Unit 14 Working with leading people - PWC Assignment

Unit 14 Working with leading people - PWC Assignment

Unit 14 Working with leading people - PWC Assignment


The team of PWC is very much useful in the aggressive scenario. In the case of working in the different surroundings, they require variety of information and understanding. The team of PWC has the variety of information in their team that assists in surmounting the obstacles they normally come across. Team work is required to have appropriate principled policy of attitude in taking action with various individuals in the team. They should give appropriate respect to different members. This will assist them to take actions rightfully and productively in the team. The human resource department chooses a recruitment and selection team for choosing candidates for appointment. The staff s of recruitment and selection team is chosen by the human resource director of PWC. PWC is going to recruit three kinds of new employees. Hence, the human resource department chooses three recruitment and selection team. In each team, the director of the selective section in which the new staff is appointed is present.

Unit 14 Working with leading people - PWC Assignment, Working with leading people, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help Coventry, Assignment Help, HND Assignment Help

Task 1

a) Prepare documentation in selecting and recruiting a new accounts manager for PWC.

PWC selects the recruitment for an accounts manager. Being the HR Manager of PWC, it is require for me to prepare the below mentioned document for selection and recruitment of the new candidate.

  • Consent of recruitment: The recruitment process commences with the consent of recruitment from the authority of PWC. The mentioned section of PWC which requires new staff will send a plan with post depiction and an article that explains the necessary ability and knowledge for the position. After favouring the plan the authority of PWC will pass it on to the human resource division. The consent must possess the electronic sample of the plan depiction and commercial.
  • Post Depiction: Prior to displaying the commercial, PWC is needed to define the post for which it is going to appoint a new staff. Post Depiction is a requirement for all the companies, the reason being the companies are not in the position to alter the post after the commercial is displayed. The Post Depiction of the position must be consented by the authority of PWC. The Post Depiction involves the responsibility and accountability of the position, the activities required to be accomplished, and actions associated with the post.  As the human resource manager of PWC, I need to explain the post as deriver and controller. The post of common staff is functional instructor.
  • Commercial: Commercial is a significant duty of recruitment aspect which is commenced by the human resource department of PWC. The job commercials of PWC have the requirement for the consent from the HR Manager of PWC i.e. me. BY the commercial, PWC assembles the prospective applicant for the desired post. There are various media for posting their job commercial. The human resource division of PWC will select the media option for giving the commercial. The commercial will consist of the vacancy declaration, necessary ability, term associated to expense and so on. Human resource department of PWC is needed to comply with the commercial law prior to displaying the commercial. The commercial for the post of accounts manager at PWC is mentioned below:-

Accounts Manager

Closing date: 14/11/2015

Location: Embankment Place, London

Salary: £ 10000 pa

Types of employment: Permanent

Hours per week: 40

Job Vacancy: 1

Responsibility for the post:

  • Perform role in PWC financial level.
  • Sustain a strong qualified attitude with seniors and juniors.
  • To impart knowledge to the staff of the financial level.
  • Assess the activity of the staffs of financial level.
  • Evaluate the act of staffs of financial level.
  • Assess the activity at financial level.
  • Retain efficient functional relation with the other inside divisions.
  • Supporting the different divisions by giving required knowledge, information, and details whenever it is required.

Necessary ability and knowledge:

  • Applicant should definitely possess a management degree in financial management.
  • Applicant should definitely possess UK operational permit
  • Applicant possessing prior working knowledge in any other company in financial level.
  • Applicant must have good proficiency over English.
  • Applicant should possess better interactive ability.

b) Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process of the accounts manager.

The recruitment and selection process stretches further than some constitutional set of laws and lawful proposition. As a human resource management, when I will commence the recruitment process at PWC, it is required to keep in mind certain rules and regulations. Having the consciousness of rules and regulations assist PWC to reduce threat, verifying job proposal and so on. There are various kinds of law associated with recruitment and selection aspects which are sex prejudiced act, race association act, employment balance directive and so on. It is mandatory for each and every company to abide by these laws. The effect of these on recruitment and selection are mentioned below:-

  • Effect of sex prejudiced act: It is mandatory for PWC to support sex prejudiced act. If an applicant is capable for their job irrespective of the individual being male or female, PWC has to definitely employ that person. There is no scope of discriminating on the opinion of sex.
  • Effect of race association act: If the job commercial asks for definite race or nationality, it will hamper the stipulation of race association act. The individual who has legal work authorization in UK is fit for the post of PWC irrespective of that person’s ethnic group or race.
  • Effect of employment balance directive: Both youthful and elderly citizens get equal advantage in recruitment and selection process. If as a human resource manager, I give any special benefit to any of the two parties, it will be against the law and disturb the stipulation of balance directive.
  • Effect of law in commercial stage: When as a human resource manager, I will give the commercial off job, one thing should be kept in mind that it should not be prejudiced against sex, age, race, traditions, sexual category, ethnic group, and so on. I should be careful about the fact that it should not disturb the law.
  • Effect of law in interview stage: Interview aspect of PWC should definitely abide by the law. There should not be any such questions asked to the candidate that may hurt the religious sentiment of that person. There should not be use of any chauvinistic remark. All the candidates should be treated fairly and any kind of personal development affinity should be avoided.
  • Effect of the employment right: The interview board is required to evaluate if the applicant have the officially permitted right to work in UK or not. Any sort of unlawful record of the applicant should be checked.
  • Effect of declaration of employment: The new staff has to receive a declaration of employment that takes into consideration all conditions about that person’s remuneration, working time, vacations and so on. (Lusthaus, 2002)

c) Take part in the selection process and evaluate your own contributions in the selection process of the accounts manager of the PWC.

The human resource department chooses a recruitment and selection team for choosing candidates for appointment. The staff s of recruitment and selection team is chosen by the human resource director of PWC. PWC is going to recruit three kinds of new employees. Hence, the human resource department chooses three recruitment and selection team. In each team, the director of the selective section in which the new staff is appointed is present. The recruitment and selection team conducts the interview of the new candidate.

  • Small Record: After having the application of the applicants, the recruitment and selection team prepares a small record of candidates by the utilization of various short recording processes. Some famous short recording processes are intelligence test, conducting exams by applying the MCQ pattern, written evaluation and so on. The small record of candidates is required to be handed over to the human resource department as quickly as possible. After receiving the small record, the human resource department organize interview for the small recorded applicants.
  • Interviews: The recruitment and selection teams of PWC conduct the interview of chosen applicants. In interview, they are questioned about their own self, their family brief, their educational brief, their knowledge, about their information, ethnic backdrop, and so on.
  • Engagements: The recruitment and selection teams choose for the candidates who convince the selection teams by gaining optimum attribute for those jobs for final selection. The human resource department provides final selection report to those candidates who are suggested by the recruitment and selection teams.
  • Assessment of my own contribution to the selection process: In the assignment, I conduct the research of making articles required for the recruitment of candidates. After that, I give commercials to accumulate candidates. I also involve myself in choosing the recruitment teams for the choice of the new candidate for PWC. I perform my part in zeroing in on candidates and involve in giving interviews. I enact my part from making documents to recruiting new candidates.

Task 3

a) Assess the benefits of team working for organization like PWC.

Team work is an essential aspect for the achievement of PWC itself. The major conviction is that the most suitable way for contribution of the ability of the team members is that of the team. When the team members are not personally liable for the victory or defeat, they can take the support of each other. This harmony of information and ability is the reason for achievement. In the below mentioned points let us briefly discuss in what ways team work can support the achievement of PWC,

Competence development: Team work is an essential aspect to build competence at PWC. It assists in completing the work at a fast pace and with better competence. If anyone gives personal effort, he will not be able to do his task at such a fast pace. It assists in collaborating for the work among the staffs that can diminish the work pressure. The staffs can contribute their viewpoints in different departments. They can also contribute to their tasks. It also diminishes the stress of work for the associated staffs, they can allocate to the other staffs to evade the surplus and stress. When they distribute their viewpoints and tasks, the staffs may possess their work speciality by their individual self and in this way they can accomplish an incorporated act.

Build staff associations: Team work is very much supportive for the staff association in the company like PWC. When the staffs of PWC function collectively, it gives an improved scope to create a connection with each other, and that creates the opportunity for building connections between them. PWC, in general, makes the efficient team, and they operate on various assignments. By operating collectively in a team, they try to analyse the importance of another individual in the team. There is mutual respect and mutual trust and assistance is given to each other in respect of viewpoints and choices in their team. (Jenkins, 2011)

b) Demonstrate working in a team as a leader particularly while selecting the candidate and member towards specific goals like selecting the right account manager as well as dealing with any conflict or difficult situation within the team.

PWC has to come across various challenges in their day-to-day company duty. They generally take care of their challenges by functioning together in a team. They are very much objective specific in their team activity. As a leader or as an associate they are very much victorious in their team activity. We can take into account their team responsibility by the utilization of the Belbin’s team functioning model in PWC.

  • Planner: The Planner is regarded as the individual specific leader. This individual is accountable and very much dedicated to the team objectives and aims. This individual has a positive outlook towards work at all times, he keeps on encouraging others to make them devoted to their work.
  • Shaper: The shaper particularly gives form to the work or activity of the team. He is very much activity concentrated leader. He is full of vitality, high enthusiasm to be victorious in the rivalry. The individual is very much dedicated to completing the work, and all the time give shape to others for the completion of the objectives of the team. This individual should have an insistent nature for the actualization of the objectives.
  • Plant: The plant is the ability of a person who possess high intelligence and modesty. They are very much interested with the main matters rather than going into the detailed explanations.
  • Reserve examiner: Reserve examiner is the individual who always searches for the scope and create varied appointments.
  • Executer: These individuals perform the activities in a very relaxed way, put their effort with without creating a lot of chaos and dedicate a lot with their challenging effort.
  • Supervising assessor: These individuals assess the ability of the team. They generally dedicate a lot when they are in their vital condition. They assist in taking actions in the condition.
  • Team player: They dedicate a lot towards the objectives of the team conducting the team’s major attribute.
  • Stopper: The individual tries to concentrate to the aspect in which they complete the task they are allotted.
  • Expert: This individual is in demand for his technical abilities which are not easily available in the team. (Kouzes, 2012)

c) Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals.

The team of PWC is very much useful in the aggressive scenario. In the case of working in the different surroundings, they require a variety of information and understanding. The team of PWC has the variety of information in their team that assists in surmounting the obstacles they normally come across. Teamwork is required to have an appropriate principled policy of attitude in taking action with various individuals in the team. They should give appropriate respect to different members. This will assist them to take actions rightfully and productively in the team. The team also takes into consideration the Belbin’s Team Role representation which has varied scenarios for making the team a lot productive and supportive. In regard to the team at PWC, they have the requisite responsibility to actualize the objectives of the company. (Mears, 1994)

Task 4

a) Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance at PWC.

The current staffs should be assessed according to their ability. We can take into account certain aspects by which PWC can quantify and assess their act.

  • Communicating and understanding the reason as well as processing of value: This factor is a very significant factor that is involved in planning the monitoring and assessment off work performance at PWC. The value needs to get processed as well as communicated and understood.
  • Setting goals productively: The setting of objectives in a productive way is an important factor in regard to planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance.
  • Making certain a continuous procedure: The marketing planning of the monitoring, as well as assessment of work performance, is to make certain a continuous procedure.
  • Initiating the planning of performance: The initiating of the planning of the performance is required for planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance at PWC.
  • Appropriately preparing as well as train managers: It is required to appropriately prepare as well as give training managers for planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance at PWC. (Moss, 2012)

b) Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individual needs of employees at PWC.

PWC is well-known for its facilities inside the UK. They are trying to set up their developing trade in the external world. In regard to this, it is required to facilitate their current staffs with strongly skilled preparation and knowledge. In the beginning, it could be recognized about the productive knowledge skills:

Guiding requirement evaluation: PWC has to evaluate the guiding requirement in the beginning. Certain requirement evaluation can be considered.

  • An evaluation of the company’s scenarios, aims, and functions.
  • Individual evaluation, evaluating the prospective applicants and trainers who are engaged in the procedure.
  • Evaluating the activity or method: PWC has to evaluate the actual method of their staffs that require the facility.
  • Evaluating the act: the guiding must be dependent on the act they are viewing.
  • Guiding requirement evaluation: PWC must be certified       regarding the necessity of the guidance. They must facilitate with proper guidance which assists greatly.

The guiding facility:

The guiding facility involves certain stages. Those can be addressed here,

  • Company goals
  • Requirement evaluation
  • Guiding goals
  • Choose the learners
  • Choosing the learning means
  • Selecting the mode of assessment
  • Manage learning
  • Assess the learning  (Hernandez, 2009)

c) Evaluate the success of the assessment process of employees at PWC.

The staffs are required to offer the learning to function productively and successfully in the dynamic surrounding. The current staffs require the course learning for their staffs. After offering the learning, they require to assess the functionality of the learning method. The evaluation method involves the assessment to evaluate the effects of the learning. They have to assess the outcome of learning, quantification of the work act or output.

  • Performing evaluations will be able to actualise the managerial benefits as well as enhancing the staff’s performance but as this is a bit stress related as a result this is sincerely used.
  • The evaluation is used to utilize the criteria which were used beforehand that connect the objectives of PWC as well as particular accountabilities of the staff being assessed.
  • There are different processes of evaluating the performance like objective production, personnel, as well as assessment of judgement.
  • Productive utilisation of performance assessment scenario that takes into consideration the choice of the effective assessment procedure as well as productive delivery. (Lussier, 2012)


Team work is very much supportive for the staff association in the company like PWC. When the staffs of PWC function collectively, it gives an improved scope to create a connection with each other, and that creates the opportunity for building connections between them. PWC, in general, makes the efficient team, and they operate on various assignments. By operating collectively in a team, they try to analyse the importance of another individual in the team. There is mutual respect and mutual trust and assistance is given to each other in respect of viewpoints and choices in their team. PWC is well-known for its facilities inside the UK. They are trying to set up their developing trade in the external world. In regard to this, it is required to facilitate their current staffs with strongly skilled preparation and knowledge.


Hernandez, S (2009). Strategic Human Resources Management in Health Services Organizations. Cengage Learning. Copyright
Jenkins, D (2011). Managing Empowerment. Random House. Copyright
Kouzes, J (2012). The Leadership Challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. John Wiley & Sons. Copyright
Lussier, R (2012). Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development. SAGE Publications. Copyright

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