Unit 18 Human Resources Management - Marriott Hotel

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Unit 18 Human Resources Management - Marriott Hotel
Unit 18 Human Resources Management - Marriott Hotel
Unit 18 Human Resources Management - Marriott Hotel


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 Human Resources Management

QFC Level

Level 5


Marriott Hotel is the brand of full service hotels and resorts in UK and worldwide. The current report consists of the difference between personnel management and human resource management and function of HRM in Marriott hotel. Also it includes the information about roles and responsibilities of line manager in the organisation and regulatory framework in the organization. The human resources management also includes about the importance of Human resource planning in Marriott hotel and stages involved in the HR planning. The human resources management also compares the recruitment and selection process of two organisations, that is Marriot and Tesco organisations and also outlines the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in both the organisations. Information included in the report is about the link between motivational theory and reward system. And also there is evaluation of job evaluation process and factors determining pay in Virgin Media. It contains the effectiveness of reward systems and the methods Virgin Media use to monitor employees performance. In particular study, it will identify that what are the reasons for the employee cessation and exit procedures in the organisation. Finally it includes about the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements.

Task 1

1.1 Difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

Marriott Hotels and Resorts is the brand of full service hotels and resorts that provide quality of service to its customers.  The following table differentiates the Personnel management and Human resource management of Marriott hotel:

Table 1: Difference between PM and HRM

Basis of difference

Personnel Management

Human Resource Management


Personnel management follows traditional approach of management.

Human Resource Management is following modern approach of management.

Value of Employees

Personnel Management considers that employees can be used as input to achieve desired output. (Boxall  and Purcell 2011)

Human Resource management

Considers employees must be valued so as to achieve the desired goals.



In this, personnel function  is undertaken with the objective of employees satisfaction

In this, Administrative function is undertaken with the objective to achieve the organisational goals.

Training and Development

In this, employees are benefitted

with less training and development sessions.

In this, employees are provided with high number of training and development sessions.

Decision power

In Personnel Management, decisions are framed by the top management level of the organisation.

In Human Resource management, all the employees in the organisation are involved in the decision making process.


Working area

Personnel management mainly works to increase its production and to achieve set targets.

Human Resource management is focused on maintaining the culture, quality of the product and satisfaction level of employees in the organisation.


It mainly focus on employee labour and work relation.

It mainly focuses on acquirement, development, inspiration and maintenance of human resources in the organization.

1.2 Functions of Human Resource Management for Marriott Hotel

There are the various functions which are followed by HRM, its major functions are to recruit, select and train the candidate for the required job position. If the candidate is provided with the strong training and development sessions than it will help the organisation to achieve desired goals. Following are the functions of Human Resource Management in Marriott Hotel:

  • Recruitment and Selection: During the Recruitment process, the applications of various candidates are accepted and their potential is identified. In an interview, the HR manager observes the potential of the candidate and briefs the candidate about Marriott Hotel. After the job interview, the candidate is selected for the desired position in the organisation. The manger selects the candidate who excels all the requirement of job and helps the organisation to achieve its goals and objectives.
  • Training and development: Providing training sessions to the employees of the organisation, will improve their knowledge and skill and also they will perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively (Obeidat, 2012). Also providing the employees with various development sessions will prepare them for higher level of job positions. Thus, training and development of employees is n important function of Human Resource Management.
  • Compensation: It is an important function of HRM to determine that how much an individual should be paid for its job. Also the people get attracted towards the organisation which pays high in relation to the work performed by them. The HR manager also provides incentives such as increase in salary, profit sharing or bonus so as to encourage the employee for higher level of performance.

1.3 Role and Responsibilities of line managers

Line managers are the one to whom the employees directly report and also the line manager supervises the staff members. They act as a mediator between management and employees. Following are the roles and responsibilities of line manager:

  • Disciplining Employees: Line manger instructs all the staff members to maintain discipline at the workplace. Also the line manger expects the support of the employees in the policies and procedures developed by the HR department. With the help and direction of line manager, employees in the organisation can improve their performance and behaviour at workplace.
  • Performance Appraisal: Line manager implements the appraisal process designed by the HR professionals. Line manager analyse the performance of the employees and rate them according to their performance. Also the line manager provides feedback to each individual. It is the responsibility of the line manager to provide the effective feedback so that the performance of the employees can be improved.
  • Employee Engagement: For employee engagement, line manager can create organisational culture for the employees. The line manager can engage with employees by communicating with the employees about their problems and encouraging them to improve their performance (Haslinda, 2009).  Thus, employee engagement is the major responsibility which is fulfilled by the line manager.

1.4 Impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management

In Marriott Hotel, legal and regulatory framework protects the employees from unfair practices and biasness. Following are the regulatory frameworks which impacts on the HRM:

  • Working Time Directive: This rule protects the health and safety of the workers, as the rule states that the working time much not exceeds 48 hours on average including the overtime. The rule also state that the extra protection must be provided to the workers in case of night work (Siddiqi.et.al.2009). The Marriott organisation provides the staff members with all health and safety as per the law.
  • Equal Pay Act (1970): This act states that the Human Resource Department must pay an equal pay to all the employees according to their potential. The Marriott organisation also provides equal salary to all its employees without any biasness.
  • The Disability Discrimination Act: This act states that the people with mental illness must be “clinically well recognised” (Purce, 2014). Also the disabled people must not be treated less favourably. The Marriott organisation binds to the act and treats all its staff members equally without any discrimination.
  • The Data Protection Act (1998): According to the act, the individual has the right to know what information is held about them. It also ensures that the information of an individual must be handled properly. The organisation keeps all the information of an individual private and does not disclose it with any other organisation without the permission of an individual.

Thus, following are the regulatory framework that is followed by the Human Resource management of Marriott hotel.

Task 2

2.1 Importance of Human Resource Planning in the Hotel Marriott

The HRM is mainly is concerned for selecting the highly skilled candidates and providing them with the required job position. Following are the reasons for human resource planning in the organisation:

  • Recruitment: The HR department plays an important role in the recruitment of the candidates for the desired position in the organisation. It is necessary for the organisation to determine the staff requirements in the organization so that it can achieve all its goals and objectives. The organisation should find qualified candidates through various internship programs and job fairs (Bamberger.et.al. 2014.). It is the HR manager who takes the interview of the selected candidate and determines their potential for the desired job.
  • Training and Compliance: Organisation considers HR planning as an important process so as to identify staff efficiency. HR plan will help the organisation to identify underperforming employees and provide them with required training and development session (Purce, 2014). HR plan will also help in addressing federal, state and local contract law and regulations which consists of the guidelines for hiring employees and firing them, worker’s safety regulations etc.
  • Safety: Every employee at the workplace wants to work in safe and secure conditions. Workplace safety and risk management are the major concerns for HR management. With the help of proper safety measures and regulations, the rate of accidents can be minimised. Also these rules and regulations may help in creating safety awareness among employees and also to promote awareness in handling dangerous equipment and hazardous chemicals carefully.

2.2 Stages involved in planning human resource

The human resource planning is basically consists of selecting the qualified candidate for the unoccupied place in the organisation and also to provide the individual with training and development sessions so as to improve its skill and knowledge. Following are the steps which help in planning of human resources:

To consider organisational objectives: It is essential for the department to identify the need for human resources in various departments such as marketing, finance and funding, sales etc, in the organisation. Thus, Marriott hotels identify the requirement of manpower in the organisation.

Inventory of present human resource: During this process, the management evaluates the present availability of employees in the organisation (Dezdar and Sulaiman, 2009.). For example, employees in room service department, employees in kitchen department etc. After the evaluation of internal capacity management recruits the new candidates for the organisation.

Forecasting Demand and supply of human resource: The HR department of Marriott hotel identifies the different positions which are required to be fulfilled. The department matches the job description and job specification of the particular work, and the candidates profile should be appropriate for that.

To estimate manpower gaps: Human resource demand and human resource supply are compared by the Marriott hotel so as to know the surplus and deficit of man power. Deficit includes that more number of people should be hired and surplus includes that the employees should be fired.

Implement the action plan: There is an action plan which is designed by the organisation so as to manage the human resource efficiently. The plan states that surplus employee may be fired or offered with voluntary retirement and in deficit, management employ the candidates from different sources.

Monitor, control and feedback: In this the organisation is required to monitor the action plan and also to estimate the future requirements. The selected candidates are evaluated on the basis of their potential so as to ensure the effectiveness of the plan in hotel Marriott (Storey, 2014). Monitoring of the plan is done harshly so as to evaluate the deficiencies and make changes in them accordingly.

2.3 Recruitment and Selection Process in two organisation

Every organisation has its own procedure of hiring candidates. The organisation can recruit candidates either online or through the advertisement in newspaper. Furthermore, the Marriott hotel hires the highly skilled and qualified candidates so as to achieve the organisational goals. The organisation follows corporate governance policy and hires the skilled workforce in the organisation. The recruiting and selection process of Marriott hotel starts with advertisement in newspaper, and after selecting the candidates the interview is being conducted. After the interview, the candidate has to go through certain tests such as written test and group discussions (Storey, 2014). Also the organisation conducts physical test. The HR manger hires the candidate only if the candidate has passed all the tests with good score. Also the individual should me more productive and perform efficiently so as to achieve organisational goals.

On the other hand, the recruiting and selection process of Tesco is very complex due to which the organisation may lose its highly skilled workforce. The Tesco advertises about its job vacancies online and also select the experienced candidates online due to which the fresher do not get chance to be selected for the desired job. Also the interview is conducted online and after getting selected for the desired position, the candidate has to go through various tests that are aptitude test, verbal test and at last the candidate is selected on the basis of its technical skills and experience.

2.4 Effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in both the organisations

The Marriott hotel follows easy procedure for hiring the candidates in the organisation as compared to Tesco which follows more complex procedure. The process followed by Marriott management provides equal opportunities to both experienced as well as fresher for getting selected in the organisation. Contrary to this, the Tesco conducts the recruiting and selection process online and give more opportunities to the experienced candidates as compared to fresher. Also the Tesco is not following the internal selection procedure due to which there is downfall in the performance level of the organisation (Townley, 2014). In Marriott organisation, the physical presence of the candidate is required for the interview whereas the Tesco conducts its interview online itself where there the candidate is present virtually. And both the organisation conducts several tests for example written test and physical test is conducted by the Marriott whereas aptitude test and verbal test is conducted by the Tesco which reflects the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process in both the organization.

Still the selection process of Marriott is more efficient as it follows the proper procedures in the selection of the candidate whereas the Tesco conducts online recruiting and selection process. Also both the organisations conduct several tests of the candidate after the interview which helps the organisation to know the potential of an individual in achieving organisational objectives.

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Task 3

3.1 Link between motivational theory and reward theory

Motivation is the best way to boast the morale of the employees and try to increase the capacity of the employees. It directly influences the efficiency of the employees and keeps them motivated to achieve the organizational goals. It can be said that both the theories are interlinked because both are used to keep the employee motivated either by providing monetary or non-monetary benefits. Motivation theories are classified in two categories content theory and process theory.

Motivational Theory

Virgin media adopts the positive motivation technique to motivate the employee and to keep the healthy working environment at the work place. On the other hand organization provides the rewards to the employees in the tangible form and the esteemed needs. The Human resource department of the organization evaluates the performance of the employees and provides monetary benefits to them in order to keep them motivated (Volpp and Galvin, 2014). This kind of policies creates competition among the employees and influences them to raise the standard of the performance. Financial compensation is the best way to keep the employee motivated. Financial compensation plays crucial role in the performance of the employee. So it can be said that reward and motivation has the important relation that assist the management to keep the employees engaged and gain the competitive advantage in the market.

3.2 Evaluating of job evaluation process and factors determining pay

Job evaluation is the process of rating the job in the organisation. This process helps in establishing the value of job in job hierarchy. It is the comparative process which helps in comparing the essential value of job in the organisation (Taylor, 2014). In Virgin Media, job evaluation process helps the organisation to reduce the inequalities in the salary structure. For example, with the help of job evaluation, the HR manager of Virgin Media, can easily identifies where there is need to increase the pay and where it is required to adjust pay downward on the basis of employee performance. Also through job evaluation, it is easy to maintain the synchronization between the manager and the employee. With this process, the manager of Virgin Media can identify the areas in which the employee needs improvement. By providing the suitable training to the employee, its efficiency can be improved. Also it will help in internal promotions and the utilization of talent that has experience with the organisation.

Pay is the reward which is provided to the employees for the hard work and performance executed by them at the workplace. In Virgin Media, there are various factors which determines the pay scale of their employees such as skill and qualification of its employees, experience of employees, employee performance etc. Following are the factors which help to determine the pay in Virgin Media:

  • Job experience: Pay structure is mainly dependent on the experiences of an individual. If the employee is the fresher in the organisation than the pay scale of an individual will be low as compared to the more experienced employee. Extraordinary experience will be having the high pay scale.
  • Employee Performance: The HR manager in Virgin Media rates the employee on the basis of its performance. If the employee is rated well by the manager in its overall performance, then the individual may have a good pay scale as compared to those who are low rated by the manager (Dezdar and Sulaiman, 2009).
  • Profitability of the organization: There is the time when organisation does not receive higher profits, which may affect the salary of the employees working in the organisation. This is the most important factor for determining the pay scale of the employees.

3.3 Effectiveness of the reward system in the Virgin media

Virgin Media provide the rewards to keep the employees motivated and retain them to the organization for the longer period. It is the best method to keep the employee motivated. Majorly various factors are considered to keep the employees motivated like bonuses, salary, commission, promotion etc. Through reward system management can easily motivate the employees and encourage them to give their best to achieve the organizational goals (Townley, 2014.). Reward is the technique to motivate the employees for the job and committed towards the task. HR department of the Virgin Media adopt both the methods of reward system financial and non- financial for rewarding the employees to achieve the predefined goals. Increment in salary is another mode of reward in which manager raise the salary of the employees. It creates good impact on the employees and influences their performance.

Reward system helps the organization to retain them for the longer period and boast their morale. The main motive of the reward system is to improve the performance of employees. Reward system design the positive image of the organization in the market and increase the productivity of the organization. Through reward system employees are satisfied with the job and retain them to the organization for long tenure. The overall profits of the organization also increased and try to attract new employees towards the organization.

3.4 Examination of the methods organisations uses to monitor employee performance

Following are the methods adopted by the Virgin Media to monitor the performance of its employees:

360 Degree performance review: In Virgin Media, by using this method the manager takes complete review about the employee from its seniors and colleagues. The management also collects the information from the customer about the performance of the employee if they are not satisfied with the performance then corrective measures will be taken to improve it (Trullen.et.al.2016). This method will help the organisation as well as employee to improve its performance.

Feedback: Feedback is provided by the customer after the service. The customer can either provide negative or positive feedback based on the service provided by the employee of the organisation. For example, the HR manager collects the feedback from the customers for providing broadband services and if the customers do not like the services than measures will be taken to improve that.   

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Task 4

4.1 Reasons for employee cessation in The Chicken Master

Organization removes the employees because of various reasons like performance of employee, behaviour, attitude etc. Management did not want to terminate the employees but some situations or conditions occur that force the management to terminate the employee from the organization. Management has the authority to terminate the employee from the organization if any employee misbehave with the subordinates or show the negative attitude towards the organization (Pearso and Lieber, 2009). Following are the reasons to terminate the employee:

Performance of the employee: When any employee is not performing according to the set benchmark of the top management and continuously declining his performance which affects the growth of the organization than management has the right to fire the employee from the organization. The Chicken Master has set the standards to measure the performance of the employee under this management instruct the employee that all the employees need to perform according to the standards if any employee is not performing according to this standards than they are responsible for their termination.

Behaviour and Attitude: Management creates the environment in which all the employees work with proper coordination and behave well with the subordinates. If any employee reflects the negative attitude or behave rudely with the superior than HR manager have the authority to terminate the employee. For example In The Chicken Master waiter misbehave with the customers or use the abusive language with the customers than on complain of customer manager can fire the employee from the job. Discipline is the first priority in The Chicken Master.

4.2 Exit procedure used by the employees in The Chicken Master

Exit procedure is the way in which employee can leave the organization with his own choice on which no person or management force him to leave the organization. It is the decision of the employee itself and he would be liable for this kind of decision (Halpern and Taylor, 2010). There are various reasons for the employee exit like job satisfaction, low income, another good opportunity etc. Following is the process followed by the employees for the exit:

  • First priority that employee needs to inform for resignation before one month to the HR manager.
  • Employee required to handover the resignation to the personnel manager.
  • The personal manager will inform to the HR department about the resignation.
  • Employee needs to submit the equipments and utilities to the concerned department and collect the no dues certificate from the department.
  • Employee needs to submit the identity cards, credit cards, important document etc to the organization before leaving the job.
  • After that management conducts the interview in which HR department ask the reasons that why you are leaving the job and try to motivate the employee that do not leave the job etc.

If management accept the resignation than circulate the final settlement form in which management ask each department that the concerned employee has any dues in case of no dues than employee completes the resignation process.

4.3 Impact of legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation

The Chicken Master follows the legal framework to terminate the employees without any valid reason management did not fire the employee in the organization. Organization has to provide the prior notice to the employee before termination. Organization must have the appropriate reason to fire the candidate and provide all the legal documents like termination letter, salary certificate etc (Volpp and Galvin, 2014). According to the case Bob fires the Faisal due to his poor performance and violating the guidelines of the organization. This is the valid reason to fire the candidate from the organization. There are various laws in UK that binds the organization to follow the legal termination process. Following are the rule that governs the termination process:

  • The Chicken Master must have the valid reason for the termination of the employee. In case of any discrimination employee has the right to sue the organization against the injustice.
  • Management has no right to do the discrimination with the employees on the basis of their age, caste, gender etc.
  • Organization should provide the equal opportunities to the employees on the basis of Employment act 2010.
  • Management should give the notice to the employees before termination according to the section 86th of the Employment Right Act 1996 and mention the valid reasons in the notice.
  •  The notice should be given before the 15 day and ask the concern of the employee.
  • The organization can terminate the employee if they have done any illegal activity or misbehave with the superiors etc.
  • Legal activities protect the right of the employees and motivate them to fight against the illegal activities.


The study has described the features of Personnel management and Human Resource Management and important functions performed by the HRM in the Marriott Hotel. The report also involves the responsibilities of line manager in the Marriott organisation. Moreover, HRM plays a very crucial role in achieving organisational goals as it recruits the skilled workforce for the desired position. Marriott hotel has adopted the motivational techniques so as to encourage the employees and provide incentives to them for their good performance. The management of Marriott pays the employee on the basis of their job performance. The report has also evaluated the reasons for terminating the employees and causes of employee’s turnover. The report also includes the information about various laws that govern the cessation in the organization.


Books and journals

Bamberger, P.A., Biron, M. and Meshoulam, I., 2014. Human resource strategy: Formulation, implementation, and impact. Routledge.
Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011. Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan.
Dezdar, S. and Sulaiman, A., 2009. Successful enterprise resource planning implementation: taxonomy of critical factors. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(8), pp.1037-1052.
Halpern, M.T. and Taylor, H., 2010. Employee and employer support for workplace-based smoking cessation: results from an international survey.Journal of occupational health, 52(6), pp.375-382.
Haslinda, A., 2009. Evolving terms of human resource management and development. The Journal of International Social Research, 2(9), pp.180-186.
Obeidat, B.Y., 2012. The relationship between human resource information system (HRIS) functions and human resource management (HRM) functionalities. Journal of Management Research, 4(4), pp.192-211.
Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67.
Siddiqi, S., Masud, T.I., Nishtar, S., Peters, D.H., Sabri, B., Bile, K.M. and Jama, M.A., 2009. Framework for assessing governance of the health system in developing countries: gateway to good governance. Health policy, 90(1), pp.13-25.
Storey, J., 2014. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.