Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour


Dealing with the employees is the most difficult things that the management of the companies have do in the current times and the reason for this is that the employees are part of the human nature which is very unpredictable and it is like walking on egg shells at all times. This Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO will identify the effectiveness of various leadership styles in CAPCO organization. But it is necessary to deal with this part of the working because it is only the employees of the company that can bring the much needed success to the company and some of the aspects related to this will be discussed in this assignment with reference to CAPCO. 

Unit 3 Organisational Structure and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

CAPCO is a company that has been in the market for a very long time now and the goal that they have in their minds for the future is that they want to be one of the best in their class. The reason for this is the structure that they follow in the company is very strict and formal which is also called the autocratic system of working. It is systems in which the employees have to be on their toes at all times and follow the commands that they are given either by their team leader or by the  management businesss  of the company. This kind of system ensures that the employees are always in line with the culture of the company and the management has a certain degree of hold over the operations of the employees. Another will known company of the market is that of Infosys which is a software and hardware company and the structure and the culture that they have is exactly opposite of that of CAPCO. In Infosys the employees are given the freedom to do their work as per their own pace and outlook. The management does not interfere in the everyday operations of the employees as they are just interested in the result. This is the reason that the culture in the company is very laid and casual and this kind of structure is called the democratic structure. The main difference between the two is that the latter allows the employees to give in their views and suggestions so that they can grow as an individual but the former does not allow any such liberation and the employees are expected to work as a robot. Both the systems are accepted by the market and work for the companies to achieve their goals and targets. (Kotler, 2012)

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s struture and culture can impact on the performance of the business.

One of the most important things that has to be done by the management of the companies is that they have to take the decisions regarding the future of the goals that they will do and at same time the working style that they are going to follow in the company and this is the reason that the decisions regarding the culture and the structure of the company have to betaken with a lot of care and understanding because they are considered to be the foundation for the future. If the management of the company is successful is figuring out the right culture and structure for the company, then half of their work will be done. The same is the case with the company of CAPCO well and it  is in the hands of the management to make sure that the culture and the structure that they decide for the company falls in line with the working style that they have and also the operations that they are going to be doing. This way the results that they will achieve are going to be more efficient and rewarding and the management will be able to save time and money. This is the relationship between the culture and the structure of the company with the goals and the operations of the management and the employees. If the employees are working within the right culture and structure then the relationship that they will share with the management and the other staff members sis going to easy and understanding which will make it more smooth for them to be able to work together. Also this will ensure that the employees feel connected with the company at all times and this is required for the employees to be motivated to give in their best. (Jurevicius, 2013)

1.3  Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

It is the unwritten rule of the business market that the employees are the biggest and the most valuable asset that is there in the hands of the management of any company and therefore it is necessary for the management and the human resource department to ensure that when they plan for the future of the company they count the future of the employees as well and give them the growth and the opportunities that they need from the company so that they can succeed in their own careers. If this is the case then it will be very easy for the management to aim higher in the future as the employees will be on their side but for this they have understand the fundamental principle that the employees that work in the company which in this case is the CAPCO are all from different backgrounds and lifestyles and therefore the expectations that they will have as an individual are also going to be different and it is the duty of the management to study all these demands and then find out the right measures that they use to meet them so as to keep the employees happy and in link with the company. It is also clear that the employees have their own educational background and the work experience that they bring with themselves in CAPCO and again the human resource department has to keep in mind these point when they allot the employees the duties that they will do because if they are not as per the interest and the knowledge of the employees then the standard of the performance and result is going to be low and this will not be good for employee and also for the future goals and targets of the company CAPCO. (Bryant, 2010)

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice

Laissez faire  leadership role  style is the one in which there is no direct supervision on the employees or on the everyday operations that they do for the company and this is mostly used in the small scale organisations since it lacks quality of performance and there is a very casual attitude. Next is the autocratic leadership style wherein all the decision making power is in the hands of the manager and he can make decisions without the inputs of the members of the team and all that they have to do is that they have to follow the orders that they have been given by the leader. The democratic leadership style is the one in which the employees get a say in the decisions that they have to be taken regarding the team and they are rewarded for the good work that they have for the team and also for the company. transactional leadership is the one in which the working style of the team keeps on changing depending upon the task that they have to do and this is where they follow the process of reward and punishment which pushes the employees to make sure that they give in their best.

The transformational leadership is the one that is based on the strong channel of communication that is carried out in the company where the role of the leader is to motivate the employees to give the best possible results that they can manage which is done through the means of delegation of power. Out of all the leadership styles that have been discussed, it will be best for the management of CAPCO to follow the autocratic leadership style as it falls in line with the working style of the company and the employees are used to this kind of behaviour. (Blatchford, 2013)

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management

One of the most common things in the business market is that it gives the companies the options to choose from depending upon the working style of the company and its goals for the future. These choices are the reason that the companies are so different from each other and yet successful in their own ride. It is in the hands of the management to decide the option that they want to go with and if they make the right choice then the success that they have aimed for will be achievable and real. The same is the case with the organisational theories as well and broadly there are two options to choose from-the scientific theory and the human relation theory. Now if the management of CAPCO decides that they want to go with the scientific theory then the first rule is that the decision making power lies in the hands of the management and the only goal that they will have will be that of profit making and the employees have to get behind them and support their vision. The employees will have to follow all the orders that they get from the management and in return they will be rewarded for the good work that they do but there will be no space for suggestions and feedbacks. On the other hand, there is the human relation theory and the main aim of this theory is to create a relationship between the employees and the management which they can use to do the work that they have to do. This way there will be a better sense of understanding in the company and everyone will be happy with the work and the results that they have achieved so far and they will be even more successful in the future. Both these theories have their own set of rules and principles that have to be followed by the management and if thy can do with the right kind of training and planning, then they can have the success that they have aimed for but going with the working style of the company of CAPCO it will be safe to say that it will be best that they go with the scientific approach as the structure and the culture of the company does not allow the employees to have any kind of casual of laid back attitude in the company. (Kokemuller, 2007)

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

It has been mentioned in the last leg of the assignment that the theory that should be used by the company of CAPCO should be the scientific approach. This is because the principle of working in the company is that the employees have to follow the instructions that they get from the management and do their work according to that. They are not allowed to express the suggestions that they have for the future or the feedbacks for the plans and the procedures that have been made and therefore there is no need for the company to have the relationship between the management and the employees. On the other hand, it is the company of Infosys which gives the employees all the due credit that they deserve for the work that they do and therefore the theory that they should be using should be that of the  human resources  relation as the relationship between the employees and the management and also between the employees and the company is important for the management and this is the principle that they have for the future. Both these theories have their own set of advantages and disadvantages that will fall on the companies. (Friesner, 2014)

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

It is the rule of the business market that the companies have to keep changing their working patterns so that they can include the changes that happen in the business market but for this there is a lot that has to be done by the management and the first and the foremost thing is that they need to have the employees of the company on their side because they are the ones who are going to be working with the change and it is necessary for them to adapt and adjust to it because if not then the success and the future of the company will be at a huge risk. For this to happen, the first thing that the management should do is that they need to have the right kind of leadership in the company. The autocratic style of leadership is not something that will work during the process of change because the employees need the freedom and the opportunity to speak their mind and if that is something that does not get from the company then they will not have a sense of resentment and this will hamper the performance level. The next in line is the transactional and the transformational leadership style and as per the study of the company, it will be safe to say that they will also not work in the times of change because the process of change is already a very fluctuating situation so it will not be fair to the employees to end them up in another fluctuating situation. In the end, it will be safe to say that since company is going through the process if changes it will be best that they follow the democratic style of leadership which will also build up a relationship between the employees and the management. (Cameron & Quinn, 2011)

3.2   Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

In the working of the business environment it is a very commonly known fact that there are many options in the market for the companies to choose from and they can decide upon the one which they think will be best suited for the working style of the company and also the future plans and goals that they have. Also it is good for the company if all these decisions are taken after a good and deep study of the business market because it will make the job of the employees and the management an easier. The same is the rule for the different motivational theories as well and two of the many theories of the market- Maslow’s and Herzberg are discussed below.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the chart that the management of the companies can follow to understand the needs of the employees from the career that they have and also from the company that they work for. This is going to be used by the management to make sure that they can provide for the needs of the employees and keep them retained with the company for a very long time. the very basic chart says that there are basically five needs of the employees-self-actualization, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs and biological and psychological needs.
Herzberg’s two factor theory states that in the working of the company, there are two kinds of factors- one that will promote the working of the employees and the other that will de-motivate the working of the employees and it is the duty of the team leader to ensure that they work on increasing the impact of the former and decreasing the impact of the latter on the operations that are done by the employees. (Sims & Brinkmann, 2003)

3.3   Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

In the multinational companies it has been seen that the there are different departments and the teams that are doing the work that has to be done for the survival of the company in the market and for every department or team it is clear that there is a head or a leader who is responsible for the work that they will do and the overall growth and the development of the team. It is the duty of the manager or the team leader to make sure that the members of the team know the role that they will play in the achievement of the teaks that they have been allotted and then also that there are no issues or conflicts during the working of the team. This is one of the main reasons that the managers in a company like the need the means like motivation and other theories so that they can get the work done out of the employees and it also helps to improve the career that they have with the company. Using such means in the operations of the team is a good way for the manager to be in line with the progress that is happening in the market and also this will improve the efficiency of the results that they will deliver. Apart from this, motivation is also the means that they can be used by the manager to push the employees towards the direction of success and if they are all going to be working for the same goal then they can avoid the conflicts and other clashes that they can have otherwise. One of the biggest things that can come out of the use of  motivational theories  is that the employees and the team leader will have an understanding which will make their work easier. (Caves, 2008)

theories within the workplace

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

In working of the companies, it has been seen that there are usually groups of employees that get together and they can operate in the company or sometimes these group ins have nothing to do with the operations and the future of the company. The management of CAPCO makes sure that they understand these groups and their nature so that they can use in the company if there is any need in the future and this is even good for maintaining the working environment in the company. When talking about the nature of the groups, there are broadly two groups that can be seen in the current times-the formal and the informal. When it comes to the formal groups, they are the ones that are made by the management and the operations and the interactions that they have is strictly for the work that they have to complete. Also there is a team leader present for the guidance and the discipline of the members of the team so that they know where they have to go for the attainment of success. The very basic nature of such groups is that they are made by the management and if they purpose is solved it is quite possible that the management will dissolve the group and it can or cannot be recreated in the future. On the other hand, it is the informal groups that are have nothing to do with the operations of the company but are formed based on the personal interactions of the employees and the interests that they share outside of their work. These groups and their activities have no impact on the operations of the company but the members that fall in the same groups have a better sense of understanding each other and this can be used. (Pirraglia, 2010)

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

When it comes to the working of a team, there is a lot that has to be done by the management and the formation of a good team is just a step in the starting. Creating a team is a task for the management as they first have to decide the operations that they are going to be doing and the results that are expected out of them. Once this has been settled, they have to be provided with a leader so that their work is always supervised and guided. It is also the duty of the management to make sure that the team gets the resources that they need for the achievement of the goals and they are rewarded for a task well done. But to increase the efficiency of the team there are certain points that have to be kept in mind and they have to be fulfilled at the right time. The first and the foremost is that the members of the team are decided based on the education and the experience that they have so that they will know what they are going to be dealing with. Once this has been done, the management will have to ensure that the leader that they allot to the team is done with their suggestion and their acceptance as it is necessary for all of them to along well. The duty of the leader is to be available to the team members at all times so that they can come with their doubts and suggestions. If there are any conflicts in the working of the team, then it is the duty of the leader to solve them by being fair and just so that there are no resentments among the team members and they can continue to do well. (Bauer, 2012)

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation 

One of the most important thing that can be said about the business market is that it is a place that keeps on changing at the speed of light and the companies that operate in the different industries have to be on their toes to keep up with these changes if they want to attain the success that they have aimed for. This is the reason that it can be seen that not all the companies can continue their operations in the market and this is because they fail to adapt to the changes of the market which occurs due to the changes in the factors that have an impact on the operations of the company and also their outcomes. One of the many such factors is that of technology and since it is the products of the modern means it is by far the most influential element in the business market and it has touched all the companies in one way or the other. In the present times it is not just the factors o the business market that include technology but also the everyday operations of the companies and it is going to be a useful tool for the management of CAPCO to increase the efficiency of the teams that they have. Technology can be used for the operations of the team and to make sure that they can achieve the same results in fewer amounts of time and resources. Also if the technology is used in the right manner it will improve the quality of the result. Another thing that can be said about the usage of technology is that it can be used for taking the load off the shoulders of the employees as the work that is done through machines has better performance. (Wolski, 2007)

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The structure and the culture of the company plays a very important role in the achievement of the goals that have been set by the management and the very first thing that they do is that they keep the employees and the management connected at all times and maintains the working style of the company which is necessary for the image that they will project in the market. This is the reason that decisions regarding the culture and the structure of the company is in the hands of the management as they are the one who have the  information knowledge  and the experience.


Bauer, T., Erdogan, B., (2012), Need based Theories of Motivation, [Online], Available: http://www.peoi.org/Courses/Coursesen/orgbeh1/contents/frame5a.html [Accessed 23 July 2016]
Blatchford, J., (2013), Related diversification, [Blog], Available:http://manifestedmarketing.com/2013/10/07/Starbucks-related-diversification/ [Accessed 24 July 2016]
Bryant, M., (2010), Why is SWOT Important to Marketers? [Article], Available:http://smallbusiness.chron.com/swot-important-marketers-43933.html [Accessed 25 July 2016]
Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E., (2011), Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework, John Wiley & Sons, [Accessed 23 July 2016]
Caves, R. E., (2008), Research on International Business: Problems and Prospects, Journal of International Business Studies, [Journal], [Accessed 23 July 2016]
Friesner, T., (2014), The Stages of Buyer Decision Process, [Online], Available: http://www.marketingteacher.com/buyer-decision-process/ [Accessed 24 July 2016]
Jurevicius, O., (2013), SWOT analysis of Starbucks, [Online], Available: http://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/swot-analyses/starbucks-swot-analysis.html [Accessed 25 July 2016]
Kokemuller, N., (2007), Advantages of Marketing Orientation, [Article], Available:http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-marketing-orientation-20975.html [Accessed 25 July 2016]
Kotler, P., (2012), Dr. Philip Kotler Answers Your Questions on Marketing, [Online], Available: http://www.kotlermarketing.com/phil_questions.shtml [Accessed 24 July 2016]