Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment – BestWay vs TPP

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment – BestWay vs TPP

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment – BestWay vs TPP


Human resource management is the important aspect that is important in each and every company for the effective working as well as in the success. Human resource helps motivation as well as effective management of the organization so each and every organization tries to make proper changes that would help in the better working of the organization by formulating the best team of human resource in the company. In relation to the task 1 Beast way and TPP is chosen so that a better understanding of the personnel and HR management can be studied along with the importance of the line manager in the Best way. In the next task needs of human resource planning is described along with the difference of recruitment and selection process in the organization. In the next study Virgin mobile case study is explained. At the last task employment termination is described in relation to the Chicken Master restaurants.

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment – BestWay vs TPP

Task 1

1.1 Difference between personnel and human resource management.

Human resource management is the managing of the employees in the organization in a systematic manner in which all the aspects of the organization in relation to them are connected such as staffing, benefits to employees as well as designating work. On the other hand personal management is the approach used for the individual person while setting up various short and long term goals to concentrate on a specific person or employee.
Best Way Company is one famous company running its working in many UK and Pakistan. In relation to the human resource and personnel management there exist the difference that is illustrated below-
Best way uses the modern approach of managing the employees of the company i.e. human resource management. On the other hand TPP is a small company that uses the personnel management which is traditional way in which individual aspects are considered and make necessary changes in them. Human resource focus on the concept of motivation, acquisition and all other aspects that would help in the growth of the company whereas personnel management helps in maintaining the welfare and the relations with the labour of the company. Human resource
uses employees as the resource to achieve all its targets on the other hand personnel management treat employees as an input to get the desired result for the company. Human resource focuses on achieving all the desired goals for the company whereas personnel management looks after the level of satisfaction received by the employees in the TPP. Job designing also differ in both the companies as human resource design as per the team work on the other hand personnel management works on the principal of division of labour (Saini, 2013).

1.2. Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organization in achieving its purpose.

There are various functions performed by the human resource department in the Best Way Company which are essential for its success as well as growth.
The functions of the human resource management are –
Recruitment and selection- It is important that most suitable employees be recruited then selected so that company may so towards the path of success. So the HR team select the employees which would help in the growth of the company.
Employee relation- Human resource team make all measures for maintain the job satisfaction as well arrangement to resolve all the conflicts among all the employees so that working as well as the operations of the company may not be interrupted(Sundar, 2013).
Following compliances- It set various guidelines as well as rules and manage all the actions so that employees follow all the rules and regulations and no default may arise by any employee that would cause trouble to Best way Company and its reputation.
Setting compensation- Various compensation and its related schemes are set up so that all the matter related to the compensation as well as benefits to the employees be dealt in a proper manner by the team.
Health and safety- In the work place various criteria is set up by the team so that employees’ safety and health be focused in an effective manner. All the employees and their safety become an important task that is required all the guidelines that are set up by the team.
Training as well as development- Training of the eligible candidate as well as making corrective measures to develop there working skills is also the part of the functioning of the human resource  that they comply by handling many programs and training sessions so that a correct image be set by the company towards its employees(Al Ariss, 2012).

1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organisation or familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

Line managers are the persons who are involved in managing as well as running all the business operations by guiding the employees of the company. All the responsibilities of the line managers are listed below-

  • All the working can only be accomplished when there is discipline present in the company and among the employees. Managers supervises and make all the necessary adjustments so that discipline be maintained in the Best way company as when the company works in discipline then there are more chances of the success of the company as all the work can be conducted without any ambiguous situation.
  • Performance appraisal is also the important concept that is taken into account by the line manager. All the performance of the employees are appraised in a proper manner so that if any problems are arises in the performance then they can easily be resolved by the managers. With the regular appraisal of the performance of the employees (Brewster et.al, 2015).
  • Even many times payment criteria for the employees are decided by their performance in the company so by the supervision of the managers employees’ payment is decided. With their supervision employees also works effectively and efficiently.
  • Employee encouragement is also the important function of the line manager as they set up a good communication skills that helps in the development of the employees. They remove the barriers that can affect the communication and motivate the employee with their motivation techniques to achieve their goals .

1.4. Analyze how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

Various acts and guidelines are set up by the UK government in accordance with it human resource department of each and every organization is required to work in an effective and efficient manner. Best way company and it HR team follows all the guidelines and acts so that an effective working environment may be set up. The acts and there explanation is given below-
Equal pay act 1970- According to this act the payment criteria for all the employees within
the organization be same. While deciding payment for the employees in the company the human resource team decide the pay scale as per the capability of the employees irrespective of their age, religion, caste or gender.
National minimum wages act- As per this act labours of the organization are paid the wages at least the minimum that is mentioned in the act. So if any employer pay the wages less than that then legal action can be taken against the human resource team of the company (Perez, 2014).
Race Relations Act 1992- According to this act, no employer can discriminate there employees on the basis of the race. By this act it become important for the human resource department in the company to take all the measure so that if any employee makes racist remarks or discriminate on that basis then legal actions be taken against it.
Employment Relations Act 2004- Human resource team is required to make all the imperative decision for the company by the guidelines mentioned in the act so that a proper relationship may be set up in the company and effective working may be set up with it (Perez, 2014).

Task 2

2.1 Analyze the reasons for human resource planning.

Human resource planning refers to the management of the human resource or the people of the organization in the manner to organize the activities and planning the activities of the organization to achieve the maximum results. The human resource planning provides the organization the better scenario and the environment to work and the duties and the tasks are properly delegated to the employees which are achieved by them in the effective manner. The human resource planning is very important in the organization because of some reasons. These reasons are-

  • Forecast the future employee need- Human resource planning is needed in the organization because it provides the ability to forecast the future needs of the manpower or the employees to the work. The future manpower needs and the requirements of the workers and the employees in the organization can be analyzed by the human resource planning.
  • Coping with the changes- Human resource planning in the organization helps the organization to cope up with the challenges and the changes that take place continuously in the organization. The changing world needs the proper planning so as to meet the risks of the organization and prevent the organization from the losses. Human resource planning provide the prevention from the rusks and the changes of the organization (Birch et.al, 2016).
  • Recruitment of the experts and the qualified- Planning of the people and the human resource in the organization according to the tasks or the departments provide the organization the analysis of the experts and the qualified people requirement in the organization. The recruitment of the qualified and the experts can be analyzed by the organization according to the requirement of the people in the organization which will be analyzed by the process of human resource planning in the organization.
  • Proper utilization of the resources- Human resource planning also provides the optimum and the proper use of the resources as the people of the organization are managed according to the expertise and the qualification on the different work which is effectively used. The optimum utilization of the resources can also be achieved by the organization through the proper planning of the resources according to the needs.
  • Risk management- The human resource planning also help the organization in the manner to reduce the risks and manage them so as to get the maximum output and the minimum loss to the organization. The human resource planning helps the organization in the manner to increase the potential of the employees to meet out the risks of the organization (Su & Yang, 2015).

 2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.

The human resource planning involve the various steps to complete the process of the human resource planning. The human resource planning is to be done in the particular process which provide the step by step verification of the human resource planning. For the big organization without the particular process of the human resource planning the organization is unable to practice the planning of the human resource in the organization as in the big organization so many people of the organization cannot be managed without the proper planning. The steps of the human resource planning are-

                                      Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment – BestWay vs TPP

  • Analysis of the organizational objectives- The first step in the process of the human resource planning is to analyse and evaluate the organizational objectievs. The planning in the oeganization is to be done on the basis of the organizational objectives. The organizational objectives of the organization needds to considered while planning the human resources so as to provide the optimum utilization of the resources. The organizational objectives provide the planning of the people in a manner to acheve those objectives so as to delegate the responsibilities.
  • Stock of human resources- The next step in the human resource planning is to identify the number of the peiple working in the organization to achieve the tasks accordingly. The inventory of the people of the organzation is to be considered while planning the human resource effectvely so as to get the maximum benefit of the planning.
  • Forecast of the demand and the supply of the human resources- The next step in the process of planning the people of the organization is to identify and forecast the demand and the supply of the resources or the requirements of the resourves in the organiation to achieve the organizational goals properly and efficiently (Stoilkovska et.al, 2015).
  • Estimating the manpower lacks- The gap of the manpower or the requriement of the manpower in the manner to complete the gap and fill the space of the manpower in the manner to increase the achievemnet in the objectives and the goals of the company properly.
  • Formulation of the plan- The formulation of the plan is needed to be done after this. The formulation of the paln is the process of scheduling the plan of the compnay in amanner the priortizing the tasks and the objectives of the organization which are to be achived.
  • Monitring, control and feedback- After the implementation for the plan and till the plan completes the monitoring of the plan and the contolling the plan is requird. The monitoring and the contolling provides the organization the process of viewing the plan is correctly executed. The feedback of the achieved plan is also done after the completion of the plan (Stoilkovska et.al, 2015).

2.3Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organization with another organization you recommending.

Recruitment process refers to the steps of attracting and selecting the candidates for the job which they are suitable for. The recruitment process includes the various steps of the organization which are to be taken for the selection and attracting the employees in the job. The recruitment includes the process of the getting the candidates in the job.
Selection is the process of finalizing the candidate and then selecting him for the purpose of the work. The selection includes the process of positioning of the candidate on the work and includes the training of the work (Jiarakorn et.al, 2015).

Comparison between the selection and the recruitment process in the two organizations.


Mace recruitment and the selection process

Arup recruitment and the selection process


It has the formal process of recruitment and selection

It has the informal process of selection and the recruitment


Selection on the basis of the interview and the qualification

Selection is done on the basis of the judgment of the good skills.


Use the formal methods of recruiting and selecting such as interviews, screening.

Use of the informal methods in the organizations in the recruitment and the selection process such as the auditions and the informal conversations.


They aim to provide the managed schedule of the employees for achieving the tasks.

They provide the unplanned schedule of the employees for the achievement of the tasks.


The tasks are to be achieved in the proper way with the effectiveness and the efficiency.

The tasks of the organization are to be achieved regardless of the quality.


The training is properly provided to the people of the organization within time.

The training of the people is not considered important in this organization.

(Jiarakorn et.al, 2015)

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization recruitment and selection techniques with another organization you recommending.

The effectiveness of the organizational recruitment and the selection process is very important in the organization as it provides the organization a very managed and the effective way of recruiting the employees to the organization. This activity of the organization needs to very effective so as to get the qualified employees and the experts to the organization. Because of the increasing needs of the employees in the organization the recruitment and selection process of the companies are also getting complex so as to hire the talented, skillful and the qualified people to the organization (Stanujkic et.al, 2015).
The effective process in the organization related with the recruitment and the selection process should be considered so as to get the maximum results and the quality of the work in the organization. The selection techniques which the organization use should also be effective so as to gain the qualified and the expert employees to the organization for the better working of the organization.
The Mace organization use the formal process of recruiting and the selecting which provides the effectiveness in the organizational process but in the Arup organization the informal organizational process of the recruitment and the selection is informal which provides the ineffective way of working in the organization and the selection process of the organization (Stanujkic et.al, 2015).

Task 3

3.1Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organization. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.

The motivation and the reward system in the organization has the link between each other. The reward is the motivational benefit to the employee which the employee finds the motivation in the organization. The motivational factor is important factor that the organization need to consider for retaining the people in the organization.
Virgin media is the big organization which has employees lot of people in the organization believes that the reward is one of the very important motivational factor and also offered many people of the organization the competitive salaries. It has also offered the people of the organization with the bonuses schemes and the reward schemes. As the company is working in the modern concept believes in the motivational factor to the employee and offers the employees with the benefits of the private health care, life assurance, company pension schemes and the staff saving schemes (Aktar et.al, 2015).
According to the many theorists the company should also check as well as appreciate the performance of the employees. Virgin media also uses the various strategies regarding the recording of the achievements of the employees. One of the technique or the strategy used by the company was that they personally send the letters to the best performers with the congratulations message in it and the points they have achieved which had boosted the performance of the employee. The theories of the Herzberg and the Maslow were followed by the virgin media for motivating the employees of the organization (Heckhausen et.al, 2010).

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organization

Job evaluation is the systematic way of identifying the different jobs and their work in order to understand the work and determine the pay of the employees according to the job of the employee. The job evaluation provides the help in attaining the pay structure for the organization.
The Virgin Media is the company which is huge in its operation and the company has the various operational heads which the company works upon. The company needs to provide the better management as well as the better salaries to the employees according to their work. For such a big organization it becomes necessary to evaluate the job profile of the company and then prepare a pay structure for the better management of the organizational activities.
The average salary that the Virgin Media organization pays to its employees in a year are approximately £12,634 to £ 50,053. The company pays the employees according to their job and
the work they do. The company has the different employees in the organization who are working under the various heads and the people of the organization are paid according to their work. The company evaluate their job and the performance level so as to provide the salary accordingly. The different heads consists of different employees executive such as sales, retail, maintenance and repairs, technology, and management.
The organizations needs to work according to the job evaluation so as to provide appropriate salaries to the employees. A proper management of the pay structure in the organization is very important so as to get the profits of the organization. The company also needs the proper management of the pay structure to get the specific understanding of the salaries and the work (Srivastava & Srivastava, 2010).

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organization.

Attracting talent and the retention strategies as well as the motivation of the company is very important in the organization to provide the company and its people with the proper facilities and the reasons to stay in the company. These contexts of the organization provide the positive feedback about the company. For the employee satisfaction the company plays the very important role so as to achieve the target of the company (Bhave, 2014). The company needs to understand the importance of the rewards and should include it in the policies of the company. The rewards strategies of the company are very useful to the company and its employees as it provides the company with the retention of the employees in the organization as well as attracting them to the work. The employees gets motivational factors in the organization and work effectively and efficiently.
The virgin company is very much effective in its reward systems as the company provides the various incentives and the reward policies to the employees for the betterment of the organization and the employees. It has also offered the people of the organization with the bonuses schemes and the reward schemes. As the company is working in the modern concept believes in the motivational factor to the employee and offers the employees with the benefits of the private health care, life assurance, company pension schemes and the staff saving schemes (Bhave, 2014).

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organization use to monitor employee performance.

The employee performance is required to be monitored by the organization so that the organization can work properly and the low performance of the employees can be enhanced by the organization so as to enhance the performance of the company. The company need to monitor and check the performance of the employees in the manner so as to get the maximum performance of the company and then these performance can be improved (Van et.al, 2010). The organization use the various methods to monitor the employee performance of the employees.
The Virgin Media is the company which uses the different methods to monitor the employee performance which are-

  • Technical solution election process- in this the company checks the reliability and the quality of the work of the employees.
  • Software- in this the company uses the software to monitor and check the performance of the employees.
  • Testing of the failures- in this the company test the reasons of the failure or the low performance of the employees.
  • Speed tests- in this the company check the efficiency of the employees in the work they do to check the performance of the employees.
  • Data aggregation- in this the employees record the data of the employee performance and monitor the performance of the employees (Van et.al, 2010).

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

There are various reasons for the termination of the employees from the organization. Termination may occur due to the fault of the employee or employer. When the misconduct or any rules are broken by the employees then they are at default and can be fired from the job. On the other hand many times employer himself uses wrong means to terminate the employee and to safeguard the interest of the employee many rules and regulations are made. Apart from that if the employee is unable to adapt to the new technology or he become redundant to it then also employer can remove the employee from the organization (Commisso & Finkelstein, 2012). But in that case a proper time for the development and training is also required to be
provided by the employer to the employee in that condition and if it is not done then employee can make proper appeal to it. Another reason is the illness of the employee that affects there working that also leads to their termination. Apart from that there are many other reasons that can affect the terminations which are as per the circumstances of the organization.
In the following case, Faisal has committed many misconduct in the term of the employment. He has not work as per the guidelines and procedures due to which the employer has to remove him from the job. He was terminated due the non- performance as well as the misconduct in the work place. He has violated the laws of the business due to which he was terminated from the job as he was not putting efforts in the working as well as was also not managing its work in an effective manner. Apart from that he also watched pornography in the workplace that falls under the category of misconduct that ultimately force the employer to terminate the employee from the Chicken master. As the employee of the organization it is mandatory for them to follow all the rules and regulations in the effective manner that are mentioned in the employment contract but if then also he not work according to the contract then the employer has full right to terminate the employee from the job (Chi et.al, 2011).

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organization of your choice.

In the organization employees exit with the proper procedure and techniques. If those procedure and techniques are not implemented in a proper manner by employer or employee then legal actions may be taken against them that can cause legal suits and proceedings which leads to spent of time as well as money. In the Chicken Master, employer can terminate the employee on the basis of the misconduct without any complex formality and procedure. It is a small business which was run by a single manager named Faisal. But due to his misconduct and nonperformance he was easily terminated from the job without any complex procedure. On the other hand Best way is the multinational company that has significant amount of managers and human resource team that work on the matter relating to the removal of the employees from the organization for all the reasons that constitute the reasons of removal. In the Chicken master there is no prior approval or formality or the notice period that is the essentials component in the big organization such as Best way that is required to be given by the department to the employee who is required to be terminated (Winston et.al, 2014). On the other hand it is also important from the part of the employee to
provide notice of resignation prior to the days as prescribed in the term of employment contract in both the organization i.e. chicken master as well as Best way.
So, procedure for the removal of the employee from the organization is by the way of giving notice of removal within the prescribed time period before it along with the reasons for the removal from the organization. After the notice period the employee has to work for the remaining period in the organization as well as the it is the time period given to the employee in which he look after for the another job. But in this case there was misconduct as well as nonperformance done by the employee of the Chicken Master that cause a trouble for him. He was given warning on the regular basis but then also the employee ignores the remark and continue its wrong behavior in the organization that causes the problem for the business. So he the employer was forced to remove him from the job without any notice of removal (Winston et.al, 2014).

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

Faisal was the employee of the Chicken master who was Asian origin person aged 54 years. He can claim on the various factors as well as objects. He is can claim on the basis of age as he was 54 year old and was aged with the experience of 15 years in its area of working. So he may claim that he was aged and due to which he was removed from the job and replaced by the young women who was 40 years old. Another aspect on which he may claim is on the basis of the race as he was an Asian origin person so he can argue over the fact that he was discriminated on this basis and was removed from the job. Apart from that there is another aspect that can also be focused. He can claim that he was removed due to the bias decision on gender (Neschis, 2015). A woman was appointed on his place who was also young in comparison to him. So he can argue that he was discriminated and was removed from the job due to the gender discrimination.
If all him claims and arguments were taken into consideration by the jury and proven to be true then the employer become liable to pay penalties to the court. He also become liable to pay the compensation to the ex-employee. Apart from that he may also can get his job back on the order of the jury along with the compensation. There are also the chances that he would be given all the monetary compensation from the date on which he was employed to the date of which he provided
his services to the chicken master (Tolle, 2013).


The report includes the various human resource planning aspects which brings us to the conclusion that the organization are required to plan the human resources in the proper way so as to get the maximum benefit and the employees can perform effectively in the organization. Under this report the human resource and its planning is properly understood. The recruitment and the selection process and the different techniques of the organization are understood in this. The report also make the conclusion that the employee performance is needed to be monitor and check by the organization in the way to provide them the corrections. The company should also provide the rewards and the various needs of the employees should be considered. The termination of the employees and the effects of the termination are also discussed in this report.


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