Assignment of Human Resource Management Impact

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Assignment of Human Resource Management Impact
Assignment Human Resource Management Impact
Assignment of Human Resource Management Impact


I hereby acknowledge that this project has been executed by me. I would like to appreciate the efforts of the project supervisor or guides who have guided and supported me for the completion of the program in a successful manner. First of all, I would like to thank my parents, family and friends who have shown their faith and trust in me and motivated me so as to execute the program in a better manner. I would also like to thank the university and institute or providing me an opportunity to execute this program. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of my colleague who have encouraged and supported me throughout the program.


  • Topic: Impact of human resource management on the performance of an organisation, United Kingdom
  • Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study or program is to analyse and evaluate the impact of the human resource management practices over the performance of an organisation. There are various aspects of human resource management which create an impact over the performance of the organisation. For this purpose there is a need to gather information so as to analyse the impact of human resource management over the performance of the organisation. For this purpose an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected.
  • Methodology: under this section of the program various techniques or methods get discussed which will be used in the program for the purpose of collection of the information regarding the program.
  • Findings: under this section of the program the information which will be collected get analysed, evaluated and interpreted so as to form an opinion over the collected information.
  • Conclusion: under this section of the program summary of the program is provided so as to cover the key aspects which will get discussed in the program so as to provide a better understanding of these key aspects of the program.


LO 1: Understand how to formulate a research specification

1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications

  • Research title: Impact of human resource management on the performance of an organisation, United Kingdom
  • Introduction and background: This research program has been executed over the topic “Impact of human resource management on the performance of an organisation, United Kingdom” so as to analyse the impact of human resource management over the organisational performance. Human resource is the most important assets of an organisation who executes the activities or conducts the operations of the business. The performance or effectiveness of an organisation depends upon the quality of the human resource it has. Due the changing environment the conditions are also changing which creates an impact over the effectiveness and efficiency of human resource of an organisation. Human resource contributes towards the execution of the operations of the organisation in an effective manner so as to enhance the quality of the services or products offered by the organisation which ultimately enhances the performance of the organisation. Human resource need to be managed in an effective manner so as to provide an advantage to the organisation for the purpose of coping with the changing conditions of the environment and increasing competition in the market (Saini, 2013).

competition in the market

  • Problem statement: With the change in the environment that requirement of the customers are changing, which has created an impact over the change in the requirements of an organisation. Organisations require human resource for the purpose of meeting the changing requirements and these has given rise to several issues which includes management of the human resource for the purpose of managing the performance of the organisation. For the better understanding of these aspects, this research has been executed (Human Resource Management, 2015).
  • Research aim: Aim of this program is to conduct this research in a successful manner so as to gain understanding of the various aspects related to the research.  Human resource management is an important aspect for every business. This research aims at gathering a better understanding of these aspects. A company of United Kingdom has been chosen so as to gain a better understanding.
  • Research objectives: Research objectives can be understood as the goals which are set for the purpose of attaining them from the execution of the research. The objectives of this research are discussed below:
    • To analyse the role of human resource in an organisation (Human Resource Management, 2014).
    • To analyse the impact of the quality of the human resource over the quality of the services or products offered by the organisation (Brewster, et. al., 2013).
    • To evaluate the role of human resource management practices in maintaining the performance of the organisation (Al Ariss, 2012).
  • Significance: This research plays an important part in providing an understanding of the role of human resource and the impact of human resource management over the performance of an organisation.

1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

The factor which have contributed towards the selection of this research project is the increasing role of human resource and its impact over the performance of an organisation. With the change in the environment role of human resource in an organisation is also changing. This has acted as an inspiration for the selection of the research.

1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references

  • Area of project title: The research covers the various aspects of the human resource management and its role in shaping the performance of an organisation.
  • Relevant literature: Literature review of the research will help in discussing the aspects of the research in a better manner by providing detailed explanation of the various aspects. It undertakes the discussion of the research in a better manner so as to develop a proper understanding of the research.
  • Methodology: This section will provide an understanding of the various techniques or approaches which have been used by the researcher for the purpose of collection of the information. The main focus of this section of the program is over explaining the various techniques and approaches so as to analysis the manner in which the information will be collected.
  • Limitations: Limitations act as foundation or restriction which bounds the researcher from the execution of the research to some extent. Limited availability of time for the execution of the program has acted as a limitation for this program.
  • Action plan and research planning: Action plan and research planning helps in the analysis of the activities which need to be carried out for the completion of the research and the time involved in such activity.
  • Analysis: Analysis helps in the evaluation of the information collected from the respondents. From the analysis of the collected information conclusions are drawn so as to evaluate the importance of the human resource in an organisation and to execute the research in a successful manner.
  • Findings and conclusion: Findings have helped in the interpretation of the information after proper evaluation of the collected information from the respondents and conclusion helps in the better understanding of the key elements of the research. From the findings of this program it has been concluded that human resource is an important aspect for every organisation which need to be maintained in an effective manner so as to produce the desired outcomes. This research discusses the role and importance of human resource management in an organisation. It also discusses the impact of the human resource management over the performance of an organisation. This research explains the impact of human resource management over the activities or operations or effectiveness of an organisation. JCB is a company operating its business activities in various countries of the world.
  • Bibliography: It helps in the identification of the source from where the information or data has been collected so as to determine or check the authenticity of the collected information.
  • Presentation: Presentation helps in presenting the research program in a better manner so as to provide proper understanding.

1.4 Produce a research project specification

  • Project title: Impact of human resource management on the performance of an organisation, United Kingdom
  • Summary: This program provides knowledge of the role or impact of human resource management over the performance of an organisation. It also discusses the various factors which affects the human resource management and the impact of the quality of the human resource over the performance of the organisation. For this purpose of various methods and techniques are used for the collection of the data required for the research. A company of United Kingdom has been selected which has helped in the better understanding of the various aspects of human resource management. Training and development and technology also play a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of human resource which ultimately results in enhancing the performance of the organisation.
Literature review

This section will discuss the various aspects of the research in detail so as to enhance the understanding of the research. For the purpose of managing human resource an organisation need to adopt various policies, strategies or practices so as to ensure that the human resource of the organisation is managed in an effective manner (?ech, et. al., 2016).  Human resource management can have positive as well as negative impact over the performance of the organisation as the quality of the human resource determines the quality of the services offered by an organisation. This program is focused towards providing a better understanding of the various aspects of human resource management which can create an impact over the performance of the organisation (Guest, 2011). JCB need to manage the human resource of the organisation in an effective manner so as to ensure the effectiveness of the organisation in achieving the targets or objectives set or decided by it. Human resource management is concerned with the management of the human resource of an organisation which performs the operations of the organisation as well as various other functions so as to meet the expectations or demands or needs of the customers by providing quality services to them. For the purpose of enhancing the performance of the organisation there is a need to adopt the practices which helps the organisation to manage the various aspects related to human resource (Figueiredo, et. al., 2016).

For the purpose of better understanding of the importance of human resource in an organisation and the impact of human resource management over the performance of an organisation, a company of United Kingdom has been selected named as “JCB”. It is a British multinational corporation whose headquarter is located in Rocester, Staffordshire. It was founded in 1945 and currently it is operating its business contract 22 factories in the various countries of the world. It is involved in the manufacturing of equipment for the purpose of construction, agriculture, waste handling and demolition. It stands at the third position in the list of world’s largest construction manufacturer companies. It is manufacturing around 300 types of machines for the different purposes (Wright & McMahan, 2011).

program discusses

This section of the program discusses the various aspects which will help JCB to enhance the management of human resource so as to enhance the performance of the organisation as well as the factors which affects human resource management of JCB.
Factors that create an impact over human resource management of JCB:

These factors create huge impact over the human resource management as these factors are responsible for ineffectiveness or effectiveness of the human resource management practices. These factors are discussed below:

  • Government rules and regulations: Rules and regulations of framed by the government need to be complied by the organisations so as to ensure the functioning of the organisational operations within the legal framework which helps in avoiding legal consequences (Jiang, et. al., 2012).
  • Change in technology: technology gets changed at a very fast speed which affects the human resource management. Use of technology helps the organisation by reducing the efforts, time involved and money (Katou & Budhwar, 2015).
  • Workplace conditions: Working conditions affects the behaviour the human resource as well as helps the organisation to maintain healthy relationships with the human resource which ensures the management of human resource in an effective manner (Renwick, et. al., 2013).
  • Economic conditions: Economic conditions create an impact over the human resource management practices adopted by the organisation as well as the effectiveness of these practices (Buller, & McEvoy 2012).
  • Competition: Increasing competition in the market affects the human resource management practices as well as the manner in which the human resource of an organisation is managed (Lin & Lamond, 2014).

Aspects that enhance the human resource management of an organisation:
There are various aspects which can help in the management of human resource of an organisation in a better manner. These aspects are discussed below:

  • Training and development: Training needs to be provided to the human resource so as to enhance the knowledge and skills of the organisation which helps in enhancing the performance of the organisation.
  • Motivation: Motivating and encouraging the employees helps the organisation to develop the capabilities of the organisation by boasting their morale. Motivation is required for managing the human resource in an effective manner (Ogunyemi, 2014).
  • Compensation: Fair treatment need to be provided to the human resource so as to help the workforce of the organisation and to generate trust and loyalty among the human resource.
  • Monitoring and feedbacks: monitoring the performance of the human resource which helps in keeping a check over the performance of the human resource as well as providing feedbacks to them so as to develop their skills and knowledge (Delery & Gupta, 2016).
  • Research methodology: Research methodology provides the explanation of the techniques or methods used for collecting the data required for the execution of the research. These techniques are used so as to collect the data so as to form an opinion and to conduct the research in a successful manner.
  • Research methods: For the purpose of collection of the information mixed approach or method has been used. Mixed approach includes both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Qualitative approach helps in the collection of data which is of high quality and provides reliable information for the research and quantitative approach helps in the collection of information in large quantity so as to produce variety of information in the research. These approaches provide variety of information which helps in drawing the conclusions for the research and provides knowledge of the various aspects related to the research.
  • Data collection: For the purpose of collection of the information primary and secondary sources of data collection has been used. These sources have helped in the collection of information of raw form and collection of information of the already used information for the purpose of providing authenticity and reliability to the research. Primary sources of data collection provide variety of responses from the respondents which is first hand information for the research as it directly gets collected from the respondents. Secondary sources of data collection provide data which is more reliable and is used by others in their work which ensures the reliability of the research.
  • Ethical consideration: Ethics can be understood as the bifurcation between the right and wrong. Ethical code of conduct has been maintained throughout the research so as to ensure that the confidentiality has been maintained for safeguarding the respondents and their personal information. The information collected has been presented in true and fair form so as to represent the actual view of the information which has been collected for the purpose of the research.
  • Limitations: For this research the time was limited in which the research need to be completed so as to ensure the completion of the program well on time and sampling techniques have been used for the analysis and evaluation of the collected information as the data collected is in large quantity and the analysis and evaluation of every data was not possible due to the shortage of time.
  • Overcome limitations: For overcoming the limitation of short span of time, random sampling technique has been used for the analysis and evaluation of the collected information for forming a view. And for ensuring the safety of the private information of the respondents confidentiality has been maintained.

1.5 Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

Action plan


Activities performed

Starting date


Date of completion



preparation of plans

10 June 2016


12 June 2016

Formation of plans help in the deciding the manner in which the research will get executed.


Implementation of plan

13 June 2016


22 June 2016

Plans which get prepared are implemented.


collection of data

23 June 2016


01 July 2016

For the purpose of completion of the research information gets collected.



02 July 2016


06 July 2016

Information gets evaluated so as to form an opinion.


Conclusion and recommendations

07 July 2016


10 July 2016

Conclusions are drawn on the basis of evaluation and recommendations are made for the improvements.

Gantt chart

Gantt chart

Task 2

LO 2: Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification

2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

Research questions

Research questions are framed with a motive to gather information regarding the research. Research questions for this research are as follows:

  • What is the relationship between the quality of the human resource and the quality of the services offered by an organisation?
  • What is the role of human resource management in an organisation?
  • What is the impact of human resource management practices over the performance of an organisation?

2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures

  • Primary data: Primary data has been collected for the execution of the research so as to collect the information which is of raw form and is directly collected from the respondents. This form of data is based on the judgement or decision of the respondents and is less reliable as it depends on the judgement of respondents. This form of data provides variety of responses as the responses of every respondent differs from the responses of others. For the purpose of collection of primary data questionnaire, surveys or interviews can be conducted. For the purpose of this research questionnaire has been used.
  • Secondary data: Secondary data refers to the data which have been collected, analyse and evaluated by others for the purpose of their work. Use of secondary data provides authenticity to the research and helps in providing more reliable information. This source of data collection gets collected with the help of internet, books, articles or journals or notifications issued by the governments or other authorities.

2.3 Record and collate relevant data where appropriate

  • Sampling techniques or procedures: For the purpose of analysis and evaluation of the information a sampling technique has been selected named as “random sampling technique”. According to this technique locusassignments.are taken from the total data which has been collected and equal chances are provided to each data so as to execute the program in an ethical manner and to represent the fair view of the collected data. And analysis and evaluation is done of the locusassignments.selected from the total population.
  • Questionnaire: Questionnaire is a primary source of data collection which has been used so as to collect information from the respondents for this research program. The questionnaire is attached below:


  1. Human resource is an important aspect which affects the survival or growth of the business?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Human resource management is an important activity for every organisation?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Quality of human resource of an organisation creates an impact over the quality of the services provided by the organisation?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Training and development programs are an important part of human resource management practice of an organisation?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Quality of human resource management is directly proportional to the performance of the organisation?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Monitoring and providing feedbacks the performance of the human resource can help an organisation to manage the activities performed by the human resource?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Use of technological advancements does not help human resource to perform their roles and responsibilities well?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Investment in human resource does not provide benefit to an organisation?
  • Highly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree
  1. Do you have any other suggestion?

LO 3: Be able to evaluate the research outcomes

3.1 use appropriate research evaluation techniques

For the purpose of evaluation of the research evaluation technique has been applied which has helped in the evaluation of the information collected for the research in a better manner.  Evaluation of the information has been done with the help of the analysis of the information collected in the form of questionnaire.

3.2 interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification

Finding and Analysis

Table 1: Human resource is an important aspect which affects the survival or growth of the business

Finding and Analysis

Analysis: It has been analysed from the responses of the respondents that majority of the respondents agree with the given statement that human resource is an important aspect which affects the survival or growth of the business. Human resource of JCB has enabled it to grab the opportunities available in front of it.

Table 2: Quality of human resource of an organisation creates an impact over the quality of the services provided by the organisation

Quality of human

Analysis: It has been analysed from the responses of the respondents that majority of the respondents agree with the given statement that quality of human resource of an organisation creates an impact over the quality of the services provided by the organisation. Quality of the human resource of an organisation determines the chances of survival and growth of the organisation as well as affects the performance of the organisation.

Table 3: Training and development programs are an important part of human resource management practice of an organisation

Training and development

Analysis It has been analysed from the responses of the respondents that majority of the respondents agree with the given statement that training and development programs are an important part of human resource management practice of an organisation. Training and development programs have helped JCB by developing the skills and knowledge of the employees which has enhanced the quality of the services offered by JCB.

Table 4: Monitoring and providing feedbacks the performance of the human resource can help an organisation to manage the activities performed by the human resource

human resource

Analysis: It has been analysed from the responses of the respondents that majority of the respondents agree with the given statement that monitoring and providing feedbacks the performance of the human resource can help an organisation to manage the activities performed by the human resource. Monitoring and feedbacks helps in the review of the performance of the employees and making changes in their activities so as to enhance their performance which will contribute towards the enhancement of the performance of JCB.

Table 5: Use of technological advancements does not help human resource to perform their roles and responsibilities well

responsibilities well

Analysis It has been analysed from the responses of the respondents that majority of the respondents disagree with the given statement that use of technological advancements does not help human resource to perform their roles and responsibilities well. Adoption of the changed technology reduces the time and efforts of the human resource and develops the skills of the employees. These need to be adopted so as to change with the changing environment.

Table 6: Investment in human resource does not provide benefit to an organisation

benefit to an organisation

Analysis: It has been analysed from the responses of the respondents that majority of the respondents disagree with the given statement that investment in human resource does not provide benefit to an organisation. Investment in human resource helps an organisation in managing the most important resources or asset of the organisation which performs the activities or operations of the organisation. JCB need to provide fair treatment to the employees or human resource to develop trust and loyalty among them.

3.3 make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration

Human resource management plays an important role in enhancing the capabilities and performance of an organisation which enhances the chances of survival and growth of an organisation. Quality of the human resource creates a direct impact over the performance of the organisation as human resource consists of the workforce of an organisation which executes the activities or operations of the organisation which determines the performance of the organisation. Every organisation need to maintain a healthy workforce so as to ensure the execution of the activities or operations of the organisation in a better manner and without any consequence.  Human resource management helps an organisation to manage it requirement of the human resource as well as provides training to the human resource for the development of the workforce and conduct recruitment and selection process which helps in the execution of the operations of the organisation in a proper manner. Human resource management practices create huge impact over the performance of an organisation as it determines the effectiveness of the workforce of the organisation.


For the purpose of improving the performance of human resource so as to enhance the performance of JCB following recommendations have been made:

  • Human resource management techniques need to be checked and evaluated before applying them in the organisation which will help JCB to ensure the functioning in a proper manner as the effectiveness of the human resource management will be maintained after the evaluation of these techniques.
  • Training must be provided to the human resource of JCB so as to enhance their performance and contribution to the development and growth of the organisation.
  • Proper monitoring process should be implemented in JCB so as to ensure that the activities performed by the human resource of the organisation are monitored and feedbacks are provided to them so as to develop their skills and knowledge.
  • Motivational techniques should be used for the purpose of motivating and encouraging human resource which will help in the improvement in the performance of the human resource which will results in improved performance of the organisation.
Future consideration

For the purpose of future consideration regarding the research the focus can be over the techniques which will help in improving the human resource management practices adopted by the organisations. The further research need to be conducted over the aspects or factors of the business environment in which organisation exists affects the human resource management practices adopted by the organisations.

Task 3

LO 4: Be able to present the research outcomes

AC 4.1 uses an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience.

the research outcomes

table of contant




human resource





human resource management




thank you


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