Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment planning assignment

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Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment planning assignment
Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment planning assignment
Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment planning assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment Planning

QFC Level

Level 5


This Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment planning assignment deals with the aspect of preparing documentation for selecting as well as recruiting new staff members, assessing the impact of legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations that are needed for the process of recruitment and selection. Also, evaluating individual contribution to the process of selection. The next part is discussing about the benefits of team working in an organization that needs to get assessed, there is also the need for demonstrating the aspect of working in a team as a leader regarding particular objectives and the effectiveness of the team for actualizing the objectives needs to get reviewed. The final part is discussing about the benefits of team working in an organization that needs to get assessed, there is also the need for demonstrating the aspect of working in a team as a leader regarding particular objectives and the effectiveness of the team for actualizing the objectives needs to get reviewed.

Unit 14 WWLP Recruitment planning assignment

Task 1

AC 1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff

Being part of the human resource department for an airline, there is a need to do the selection as well as recruitment of a new staff member for the position of cabin crew. In regard to do this there is a need to do the preparation of job analysis, job description as well as person specifications.

Job Analysis

Air cabin crew are having the responsibility towards the safety as well as care of the airline passengers and are given special training for dealing with the situations that require security as well as emergency. Prior to the boarding of a plane by the passengers, information is provided to the air cabin crew regarding passengers having any special needs. They also do the checking of safety equipments, ensuring that the aircraft is clean and every seat pocket is containing the information that is correct as well as the preparation of the appropriate number of meals as well as well as drinks. The job of a cabin crew includes long working hours and can be physically challenging. The cabin crew should be ready for having the flexibility for working any day of the year. Since the members of the cabin crew are considered to be the face of the airline there is an expectation from them towards excelling in customer service as well as always having a friendly nature, being amicable and having enthusiasm with a better sense of individual presentation. (Ramaswamy, 2013) Cabin crew can be faced with various kinds of circumstances at the time of their work and are required being outstanding team players having the capability to function with their individual eagerness by making the use of fast thought process as well as managerial abilities.

Job Description

The cabin crew member job is associated with the aspect of attending a pre-flight briefing at the time of which assignment of the positions of work are provided to the air cabin crew regarding the next flight. They are provided with information regarding the details of the flight, the schedule of the flight and so on. They need to carry out pre-flight duties, which include the checking of safety equipments. They welcome passengers on board and direct them to their seats and inform the passengers about the procedures regarding safety and makes sure that every hand luggage is being stored in a secured manner. They need to check the seat belts of every passenger before the plane takes off. They need to make announcements on behalf of the pilot and satisfy the queries of the passengers at the time of the flight. They are required to serve meals as well as refreshments for the passengers. The cabin crew members are also required to provide first aid for passengers whenever it is required. They are required to complete the paperwork that includes writing a flight report. (Clutterback, 2011)

Person specification

The essential personal traits of cabin crew members are being discreet and at the same time self-confident having the capability for dealing with circumstances that are considered challenging in a polite but firm manner having clarity in their voice. They need to enjoy working in a team. They are required to remain composed in challenging as well as emergency situations. (Harrell, 2011) The cabin crew members need to have proper confidence, and have friendly terms with other individuals. They also need to be susceptible as well as supportive in respect of individuals who are worried or distressed. They should possess the ability to work in a quick as well as efficient manner and possessing the confidence for handling money that includes foreign currencies as well.

AC 1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations that are needed for the recruitment and selection process

The process of recruitment and selection that is required to select the cabin crew members need following some legal as well as legal rules as well as regulations. The human resource manager is required having the awareness of such rules and regulations to initiate the recruitment and selection process. The impact of legal, regulatory as well as ethical considerations that is required in respect of the process of recruitment and selection of a cabin crew member are assessed as under,

  • First and foremost, there is the requirement for conducting an exhaustive background verification of an individual that is being recruited as well as selected to become a cabin crew member by the security agencies.
  • The maximum working hours regarding a cabin crew member has been fixed to 12 hours per day by the mutual consent of the airline authorities and the trade unions. Therefore, even though the cabin crew members are having an erratic work schedule that requires them to be functional at any time of the day, the working hour will not be exceeding 12 hours per day.
  • The recruitment of any cabin crew member by an airline company should not be discriminating an individual in regard to the person’s sexual orientation and they should strictly adhere to the sex discrimination act. If done so, then the person has every right to take legal action against the airline company. (Kotler, 2014)
  • The recruitment and selection process should not be depending on discrimination regarding race of an individual.
  • The advertisements that will be circulated for the recruitment of cabin crew members should not be discriminating in relation to age, race, sex, nationalism and so on of a person.
  • At the time of recruitment and selection process, the airline company should not ask any question at the time of the interview that will be hurting the religious sentiment of the person being interviewed for the post of cabin crew. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • During the recruitment and selection process, the person getting interviewed for the post of cabin crew member should give his full approval regarding the declaration of the post that considers the salary aspect, timings of work, benefits of work and many more.

AC 1.3 Take part in the selection process

The selection process in respect of cabin crew members by the airline companies take into consideration applications forms, CVs, references, simulations, as well as interviews. All these are very much significant towards the selection of the appropriate candidate for the post of cabin crew member. Let us elucidate the matter in detail,

  • Application forms – After the advertisement gets published regarding the post of cabin crew members, it is needed that the individuals who deem fit for the required post as well as satisfying the basic needs are required applying with the help of the application form on the website. It is needed for an individual to fill up the application form by providing appropriate description about their height, weight, uploading their photograph, as well as mentioning their educational background and their language proficiency. Depending on the information that is given by individuals in the application forms, the shortlisted candidates satisfying the requirements of the job profile of cabin crew are asked to send their CVs.        
  • CV– Apart from physical needs such as height, weight, candidate’s age and so on, the technique that will be acting as the primary stage towards the selection of an appropriate candidate is regarded as CV. The CV helps in providing essential information regarding an individual who is applying for the post of cabin crew. Before the interview process commences, the individual is having the requirement towards sending his CV that needs to get shortlisted for the person to appear for the interview. (Hayton, 2012)
  • References– In respect of the job as a crew member, references can be considered as an important means for doing the candidate’s background verification as well as determining the person’s eligibility regarding the job. It is worth mentioning here that background verifications are compulsory to select a specific person as a cabin crew member and in this regard the airline companies can do an extensive background verification of the person.
  • Simulation– The cabin crew members should not lose their nerve at the moment of crisis and should always remain composed. There is every possibility for the cabin crew members to face various difficulties when they are inside a flight but even then they should be serving the passengers smilingly. For the selection of the appropriate candidate possessing these skills, simulation can be regarded as a very effective method. There can occur the formation of a simulated environment of what might be taking place inside a flight for checking a candidate’s responses or behaviors at the moments of crisis. (Harrell, 2011) Therefore, simulation can be considered as a significant medium for selecting the appropriate individual for the post of cabin crew member.
  • Interviews– This is considered as a significant stage towards the selection of an appropriate individual for the post of cabin crew member. By asking pertinent questions as well as through the process of filling up a questionnaire, a candidate’s qualification can be judged along with the personality trait of the individual, language proficiency as well as communication skills and the person’s capability to solve various problems.

AC 1.4 Evaluate own contribution to the selection process

My personal contribution towards the process of recruitment and selection for the post of cabin crew member for an airline company can be evaluated as under,

  • During the selection process for the post of cabin crew member, as a human resource manager I will be part of the selection team that will be conducting the candidate’s interviews that are applying for the position of cabin crew member. At the interview, I will be asking the candidates regarding various aspects such as describing briefly regarding themselves, their educational background, their family background, and many more.
  • During the selection process, I will be trying to motivate the other team members who are part of the selection process that will result in the selection of the appropriate candidate for the post of cabin crew member. (Hayton, 2012)
  • During the selection process for the post of cabin crew member, as a human resource manager, I will prepare small documents for the individuals who will be applying for the post of cabin crew members through the utilization of different processes like intelligence evaluation, written tests in the form of MCQs and many more. This document is required to be sent to the department conducting the selection process as soon as possible for initiating the process of interview.

Task 2

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Speaker Note

  • Social skills – As the HR Manager, there is a need for possessing the social skills as because they are required to function with and through other people and using genuine skills to make decisions. There exists an inference in relation to the individual understanding as well as situations and abilities to encourage individuals for actualizing a common objective.
  • Political skills – As the HR Manager, there is a need for possessing political skills since this will support towards becoming an effective leader of an organization and there is the need to have the capability to solve various types of problems that might take place due to the occurrence of conflicting situations amongst various employees.

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Speaker Note

  • Technical skills – As the HR manager, there is the requirement for possessing the technical knowledge as because most of the management levels of an organization require technical skills. Hence, there is the need to possess technical knowledge that will assist to plan, control, as well as organize.
  • Thinking skills – As the HR Manager, there is a need to possess thinking skills as because there is a strong need for managers in having the capability for thinking and they need to possess effective as well as clear outlook and possess clarity in knowledge regarding the entire matter.
  • Emotional skills – As the HR Manager, there is the need for having emotional skills as because there is the existence of a significant amount of emotional stress with the position of a HR Manager that considers functioning under very challenging situations as well as finding probable means of coping with the absence of time, resource and transparency.
  • Personal awareness skills – As the HR Manager, there is the need to have personal awareness skills since this provides assistance in me having effective communication with others and in that respect possessing a improved insight into the matter that is being discussed about.

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Speaker Note

  • Defining skills - There is a requirement for defining the goals in a clear way for achieving them.
  • Path finding skills - There is the need to possess a clear path for achieving the objectives which will assist the person to advance towards the desired objective.
  • Direction establishment skills - The skills for leadership have the requirement to establish the right path that should be laid by the leaders which the people should be following to achieve their objective.

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Speaker Note

  • Communication skills - The leader should have the ability to communicate in an effective manner.
  • Motivating skills - There is a need for the leaders to provide constant motivation to achieve the objectives
  • Innovating skills - There is a need for the leaders in bringing out innovative thoughts and ideas that will support in achieving the objectives.
  • Obstacles overcoming skills - There will be specific skills used by the leader to overcome the problematic conditions that will be creating obstacles in respect of achievement of objectives.
  • Skills to manage change - The leaders are required to manage the changing aspects that will occur for the achievement of the objectives.

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Speaker Note

  • Planning - This is a significant skill in respect of the managers that is needed towards appropriate planning in regard to a task.
  • Budgeting - This is a significant skill that is needed to utilise in an optimum way the resources that are needed for completing a task.
  • Programming - This is a significant skill that is needed for appropriate training as well as programming assignment for completing a task
  • Tasks allocation - This is a significant skill that is needed to actualise the ways by which productive use of manpower can take place.
  • Organizing - This is a significant skill that is required to appropriately coordinate the task.
  • Staffing - This is a significant skill that is needed for possessing an effective set of employees that will support in getting the work get achieved in a successful manner.

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Speaker Note

  • Democratic leadership – In the democratic leadership style every employee will play an active role in the ability for making appropriate decisions and this will motivate then in successful completion of the work. Moreover, this will support in having an improved work environment as well as possessing improved feedbacks in that respect, will have an outcome towards better process to make decisions. In addition, this leadership style assists in having incessant information flow and effective growth and finally it supports in the reduction of employee turnover. The democratic leadership style is very important for an organization since it supports towards effective leadership and employee growth.
  • Laissez-faire leadership - The laissez-faire leadership style exists in particular circumstances when the employees are offered the decision making ability in an organization. This is because, there may be specific circumstances where the knowledge to handle the particular matter is more in the members of the team than the leader of the team and in this respect there can have the ability of showcasing improved knowledge and skills related to the particular scenario. This will support the members of the team in having enhanced fulfilment towards the work that they do since they will have the feeling of getting encouraged.

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Speaker Note

  • Vroom’s expectancy motivation theory - Vroom’s expectancy motivation theory organisation and behaviour is used for motivating the employees objectives, and achieving , as this theory of motivation explains that an individual will behave or act in a specific manner because they are motivated in choosing a specific behavioural aspect over other behavioural aspects. There is the existence of the constructive collaboration between the endeavours and performing abilities. The three characteristics of expectation motivation theory are expectancy, valence and instrumentality.
  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory - Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is used for motivating the employees and achieving organisational objectives, which consists of five levels which are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-realisation. The first level comprising of physiological assignment help needs is associated with the general requirements like food, drink, water, shelter, and many more. The second level comprising of safety needs is associated with protection of the elements as well their security. The third level comprising of social needs is associated with affection, friendship, love. The fourth level comprising of esteem needs is associated with actualisation. The fifth level comprising of self-realisation needs is associated with actualising personal potentiality as well as accomplishment. An individual can only move to the higher level only after he has actualised satisfaction in the level he is presently in.

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Task 3

This part is discussing about the benefits of team  working with leading people in an organization that needs to get assessed, there is also the need for demonstrating the aspect of working in a team as a leader regarding particular objectives and the effectiveness of the team for actualizing the objectives needs to get reviewed.

AC 3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for an organization

The benefits of working in a team for an airline company can be assessed as under,

  • Establishment of staff association – The beneficial aspects of working in a team is for supporting the employees in an airline company for functioning collaboratively, which provides a better opportunity for creating association with one another that will result in creating the scope to have a better outcome regarding work. Through the process of functioning in a collective manner within a team, the employees of the airline company will try assessing the significance of another team member. Common trust as well as respect is present and as a result, support is being provided amongst on another regarding opinions that concern various options in relation to other members of the team. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Establishment of capability – The beneficial aspects regarding working in a team is associated with the establishment of capability in an airline company. It supports in the completion of work rapidly where the collaboration in relation to the work will occur between the employees that will be minimizing the pressure of work. Moreover, establishment of capability will be assisting the employees in the airline company towards the contribution of their opinions regarding different work conditions in other departments as well that will be minimizing the work pressure in respect of other employees who are not having similar efficiency level as the efficient staffs which will support them for working on their weak areas and slowly make their improvements.
  • Building of trust – Building of trust in respect of the co-workers assists in providing a sense of security that assists in ideas to appear that will be motivating the staffs to open up themselves more in front of others. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Teaching abilities for conflict resolution – When a challenging situation takes place for working in a team, the staffs are compelled in finding answers for resolving the conflict rather than taking support of the management.

AC 3.2 Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

For resolving conflict towards working in a team, there is the need to use the Belbin’s model of team functioning. The Belbin’s model of team functioning considers nine roles that needs that can be played by a team leader that are regarded as planner, shaper, plant, reserve examiner, executer, supervising assessor, team player, stopper, and experts. This model in respect of team functioning considers significant scenarios regarding team role dynamics. The processes through which this model will be resolving conflicts regarding teamwork in an organization are as follows,

  • To identify the actual problem and obstacle without having an emotional outbreak or condemning another person for the crisis.
  • To do brainstorming in a collective way for getting the solutions.
  • To have both the parties take responsibility for evaluating the advantages as well as disadvantages in respect of every possible outcome. There will certainly be some situations that will be satisfying both the parties. (Furnham, 2012)
  • To select the optimum result and plan as well as assurance regarding performance in which the two parties will be sharing their responsibility.
  • Last but not the least, to monitor the entire method in respect of evaluating in which processes staffs are doing the management of their individual strengths in relation with their roles in the team and to cope with the limitations since this will be assisting in avoiding the repetition of conflict situations.

AC 3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

For ensuring that the cabin crew members are being able to perform their duties in an effective manner and there is satisfaction amongst the customers regarding the standard of service that is being provided to them, there will be the utilization of 360 degree evaluation process. 360 degree evaluation is regarded as a method where the staffs will be receiving feedbacks that are confidential as well as anonymous from the individuals that are working around them. This will be taking into consideration the staff’s manager, co-workers as well as direct reports. (Frydman, 2013)

In this respect, the members of the cabin crew as well as the quality of the services offered by them will be assessed by receiving feedbacks from the co-workers as well as customers. The human resource manager of the airline company will also be assessing the staff performances. The staff performance will be assessed though the aspect of assembling as well as combining the feedbacks from various sources. When it will be observed that a staff is underperforming and not being able to meet the level of expectation, then the staff will be first made aware of the matter via informal meetings. In the same manner, effective performance regarding the staffs will be commended by conducting informal meetings. The score that will be collected after a certain time period regarding the performance of the members of the cabin crew will be utilized for determining whether there occurred improvement in performance or drop in performance after a specific period of time. Moreover, through the Belbin’s model of team functioning can the effectiveness of the team be reviewed for achieving the goals. To identify the actual problem and obstacle without having an emotional outbreak or condemning another person for the crisis. To do brainstorming in a collective way for getting the solutions. To have both the parties take responsibility for evaluating the advantages as well as disadvantages in respect of every possible outcome. There will certainly be some situations that will be satisfying both the parties. To select the optimum result and plan as well as assurance regarding performance in which the two parties will be sharing their responsibility. (Furnham, 2012) Last but not the least, to monitor the entire method in respect of evaluating in which processes staffs are doing the management of their individual strengths in relation with their roles in the team and to cope with the limitations since this will be assisting in avoiding the repetition of conflict situations.

This part is discussing about the benefits of team working for an organization such as establishment of staff association, establishment of capability, building of trust and teaching abilities for conflict resolution. Then, the role of a leader in a team has been demonstrated with the help of Belbin’s model of team functioning and finally the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals have been reviewed that took into consideration the 360 degree evaluation process as well as Belbin’s model of team functioning.

Task 4

This part is discussing about the factors that are involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance that needs to be explained, also the assessment of the development needs of individuals should be planned as well as delivered and the success of the assessment process needs to get evaluated as well.

AC 4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance

The involvement of factors towards planning the monitoring as well as assessment of work performance can be explained as under,

  • Communication and identification of reason as well as value processing matter – There is the involvement of this factor to plan the performance evaluation related with work in an airline company. There is a need to prepare the aspect of communicating and identifying the processing of value.
  • Setting effective goals – The effective goals that are being set is considered to be a significant aspect to plan the evaluation of performance in relation to work.
  • Possessing a continuous process – For evaluating as well as assessing the performance in association with work will possess a continuous process.
  • Proper preparation and training regarding managers – There is the need to prepare in an appropriate manner and to provide managerial training to plan the performance evaluation in relation to the work in the airline company. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Performance appraisal – The airline company requires making appropriate performance appraisal in respect of the employees. It is following the performance quality regarding the employees that are offering the services.
  • Appraisal interview – The airlines company is having the requirement towards arranging interviews in relation with appraisal for making assessments regarding the ability to perform regarding the employees that will be assisting in understanding the staffs as well as their behavioral aspects and abilities. (Furnham, 2012)
  • Survey of clients – The airline company requires conducting surveys regarding the clients in relation to their services to do the measurement of the ability to perform by the staffs.

AC 4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals

There is significance in delivering the evaluation of the cabin crew members for ensuring that the requirements of the cabin crew members get increased. In respect of poor designing of the assessment and not catering to the requirements of the individuals, it will be leading towards the aspect of lacking in motivation within the members of the cabin crew. This is being elucidated as under,

  • Motivation– This is needed for assessing the performance regarding the members of the cabin crew and taking into consideration the factors associated with performance review since, without having appropriate performance appraisal, there is a possibility for the cabin crew members to have a feeling of diminished motivation. Therefore, to plan and deliver evaluation that is considered to be the correct opinion regarding the performing ability of the staffs takes into consideration every factor as a significant step for the motivation of the staffs. The airline company may be using the aspect of reward for motivating the staffs regarding bigger targets or encouraging the person towards performing better work. (Frydman, 2013) On the other hand, rewards cannot be considered appropriate when the evaluation is not appropriate. As a result, it will be leading individuals towards lacking in motivation that might cause discouragement in respect of the cabin crew members.
  • Delegation– When appropriate evaluation is not made, then wrong responsibilities will be delegated to the individuals. The capability for delegating a member of the cabin crew regarding a job that will be suiting their abilities is based on the aspect of assessing their abilities. When there does not occur appropriate evaluation, then delegation will be suffering. When the delegation of an individual is not appropriate it will be resulting in delayed performances from the concerned person as well as the staffs. (Freeman, 2010) When a responsibility is delegated to an individual for which he is not possessing the required abilities, the person will be lacking in motivation. This motivation that the person is lacking will be resulting in low performance by the individual, high organizational turnover as well as services that are of low quality being offered in respect of the customers.
  • Communication– This is considered to be a very significant aspect regarding the evaluation method. After making decisions regarding the evaluation plan, the same is required to be communicated to the staffs and there is a need to take into consideration the proposition of the staffs regarding the matter. There is significance towards reviewing the evaluation method as well as their efficiency for the actualization of the objectives regarding which it is developed. For making the evaluation efficient, the members of the cabin crew are required having the encouragement for coming out as well as sharing the areas in which they were feeling that there is need for training.

AC 4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process

The success of the process of assessment can be evaluated by following certain methods such as appraisals and feedbacks. It is considered that when the assessment process is incorrect, then it is certain that the remaining steps will also be considered as imperfect. The efficiency of promotion depends on the efficiency of the assessment process. When the assessment process is not productive then it will be unable to assess effectively the ability of an individual and this will be resulting in promoting a less capable individual. An assessment process which is not defined in a proper manner might be leading towards false repercussion and therefore, flawed disciplinary actions are taken. This might be creating de-motivation within the staffs leading to low standard level of service as well as high rates of turnover. (Fernando, 2011)

The methods that are used to evaluate the performance regarding the assessment process are mentioned as under,

  • Appraisals– This process can be used for judging the efficiency of the assessment process. In this method, different stakeholders are summoned for evaluating the assessment process as well as judging the efficiency of the assessment process.
  • Feedback – The assessment process is being widened for evaluating the performance of the staffs. Therefore, towards the evaluation of the efficiency of the assessment process, there is a requirement to consider the feedback from the staffs in regard to the assessment process. Employee feedback will be forming a productive part to judge the efficiency regarding the assessment process since the assessment process will get used for judging the staff performance. (Fernando, 2011)

This part is discussing about the factors that are involved in planning the monitoring as well as assessment of work performance such as communication and identification of reason as well as value processing matter, setting effective goals, possessing a continuous process, proper preparation and training regarding managers, performance appraisal, appraisal interview and survey of clients. There have also been planning and delivery of the development needs of individuals that comprised of motivation, delegation and communication and finally the success of the assessment process has been evaluated through the methods such as appraisals and feedback.


This assignment is reflecting on the various documentation process required for selecting and recruiting a new employee such as job analysis, job description and person specification. Then for taking part in the selection process the various stages that are considered are application forms, CVs, references, simulation and interviews. The second part is discussing about the benefits of team working for an organization such as establishment of staff association, establishment of capability, building of trust and teaching abilities for conflict resolution. Then, the role of a leader in a team has been demonstrated with the help of Belbin’s model of team functioning and finally the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals have been reviewed that took into consideration the 360 degree evaluation process as well as Belbin’s model of team functioning. The final part is discussing about the factors that are involved in planning the monitoring as well as assessment of work performance such as communication and identification of reason as well as value processing matter, setting effective goals, possessing a continuous process, proper preparation and training regarding managers, performance appraisal, appraisal interview and survey of clients. There have also been planning and delivery of the development needs of individuals that comprised of motivation, delegation and communication and finally the success of the assessment process has been evaluated through the methods such as appraisals and feedback.


Clutterbuck, D. (2011). Coaching the team at work. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Freeman, R (2010). Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art. Cambridge University Press.
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Hayton, J (2012). Global Human Resource Management Casebook. Taylor & Francis
Lancaster., G and Massingham., L. (2010). Essentials of Marketing management. Routledge.
Ramaswamy, N. (2013). Marketing Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.