Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment

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Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment
Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment
Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment


The relevance of organizational behaviour in organizations in the recent years as employees and their behavioural patterns are prime factors for the effective functioning of the organization. The organisational behaviour in the company covers the way how people behave within the organisation. It is a human device for human point of preference. It applies exhaustively to the behaviour of people in an extensive variety of relationship, for instance, business, government, schools, and administrative institutions. It discusses about the three vital elements which include individuals, group of people and organisational structure OB is a joined field. It applies the learning expanded about individuals, and the effect of structure on behaviour, with a particular finished objective to make associations work more reasonably. OB covers the inside subjects of motivation, administration direct and power, interpersonal correspondence, group structure additionally, process, learning, attitude progression and acknowledgment, change strategy, conflict, work plan and work stress. In this Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment the instances of organizations like Ford, Monsanto and OCC are considered in which an examination is done on their hierarchical structure, group structure and group conduct, administration capacities, diverse ways to deal with administration, authority styles followed in these organizations, utilization of hypotheses of inspiration in the organizations, effect of technology in team work and so forth are talked about.

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Task 1

Compare and contrast the organizational structure and culture of Ford and Monsanto before and after reorganizations

Ford Motor Company is based at Dearborn, Michigan having total number of employee strength over 2,46,000 people. With effect from 2006, the CEO of the company is Alan Mulally. The former president, Williams.C.Ford has been replaced by Mulally and William C. Ford is currently the Executive Chairman of the Board. The primary aim of the company and its board is to ensure that all  its shareholder’s interest are fulfilled. The areas of development that the company concentrates are Audit compensation, Public policies, financial aspects, corporate governance etc. Ford Motors are having its business operations all over the world including the countries like America, Asia, Europe, Africa etc.

 Monsanto is a company that deals with biotechnology and having business operations in more than 80 countries. Monsanto started its business with the agricultural chemicals as products. The genetic changes in the plant cells have been firstly discovered by the scientists of Monsanto during 1982. Now the company is concentrating on pharmaceutical products from 2003. Some of the other products in the company include seeds, cotton, soybean etc.

Ford has an arrangement Analyse the relationship between each company’s group-based structure and the culture that exists in that organisation. Make an assessment of the effects of these two influences on the performance of each company.

of qualities, gauges, and artefacts which it solidly executes company wide. Its mission statement is based off the clear expression: "One Ford: one group, one course of action, one target." One group to Ford suggests that Ford agents chip in toward a power position in the car business through quality and accomplice fulfilment. Regardless of its focal objective and vision explanations, Ford got a reputation throughout the years of having a scorching corporate society. Correspondence between unmistakable zones of the association was immaterial. Authorities at Ford as often as possible went up against each other rather than work together. Pioneers were unsettled from indicating out issues in the association. Possibly most undermining was that Ford had grasped a general public of priggishness.

Mulally recognized he would need to change the company's corporate society beginning from the most punctual stage. Unrewarding brands were cut, and after quite a while authority groups were executed in which directors would delineate their division's headway. Chiefs were asked to coordinate rather than battling. Mulally took the different regional divisions of Ford and attempted to transform them into a lone overall association that exemplified the "One Ford" thought. He in like manner concentrated on that Ford was to make the best things, in spite of the way that it cost extra money. Regardless of the way that this was perilous for an association engaging monetarily, Ford had the limit successfully go over itself. Under Mulally's ethical activity Ford had the limit construct correspondence and joint effort, enhance structures, and manufacture the way of its items.

Monsanto secure with an extent of associations, individuals, and assistants' out and out areas of the world and over different requests. Monsanto is centred around having any sort of impact on the world through imperative and basic exercises and takes pride in its duties to society on an area and regional level all through the world.

Factors that influence the way individuals behave in both Ford and Monsanto in the new team based structures.

The personality traits that are seen commonly in the employees of both Ford and Monsanto in their new team based structure are different, yet similar in some ways. The characteristic of emotional security suggests a need of anxiety and worried penchants. The people who are sincerely unfaltering tend to be created, smooth, secure, and confident. Seen from the negative post of neuroticism, the people who score low on this credit tend to be surly, eager, incredulous, worried, flimsy, demoralized, and apprehensive energetic quality is a colossal compute cooperation or any endeavour that obliges created behaviour (Nickels, McHugh, & McHugh, 2011).

The trait of extraversion has been seen as a mix of certainty/prevalence and neighbourliness/company. The specific elements of extraversion that is acknowledged are most critical to group correspondence are power, association, social perceptiveness, and expressivity. The characteristic of openness has been depicted as intellectual and openness to experience and reflects insightful, social, or imaginative distractions. Notwithstanding the way that solitary twisted or scholarly limit of associates is clearly related to groupsufficiency, inside the space of personality, group investigators generally hold that there is insignificant direct relationship between the general normal for openness or intellectual and collaboration.

Nevertheless, a couple parts of the openness characteristic are critical, especially the part of versatility. The nature of suitability is described as thought, trust, and warmth versus extremism, uncertainty, also, hostile vibe. Persons high on suitability are true blue, steady, and consistent. Persons low on propriety is tireless, partial, unsympathetic, and fundamental. Appropriateness may be the best crucial marker of execution in interpersonal settings. Subsequently, enjoyableness seems to have high insightful authenticity for assignments that incorporate interest and that incorporate smooth relations with others. The quality of honesty has been connected with different angles, including ability, demand, achievement attempting, and submission.

Thusly, trustworthiness reflects the penchant to be continuing on, orchestrated, and dealt with, to hold quick to responsibilities and commitments, to complete errands totally and on-time, and to be reliable. Persons low on uprightness is hurried, untrustworthy, and confounded. While a couple of studies have found the general nature of doubts to be related to group sufficiency.

Task 2

What leadership styles you identify as being used in Ford and in Monsanto before, and after, the change to team-based working. Compare the effectiveness of the before and after styles paying attention to the different approaches of the two companies.

Mulally's has a specific initiative style. He was a guide, not a ruler. While he relished the spotlight that started from Ford's staggering resurgence, he was continually manoeuvring diverse authorities into with him. In his after a long time groups, he urged Ford's senior pioneers to offer each other help. He asked for plans, rather constraining them. Mulally’s "Participating" judiciousness did not stop at the working environment gateway; it connected with the greater part of Ford's accomplices. He joined this same tenet to the association's dealings with its suppliers, dealers and even the United Auto Workers. His message to each representatives was fundamental: "We are in this together, and in case you help us succeed we will confirm you share in our thriving".

In Monsanto, Work happens in groups Project Teams, Launch Teams, Leadership Teams Overseeing people who direct or in an indirect manner report is discriminating Joint exertion is a key property for accomplishment. Administration handles diverse levels of complexity driving masters, driving pioneers, driving company. Various groups and limits are incorporated in a thing dispatch Building associations over the company engages business results Solid cross utilitarian, cross land associations are imperative Affecting without force – especially people in diverse parts of the company is a key inclination.

The administration methodologies followed in both these organizations are in light of the accompanying theories:

  • Trait Theory: Ask people what incredible activity is, and its plausible you will get a response that proposes extraordinary power can by some methods be described similarly as qualities or characteristics. Basically, if one in some way or another happened to demand that people layout an examination went for portraying awesome administration, it’s doable the response will be an attempt to particular the qualities of pioneers of organizations regarded to be productive.
  • Contingency theories: Overseeing leadership has affected definitive activities from different perspectives. These effects join impelling subordinates, arranging uncommon resources, and serving as a wellspring of correspondence. This hypothesis clears up that group execution is a result of participation of two variables. These variables are known as administration style additionally, situational advantageous quality. These two components will be analysed close by distinctive parts of Fiedler's hypothesis. "In Fiedler's model, power sufficiency is the result of participation between the style of the pioneer and the qualities of nature in which the leaders lives up to expectations
  • Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Model: The situational leadership model, became by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, prescribes that the pioneer's behaviour should be adjusted by improvement level of the disciples. The level of advancement or the arrangement of the followers were reviewed to the degree the disciples have the limit and availability to satisfy a specific errand.

Compare and contrast the nature of managerial authority and the functions of management

Henri Fayol (1841 – 1925) described the five components of management in which described his general speculation of business association and this substance is still seen as one of the crucial implications of administration. He portrayed five vital components of administration and 14 principles of administration: The five limits are:

  • Planning:  Planning is a vital aspect of management that incorporates choosing the best course of movement, for fulfilling the objectives of the company. It obliges chiefs to be aware of environmental conditions defying their company, the point of confinement and limit of the company, and to gauge future conditions and examples. There are an extensive variety of sorts of game plans moreover, planning. Key Planning incorporates examining centred open entryways and dangers, furthermore the qualities and deficiencies of the association, and a short time later choosing how to position the relationship to best finish its destinations. Key planning has a long time plot and is the association amidst administration and administration with a typical commitment to develop the 'right strategy. Strategic planning is widely appealing achieve arranging that is proposed to develop by and large cement additionally, specific means to realize the key game plan (Schaffer, Agusti, & Dhooge, 2014
  • Organising: Organising incorporate building up a definitive structure and apportioning human advantages for assurance the accomplishment of the business objectives and execution of its crucial game plan. The structure of the company is the framework inside which effort is formed and is shaped by the ethical and social essentials of the overseeing body. It incorporates the setup of individual occupations within the company and striking an agreement between the necessity for expert specialization and the requirement for workers to have occupations that include blend and freedom. Various occupations are at present plot in perspective of such gauges as business upgrade and cooperation.
  • Directing: Giving direction and administration to lower level workers and workers with the objective that they are aware of their duties and are willing to do them adequately and enough.
  • Leading: It incorporates affecting others toward the achievement of various levelled objectives. Suitable driving requires the boss to goad subordinates, confer enough, and use his/her energy and power sensibly. If chiefs are fruitful pioneers, their subordinates will be energetic about applying effort toward the accomplishment of the destinations.
  • Coordination: Coordination is unavoidable in exchange parts of administration and is chiefly revolved around relationship of the assorted segments of the company, or an activity, keeping in mind the end goal to enable them to cooperate feasibly.

Compare, contrast and evaluate the different approaches to management used by the three companies.

  • Classic approach: The examination of company thusly is joined with work finished at first in the recent years and the research on this aspect has been done by several renowned researchers like Taylor, Fayol, Reiley, Brech etc. An unmistakable knowing the need behind a company is found as basic to perception how the company capacities and how its frameworks so that its fiunctioning can be made headway. Recognizing evidence of general targets would provoke the enlightenment of purposes and commitments at all levels of the company and to the best structure.
  • Scientific management: Scientific management is introduced by Taylor. According to him, the wok flows of the employees within the organisation. The improvement of employee efficiency and their productivity and how it contributes to the overall functioning of the company, is the focus of this theory. Work ethics is followed in the organisations that follow the scientific management theory (Apte, Dietrich, & Fleming, 2012).
  • Bureaucracy: This is seen in enormous amount in the company is administration. The focus of Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment theory is the work relationship among the employees within the organisation. If there exists a proper and smooth relationship and understanding among the people within the company, then only more efficiency and increased productivity levels can be ensured.
  • Structuralism: The structuralism methodology gives a radical perspective of social and progressive conduct. More prominent thought the formal relation of employees with the superiors and the subordinates. The employee needs are given concern in this approach so that they will focus more on their work. As a result of this, employees will get motivated and they will have an increase in their morale.
  • General Administrative Approach: Henri Fayol was a French industrialist who advance who advance and propelled the thought about the 'comprehensiveness of administration models', the prospect that all organization could be composed and directed by solid benchmarks. Fayol segregated a business organization's exercises into the six key fragments of particular, business, bookkeeping, cash related, security, and association. Fayol portrayed the exhibit of association as particular from the assorted business works out.
  • Behavioural approach: The behavioural approach developed essentially in light of the way that the standard methodology did not accomplish adequate time feasibility and work environment concordance. There was amplified energy for helping directors bargain all the more acceptably with the "individual’s side" of their organization. The behavioural procedures contributed a fundamental consciousness of the impact of the human part at chip away at dynamic execution and the need to offer employment fulfilment to delegates. Most of its analysts endeavoured to offer precepts to draw in the administrators to fulfil and empower appoints in this way, hypothetically, to get the advantages of enhanced profitability

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Task 3

What leadership style you identify as being used by the owners and explain why you think it is so successful in relation to the impact it has on staff motivation. What leadership styles will be likely in the circumstances described and discuss what effect it might have on motivation

At Original Copy Centres Inc., the workers are permitted to tune in the real choices of the organization where their thoughts are invited in the vital arranging. Additionally, distinctive motivational methods like very much refreshing worker comforts are given to the staffs. The initiative style utilized by this organization is Participative authority style. This style of initiative is acknowledged to have a prompt effect on individual and legitimate result (Armstrong, & Taylor, 2014). Bass battles that while we call a couple pioneers transformational and others esteem based most have a profile of the full extent of activity.

Using Herzberg’s theory of motivation and also Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, compare the way that each of them is applied at OOC           

Vroom's expectation theory contrasts from the substance theories of Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, and McClelland in that Vroom's foresight theory does not give specific recommendations on what goads company people. Maybe, In OCC, Vroom's speculation gives a strategy of scholarly variables that reflects individual differentiations in work inspiration. From an administration viewpoint in OCC, the expectancy hypothesis has some essential implications for prodding representatives. It recognizes a couple of basic things that ought to be conceivable to goad representatives in OCC by conforming the singular's push to-execution expectation, execution to-remunerate suspicion, and prize valences.

In OCC, the utilization of Herzberg's hypothesis of inspiration is in such a route, to the point that this hypothesis is, all things considered, responsible for the demonstration of allowing people more conspicuous commitment with respect to arranging likewise, controlling their work, as a system for extending motivation and satisfaction. The relationship in the middle of inspiration and job satisfaction is not too much complex. The issue is various organizations and managers take a gander at the cleanliness figures as a way to deal with motivate when really, past the short term, they do beside no to influence. Perhaps administrators like to use this system because the thinking is that people are more monetarily influenced than they are, or it requires less administration push to raise pay than it does to re-evaluate association methodologies and overhauling jobs for most amazing satisfaction. In attempting to convince people, at first administration in companies must perceive and area things that make workers discouraged about the work space. Other than administration has a commitment to ensure that pros are managed

Evaluate the usefulness of either Herzberg’s theory of motivation or Vroom’s Expectancy theory to managers in Ford, Monsanto and OCC.

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory isolates motivation and occupation satisfaction into two groups of variables known as the inspiration components and cleanliness segments. As demonstrated by Frederick Herzberg, "the driving variables are the six 'occupation substance' ascertains that consolidate achievement, affirmation, work itself, commitment, progress, and believability advancement. Cleanliness components are the 'work setting' parts, which join association approach, supervision, relationship with supervision, work conditions, relationship with partners, pay, singular life, relationship with subordinates, status, and expert security" Fundamentally the theory isolates the segments between characteristic inspirations and unessential assistants. The innate sparkles, known as the occupation content segments, describe things that the people truly do in their work; their commitment and achievements. These components are the ones that can contribute an unfathomable plan to the level of work satisfaction an agent feels at work (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2014).

The use of Vroom's hope hypothesis in these organizations will affect in the way that workers have singular destinations which they like to fulfil and in this manner they work in companies. These individual targets can be fulfilled by progressive compensates or work results. The relationship between legitimate compensates or work results and individual targets is fundamental i.e. what precisely degree legitimate prizes fulfil a specialist's near and dear destinations and how engaging are those prizes to the delegate. This relationship can in like manner be imparted as the value the specialist accommodates the work results. Moreover, definitive repays or work results are liable to the individual execution of the labourer. The level of conviction that the individual labourer has that his/her execution will achieve achievement of legitimate prizes/work results is furthermore basic. Additionally, thirdly, the perspective of the chances by the individual specialist that individual effort on his/her will provoke prevalent is again basic. In this way, there are four variables for a delegate that matter employee in motivation.


While concluding, considering all the instances of Ford, Monsanto and OCC, it can be comprehend that association conduct is a critical perspective in every one of these organizations. It is comprehended that assorted businesses are expected to accomplish most of an affiliation's activities. There are bosses and representatives and so forth. These people must be associated in some helper way so that their work can be effective (Price, 2011). The essential structure relates to compel and to commitments. A valid example, one individual has energy to settle on decisions that impact the work of different people Innovation gives the physical and money related resources with which people work. They can't satisfy much with their uncovered hands, so they create structures, framework machines, make work structures and accumulate resources. The development that results has foremost effect on meeting desires associations. Henri Fayol recommended that all executives are obliged to perform five administration limits remembering the final objective to execute their typical activities. Joint effort is the way to go of people chipping in supportively as a gathering remembering the final objective to accomplish the same targets. The word reference describes participation as a "Pleasant effort from a gathering of persons collaborating in light of an authentic sympathy toward a normal reason. It means filling in as one for a higher reason or prize, than what they themselves will get, thusly people cooperating for an unselfish reason. Administration style includes a pioneer's general character, air, and correspondence plans in guiding others toward coming to progressive or individual destinations. Power style examination has been ruled without any other person's information Unit 12 organizational Structure and Culture Assignment perspective of subordinates about their pioneer's behaviour outlines in decision making, interpersonal relations, arranging, instructional administration, and administration viability.


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Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., & Van Wart, M. R. (2012). Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage
Carroll, A., & Buchholtz, A. (2014). Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.
Gosenpud, J., & Vanevenhoven, J. (2011). Using tools from strategic management to help micro-entrepreneurs in developing countries adapt to a dynamic and changing business