Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample

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Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample
Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample
Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample

Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK


The industry of Travel and Tourism has been growing significantly over of the years and is also considered to be the significant contributor towards both, the developing industries as well as the developed industries. The followings Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample deals with the various facets of the travel and tourism industry of the world and also gives an idea about the factors influencing the current and the future trends of the travel and tourism industry of the world. In addition to the above the statistics regarding the number of people visiting the top tourist destinations as the revenue generated from the same have also been provided. The report further deals with the leading ad the developing tourist destinations of the world and the typology of the travelers as well.

Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Analyse main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation

Tourist destinations is term which is widely used for describing those places where the travelers or the tourists prefer to visit mostly because of the natural scenic beauty or cultural value,  historical development in travel and tourism  etc. which offers them adventure, amusements, entertainment and leisure. Tourist destinations are mostly visited by the people to desire or wish to spend their leisure time with their closed ones, family or friends (Evans, Stonehouse and Campbell, 2012). However there are various other reasons or purposes of the people for visiting to different places which includes religious purposes, educational purposes, business purpose, etc. Some of the most famous tourist destinations of the world , their number of visitors as well as the income generated from the same can be discussed in detail below –

  • London: This is one of the favourite tourist destinations of the people in the world and is situated which is not only the capital of England but is the most populous city in the United Kingdom as well. It has been one of the leading tourist destinations of the world since many years and people visit the place for various purposes. Some of the major purposes of the people for visiting the place includes business, education, professional reasons and also for spending leisure time with family and friends. It attracts about 15 million of tourist every year and is also able to maintain its stature over the years. London is famous among the tourists for its rich cultural heritage, from the people’s parliament to the royal palaces, Roman Castles, Cathedrals, etc. Some of the tourist attractions of London include - The British Museum, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, The London Eye, The River Thames, The Hyde Park, Kew Garden is there for the people who love flora and fauna, etc. It generates about 21.5 billion pounds of revenue in a year and contributes the same towards the growth of the economy. In the year 2014 the number of people visiting the country was about 31.2 million which about 6.4% more than the previous year.
  • Istanbul: This vibrant place is located in Turkey and is considered to be the meeting place of Asia and Europe. It is famous among the tourist for its rich heritage, culture, mosques and churches which are of centuries old, galleries, nightclubs, markets, etc. It is indeed famous for its traditional Turkish Bath which is cheap and provides comfort as well. It has become one of the leading tourist destinations in the recent years and numbers of tourists are increasing year after year. It has attracted 37.8 million tourists in the 2014 which was found to 5.9% more than the previous year. There has been a significant increase in the revenue generation of the tourism industry of Turkey and especially Istanbul in the years which was found to increase by approximately 30.1% from the year 2011. Turkey generated about 30 billion dollars from the domestic as well as the international tourists in the year 2015.
  • United States: It is also considered to be one of the most famous tourist destinations of the world since many years and is known to serve millions of international as well as domestic tourist every year. People make visit to United States for many purposes and also loves to watch the historical landmarks of the city, natural wonders, entertainment venues, etc. In the year 2014 it was reported that about 69.8 million people or the tourist visited the United States which was found to be approximately about 4.7% more than that of the previous year. The  travel and tourism  industry of the United States generated about 10.9 billion US dollars from the international tourists in the year 2013. The revenue generated by the United States is huge as compared to the other tourist destinations of the world as the standard of living is very high in the US (Rishi and Gaur, 2012).
  • France: It is considered to be one of the most popular tourist destinations of the world and about 84.7 million international tourists visited the place in the year 2013 although it ranks third in the terms of revenue generation among the top tourist destinations of the world. It is famous for its beautiful scenic beauty, cultural heritage, remarkable gardens, seaside resorts, beaches, etc. This place is also a promoter of green tourism and also about 37 UNESCO World Heritage sites are located in France. Some of the most popular as well as famous places France includes Paris, Strasbourg, Lyn, etc. The travel and tourism industry of France contributed about 77.7 billion Euros towards the GDP of the country which was found to be about 9.7% of the total GDP of the country.

1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends

The travel and tourism industry of the world has been growing by leaps and bounds over the years and especially in the recent years. It even has huge potential of growth in the future and also constitutes huge amounts to the GDP or the world economy. As such the governments of different tourists’ destinations or the different countries are making efforts in order to minimise the restrictions in order to foster the growth of the travel and tourism industry of the world as a whole (Horng et al., 2012). The United Kingdom as well as the United States has been the leading tourist destinations since many years and their respective tourist destinations and are also contributing significantly towards to the world economy. Moreover the inbound tourism of the countries also plays a significant role towards the generation of revenue which can be shown in the graph below –

main inbound tourism market - Assignment Help in UK

As the standard of living is different in different countries, the cost of living, cost of the different artefacts, things, recreational facilities are also different and as such the amount spend by the different tourist varies accordingly. All these things have an impact on the revenue generation of the different countries which can be clearly shown in the diagram below –

in which cities are tourist spending the most time - Assignment Help in UK

With the advent of new as well as cheaper tourism destinations, the travel and the tourism industry of the entire world is expected to grow at a significant rate in the coming years. On the other the leading tourist destinations of the world are also expected to live up to their standards in the future as well (Buckley, 2012). A comparison of the past as well as the expected tourist arrivals can be shown in the diagram below –

projected international tourist worldwild - Assignment Help in UK

The travel and the tourism industry is a culmination of the several factors and all the factors are equally responsible for the creation of the overall experience of the tourists. Such factors also have an impact on the current as well as on the future trends of tourism in the world. The factors responsible for sustainable tourism can be shown in the diagram below –

sustainable tourism - Assignment Help in UK

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Task 2

2.1 Analyze the cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists.

For analyzing the cultural, social, and physical features of two tourist destinations we are considering UK and India.

  • Cultural Features of the tourist destinations: There has been enforcement of the cultural aspects in tourism of a particular destination that takes into consideration the various sites that can be visited possessing historical values and has their opportunity to be considered as the community’s cultural heritage. The various kinds of cultural and historical sites are considered as a destination’s cultural features, along with the values as well as the community’s lifestyle or local population, arts and crafts, various customs and traditional features of the local community. A destination’s cultural features also include the cultural heritage of that place. The products related to tourism which are a part of cultural heritage are either substantial or insubstantial. (Frechtling, 2012) These products assists in carrying in an efficient way the cultural values that are linked with the historical significance as well as national identity. There is also the connection of cultural tourism with the scopes that offers a certain kind of entertainment and pleasure in exploring the past accomplishment of  human resources management.
  • UK’s cultural features: UK is considered as a well-known cultural destination. For instance, British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Natural History Museum and Science Museum have the ability to showcase the various accomplishments of human developments related with cultural and historical values. Along with these, there are also some other significant sites in UK that encompasses the cultural features such as the Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, Tower of London, Big Ben and so on.
  • India’s cultural features: India possesses very significant cultural features in respect of cultural tourism. Then there are various cuisines, different structures, artifacts, as well as arts and crafts of cultural significance. The forts in Delhi and Rajasthan provide us with a glimpse of various historical aspects whereas the various temples, mosques, pilgrimage destinations also attract the foreign tourists to the nation’s religious centers. (Frechtling, 2012)
  • Physical Features of the tourist destinations: The landscape, lakes, mountains, beaches, coastlines, flora and fauna consists of the physical features that are also considered as a destination’s geographical attributes. A destination becomes more popular in respect of tourism when various attractions are situated in a single destination.
  • UK’s physical features: UK consists of different physical features that accelerate the desirability for visiting the destination amongst the tourists. The various attractive natural resources act toward the creation of appeal among the tourists. The destination comprises of various beaches, lakes, caves, mountains and so on like ‘cheddar gorge’, ‘seven sisters cliff’, ‘lulworth cove’, ‘Giant’s Causeway’ and many more.
  • India’s physical features: There is a huge diversification in the physical features of India. There is the presence of islands, beaches, mountains, deserts, tropical attributes as well as various physical features that are considered to be efficient in the generation of revenues from tourism.(Moutinho, 2011) Very well known destinations such as Rohtang Pass, various places such as Kashmir, Ladakh that are also associated with adventure tourism are attracting various tourists from foreign countries. There are also the various tea gardens, waterfalls, forests, valleys, as well as villages that attract the tourists as well as add value to the tourism packages.
  • Social Features of the tourist destinations: The social groups consisting of the national, local as well as regional communities of the tourist destination add value in respect of the social characteristics of tourism. The social features influence the mindset of the tourists as well as the insight related to the social image of the tourist destination. With the various diversifications amongst the social features and behavioral aspects of the communities, the actualization of the expectations associated with tourism can occur. This aspect of tourism is important in developing the welfare of the community. Tourism has the importance related to the growth of the welfare for the community. It has the significance to sustain as a tourist destination. The hospitable of the local communities positive affect the mindset of the tourists. (Frechtling, 2012) This is also significant in respect of promoting the place with the help of word-of-mouth publicity. The local groups are accountable for providing complete experience in respect of the tourists. 
  • UK’s social features: The historical significance of the various tourist destinations in UK in respect of the two world wars are attracting various tourists to these destinations and along with these there exists as well other social features having historical impact over UK.
  • India’s social features: India is considered be popular for possessing a social system that is complex in nature. The diversity in civilization in respect of ethnicity as well as linguistic are considered to be the most significant social features. (Moutinho, 2011) Various regional and social groups are existing and possessing differences related to their practices, cuisines and so on are influencing the destination’s tourism scenario.

Text Table

Leading tourist destination – UK

Developing tourist destination – India

1. There is the presence of different art galleries and museums that are the epitome of fine artistic designs as well as artifacts.

2. There are various theatres in London, UK that showcases the cultural features with the help of performances at the opera, as well as very famous musical performances. There is also an influence of the cultural features on the tourists in respect of various artifacts as well as different historical structures.(Mowforth, 2015)

1. The civilization of the past, ancient history, as well as the significance of ancient history is influencing the cultural features of tourism. (Mowforth, 2016)

2. ‘Incredible India’ which is the famous campaign regarding the promotion of tourism by the Indian Government also focuses on the development of cultural tourism in India. Different cultural music, cultural dances and festivals that are being celebrated where people from various cultures come together.

Task 3

3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations.

In this respect, UK is referred to as the current leading tourist destination and Costa Rica is considered as the currently developing tourist destinations. The strategic development of UK takes into consideration a significant section of the sector for travel and tourism. In accord with the UK government, it is referred as one of the most significant segments that have the requirement for campaigns associated with marketing with the major focus on the promotional aspect associated with international as well as domestic tourism. There occur international campaigns for  advertising and promotion  tourism in UK. The visa process in UK has faced criticisms in relation to their limiting features regarding inbound travelling and also in respect of the increase in the duty rates in respect of Air Passengers that resulted in creating a negative impact on the travel sector. (Cooper, 2016). The hotels as well as airlines are considered to be the major tourism performers for Costa Rica, in relation with the sightseeing business. Moreover, the foreign tourists who travel to Costa Rica are receiving enhanced services in relation to hotels.

Data & Text Table

Leading tourist destination - UK

Developing tourist destination – Costa Rica

1. In 2011, there was the increase in VAT from 17.5% to 20% and that had a negative influence in respect of the tourists who had made plans of visiting UK since the country is already well-known for being a very costly tourist destination.

1. A survey that was conducted recently stated that a medium to high returns family entity spends almost 101,000 colons (currency of Costa Rica) for journeying inside the nation. Moreover, the foreign tourists who travel to Costa Rica are receiving enhanced services from the hotels.

2. The tourism in UK experienced a significant rise in tourists who were travelling to the destination in 2012 due to the celebrations that were associated with the ‘Queen’s Diamond Jubilee’ and ‘Olympic Games’ that were held in London. (Cooper, 2016)

2. There is a feeling amongst 90% of the domestic citizens in Costa Rica regarding the development of sightseeing which has proved to be providing benefits for Costa Rica since there is the supply of a huge amount of foreign exchange, which is boosting the governmental revenues, employment and infrastructural development. (Cooper, 2016)

3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal

The different characteristics of the tourist destinations have either positive or negative impact on its appeal which ultimately attracts the rate of tourist arrivals and hence the revenue generation of the people (Newsome, Moore and Dowling, 2012). Some of the characteristics of the famous developing tourist destination of the world have been discussed in detail as below –

  • Political – There has been a contrast of opinions regarding the industry or the sector of Travel and Tourism in Burma. On one hand some of the political activists believe that tourism in Burma should be completely boycotted while the other group of democratic leaders believes that responsible tourism must be promoted and encouraged in Burma. Moreover most of the ministries related to the foreign affairs department of the western countries recommend their people or travel agencies not to engage themselves in any sort of activities with the tourism industry of Burma. As a result of which the growth of tourism is very slow in Burma.
  • Cultural – These factors have a positive impact on promoting as well as the increasing the appeal of tourism within the country. Some of the famous cultural aspects of the country include the Burmese art which is basically based on the culture of Buddhism; literature mostly the Jataka Tales, folk dances, music, monuments, customs, festivals, monasteries, etc. attracts the tourists. One of the most famous festivals of Burma is that of Thingyan which is mostly a four day celebration of the local people for celebrating the lunar new year.
  • Physical – Burma is also known as Mayanmar and is situated in the northwestern corner of the south East Asia which is near the shipping lanes of the Indian Ocean. It is mostly characterised by the famous central lowlands and the steep mountain ranges. The highest point in the eastern Burma is that of the Shan Hills which is very popular among the tourist. However as it is a developing tourist destination hence the infrastructure of the country needs to be developed to developed more in order to allow to tourists to explore the unknown beautiful tourist destinations of the world. 
  • Economical – The economy of Burma is considered to be a developing economy whose total estimated GDP is estimated to be about 63.14 billion dollars. Travel and tourism is a significant contributor towards the economy of the country and it targets to attract about 20 million tourists by the year 2020. Besides the easy availability of the consumer goods and at cheap rates (as the cost of living in Burma is much lower as compared to the other tourist destinations of the world) helps to attract significant number of customers or tourists as well (Thett, 2012.).

The following image shows some of the tourist attractions of Burma –

myanmar (burma) - Assignment Help in UK

Task 4

4.2 Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations.

The responsible tourism is defined as the travel that supports the reduction in the influence that is detrimental in relation to the  managing financial resources, ecological aspects and aspects related with community. It supports in the production of improved monetary beneficial aspects in relation to the local people and to improve the condition of the destination for tourists, advancement of the operational aspects and business accessibility. It takes into consideration the local citizens for evaluating the aspects that influence their way of life. (Buckley, 2011) It is responsive in an ethical method, which produces a sense of mutual respect amongst the hosts and tourists as well as supports towards the creation of guarantee and fulfilment that is domestic in nature. In addition, there is the consideration of responsible tourism to be that aspect of tourism that provides support to maximize the benefits in respect of the local communities, reduce their influencing factors that are related with the social or environmental scenarios that are considered as negative and also supporting the local people with the preservation of subtle aspects associated with culture and habitat or species.

Costa Rica is considered as a nation that is developing, which follows the characteristics like appropriate structuring and improved resort townships, citizens that are friendly and has a warm nature, natural attractiveness, and various types of attractions in relation with responsible tourism. The most important responsibilities of a country’s tourism sector are to accumulate additional revenue and income generation for the country. There is the need to possess particular concentration on the areas that will be supporting in actualising the tourism goals. The areas in respect of resorts and travel hubs are needed for sustaining and developing in a planned process. There is the existence of various tourist destinations in the whole world, as a result, there is the requirement for having appropriate positioning of the plans as well as procedures that will support in increasing the number of tourists who will be visiting Costa Rica. There is the requirement of having the prerequisite for security in respect of the local citizens as well as the tourists. (Buckley, 2011) There is the requirement in having security towards social, architectural, economical, cultural, environmental, as well as aesthetic scenarios in respect of responsible tourism. In this regard, there is the need for receiving cooperation from all the parties that are associated as well as the tourists who will travel to Costa Rica. There is the assistance provided by Responsible Tourism for creating additional scopes for job in respect of the domestic individuals. The local people get the offer for job in their free time which helps them in increasing their added earnings as well as to improve their livelihood. In addition to these aspects, responsible travelers need to organise events for donations or charities during their trips to provide support in respect of the poor and handicapped people. Due to the responsible travelers, the local people in Costa Rica will gain certain productive knowledge from the tourists such as the methods of conservation of natural environment, effective time management as well as collective behavior.

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This Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample on travel and tourism management mainly delve with the opportunity to exhibit the understanding of UK and other global locations, their cultural scenarios, social and physical characteristics, as well as their attributes and issues that affects the popularity of the place. The statistical analyses are conducted to determine the trends that are linked with various destinations for tourism and to predict the trends for the future. Post that, a comparative analysis is done in respect of the appeal created by the present leading tourist destinations and the present developing destinations for tourists. Moreover, there also occurs the analysis of factors that impacts a tourist destination’s popularity.


Buckley, R., 2012. Sustainable tourism: Research and reality. Annals of Tourism Research39(2), pp.528-546.
Conrady, R & Buck, M (2011), Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2011, Springer Science & Business Media
Cooper, C. , 2016. Worldwide Destinations. Rotledge
Evans, N., Stonehouse, G. and Campbell, D., 2012. Strategic management for travel and tourism. Taylor & Francis.
Frechtling, D. , 2012. Forecasting tourism demand. Routledge
Horng, J.S., Liu, C.H., Chou, H.Y. and Tsai, C.Y., 2012. Understanding the impact of culinary brand equity and destination familiarity on travel intentions. Tourism Management33(4), pp.815-824.
Moutinho, L 2011, Strategic Management in Tourism, CABI.
Mowforth, M & Munt, I , 2015, Tourism and Sustainability, Routledge
Newsome, D., Moore, S.A. and Dowling, R.K., 2012. Natural area tourism: Ecology, impacts and management (Vol. 58). Channel View Publications.
Rishi, M. and Gaur, S.S., 2012. Emerging sales and marketing challenges in the global  hospitality industry  A thematic analysis of customer reviews from the world's top two tourist destinations. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes4(2), pp.131-149.
Thett, K.K., 2012. Responsible tourism in Myanmar: Current situation and challenges. Burma Center Prague.

Unit 9 Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample deals also gives an idea about the factors influencing the current and the future trends of the travel and tourism industry of the world, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our  Assignment Help in UK  and get review the quality of our work.