Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Solution

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Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Solution
Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Solution
Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Solution


The report is about Human and Social care service providers and users. This will help in developing the understanding that individuals can use the services provided by health and social care organisation. The aim if this report is to promote the participation of users of health and social care services in the society and make them independent. This report also gives a brief explanation about administration policies of Health and safety centres.

Task 1

1.a) Legislation, both general and specific to the HSC sector

There are certain rules and regulations frame under legislation of country regarding health and social care sector. The specific standard set under these regulations influence the plans and policies of Health and Social care centres which they frame for their development and participation of users will increase.
A health and social care (HSC) organisation should frame people centred plans and policies. People centred policies include service user or employed workers (Tian, et. al., 2014). Every HSC should follow the legislative policies regarding Human right and valuing people.

The Human Right Act: Human rights are belonging to everyone and help in living freedom full life. Every individual has provided protection for these rights under the human right act so that no one can breach them and treat respectfully. Every health and social care service providers influenced with these human rights (Tian, et. al., 2014). They should ensure that they respect and protect the human rights while providing their services. Human rights includes:

  • Right to respect for personal and family life: every individual should have right to enjoy personal life and private relationship and no one can interfere with this right.
  • Right not be treated in a degrading way: HSC should treat every user with equality. Users should be treated as per their requirement.
  • Right to stay in liberty: Every individual should enjoy full liberty in his life he cannot be retained by anyone else against his will until enforced by law.
  • Right to life: every individual has right to protect his life against any risk. No one has right to end his life.
  • Right not to be discriminate in any way: Every individual cannot be treated differently on the basis of sex, disability and race (An, et. al., 2016).

If any human and social care services providers or any public authority try to harm these rights then users can make complaint under law.

  • Valuing people: strategies and plans of HSC should be public centred and treat every individual equally. If the individual with or without disability must be treated in equal way. HSC should provide good services and hospitality to their users so that they will be satisfied (An, et. al., 2016). Thus HSC create values to people and contribute in keeping the society healthy.

1. b) Make an analysis of the ways in which below three factors affect the ability of a domiciliary care organisation to promote and maximise the rights of elderly users.

These organisations provide health care facilities to their users at their home without considering their age and disability. The home services provided by social care service provider allow users to feel comfortable and less anxious. So it is necessary for social care organisations to have a learned and proper trained staff so that they can take care each patient effectively and promote their services of social welfare (Jorm, 2012). For example, an old age lady recovered from surgery and requires home care services for improvement in her health.

  • Staffing levels: A social care organisation should have skilful and learned staff so that they can treat elderly person with respect and compassion. Staff should take care the old age lady and treat her without any discrimination.
  • Changing health status of service users: The staff should take care of the health status of the elderly age lady. For improvement in health she should be provided all the services like regular home visits by physical therapist if required, regular nursing, proper cooking and cleaning as required at home (Jorm, 2012). Duties of service providers are similar to the nurse’s aides in hospitals.
  • Staff training: Social care organisation should hire services of personal & professional for providing health services at home. For the development of their skills time to time training and induction programmes should be organised by the organisation.

Elderly persons require more care and good treatment because they take more time to improve in their health. So, health care organisation must possess such staffs which provide their services in caring and competent manner (Jorm, 2012). Quality of staff affects the ability of social care organisation.

1.c) Positive communication:

Positive communication is ability where a person conveys his message to others in a positive manner. Patients will get full satisfaction if there is positive communication between them and care workers. There positive communication is necessary between care workers and individual user. Patient satisfaction includes :

  • It is necessary that care worker should listen all the problems of patient calmly so that it can identify the main problem to cure.
  • Health care workers should take the problem of patient seriously and explain the information which they understand from the explanation given by the patient (Patel, et. al., 2015).
  • Health care worker provide opportunity to patient to express their ideas, concern and expectations regarding their treatment.
  • Care worker should spent a quality time with patients and feel them comfortable.
  • Care worker should work with the clinical team which carried out treatment of patient it gives a satisfaction and comfortable zone to the patient.
  • Care worker should take advice from other clinical team and relive patient from referrals (Patel, et. al., 2015).
  • After curing from disease care worker should provide services to patients continuously.
  • Patient should be treated with full respect.

These all factors will increase the satisfaction of service users and ultimately effects in promoting and maximizing the rights of the service users (Patel, et. al., 2015).

Task 2

2.a) Give an explanation of the factors that might contribute to the loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion of the three types of vulnerable individuals.

An individual should be participative and dependent in nature. There are some factors available which affects the independence and participation of individuals and contribute to the loss of independence, non participation and social exclusion of individuals. Factors include:

  • Dependency: Any responsibility on individual affects the participation and brings social exclusion for such individual. For example, a single daughter has given up her job to care her parents. Whole the responsibility is come on her and she lost her independence and participation towards society (Househ, et. al., 2014). If she take the services of Health and social care it will increase her independency and participation.
  • Communication barrier: Communication creates barrier and increase non participation and dependency. For example a new comer in a country could not find jobs because they don’t know to speak English. Communication barrier will result misunderstanding between listener and speaker. In case of health and social care organisation communications barriers occur when patient only know to speak native language they cannot understand what the care worker want to say (Househ, et. al., 2014). Worker may fail to identifying needs of patient for their best care. This will lead to non participation and independence of care worker.
  • Social constraints:  social constraints include people may ask to do something forcefully which they do not want to do. Sometimes individuals are tortured by others. This will lead to low morale in them and they will become more dependent and non participative nature. Their social explosion started. These social constraints increase the dependency and non participation of the individuals.
  • Cultural attitude and beliefs: Are also a big factor of social exclusion. Lack of knowledge about prevailing social system and rights are the main cause of social exclusion (Househ, et. al., 2014).
  • Lack of education and inequality of income: Low standard in education level and income level also decrease motivation level of the individuals in participation and their independency.

So these are the barriers which restraint participation and independence of users of HSC organisation (Househ, et. al., 2014).

2.b) Make an analysis of the ways in which

Health and social care organisation plans for elderly individuals and young people with learning disability in order to promote participation and independence towards health and social care services. For this health and social care plans for development of key worker system which provides care facilities to elderly individual and people with young disability.

  • Elderly people needs proper care and attention they need help in every work. Health care worker should possess skills and knowledge and must know how to deal with them. They required training and consultation services through which they can easily interact with old individuals and understand their health problems. Old people should not be deal with any kind of discrimination or inequality (Zimmerman, 2012). Care work should provide assistance to old users so that they can perform activities of daily living.
  • Young people living with disability should be handled with much care are and attention. Care organisation provides training to their workers of sign language which is generally used in communication with disabled people. Care organisation must provide services through professional workers who help them during therapy period (Zimmerman, 2012).  The scope of the worker is to provide nursing facilities, cleaning and cooking facility and work with clinical team for improvement  in health of disabled people and old age people.

Health care society prepares plans for the care workers and organizes induction programmes so that they can deal with old age people and disabled people and promote their participation and independence.

2.c) One of the core duties of a care provider is to protect however, service users might not always want to be protected.

The main responsibility of the care worker is to protect their patient from risky environment which may harm their physical or mental health but individual users want to live independently without any restriction (Doubova, et. al., 2012). It is the duty of care worker to maintain a balance between his duty and rights of user.

  • Care worker should provide personal, physical and emotional support to old age users. An elderly lady become very weak but she wants to stay at home because she is attached with her house emotionally. So care worker should respect her feeling and make proper arrangement for her health safety. Care worker arrange regular visit of doctor after a particular period of time , arrangement of consultancy services at home, provide regular assistant to her so that she perform her daily life activities, worker should make hygienic environment around her. Work should deal with her calmly and understand problems which she faces in order to improve her health status (Doubova, et. al., 2012). If she satisfied with the services provided by the organisation this will promote her participation and independence in the society.
  • A young and disabled individual uses the services of social care organisation so he lives independently and promotes his participation in society. Social care worker should understand and analyse the health problem and other issues of individual. Provide proper treatment and therapy to him, help in learning sign language so that he easily communicates with others, provide instruments like walking sticks or wheelchair and provide mental support through regular consultation services so they can deal every situation in normal way and live life independently (Doubova, et. al., 2012).

Right to live independently should be respected by social care organisation and they should keep trying that service users take self decision and become mentally strong so that their dependency can reduce and they participate in the society.

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Task 3

3.a) Use case study A (attached) identify the risk factors involved in the situation of Ms P?

People like Ms P having physical disabilities are particularly deals with many risk factors like interpersonal violence, physical or sexual assault. Ms P has learning disability in spite this she wants to become independent and participate in the society. But due to negligence and unsupported behaviour of social care she faces abuse and exploitation.  Disabled individuals can face these violence and assaults at their homes, hospitals or office etc (Calvillo, et. al., 2013). Abuse is a repeated act occurred within a relationship where trust and faith is expected and which causes harm and mental and physical distress to vulnerable individuals.
Ms P faces interpersonal violence in her relationship with her neighbour. She is interested in that man it may be possible that the person may abuse her through physical violence making misuse of medication or imposed inappropriate restraint on her. She can face sexual abuse from him also.

Financial abuse: If Ms P is financially strong and dependent then there will be chances of financial abuse. She can face theft, fraud, excessive pressure in connection with wills property or possession on property (Calvillo, et. al., 2013). She may face financial disturbance in her career due to break up of financial support.

  • Negligence: Ms. P could not provide with necessary medical treatment or physical care on time which affects on her health negatively and she become less participative and independent in the society. She can be neglected by the health and social care centre.
  • Social isolation: Ms P is a disabled lady society may harm her mentally and tortures her regarding her helplessness which results that her morale will down and she will be socially exploited individual (McGuinness, 2014).
  • Discriminationary exploitation: Due to disability Ms P can face discriminatory abuse from the society or on work place which mentally disturbs her and there will be lack of morale and motivation.
  • Slavery: Due to her disability she becomes vulnerable with slavery or human trafficking and forced labour by the social victims. It also brings risk into her life also.
  • Mental destruction: Ms P may disturb mentally she could not handle the situations around her. She regularly faces exploitation and harm from the society regularly. She required support from her family so she can face such kind of exploitation and harm.
  • Social care centre does not perform their duties well they cannot perform care plan this will increase her dependency on other and bring her esteem down (McGuinness, 2014).
  • Due to neglect and social isolation it may be possible that she faces lack of access to health and social services or high quality information. 

Generally disabled individual faces these kinds of exploitation and risk which causes harm to them. Safeguarding disabled individuals is the responsibility of everyone in the society so anyone can raise safeguarding concern for protection of disabled individuals. All the abuses need to be taken seriously by the social care organisation and family of disabled individual so they can protect from future distress and harm (McGuinness, 2014).

3.b) Using the health and social care setting outlines in case study B (attached) make an analysis of the likely effectiveness of the policies, procedures and managerial approach in a supported housing complex when it comes to promoting the management of risks for individuals like Mr. L and his fellow resident.

Mr. L is a disabled person social care organisation provides assistance in every daily routine activity so that he can spend his life easily. Organisation also organise extracurricular activities in housing complex for their leisure. Now Mr L wants to go Switzerland to spend some time. He put this proposal before the organisational personal. The management of the organisation considers the three elements Policies, Procedure and managerial approach. Management found that they can organise a foreign tour for the disabled individuals but after adopting procedures for it. Policy of the organisation states that they can organize a tour to Switzerland for the individual along with care worker (Sharp Curtis, 2010). Care worker is necessary to provide physical aid and support to the individual. Legal approvals are required to be fulfilled from the public authority.

  • Policies: Policies of the organisation allows individual to plan the trip but after completing necessary procedures. Policies should be as per rules and responsibilities of management organisation.
  • Procedures: Procedure includes arrangement of care worker who go with the disabled individual for assisting him in daily routine activities and provide aides to him if any risk factor occurs. Individual have to take permission from health and public authority so he can go on trip and spend his leisure’s time. Organisation helps Mr L in this. They make proper arrangement for this trip (Sharp Curtis, 2010).
  • Managerial approach: Organisation mange the whole tour trip and calculate all the cost occurred in organizing this trip. Family of individual will have to bear the whole cost of the trip. Management should organise the trip in such a way that the cost cannot go out from the budget.

Policies, procedures and managerial approach all these elements adopted by organisation are effective and increases satisfaction of Mr L. These managerial approaches help in promotion and participation of users towards society (Sharp Curtis, 2010).


4.a) Legislative policies for medication of autism individuals:

Autistic disorder includes mind blindness. An autism individual appears to live in their own world and showing little internal to others. Proper and regular medication is required for autistic individual so every health and social care organisation should follow theses principals for safe and appropriate handling of medicines. The management of medicine is governed by the government’s regulation and professional standard (Stokes, 2016). These principals are implemented by government and applied to every social care organisation. These principles include:

  • The family of autism individual are free to choose the provider of pharmaceutical care and services. Health care centre can not restrict them and cannot pressurise them for selecting their pharmaceutical service provider.
  • Care staff should be professional and have knowledge about the whole medicine treatment has to be given to which individual. Social and health care service organisation should maintain the proper record of medicines of each autism individual (Stokes, 2016).
  • Care worker should be competent and trained in helping people with their medicines.
  • All the medicines should be preserved safely and correctly under full security and care staff should provide privacy to the individual who receives treatment from them. Care worker should prevent dignity.
  • Whenever individual require medication treatment should be provided by care worker to them and all the unwanted and used medicines are disposed off safely.
  • Proper care should be taken to store the medicines by health and social care organisations (Dahl & Eagle, 2016).
  • Social care regularly takes advices from the pharmaceutical service provider with reference to the medicines and any changes occur in them.
  • Medicine should be used by the care workers to cure the disease of patient and it should not be used in improper way like could not used to punish or control behaviour.

These principles provide guidance to the health and social care organisation so that they can they can apply them in handling of medication for autistic individuals. These principles help in look after and take care of disabled individual which is important in enabling them to retain their independence. Sometimes errors are  occurred in medication treatment which includes wrong dose, wrong choice of medicine, wrong drug, inappropriate frequency, failure to record the medicine standard time, inappropriate disposal of syringe and inadequate monitoring etc (Jerofke, et. al., 2014).
For handling medication of disabled individual is required a risk assessment to determine the level of support which they needed in managing their own medicines.

4.b) Effective medication administration:

Effective Medication administration means right drug in right dose should be provided to the right patient at the right time and routine by the social care worker or family member or nurse who is responsible for medication. Organisation must follow all legal regulations and procedures for effective administrative medication. For effective medication management following things should be kept by the health care organisation:

  • All the medication related with autism individuals and disabled individuals should be administered and managed by the health care professional workers as specified by the medical institutional guidelines.
  • Health care worker should identify and understand all the indications, therapeutic effect, side effect and clinical responsibilities regarding the medication of each patient (Araújo & Barbieri-Figueiredo, 2016). He should know about the case theory of each patient.
  • Proper care should be taken before and after the medication regarding hand hygiene by the professional.
  • During the medication administration health care worker must ensure that appropriate safety checks are followed during the medicine treatment of patient.
  • To retain the dissolving and crushing of medicine all the medicines should remain in their original packets until they are provided to the patients,
  •  Proper care should be taken while providing oral medicines through syringe. Syringes should be disposed off with proper care safety after medication treatment of patient (Araújo & Barbieri-Figueiredo, 2016).
  • Every health care professional should carry medicine tray and cart along with treatment record of the patient during medication administration.
  • As per the legislative policy all the medication should be administered 60 minutes before or after.
  • Health care worker should take care that all the medications should be provided as per their standard time or schedule.
  • Medication dose should be give as per prescription provided by the clinical to the health care worker.
  • Health care worker should keep proper documentation regarding medication and it also includes clinical assessment (Araújo & Barbieri-Figueiredo, 2016).
  • All the high alert medicine should be administered as per the policy of high alert medication.

The above sited rules should be followed by the health care organisation during medication administration and try to make administration effective if any error occurs it will become dangerous for the patient and his life.


The report gives a detailed introduction of health and social care organisation and their role in promoting the individual users for taking participation and independence in society. Health and social care organisation promote the vulnerable individuals and restrict their independency and non participation in the society. The report also explains the risk factors which a disabled individual may face in future. This risk includes social exploitation and violence. These risk factors affect the disabled individuals mentally and physically. This report also explains that government also frame legislations, policies and procedures for medication of autism individuals and a health care professional worker should follow these legislative policies for the administration of medication.


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