customer satisfaction and query suggested by (Cappelli, 2012). 

4.2 How can you plan and deliver the assessment to ensure needs of the cabin crew is developed.

The employee assessment must be done with fair measurement. The assessment will help the employees or team members to develop their required skills and competencies. This assessment will be helpful in the organisational growth. It would be also important for the HR department as they can assess the needs of the employees and provide better training to them Airlines as suggested in (Miles, and Sadler-Smith, 2014).

Motivation: motivation is the necessary factor which would be needed for motivating the employees towards the desired goals’ achievement. The motivated employees can provide better services to the customers which would result in greater customer satisfaction. The cabin crew team can be motivated to provide better services to the customers. By giving recognition or reward for better performance the flight attendants can be motivated. They can be given rewards like best employees of the month or incentives can motivate the employees. Apart from these training and seminars or conferences along with other employees can also motivate the flight attendants. Opportunities in the career growth would also motivate them to deliver better services Airlines as suggested in (Miles, and Sadler-Smith, 2014).

Delegation: through delegation process for assessing the needs of the employees can be done as the higher authority cannot be in contact with the employees in frequent manner. This rises to the need of the different level assessment. The upper supervisors can be the reviewing authority and the next supervisor can be apprising authority. With this common reviewing authority the uniformity can be ensured by the delegations.

Communication of the assessment refers to the different tools and the systems through which the employees are provided with their assessment results. The different systems like 360 degree appraisal system, ERP software etc is used for communicating the assessment effectively. Through the system the employees can be able to assess the assessment done by authority and customers as suggested in Kesson, et al (2012)..

4.3 What methods can you suggest that the airline should use to evaluate the success of the assessment process. 

The assessment process is conducted to reward those employees who have provided their efforts to the organisational success. This assessment process also revealed the key responsibility areas o those employees who are associated with lack of skills in their efforts.

Appraisal system is the measurement process through which the performance of the employees can be assessed. Through the appraisal the key responsibility areas can be indicated to the employees. Through the appraisal system the previous performance of the employees is also analysed to increase the salary which also motivates the employee to provide better performance. In the British Airlines the scoring or rating system within the appraisal is helpful to analyse the performance in different situation and condition suggested by (Cappelli, 2012).  Feedback system has been is used to obtain the perspectives of the customers over the given services. The employees can have better idea or make improvements over their current state of performances through the feedback system. They can also get the idea over the differences between their performances and the required performances which are desired by customers. Feedback system aligns the customers more towards the satisfaction of customers which has been identified by (Fine, and Cronshaw, 2014). 

Promotion is also a method which is used by British Airlines for retaining the potential employees within the organisation. As the job position and roles of the flight attendant or cabin crew is very hardworking areas and need potential skills the employees can be motivated through the promotional measures. Before the promotions the HR department assess the employee performance and then refers the promotions. The successful assessment leads to the promotions of right candidates. Disciplinary: the cabin crew or the flight attendant members within the British Airlines should be disciplined. The behaviours and the manners of the employees are the representation of the organisation’s culture suggested by (Cappelli, 2012). . The passengers of the British Airlines prefer the brand for their disciplined staffs. The well behaved staffs are the presentation of the training provided by the organisation.

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Workforce is the main factor within the success of the organisation. The organisations like British Airlines can have success by utilising the potentialities of the workforce. The team working is necessary for the service units of the Airlines to offer greater services to the guests of the flight. Regarding this a group leader is necessary for guiding the team and leading the team towards the efficiency. The leader with different styles helps the team members to increase their input in achievement of the organisational success. Within the Airlines job there are different roles and responsibilities to be played by the staffs. The job description and job analysis help the HR department to analyse the organisational requirements for the post and recruit new talents.


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