Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour - CAPCO

QFC Level

Level 4


In the working of the company, it is the duty of the management to ensure that they can get the employees motivated in the company so that they will do the operations the best of their ability as this is necessary for the success and the tenure of the company. But for this there are certain things that have to be done by the management and this will only be possible if they have the means and the methods of doing so.This unit 3 organisations and behaviour assignment CAPCO delves regarding the organisational aspects as well as behavioural aspects, which are related with the consideration of the association amongst the structural aspect and cultural aspect of the company, acknowledging various approaches towards management as well as leadership, acknowledging the methods to utilise motivational organisational theories and to understand the methods for developing efficient organisational teamwork. Some of these methods and means will be discussed in the different parts of this assignment with reference to CAPCO.

Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

CAPCO is one of the most known companies in its field and the reason for this is the scale and scope of the company and the level at which it operates. The success that the management has got over the years has been because of the culture and the structure that they have selected for the  employee relations  and it is very strict and formal wherein the employees have to not only follow the procedure for the process of communication but also the protocols regarding the dress code. The structure of the  company is  such that the employees first have  to approach their team manager or the  departmental head for  the issues that they are  facing since the  higher and top level management of the company is not always available for the  employees and the  structure  and  the culture  of the company is the only thing that they have  to  depend on. The next company to consider in terms of culture and structure is the Infosys company of the software world and the way of working that they have is quite different from that of CAPCO firstly because there is not so much of a formality in the company and the employees are free to interact with one another and share the knowledge and the experiences that they have. This is the reason that the culture and the structure of the company is very laid back and employee friendly as the management thinks that the employees should be given their due space to do their operations. Also the availability of the management at all times makes sure that the employees can reach them in the situations where they need assistance and guidance. But the culture and the structure of both the companies work for them since they have managed to gain success. (Kotler, 2012)

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s struture and culture can impact on the performance of the business.

The culture and the structure of the company is considered to be the grounds on which the company stands and does the operations that they have to done for success and this is the reason that it is necessary for the management to make the right decisions regarding the culture and the structure of the company because if they can get this one right, then it will be easier for them to get the employees on the same page. The structure of the company makes it easier for the employees to know the procedures and the protocols that they have to follow in the company so that they can be in line with the policies of the management and make sure that the work that they do is considered for the final success of the company. Also the structure of the company provides a shape and form to the company which is necessary in the current times because of the competition and the complications that are there in the market and the companies have to present a united front. Structure is important in the multinational companies like the CAPCO where there are different department and many employees. The next is the culture of the company and it is necessary for the companies to have a culture that they can follow and this is so that the employees have a working environment in the company which is either going to improve their performance or spoil it. The culture of the company can be drafted based on the nature of the operations that the employees have to do and the communication channel that they follow with the management and the fellow employees. All these decisions are taken by the management of the company because they have the experience and expertise for it. (Jurevicius, 2013)

1.3  Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

The employees are the most valuable asset that is there for any company of the market and this is the reason that the management of the companies such as CAPCO make sure that they can provide for the staff base that they have since they are the ones who do the operations for the company and bring it one step closer to success. For doing this the management of the company make sure that they understand the need and demands of the employees that they have and maintain a connection with them that can be used in the times of need. The balance in the relationship between the management and the employees is something that is used for the image and the goodwill of the company in the market. but for this to happen in the best possible manner it is necessary for the management to understand that since employees and human resource is based on the human nature it is going to be some science and rules that they follow and they will have to understand what makes the employees tick and then work on it. Every employee in the business market is there for a reason and that reason is that they want to career and a living out of the work that they do and they all carry their own set of educational qualification and working experience. It is quite possible that the needs of one employee is different from that of the other and in such cases, it is the duty of the management to find out the middle ground that they can all work on and also the one which will keep the employees happy and content with the company that they are working for. All this is done by the  human resource department  (Bryant, 2010)

human resource department

Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice

The laze faire leadership style is the one in which the employees get the freedom that they need to do the operations that they have been allotted. For assistance they have their team leader and departmental head that can assist them in any difficult situation that they might face during their tenure. The next is the autocratic leadership style in which the role of the employees is that they have to follow all the instructions that they get from the management and do the work in the manner which is expected by the management. They do not have the liberty to express their opinions.The exact opposite of this is the democratic leadership style and in this style, the employees have the power and the freedom that they need to express their opinions and feedbacks to the management so that they can work together as a team and make sure that they achieve success.

The transactional leadership is the one in which the management and the team leaders keep on changing the leadership methods that they have in the company based on the nature of the project that they do. This change is there for them to judge option that they can use. The transformational leadership on the other hand is the one in which the management makes sure that they give out some duties and powers to the employees of the company to prepare them for the future and also test the abilities that they have which can be encouraged. Out of all these leadership styles, the one that is going to work for the company of CAPCO is the autocratic leadership style as it goes with the culture and the structure of the company and will help the management to maintain the style that they have practiced so far. (Blatchford, 2013)

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2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management

Every company of the business market has a theory that they follow for the working of the company and the reason for this is that they need to give a shape to the working style of the company and lay down certain rules and procedures that can be used in the times of need and difficult situations. This is where the role of the organisational theories comes into the picture and based on kind of theory the management has adopted for the company, they decide upon the plans and the policies that they going to follow for the culture and the structure of the company. In the end again in this case, it in the hands of the management to decide the road that they want to take up. Basically there are two kinds of theories that the management can choose from- the scientific theory and the human relation theory. Talking about the scientific theory, one has to first understand that in this theory the very basic aim of the management is to achieve the goals that they have set for the future and for this they need the employees to be on their beck and call and follow all the orders that they shoot at them .in this the relation and the kind of working pattern that they have with the employees is not considered and the only thing that the management wants is success. The next is the human relation theory and just like the name suggests the goal of the management is to make sure that they have a friendly and a healthy working relationship with the employees of the company and for this they give them the freedom that they need and also fulfill any demands that they have so that they can work as a team. (Kokemuller, 2007)

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

As far the organisational theories are concerned, CAPCO ensures that they follow the scientific approach because given the structure and the culture of the company, the employees have to be on their best behaviour at all points of time and this is so that they fit in the mould that has been created by the management. The only goal that they have for the future of the company is that they need to do the operations that are required of them by the management and do them as per the standards that are followed in the company. It is not in the hands of the employees, to express any opinions or suggestions that they may have for the future because they do not have the means and the methods to do so. So in this case the theory that they follow in the company fits in right with the way the management wants to go about the future. the Infosys on the other hand makes sure that they follow the human relations theory in the company and the reason for this is the that relation that is there between the management and the employees is something that the management wants to build with the employees for the long term and this is good not just for the goals that they have for the future but also for the image of the company in the market. For making sure this happen in the right manner, the management of the company hives the employees the space and the freedom that they need in the company to do their work and also to express what they feel needs to be done for better results. They also work on the needs and the demands of the employees from the company and their careers. (Friesner, 2014)

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

Every company during their tenure in the business market have to undergo the process of change as it is a part of the business market and it is important for the companies to be in line with the trends and patterns of the business market but for this there is a lot that has to be done by both the management and the employees since it is necessary for them to succeed in their changing plan and the future of the company in the  market orientation  depends on it. In the process of change the one thing the one thing that has to be done by the management of the companies is that they need to make sure that the employees of the company are on their side because they are the ones that have bring the change and also workaround it so its acceptance and adjustment is important and crucial. This is the time where in the company a use different motivational styles for the employees. In the autocratic style, the employees will not have the freedom that they need to express their opinion and that is necessary in change because suggestions and discussions can bring up something better for the company. Also the employees need the space and the time to complete the operations that they have been allotted and to top off the change period with supervision is not going to be fair on the employees. This is the reason that it will be suggested that the management uses the democratic style of leadership during the process of change and then also appreciate the good work that will be done for the future as this is going to be a good push for the employees to keep in line with the changes that are happening in the company. (Cameron & Quinn, 2011)

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

The one good thing that can be said about the business market is that it presents a lot of choices to the companies and the management and they can select what they think will be best suited for the future gaols that they have and with the working style that they follow .the same is the case with the motivational theories as well and sine all the companies have their goals and agendas when it comes to the motivational theories, it will be safe to say that they all have their theories used in the companies and the impact that they have on the operations of the employees also differs from organisation to organisation. The first motivational theories that can be used by the company is that of Maslow’s hierarchy of need which states that every employee in the business market has certain needs that they want to fulfill through the careers that they have in the company that they work and it is the duty of the management to ensure that they have the means that they can use for the fulfillment of these needs. If all these needs of the employees are met in the company then they will be pushed to give in their best for the operations that they will be doing. Other than this there is also a Herzberg theory of factors that can be used by the management of the company and this theory states that in the working of the company there are certain factors that will promote the performance of the company and then there are some factors which will discourage the performance of the employees. And in order to make the company a success, the management will have to increase the former and reduce the latter in the overall company working. (Sims & Brinkmann, 2003)

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

in the multinational companies of the market it can be seen that there are different departments in the working of the company and the reason for this is that the companies need the expertise and the experience that they can use for the operations that they need to do and this is because of the complications and the complexities that they face in the market and also the competition that they have to deal with. The departments make it possible for the management to delegate the work that they have to the other departments and this is good for the work load that they carry and also to test and prepare the employees for the future. But at the same time they have different team leaders and managers for all the teams and the departments that are there in the company and it is these leaders and heads that are the link between the management and the employees so it is necessary for them to be on their best foot forward. For this to happen in the right manner, the managers and the leaders can use the process of motivation which can be used to keep the employees focused on the goals that they have for the future and at the same time inline with the management. Using the motivation is also a good way for the managers to solve the issues that the employees must be facing with each other and also with the management. Motivation is also the means that they can use for the development of the work that has to be done by the employees and this is also a good way to make sure that the employees and the management have relationship that they can use to present a united front in the market for a good image. (Caves, 2008)

Market Planning

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Like it has been mentioned in the last part of the assignment that there are different groups and teams that are there in the working of the company but at the same time it is not necessary that all these groups and their activities have an impact on the operations that have to be done in the company. But the one thing that has to be done by the management is that they have to consider the impact of these groups in the company and they can use it in  marketing planning  for the future. Broadly there are two kinds of groups that can be seen in the company- formal and informal. The formal groups are the ones that are made by the management of the company for a specific operation that has to e done for success. It is quite possible for the employees in the group to be from the same department and the interaction that they will have in the groups is going to be formal and official and will be on record. It is also possible that once the work has been completed, the group will be dissolved and may or may not be made with the same members in the future when the need arises. The next is the informal group which has nothing to do with the operations of the company or the duties that have been allotted by the management and the only reason that they are made is because of the personal interactions of the employees with each other. It may be possible that in the working of the company, these interactions can be used by the management if they want to use the relations that the employees have each other for the improvement in the level of performance of the employees.  (Pirraglia, 2010)

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

Forming the company in the working process is not the only thing that has to be done by the management but if they want to make sure that teams and the groups that they make in the company will be able to gain the success that they want in the future, then it is necessary for the management to make sure that they keep in mind some points which they can use for making sure that the teams that they have made in the company will be able to deliver the results that they have aimed for. The first and the foremost thing that they need to consider is that they have to first consider the goals that they are going to set for the team and this is so that the employees that they select for the team are doing to be done as per the experience and the expertise that they need for success. Another thing that they need to make sure is that the employees that they have selected for the same team get along with each other so that they can do the work that they have to do together and this is an important step of the working process since the working relationship between the employees is going to determine the success rate that they will have and the mage that they will make. Also the management will have to ensure that the team leader that they have allotted for the team is going to be according to the suggestions of the team members as they are the ones who have work with the leader. In the end, the management has to make sure that they provide the team with the possible means and resources that they might need for the completion of the goals. (Bauer, 2012)

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation 

Like it has been mentioned in the different parts of the assignment that there are different trends and patterns in the business market and they have to be tracked by the management of the companies so that they can keep in line with the development of the market and also have a easier way that they can follow for the success in the long run. The change that happens in the business market is because of the change in the different factors of the market and one of them happens to be the technology that is being used by the companies in the operations that they do. In the current times it can be seen that the different form of technologies is one of the most impactful factors that have been there in the market and this is because they are being currently used by almost all the companies of the market in some way or the other. Technology can also be used by the companies of the market for the success and the development of the teams that they have. The first thing that they can do for this is that they give the teams the technology that they can use for the everyday operations of the company and this will be good for taking off the load off the shoulders of the employees. Also the different forms of technology will ensure that the work that will be delivered by the employees will be better in quality which ultimately will be good for the results that the management wants out of the team. Another thing that will come out of the use of technology is that the time and resources that will be used by the team will be less which they can use for some other operations. (Wolski, 2007)

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All the parts that have been discussed in the different aspects of this assignment have been done with reference to the company of CAPCO and after a good and deep study of the business market and the trends and patterns that run in it. It is necessary for the companies of the market to make sure that they follow the change in the trends and patterns of the business market so that they can get the employees on the same page and then they can achieve the goals that they have set for themselves and present a united front in the market.


Bauer, T., Erdogan, B., (2012), Need based Theories of Motivation, [Online], Available: http://www.peoi.org/Courses/Coursesen/orgbeh1/contents/frame5a.html [Accessed 27 July 2016]
Blatchford, J., (2013), Related diversification, [Blog], Available:http://manifestedmarketing.com/2013/10/07/Starbucks-related-diversification/ [Accessed 28 July 2016]
Bryant, M., (2010), Why is SWOT Important to Marketers? [Article], Available:http://smallbusiness.chron.com/swot-important-marketers-43933.html [Accessed 29 July 2016]
Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework. John Wiley & Sons. [Accessed 27 July 2016]
Caves, R. E., (2008), Research on International Business: Problems and Prospects, Journal of International Business Studies, [Journal], [Accessed 27 July 2016]
Friesner, T., (2014), The Stages of Buyer Decision Process, [Online], Available: http://www.marketingteacher.com/buyer-decision-process/ [Accessed 28 July 2016]
Jurevicius, O., (2013),  SWOT analysis  of Starbucks, [Online], Available: http://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/swot-analyses/starbucks-swot-analysis.html [Accessed 29 July 2016]
Kokemuller, N., (2007), Advantages of Marketing Orientation, [Article], Available:http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-marketing-orientation-20975.html [Accessed 29 July 2016]
Kotler, P., (2012), Dr. Philip Kotler Answers Your Questions on Marketing, [Online], Available:http://www.kotlermarketing.com/phil_questions.shtml [Accessed 28 July 2016]