Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & McDonald’s

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Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & McDonald’s
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & McDonald’s
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & McDonald’s


Unit 3 organisations and behaviour assignment CAPCO & McDonald’s assignment with the organisational scenario as well as behavioural aspect that is related with the understanding of the relationship amongst cultural as well as structural aspect of an organisation, to understand various approaches for management as well as leadership, to understand the methods for using organisational theories related to motivation and also to understand the systems for the development of productive teamwork in respect of the organisation. Taking into consideration all these matters, two well-known organisations are being considered which are CAPCO as well as McDonald’s.

Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & McDonald’s - Assignment Help


1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

The structure of the organisation will be encompassing the cultural aspect,  internal and external environment , leadership and so on. All the organisations are consisting of a particular type of organisational structure. CAPCO and McDonald’s are considered as two big companies that possess an official structure of organisation as well as adhere to the following of strict rules.

The hierarchical structure of CAPCO is taken into consideration as formal since it possesses a basic chain of command as well as line for execution of command. At CAPCO, there is the existence of huge section of staffs who reports to more than one individual. There is the existence of stage for multiple command level and stage for making decisions. The major challenging aspect that is faced by CAPCO is related with the aspect that the staffs that are collectively functioning are on a similar stage irrespective of the hierarchy they possesses. (Harrell, 2011). For McDonald’s, there is a more formal structure that is present which is standard as well since McDonald’s is a huge company and it is operating throughout the world. In addition to that, the management is trying to increase the ability of the organisation by using active scenarios to make decisions. It is reducing the gap within the Chief Executives as well as the Managers. (Kotler, 2014)

The organisational culture is considered as the assortment of the method, approaches as well as values of shared thoughts. These issues will strongly navigate the staffs of the company in relation to the methods with the help of which the work needs to get completed. Culture also considers the internal environment as well as organisational customs that will be having a very significant functional aspect in respect of success for the organisation. (Lancaster, 2010)

The success for CAPCO is majorly affected by the rich organizational culture. It possesses a very influential cultural aspect associated with empowering the organisational staffs. It explains different methods through which the staffs are assisting their clients and the means through which they are behaving with each other. CAPCO believes in the aspect that all the stakeholders of the company will assist in developing the company in the most effective way.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business.

The structural aspects as well as cultural aspect of CAPCO are considered to be two significant organisational issues for achieving success. CAPCO’s organisational structures are as follows,

  • Individual behaviour majorly depends on the structure of the organisation – There have been cases when the CEO of the company is dissatisfied with the performing capability of the employees. In this regard, the employees are required to abide by the structure of the organisation. It has been evident that individuals will be acting in relation to the ways of the organisation where they are employed.
  • Empowering the staffs and performance of the organisation – Empowerment of the staffs is taken into consideration as a very effective method in respect of the success of the company. CAPCO is functioning in this manner. They generally concentrates on the empowerment of the managers at the lower stages that will finally be ensuring improved ability for performance as well as improve the satisfaction of the clients. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • Structural influence and performance of the organisation – CAPCO is trying to offer services to the clients. For accomplishing that, it did the formation of its functional base in a way that will make sure constant feedbacks in respect of any type of client call. In respect of better interaction and solution to the problems of the clients, it possesses a friendly customer interface. (Clay, 2010)

There exist certain varied outlooks that are existing in respect of the relationship between the cultural aspect of the organisation and performing capability that are mentioned as under,

  • Culture aspect and productivity – A general viewpoint states that the cultural aspect is contributing towards a major amount of organisational productivity. It states that, a proper culture should get considered as an issue towards comparison. The cultural aspect of organisation in respect of a specific organisation might not be accepted in a different organisation. CAPCO is holding the cultural aspect in the process that will be contributing in respect of the productivity as well as quick success associated with work.
  • Changes in workforce and culture – Changes in workforce as well as to cope up with the changing perspectives are considered as significant organisational impediments that are occurring in different countries. For achieving success, there exists a major importance in association with the formation of a cultural aspect that is adaptive. CAPCO’s cultural requirement is related to a culture that is having optimum flexibility in relation to dynamic changing aspects. (Clay, 2013)
  • Growing performance, strong cultural aspect – There exists a strong connection between a strong culture and increased ability to perform. It has been evident that effective culture will be leading to better ability to perform. (Kotler, 2014) In respect of CAPCO, where there is the existence of better competition and client management is considered significant, there is the need to have an effective cultural scenario in relation with the service.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

The staffs are working for CAPCO solely because they receive a fixed salary as well as other work related benefits. They are also considered as internal stakeholders. There is the need to have a large number of productive staffs for carrying out the business of the organisation in an effective manner. There is a difference in the structure of the salary in accord with age, qualification, abilities as well as work type. (Kotler, 2014)

The factors that impacts personal behaviour for CAPCO are mentioned as follows,

  • Security of job – The most important requirement in respect of the staffs is having job security. In the absence of it, they will always be working with a lot of tension. Staffs should possess the awareness as to how much security their jobs are having. A more secured job is reflecting on the fact that the staffs are having very reduced chance to face job loss. Therefore, they are functioning in an efficient way as well as their ability to perform keeps improving.
  • Environment of job – The staffs at CAPCO will be trying to find a very efficient environment for functioning. As because, they have a challenging schedule of work, they are seeking a workplace that is comfortable and at the same time interesting. It is considered to be a very significant issue in respect of the performing ability of the staffs that will finally be contributing to the performance of the organisation. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Pay rates – The staffs working at CAPCO have the requirement for a better salary. It is quite logical that an increased salary package will be motivating the staffs every time for functioning in an effective manner. Increased salary packages also states that the organisation is running successfully and that is why they have the ability for offering higher salaries to their staffs. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • Individual respect – The staffs at CAPCO are mainly technical staffs. They have an efficient knowledge of working in comparison to other general staffs as they are having effective technical capabilities related to their particular areas of work. It can be mentioned here that the major concern in respect of these staffs is not always to increase their pay packages and earn more money. Possessing individual respect and a work environment that encourages them to show their best potentiality might be considered to be their main concern. And, when they are not receiving proper respect, then this might create a hindrance in their performing ability at CAPCO.

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Task 2

2.1   Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

The senior officials of CAPCO are having the commitment for providing services to the customers that are excusive as well as better and in making the company to be a better workplace. The CEO of CAPCO is trying to concentrate on the scenarios that are although considered to be of very less importance, but will be having a significant influence on the business and will also assist in making the staffs have a feeling of better achievement as well as appreciation. (Harrell, 2011)

The circumstances that are focused on are mentioned as under,

  • Similar scope for promotion relating to the individual quality of the staffs. The key for the achievement of success are the quality of leadership as well as equality.
  • Managers who are having empathy as well as care are given improved place to accommodate as well as enhanced appreciation.
  • All the stages of staffs should get respect and for making joint decisions that are taken into consideration as important aspects in respect of leadership in respect of CAPCO.
  • For having a proud feeling to work with CAPCO as a manager. (Furnham, 2012)

Leadership is considered as the scope for transforming a vision to reality. The style of leadership is generally the approach that a leader perceives for leading his staffs. The style of leadership that exits in McDonald’s is considered as supportive. McDonald’s followed the traditional style of leadership that was getting utilised for a long time period that was very much focused, administered, used for reduction in staff response, neglect in respect of junior staffs and many more. This leadership style has now been transformed to a supportive leadership style. In this style of leadership, appropriate mentoring takes place in relation to career as well as training that is taken into consideration as the means in respect of satisfaction of the staffs.

This style of leadership will be building a trustworthy environment amongst the management as well as the staffs. In the current context, the managers are possessing the ability for effective communication with the staffs and proving them the motivation that is needed. They will be allowing the staffs in developing an idea and permitting the staffs for using their personal viewpoint as well as carefulness when they are taking an important decision. A support system was created by the managers for getting shared assistance outside the official structure of the organisation. Whereas, the staffs are required in seeing the means by which their work contributes in relation to the complete organisational development. (Clay, 2013)

At McDonald’s, the style of leadership as well as motivation are following the below mentioned circumstances,

  • To motivate the staffs for compromising their individual needs in respect of organisational improvement.
  • To create awareness regarding the significance related with organisational goals.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

  • Theory for Scientific Management: This is considered to be the organisational theory for analysing as well as synthesizing the work-flow. Its major goal is the development of the economic productivity, particularly the  market labour  productivity at the place of work. The impact of the theory of scientific management on the practices of management are mentioned as under, The performance of the staffs are getting assessed as well as instruction is given and also regulations for ensuring that they will use the most efficient processes related to work. Work is being allocated in a proper manner amongst the staffs as well as the managers so that the managers will be spending their time to plan as well as train, permitting the staffs for performing their tasks in an efficient way. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Theory for Human Relations: This is considered to be an organisational theory depending on the studied mindset that individual possesses the urge in being a part of the supportive team that will be facilitating growth. As a result, when special care is given to the staffs and appropriate motivation are given to them for participation, they consider their work to have a lot of significance and they get inspired to get more effective that will be giving rise to improved work quality.

The impact of the theory of human relations on the practices of management are mentioned as under,

  • General aspects – It is considered as a significant aspect in respect of human relations in the place of work for business functioning. There should be a shared functioning of the staffs in a frequent manner in respect of the projects, idea communication as well as to offer for realizing matters. When there is instability related to the workplace culture, there might occur different challenging aspects in respect of logistics to manage staffs as well as in the lower stages. Businesses having improved place of work as well as effective staffs have better capability to retain and attract effective manpower, developing client loyalty as well as quick adaptation of the requirements that needs to get actualised for a marketplace that is susceptible to change.
  • Improving retention – For the retention of the staffs, there is a lot of significance in respect of the quality for workplace relation. Employee retention might be considered to possess very less importance particularly in the workplace that have increased turnover ratio, as a result, the managers should be considering the fact that turnover is a costly matter. All the new staffs have the need for investing an essential amount of time as well as energy for recruitment as well as training. (Furnham, 2012)
  • Efficiency and encouragement – Relationships associated with workplace offer a motivational source for the staffs that are significant in maintaining the productivity. Staffs having an inclination towards work as well as welfare of other staffs are considered to have more efficiency. This efficiency will offer substantial financial profit in respect of the organisation.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

There is the presence of three types of approaches to management which are as follows,

  • Approach associated with active listening or passive management
  • Approach associated with the building of capacity or cultivation
  • Approach associated with the staging of high control or navigation

It is evident that, CAPCO is following a working culture that is participative. There exists no fixed line of command and staffs are having the ability for reporting to more than one single line manager. The capacity building approach is considered to be that sort of approach that is related with facilitative management that relies hugely on individual capabilities. The approach identifies the requirement to possess external stimuli to have an improved ability for performance. (Clay, 2013) The approach of management that is being followed by CAPCO is generally considered as capacity building approach due to the below mentioned circumstances,

  • To identify a specific community of clients depending on the local community
  • To explain the specific problems and also the answers
  • Activities that is collective as well as associative.

Whereas, McDonald’s follows the management approach associated with the staging of high control that is common in respect of particular as well as scenarios that depends on physical result. The organisation possesses the knowledge that efficient navigation requires a huge amount of preparation as well as development procedures. Appropriate processes of planning as well as regulations that is prearranged are also considered to be essential. (Fernando, 2011). The major circumstance related with management approach that is used by McDonald’s are mentioned as under:

  • To plan projects, goals, methods that are cited in a clear way
  • To assimilate the development of project inside the extensive range of process planning
  • To have the requirement for evaluating particular task.

Task 3

3.1   Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

Motivation is the term that is used to stimulate the employees in the perspective of the organisation for accomplishing the task or the goals. The management of the organisation aims to create interest and willingness in the employees in order to increase the productivity. (Alvesson, 2012). 

The change can be the staff rotation, change in the working hours, shuffling of the groups etc. So with this change leadership styles can play a major role on the ground of motivation for the employees. There are mainly 4 types of leadership style which can be linked with the motivation by assessing the positive and negative side which are as follows:

  • Autocratic style: Autocratic style implies that the management will fix the decision and implement the change in the organisation without taking care of the views of the employees. The positive side can be the strictness by the management which can bring disciplines in the organisation and the employees will also follow the change which will not give rise to the conflicts due to the personal interference. But the negative side is the de-motivation which is also possible due to the absence of the empowerment in the organisation. (Yang, Huang and Wu, 2011)
  • Democratic style: This is the style that the management follows when there is maximum involvement of the employees in the decision making process. The positive side is the employee’s morale and the motivation which will increase due to the consideration of their views by the management. But the negative side can be the involvement of all the views by the management in the decision making process which can be complex for the management to sort out and sometimes misunderstandings can also arise when the views of some employees will not be considered which can affects the motivation. (Martin, 2011).
  • Transformational Leadership: It is the style mainly adopted by the sound and efficient team of the management where they have set certain examples in the organisation towards success. The positive side is the self motivated employees for the management’s vision and success. The negative side can be the low involvement in the decision making process of the employees which can affect the motivation level.
  • Laissez-faire Leadership: It is the style adopted by the management which gives full empowerment to the employees for taking any sort of decision. The positive side is the high motivation among the employees as there is no interference by the management. But the negative side is the no involvement of the management which affects the controlling function of the management. The decision can also be the inappropriate for the management. (Curtis and O’Connell, 2011).

Thus we can say that different leadership styles have different impact in the level of the motivation which is needed to analyse before implementing certain changes in the organisation.

3.2   Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

Motivational theories can be related with the organisational settings or the structure which can be compared in the following way.

Maslow’s theory of need: gives the glimpses of the human needs which are structured in the format of the pyramid. These are the needs that are required by the human beings to keep them motivated and satisfy. The first need is the physiological needs which are very basic to the human beings for the sake of living. In CAPCO the basic needs are satisfied by giving them the employment and the salary which is as per the standard of the market. The second need is the security needs which are fulfilled by CAPCO by providing job security, permanent employment and medical benefits to their employees. The third need is the psychological needs which are also fulfilled by the management of CAPCO by forming a team of the consultants who used to work as a group and that satisfies the sense of friendship. The fourth need is the self esteem need which derives when the human beings wants some achievement in their lives. CAPCO recognises this need and supports the employees by giving promotion, rewards like the best employees award etc. The last is the self actualisation need which is also linked with the delegation of the challenging work to the consultants or to the Principles Consultants for managing the high values clients. (Wood, Zeffane, Fromholtz, Wiesner and Creed, 2010).

Herzberg theories: of motivation give emphasis on two aspects which are hygiene factor and other one is motivational factor. Hygiene factor includes certain aspects like pay structure, benefits, job security which are very much needed to deliver the satisfaction to the employees.  For example in Mc Donald’s several opportunities like incentives, food coupons and family insurance are given to satisfy the employees. On the other hand it is the motivational factors like growth opportunities, recognition and achievements are mainly focused to motivate the employees for the sake of high productivity. At Mc Donald’s we know that the company is providing growth opportunities, development opportunities from their university, employees recognition schemes like the best employees to motivate the employees.

From the two theories we have observed that Maslow’s need theory is focused on the five needs which the human being require to live his/her life. Other than that Herzberg theory gives emphasis on the two aspects which includes the pay structure as well as working environment of the organisation. But it lacks the situation variables. Both the theory aims to provide motivation but the approach is different which can be observed from the above explanation.

3.3   Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

The role of a manager is to coordinate the team and to ensure that the work process is running smoothly. The team consist of the employees who are moved by the emotions and for that motivation plays a major to make the team productive in the organisation for achieving the target. Motivation theories like Equity theory can help to understand the necessities of the manager to understand the motivational theories for increasing the productivity of the organisation. As per John Stacey Adam’s equity theory gives emphasis on the factor equity or fairness in the organisation structure. This theory claims that if one employee gets promotion and the other does not get then it will affect the motivation level of that employee. Thus fairness in the organisation structure can help to motivate the employees equally. The two variables in the theory are the input and output. Input is the effort that is given by the employees in the organisation which involves the hard work, loyalty, commitment, flexibility etc and the output is the job security, recognition, reward, praise which the employees must get for the inputs they used to deliver (Alvesson, 2012).  Thus a manager needs to understand the equality or transparency in the organisational policies which must ensure the sense of equality and fairness in the organisation. For example if the employee feel that they are being fairly treated in their workplace then they will get the motivation for giving their best efforts as per the inputs which in turn will increase the productivity level. It is very common that increase in the productivity will also maximise the profitability of the organisation as the targets or the objectives are get fulfilled due to the positive effort of the motivated employees. Other than that if we relate one more motivational theory like Hackman and Oldham’s characteristics theory in the organisation then it highlights three aspects which are the meaning of the work, delegated responsibilities and outcomes. The  developing manager  needs to ensure that the employee has understood their work and they perform it by taking immense care. Secondly, the management has to ensure the freedom or the empowerment for the employees to ensure high productivity and lastly is the outcome which is the feedback that is needed to be shared with the employee both in the case of target achievement or target unachievement. (Your Coach, 2016).

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

The organisations are having the group which ensures that the collective working will only ensure the target achievement. Thus a group is the collection of the employees in an organisation who are sharing same or common goal. In the organisation CAPCO the common goal is to assist the clients by giving best solutions for their financial planning. Based on the common goal it is the goal of the groups of the consultants to satisfy each and every client. Thus the interdependence between the group members will be high as well as positive due to the common target that every members of the group has to give equal contribution. But if there is a negative interdependence of the groups then it will hamper the target achievement. Negative interdependence will only arise when the members will pass away their duties or give less contribution or criticise every decisions of the groups. Social interaction also plays a major role in the group where the members of the group used to interact in the structured process. The misunderstandings or the incomplete communication can be prevented from the social interaction. There are different groups which can be observed in CAPCO. The formal groups are the team of the consultants who are given several targets and the responsibilities to manage the clients of CAPCO. But the command groups are the members including the Senior Consultants, Partners and the Principle Consultants who used to delegate the responsibilities to the junior teams. Command groups undertake the strategic decision in the organisation. Informal groups are the friendship groups at CAPCO which are not related with the organisation’s process. But there are the interest groups who are the stakeholders like the partners, investors, clients who are having different levels of interest and power in the business of CAPCO. Group Behaviour is the approach of the groups that can be observed in the organisations. The effectiveness of the group can be linked with the group behaviour (Alvesson, 2012).  Task and maintenance role in the group determines the way the members used to behave. In the task role there are some members who will share different creative ideas or they will take initiative to start any process etc. But in case of the maintenance role the there will be some members of the group who will coordinate the team and establish the harmony in the group. Thus both the roles used to deliver a positive impact in the group behaviour.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

Teamwork is the collaborate effort given by the members of the team in order to achieve the common goals or targets. Effective teamwork is only possible when there will be an equal contribution of the members of the team which will ensure the positive outcome. The factors that can inhibit or promote the effective teamwork are as follows:

  • Personal Factors: Personal factors like “conformity” imply the support by the members to any decision. Sometimes it may be happen that one or two members will not accept the decision by the majority and then those members will give less effort in the team. This negative behaviour can be removed if all the views are taken and then analysed by determining the positive and the negative areas. Thus it is needed to maintain a conformity or confirmation to the decisions taken by the group members of CAPCO.
  • Social factors: Social factors confirm the cohesiveness of the groups at CAPCO. The team members will only feel proud as members of such concerned team where there is a positive cohesiveness in the team and that is only possible when the social interactions among the members are strong. The communication process will be effective as well as the contribution of the members are also equal when the trust and faith among the members will grow. The diverse cultural background of the consultants can also create misunderstandings which may inhibit the teamwork. (Schein, 2010). 
  • Organisational factors: organisations factors include several areas like the leadership style, policies, employee’s benefit, working environment etc. At CAPCO the management ensures the participative leadership style which involves all the consultants for sharing their views. The best salary in the finance domain is also provided by CAPCO to the employees which will motivate the members of the team to give productive performances. The teams of the consultants are also recognised for their best performances and there is a reward scheme which promotes the effective team work. Thus the organisation culture also determines the effectiveness of the teamwork.

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation 

Technology is the scientific applications which the organisation adopts for maximise the productivity of the organisation. The variables like the time, return, cost, benefits are the areas that are associated with the adoption of the technology. Development in the technology and its application influences the management of the organisation to adopt the technology in the organisation.

The applications of the technology used in CAPCO are:

  • All the members of the team used to coordinate with each other with the help of CAPCO registered email ids. The place is the not the concern in this technology which help the members to coordinate with each other from anywhere.
  • Software is used in CAPCO by the team members to show the details of the financial planning to the clients. The software helps the other team members to get the updates done by their team mates which facilitate the communication process.
  • Informal teams of CAPCO used to share their views with the help of the social media applications.

From the application of the technology certain positive and negative sides are also there which are as follows:

Positive side: The positive side is the time that is saved by the application of the technology. The members can communicate at any place they like which smoothen the team functioning. Efficiency will be maximised as the members can coordinate effectively with each other.

Negative side: The negative side is the network problem which will disrupts the communication process. Sometimes the members are overdependence on the technology which affects the efficiency of the individual in the terms of creativity.

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The report has highlighted the organisation CAPCO who is catering in the financial sector. The first part of the report has described the structure and culture associated with the factors that may influence the behaviour of the individual. The second part has shown the different leadership styles along with the organisation theories. The third part is the impact of the leadership styles in the period of the change along with the motivational theories. The last part gives the glimpses of the groups at CAPCO and their behaviour. The factors like personal factors, organisational factors have been discussed by aligning the team work.


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Clay, M. (2013). Sales Strategies for Business Growth. Thorogood Publishing
Curtis, E. and O’Connell, R., (2011). Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff: An empowered team is enthusiastic about its work and will deliver high quality care. Nursing Management, 18(5), pp.32-35.
Edmuds A., A. (2016). How Can Technology Enhance Teamwork & Groups in the Workplace? [Online] Available: http://work.chron.com/can-technology-enhance-teamwork-groups-workplace-1878.html , Accessed on 19.7.16
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.Simon and Schuster Pub.
Kotler., P and Keller L., K. (2014).  Marketing Management : Global Edition.
Lancaster., G and Massingham., L. (2010). Essentials of Marketing management. Routledge.
Martin., J. (2011). Organizational Behavior. Thomson Learning.
Miles., R. and Snow c., C. (2011). Organizational strategy, Structure and Process. Mc Graw
Schein, E.H., (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.
Weiner, B., (2010). The development of an attribution-based theory of motivation: A history of ideas. Educational Psychologist, 45(1), pp.28-36