Unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment Sample

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Unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment Sample
Unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment Sample
Unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment Sample


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 7 The Developing Manager

QFC Level

Level 5

Task 1 

1.1 Importance of leadership

Leadership in any organisation is the controlling tool for the effective operational activities to be followed (Hayward & Newman, 2015). The effective leadership use to maximize the efficiency of the employees to achieve the organisation goal. This the most crucial aspect of the management of any organisation. They are considered as the backbone of any organisation to support the business with their fullest effort. The different definitions of the leaderships are as below:

  • Peter Drucker has mentioned that effective leadership is about making the speeches or
    being liked. It is defined by results not by attributes (Forbes, 2004).
  • Sakiya Sandifer has mentioned that true leaders do not create the followers but they create more leaders (Wethinkllc, 2016).
  • Ken Blanchard has mentioned that the key to successful leader is to influence not using the trait of authority (Kenblanchard, 2015).
  • Warren Bennis has stated that leadership is the capacity to translate vision into the reality (Inc, 2014).
  • Helmut Schmidt has mentioned that leader should be like doctor that any people will come for the recovery of the problem (Theguardian, 2013).

From these five different definitions stated by the renowned personality, the similarity lies from the aspect of offering the proper guidance to a flock to fight and win the battle with the help of the motivation and the proper direction. The difference can be stated from the aspect of creation of more leaders rather than creating the followers to support the business activities. Thus the definitions are different from the background of the effective trait of the leaders in any organisation. But, all the definition have the strong connection between them as all of them support the achievement of the organisation goal and the maximization of the efficiency of the employees
for the enhancement of the production capacity of the goods or services. 

1.2 Competencies required for effective leadership

It has been mentioned by Armstrong & Taylor (2014), that the effective leaders should have three important roles to play as below:

  • Defining the task: the clarity in the idea, establishment of goals and the perfect formation of the teams are the important tasks to do regarding defining the task.
  • Achieving the task: the achievement of the tasks with the help of the efficient team to ensure that the purpose is fulfilled, along with offering the correct form of coaching and feedback to the employees for the enhancement of the efficiency is required to be done by the leaders (Ulrich, et al., 2013).
  • Maintaining the effective relationships throughout the task: Apart from setting the gaols, and achieving the tasks, the transparent, effective and the positive communications should be maintained by the leaders with the other employees to offer the valuable motivation to them and to make them feel valued for the organisation.

As per the view of Ulrich (2013), the qualities required by the leaders to be possessed are as follows:

  • Full of enthusiasm to motivate the team
  • Full of confidence to take the risk or challenge to pursue
  • Characteristic of toughness to face any obstacles and to have the capability to remove this
  • Sense of integrity to have a positive image among the team members
  • Warmth in nature to offer the required respect to  others
  • Sense of Humility to reflect the positive shed on the employees.

According to the view of Testa & Sipe (2012), for the continuously developing manager organisations require the control of the transformational or motivational leaderships so that the employees will feel valued and motivated. Thus, the further competencies that the effective leaders should have in them must be the characteristics of the transformational leadership as below:

  • Should have the ability to challenge the process to develop the process in continuous manner as per the need of the market
  • Should have the ability to motivate others so that the other employees will be able to act to both the internal and the external environments to reach the goal of the organisation.
  • The transformational leaders also should have the specific vision for the organisation to reach in competing with the competitors (Hackman & Johnson, 2013)
  • The leaders also should be able to offer the proper set of encouragement so that the employees will feel valued for the organisation. 
  • The leaders shod have the ability to create more leaders with their support for the future rather than creating the followers.

1.3 Critical review on ethical leadership

Many executives and the business thinkers use to think that the ethical leadership are the leaders those have the good character. By having the right values or having the strong character, the ethical leaders can set an example for others. As per the view of Shapiro & Stefkovich (2016), the ethical leaders do not think that their constituents as their followers rather than they use to think them as the stakeholders those are striving hard to reach the common purpose. Offering of the similar respect, considering their importance, doing the right thing at the right time are the key characteristic to be considered for the ethical leaders. In today’s turbulent world, the concept of ethics and values are present at every level of the organisation. Thus, the leaders those use to devote their time and energy leading towards the process of value creation are called the man with ethical leadership.
There are certain characteristics that the ethical leaders should have as below:

  • Articulate and embody the purpose and values of the organisation: the live moral story should be shared by the leaders with the employees so that they will be able to boost up themselves to complete their assigned tasks ethically (Mayer, et al., 2012)
  • Focussing on the organisation success rather than focusing on the personal ego: it is important by the ethical leaders should think about the overall organisation success rather
    than thinking about the personal goal fulfilment while working in the organisation with others.
  • Finding the best people and to develop them: As already discussed, ethical leaders should develop the leaders for future not the followers as they think about the company. Thus, it is the responsibility of the ethical leaders to find the correct set of people to develop them to the leaders for sustaining of the future growth of the organisation (Schaubroeck, et al., 2012).
  • Creating a living conversation about the ethics, values, and also reaction value for the stakeholders: the ethical business operations should be given preference by the ethical leaders as it is the best approach to sustain in the long run business of the organisation. At the same time, it is also required by the leaders to offer the good respect to all the stakeholders so that they will be strongly engaged with the organisation to assist the leaders in all aspects for the overall future growth of the company (Yukl, et al., 2013).

Task 2

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment

Task 2 - unit 7 The Developing Manager Assignment
Task 3

3.1 Self-reflection Pack

3.1.1 MCI
  • What areas of strength or weakness did the MCI questionnaire identify?

The strength factor that has been developed through this not to worry about the memory problem, and the weakness factor is feeling of becoming less independent as I used to rely on the employee for the business operations execution.

  • Can you give examples of when you have demonstrated particular management capability
  • During the team task performance I have demonstrated.
  • Has the results of your management competence questionnaire identified any areas for development?

The area of development to feel more confident about the dependency .

3.2 Leadership competence

  • Thinking back to the models of leadership we have considered, what particular leadership skills do you consider yourself to have?
  • The particular leadership skill that I suppose I possess is the democratic leadership skill by including the other employees in decision making process and to work in a collaborative manner.
  • Can you give examples of when you have demonstrated these skills?
  • At the time of team work and to take any long term decision regarding the production volume as per the need of the market, I have demonstrated this leadership skill.
  • Has the results of your leadership analysis identified any areas for development?
  • The leadership analysis has raised the need of the affinitive leadership skills and the situational leadership skills to be created in me to control the team.
  • Which leadership models do you most relate to?
  • I belong to the path – goal leadership model, where the leader’s behaviour is related with the satisfaction, motivation, and the performance of the subordinates (Chemers, 2014).

3.3 Leadership skills

  • Can you give examples of when you have demonstrated these traits?

Employees, supporting them to solve the problem by get into the team work, supporting them in all means and also offering the rewards and remuneration to make them satisfied. But, at the same time, the biasness in selection of the employees regarding the assignment of daily tasks, and lack in the patience level while working with deadline tasks has been observed in me (Schoemaker, et al., 2013).

3.4 Johari Window

  • How do you feel about asking others for feedback?

I felt like the other employee get reviewed about their performance.

  • What feedback have you received from others?

I have received mixed feedbacks. Few feedbacks as a good leader and few feedbacks for the improvement of my bureaucratic leadership style. The issue of little biasness has been received as compliant from other employees.

  • How does this feedback relate to the strengths and weaknesses previously identified?

The strength in me to have a clear communication with others have been reflected as the good leader to listen to the employees. The weakness of being bias as per the requirement has been highlighted by the other employees (Tandon, 2013).

3.5 Emotional intelligence

  1. What particular personal strengths or weaknesses did you identify from completing the EI questionnaire?
    The strength I have found as the active listener to the problems of the employees. The weakness I have found to be bas sometimes regarding the selection of the employees of my choice during the progress of work.
  2. Can you give examples of when you have demonstrated (or not) the findings of your EI questionnaire?
    During the problem solving situation of the employees, the findings of my EI questionnaire have been demonstrated to me.
  3.  Has the results of your EI questionnaire identified any areas for development?
     Yes, using the results of my EI questionnaire, the area of improvement regarding the ethical leadership to grow in order to choose the correct set of people for the correct task to be assigned along with the time management to complete the task have been raised.
  4. Have the results of your EI questionnaire correlated with any other strengths and weaknesses you have identified throughout this module to date?
    The strength factor of the active listening and understanding of the problem of the employees being a bureaucratic leaders have been identified. On the other hand m the lack of the ethical leadership approach to choose the correct people for the correct task to be assigned has been identified as the weakness (Goleman, et al., 2013).

3.6 Belbin team role analysis

  1. What were the results of the Belbin questionnaire and what does this mean to you?
    Out of the nine role play models as per the Belbin questions, I have found myself as the coordinator with the strength factors and the allowable weakness fact. It has the strong meaning to develop the leadership approach as per the requirement of the organisation.
  2. Can you give examples of when you brought particular strengths to teams, or maybe not…how does this relate to the findings of your Belbin questionnaire?
    During the time of the deadline tasks to be completed, I was personally involved with the tasks to get completed with the help of the team work approach and also doing some part of the task of my own.  Thus, the act of the co-coordinator as per the Belbin role has been reflected.
  3. Has the results of your Belbin questionnaire identified any areas for development?
    Yeas, the role of the monitor evaluator has been raised as the area for the improvement for my leadership skills.
  4. What do you feel are the advantages of Belbin Team analysis?  What do you consider the limitations of this tool to be?The advantages of the Belbin tool is to identify the different aspects of the leadership development as per the requirement for the development of the skills of the ethical leaders should have in them (Beblin, 2014).

3.7 Personality testing

  1. What particular personal strengths or weaknesses did you identify from completing these activities?
    The strength of the clear communication maintenance, offering the support to them, and motivating the employees with proper remuneration compensation have been identified as the strength. The weakness have been identified as the lack of time management, becoming impatient with the delaine of the tasks.
  2. Can you give examples of when you have demonstrated (or not) the findings of your personality test(s)?
    All the time during the daily business activities, I have demonstrated the findings of the personality test.
  3.  Has the results of your personality test(s) identified any areas for development?
    The areas of improvement such as time management has been raised through this test result.
  4.  Have the results of your personality analysis correlated with any other strengths and weaknesses you have identified throughout this module to date?
    Yes, the strength of active listening to the employees and the weakness not to follow the deadline stringently have been highlighted (Chemers, 2014).

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Task 4

4.1 Personal development plan

As per the view of Pedler, et al. (2013), the personal development plan identifies the needs of the individuals to meet the objectives hat have been set for them. The PDP plan is as below:

What do I want to learn – SMART objective


What activities will I undertake


What resources/support  do I need


How will I know I have been successful - criteria



Specific objective: The situational leadership style is required to be developed.





Measurable: the enhancement of the employee performance with the excellent support offering by me.



Achievable: the leadership style to be accepted by the employees and will be proved as the beneficial for the retention and the motivation offering to the employees. The development of the strategic thinking also is required.






Time management skill to be developed in me. The development in my skill to remove the biasness of person selection also should be attained.

Time bound: 1 year is the time duration to develop the areas of improvement.


To have a clear communication with the senior leaders to understand the application of the situational leaderships.


By discussing the areas of improvement regarding the assistance offering from the employees.



From the feedback of the employees and from the feedback of the senior leaders, the requirement in the change of the acceptable leadership by maintaining the clear communication by these groups.


Attending the management course on time management.








Self-evaluation after attending the above courses and getting the support from the senior leaders and the employees

The support of the senior managers are required.







The feedbacks of the employees and the support of the senior leaders are required.






The support of the employees and the senior leaders as well as the strategic leadership book regarding to development of the skills are required (Chemers, 2014).









 The training and development sessions by the management is required.






The active participation is the above mentioned sessions and activities.

By getting the feedbacks form the mentor ( senor leaders)






By the employee performance and the retention of the employees (Chemers, 2014)




Attachment of the employee with the organisation will prove the efficiency.











The future deadline related task will prove the efficiency.






The future performance.

6 months









1 year till the time of the performance appraisal







1 month for the book reading, and 1 year for the attachment of the employees.











1 month course











1 year


Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Australia: Kogan Page Publishers.Beblin, 2014. Belbin Team Roles. [Online] Available at: http://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles/[Accessed 10 December 2016].
Chemers, M., 2014. An integrative theory of leadership. US: Psychology Press.Forbes, 2004. Peter Drucker On Leadership. [Online]
Available at: http://www.forbes.com/2004/11/19/cz_rk_1119drucker.html[Accessed 10 December 2016].
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. & McKee, A., 2013. Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. London: Harvard Business Press.
Hackman, M. & Johnson, C., 2013. Leadership: A communication perspective. London: Waveland Press.
Available at: http://www.inc.com/will-yakowicz/7-leadership-lessons-from-late-warren-bennis.html[Accessed 10 December 2016].