Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help

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Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help


Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help focus on a new buzz word in the travel industry and is gaining grounds in most tourist countries, especially where the awareness is more and willingness to include the environment into its effects are visible. The concept is also becoming popular in small and emerging destinations which requires to attract environmentally friendly customers who only prefer to select accommodations and destinations which are doing something for the environment. This paper looks into the London Olympiad development and will study the concept of sustainable tourism in the case and how it is maintained and grown. The paper will also investigate into the conflicts of Casa de Campo between tour operators and local government and what are the options. And lastly, it will also focus on an emerging destination like Goa in India and study the socio-cultural, environment, and economic impacts of tourism in the region and how the future development in tourism will look like.

Task 1- Online research of London Olympiad constructed for 2012

LO1 Understand the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism industry

1.1 Discuss how stakeholders have and can still benefit from planning of tourism developments with reference to London Olympiad  

Tourism developments have a lot of stakeholders which includes the investors, hotel owners, tour operators, transportation providers, government, common citizens, environmentalists, employees working in tourism industry, etc. The London Olympiad was constructed in 2012 to host the Olympic Games in East London and the site is a major one capable of hosting millions of people. The location of East London has been a deprived region for long and now with the plan of converting the Olympic site into Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (Gov.uk, 2013). The several stakeholders especially the local citizens can benefit tremendously from the Olympic site development, because with the development of new retail, sports arena, and creating a legacy for Olympic Games hosting, the location will attract billions of dollars of investments from public and private enterprises. This can benefit them in creating new housing stock, entertainment areas and improve the quality of life of local citizens. The investors and the government can benefit still after increased permanent revenues will start coming in from the site development for commercial usage. The environmentalist will also benefit in identifying the regions which needs to be taken care of and since it is a new development, the planning can be more environment friendly. Several hotels can come up in the region because the site is ready to host many other international level games which will attract millions of tourists from the world. The government will achieve its goodwill in maintaining the site and generating substantial revenues from it. The site will be attract the local people to explore the opportunities available in the sports arena and can also take part in local competitions. The development will benefit tremendously by attracting huge infrastructure investments like railways, metros, better highways, parking lots, parks, and other facilities to be provided at the site. Thus, the site can help the local citizens, the government, investors, environmentalists, sports enthusiasts, and a global audience for many international games to be hosted at the site.

Task 3- Analyse the concept of sustainable tourism and how it is applied in London Olympiad

LO3 Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism

3.1 Justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development with reference to London Olympiad

Sustainability is a concept which means that anything which is built shall last for the future generations to use them without any hurdle. Tourism is a sector which requires sustainability today than ever before. Sustainable tourism can be defined as:

"Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities" (sdt.unwto.org, 2015). This is a whole definition of the idea of sustainable tourism which takes into account all possible effects of the current period and also of the future. The site of the Olympiad can be developed in such a way that after the games for which it was particularly built, it can also be converted into a different purpose. And this is the same thing that the site is experiencing currently, being built into a recreational area for East London citizens and will also host events and have entertainment centres (Magnay, 2013). The cost of building the Olympiad is so much that it is wiser not be used only for a single function but after the event, it must be used in such a way that it can generate revenues. This will be a wise use of the taxpayers’ money and the citizens will get a world class recreational centre.

3.2 Analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development for London Olympiad

Sustainable tourism can be executed in a simple manner if all stakeholders are together and take collective positive action. There are a number of factors which can prevent sustainable tourism development in the Olympiad site. If the hotels around and the main site arena is not capable of using environmental prevention techniques like saving water, recycling water, using solar light, and banning use of certain harmful materials like plastic, etc., the development can be called as a failure and may not sustain for a long time. If the environmental impacts are not being factored in while making the development, it is inevitable that it will not remain as a sustainable development for long (McKercher, 2003). The hindrance of local citizens for their lack of responsibility of waste disposal can harm the site and may not sustain to operate for a long time. If the development is going to create more problems for the local climate and produce more heat, it will have to be reduced to a minimum and the operation mays also not sustain because climate change will produce innumerable diseases and it may spread like a pandemic. Not paying attention to social impacts that the development will create can also create a lot of hurdle for the project, because this will create a development which might not be affordable to the common citizen and the entire revenue expectations will fall down making the project a failure (Sustainabletourism.net, 2015). If the economic impact of the development is such that the money spent on this development is unnecessary instead of something which is more important like healthcare and education, the development may not gain much reputation and may fail its sustainability.

3.3 Analyse different stages in planning for sustainability

Sustainability is a concept which needs to be started when the conceptual design is being prepared for a site. The first stage is to identify the social, economic, environmental, and cultural impact of the development, so that the minimization of negative impacts can be reduced or mitigated completely. The second stage is to involve all stakeholders and take their suggestions, especially for the negative outcomes of the development and perceived outlook of the entire development over a long term (Bramwell, 2004). The broader issues like gender equality, poverty alleviation, social justice, studying the future trends and adopting measures meeting those needs, and using renewable materials at the site are some of the issues that must be studied in the case of Olympiad site. The chance to reduce poverty by offering employment to the needy must be studied which will design the job works for those people. The use of natural resources and its availability and deficit will have to be studied, because when the event will attract millions of people the decision to use a specific type of resources will decide the scarcity or abundance of that resource which may also be required in the future. The impact on the local culture, international culture will have to be studied so that the site promotes inter-cultural progress and fusion. The site must identify all the use of resources and materials to be used in the development and accordingly select them after checking the availability, so that the materials sustain future demand just in case it may arise.

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Task 4- Analyse potential conflicts in Casa de Campo and the tensions between tour operators and local government

LO4 Understand current issues related to tourism development planning and development

4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future wellbeing of a developing tourism destination with reference to the above scenario

The resort of Casa de Campo is a large one and is bigger than any other resort in the region. The conflict of the tour operators could arise when the resort would have a strict policy of room rates and not being flexible about it by being adamant on it because of the size of the resort and not accommodating the tour operator request. The tour operators may have a conflict with the government which require to pay higher taxes on doing business in the Dominican Republic. This can cause tensions between the tour operator’s operating styles and may even halt any tours coming from the Unites States and the United Kingdom. This can really put the resort in a fix because to maintain such a large development, the fixed costs are very high and to meet them, it needs to be lenient in room rates and holiday packages. This can assure sustainability of such a large development for a long time and will remain in business. The government could come forward and establish a uniform tax system which will be followed by everyone and this will ensure regular traffic from US and UK. The resort also can strike a deal with the tour operators over their fees and understand that for staying in business it needs a lot of customers which will mostly come through these tour operators and no other, and so they need to come to c conclusion about the fees and decide the package pricing depending on the season and peak periods (Tirado de Alonso, 1992).

4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand

Supply and demand are two important factors in the travel industry. Demand increases when the economic conditions are conducive to spending and are looking bright. This will ensure regular traffic to the resort and the region. It is important to understand demand and then adjust the room rates and package rates according to it. This will ensure proper supply and also a substantial profit margins. The demand may increase in certain periods such as school vacations when families will tend to travel to the Dominican Republic, so the resort will have to adjust the rates in such a way that it will have maximum occupancy with reasonable package rates so that the demand generated is being absorbed and supplied (Sambrook et.al, 1994). The demand needs to be supplied with in tourism otherwise it will pave way for the price rise of the product which are the room rates, transportation, event tickets, and other associated services. The increase in price will eventually reduce the demand and thus, the hotel may enter into a loss making period with very less occupancy and no profit for the season, and when the peak period is gone and not taken advantage of, they will have to wait for another one.

4.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism

Enclave tourism may evolve when there are minimum number of local entrepreneurs and the tourism level is of a highly concentrated type focusing on a segmented customer base. This is immoral as the number of tourists that are looking for affordable destinations are more than the ones which are looking for a secluded luxury holiday. These types of resorts and development also has a tendency of hiring selected people and very few from the local community which is unethical in its approach and not justified as they do business in a country and not provide any benefits to the workforce as appreciation. The development is also of a unique kind as of Casa de Campo which is intimidating for the average traveller and they may not feel and belong to the average customer type in the resort. This is immoral as it leads to inequality rise and not balancing equality issues. The lifestyle is projected very different than the surrounding and thus it reinforces price exclusivity which again creates a market for foreign tourist segment or the one which are able to afford the holiday (home.cc.umanitoba.ca, 2015). These activities are unethical and immoral as they are responsible for elevating the inequality thinking as it is visibly being differentiated. The site is entirely enclosed socially, physically, and economically which makes it a secluded region even though the immediate surrounding may be poor or average in its physical appearance. This is unethical and the development should have been incorporative and accommodative and must compliment the surrounding.


Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help is a concept which is regarded as novel by every participant in the industry but are also aware that it may not be completely attainable, but can be met to a maximum level by applying the initiatives and adopting to the requirements on call. The development of the Olympiad is a major success and it indicates the intention of offering something unique to the people, but it needs to be maintained in such a way that is sustainable and sees no hurdle in operations. The Casa de Campo resort can also adopt conflict resolution methods and reach a one-time settlement and understanding with the tour operators and the government also should consider the business being generated through tour operator and form a uniform taxation policy. Goa, as a destination is rich in tis flora and fauna and it needs to adopt more measures for sustainable development in tourism so that the future generations will get a better location to live and work.


Bramwell, B. (2004). Coastal mass tourism. Clevedon: Channel View Publications.
Chapman, J. and Lennie, J. (1997). IIMS 1994: Chapman, J. and Lennie, J. [online] Ascilite.org.au. Available at: http://www.ascilite.org.au/aset-archives/confs/iims/1994/bc/chapman-j.html [Accessed 26 Jan. 2015].
Edgell, D. and Swanson, J. (2013). Tourism policy and planning. New York: Routledge.

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