Unit 7 The Developing Manager Sample Solution

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Sample Solution

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Sample Solution


Diploma in Hospitality Management

Unit Number and Title

Unit 7 The Developing Manager

QFC Level

Level 5


In terms of managing a travel and tourism department, developing manager is a very important part. Every business firm whether it is a small-scale or large-scale industry, it has to raise an issue about the developing manager. Development of the managers has now become a strategic achievement in every organization. But the success in developing manager mainly depends on the approach of the organization towards the development of the manager. This report will analyze the principles and practices of management behaviors of different organizations. The study will also compare the diversified leadership styles of different companies. It will also outline the communication process of different organizations. In addition to this, the information of the report will be able to outline my own potential as a prospective manager. The aim of the assignment is to identify and evaluate the ideas of a developing manager which will be based on the travel operating company. At last, the study will also be able to forecast the managerial skills that are essential in the business and service context. The study will also then be able to develop a career development plan for employment within the frames of services and businesses. 

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Sample Solution


In the sector of travel and tourism, hospitality and many others customer oriented business, the principles and practices of a proper management is essential. Effective management is as important as it is to small enterprises or large enterprises(Law, 2009). Management of the businesses enterprise is responsible for coordinating the work activities effectively with and through their people. A proper management is needed in all types and sizes of the business. It should be present in all levels and at all organizational areas, irrespective of the fact where they are located to. 

LO 1.1

Management styles are a specified way of describing the activities, making the decisions and relation to subordinates. It is the art of getting the employees together on a common platform where the organizational aims and objectives can be accomplished. Management plays a very effective role in strengthening the relationship between the employees and making the workers work with a single motto and as a single unit(Ochoa et al., 2010). It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the workers are satisfied with their respective fields and with their job responsibilities. It is important to know because this, a manager will not be able to extract the full potential from their workers.
TUI Group is the world’s best tour operatorand is a leading international leisure travel group. On the other hand, Virgin holidays are the best tour operator and agencies in the UK and have won many awards for excellent service to its customers. Both of the companies have different management styles that effect the working operations both these organizations(Lomberg, Kollmann and Stöckmann, 2016). Here is the comparison between the management styles of both these organizations.

  • TUI group believes in attaining the workers to its full potential and that’s why the company believes in democratic leadership. This management style is very popular among the customer oriented companies as it allows the employees to participate in the management opinions. Employee’s opinions are taken into consideration in almost every managerial decision. The management of TUI believes that as the workers are the ones who have to deal with the customers, they have very useful information that can be vital for the achieving the organizational goals. In this management style, when the manager of TUI group meets with their employees, the organization can get benefit from their helpful data.
  • On the other hand, Virgin holidays believe in autocratic management style. In this management style, the manager makes the decisions unilaterally, which he or she thinks to be good, without having many concerns about their subordinates. As a result to which, the decisions reflects the opinions, views and personality of the manager. The decision taken up by the manager projects an image of a confident and well-managed business.

LO 1.2

Leadership means to dream, excitement, responsibility, and the capability to cope up with the responsibilities given by the organizations. They are the ones that create unique ideas for developing something extraordinary and are present at all the levels or departments of the organization. Usually, a leader must possess a talent of encouraging all the members to get their respective goals(Campbell, 2007). A leadership is not only about how a leader finishes the assigned task but also about how the individual encourages his or her team members(Smiljanic, 2016). A leader must have the art of having good communication and should always ready to listeningto the words of the team members.
The leaders of TUI group incurred the transactional leadership style that focuses on the exchange of benefits or transactions with the subordinates(Nye, 2013). These leaders believe that employees get encouraged by rewards and punishment. For the leaders in TUI group from its different departments and levels, the main motive is to develop the employees to reach their maximum potential.
On the other hand, Virgin Holidays have transformational leaders that view themselves as the social engineers and make the decision-making process by themselves(Nye, 2013).

LO 1.3

Here is the communication process of TUI group with its customers.
Developing idea by the sender: in the first step, the company develops an idea about what to send to its customers so that they can provide a positive response to it(Barker and Yazdani, 2000). They develop ideas about the tour packages and discount that they can provide to the potential customers.
Encoding: after the preparation of the idea, it needs to be delivered to the customers, is encoded into a perceivable format through which it can be communicated with the potential customers.
Developing the message: after encoding is complete, TUI then transmit the message that can be oral, written or symbolic.
Selection of the medium: medium here means the channel through which TUI group transmits the message to the customers. It can be done via telephonic conversation, email, pamphlets, posters, and newspapers. The communication process of TUI is also done through televisions and through social networking sites.
Transmission of the message: at this stage, the sender sends the message to chosen customers through a chosen medium.
Receiving of the message by customers: this stage involve the reception of the message send by the company(Barron and Whitford, 2004). It can be done in form of hearing (from the telephonic conversation), seeing (emails and another form of sending messages), and feeling (by pamphlets or ads).
Decoding: it is the interpretation of the sender’s message. In this stage, a potential customer that is chosen by the organization converts the message into thoughts and tries to understand the stated information.
Feedback: this is the final step of the communication process. It is the response given by the receiver to the sender. The feedback given to the TUI group ensures that the customers correctly understood the communication or the message and answers the message according to him or her. The feedback may be positive or may be negative to the TUI group.
Communication process of Virgin Holidays:
Developing idea by the sender: in the first step, the company develops an idea about what to send to its customers so that they can provide positive response to it. They develop ideas about the tour packages and discount that they can provide to the potential customers.
Encoding: after the preparation of the idea, it needs to be delivered to the customers, is encoded into a perceivable format through which it can be communicated with the potential customers.
Developing the message: after encoding is complete, Virgin holidays then: transmit the message that can be oral, written or symbolic.
Selection of the medium: medium here means the channel through which virgin Holidays transmits the message to the customers. It can be done via telephonic conversation, email, pamphlets, posters and newspapers(Barron and Whitford, 2004). The communication process of the specified company is also done through televisions and through social networking sites.
Transmission of the message: at this stage, the sender sends the message to chosen customers through a chosen medium.  
Receiving of the message by customers: this stage involve the reception of the message send by the company. It can be done in form of hearing (from telephonic conversation), seeing (emails and other form of sending messages), and feeling (by pamphlets or ads). Virgin holidays are best in the call centers process, so they mostly choose the telephonic medium.
Decoding: it is the interpretation of the sender’s message. In this stage, a potential customer that is chosen by the organization converts the message into thoughts and tries to understand the stated information.
Feedback: this is the final step of the communication process. It is the response given by the receiver to the sender(Barron and Whitford, 2004). The feedback given to the Virgin Holidays ensures that the customers correctly understood the communication or the message and answers the message according to him or her. The feedback may be positive or may be negative to the company.

LO 1.4

The organizational culture of TUI group is at the heart of the business success. The specified company aims in spreading the smiles among the employees and customers. TUI is a group of talented, spirited and genuine people that aims in delivering great customer experiences and spreading the smiles around the globe. The organizational culture of the company is supported by the three pillars that also described their attitudes towards the people(Er?ulj, 2009). These three pillars are winning together, freedom to shine and pushing the limitations. The specified company is passionate enough towards their work and encourages and inspires each other while sharing the great sense of pleasure.
Virgin Holidays group, on the other hand, have several dimensions that describe the culture of the company. The first is the attention towards the detail which is the measurement to which the employees are expected to attain the information(Er?ulj, 2009). The second is the people orientation, which is the yardstick to measure the accountability of the people in the company. After that, comes the team orientation of Virgin holidays, which is a degree to mark the completion of the work. The specified company has a strong organizational culture that helps in stronger employee loyalty and commitment towards the institution. 


LO 3.1

From the theory of Maslow, it can be identified that there are specific needs of the individuals such as, physiological, safety, esteem, and self-actualization that need to be fulfilled before the person gives all his or her potential towards the work(Rugaiyah, 2015). Leading a company involves motivating the employees and influencing the workers, selecting the most influential mode of communication and dealing with employee behavior issues. For achieving a goal and objective, a leader must follow the following terms or suggestions:

  • Recognizing the individual differences
  • Matching people to their favorite jobs or department
  • Using the goals to ensure the characteristics of the employees
  • Ensuring that the assigned goals are achievable
  • Rewarding the individuals
  • Checking the organization system for equity

LO 3.2

For supporting the employees to attain the assigned goals or objectives, a manager must follow the following responsibilities.

  • Decision making: a manager should take appropriate decisions as these have major effects on the success or failure of the organization(Rugaiyah, 2015).
  • Leadership style: with it, managers get assistance in leading the groups to a successful one.
  • providing guidance, advice and training to the newcomers can be effect positively to the objectives of the company.
  • Solving the conflicts: Managers should always be ready to solve the conflicts between the employees. They should place the employee’s needs and concerns above their own.
  • they are accountable for developing a comprehensive set of plans to coordinate the organizational work so that company can achieve its goals(Rugaiyah, 2015).


LO 4.1

Career development is a procedure where workers explore, plan and create their future by developing their personal and professional learning plan to achieve and fulfill the objectives and goals of them, as well as for the organization. People mostly like to work in a workplace where they can find peoples who are like them. Individuals usually search for the working environments where they can use their skills and abilities to express their knowledge, opinions, and values(Hurt and Dye, 2016). Individuals who choose to work in a condition which is similar to their personality are more likely to be successful and satisfied. Every job seeker has a primary theme of job security and stability that is nowadays has become very challenging.

LO 4.2

As for developing manager, career development is a long process which includes long practice of managing the performance of employees and own. The quality and improvements of the performance determine the nature and quality of the individual career. The career development cycle of a manager follows experience, reflection, career concept and the gathering of the information(Hurt and Dye, 2016). Managers have to make personal development, examination of what the team current performance is and which kind of plan will be essential in the future.


This report analyzes the principles and practices of management behaviors of different organizations. The study also compared the diversified leadership styles of different companies. It has also outlined the communication process of different organizations. In addition to this, the information of the report outlines my own potential as a prospective manager.


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