Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC

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Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC
nit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC
Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC

Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC 2


Unit 3 organisational behaviour assignment CAPCO & HSBC report is prepared by considering one of the important aspects that is the organisational behaviour. The area of the organisational behaviour is huge and it is important to consider due to the direct relationship with the productivity. The report will mainly highlight the organisation CAPCO and for some comparisons HSBC is also highlighted. The necessity of the  motivational theories  in the organisation is important to maximise the productivity and to establish a positive working environment. Apart from that the importance of the groups in organisation is also important to achieve the goals of the organisation. For that the factors inhibiting the effective teamwork will be identified in this report.

Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC - Assignment Help

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

Organisation structure and the culture are the most important part in the business which will give a direction to the employees about the work structure and discipline that is to be followed in the organisation. The main objective to formulate the structure and culture is to bring efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation that will result to the productivity. In order to understand these two variables we need to distinguish the structure and culture based on the organisations CAPCO and HSBC

Functional Structure

Matrix Structure

The centralised department in the organisation is eligible to take any decision and passes it to the different functions (Kitchin, 2010).

It is one of the complex structures where the decisions are taken by the small bodies under the supervision of central body.

The departments are less in number

Over here groups are given focus other than the departments in order to ensure more efficiency and convenience to the employees.

Work process is structured which will reduce the communication gaps and help to maintain a positive environment.

Work process is focused based on the small groups that are formed for the specific task and also for the specified period of time.

CAPCO follows the functional structure where there is a CEO who has 3 partners looking after the departments like consultants, principle consultants, and talent management. The three partners are responsible to manage all the departments.

HSBC is a banking organisation and it has its branches around the world. They used to follow the matrix structure where there are several departments like credit, loan, bank accounts etc. The departments of the bank are divided based on the small groups to increase the productivity of the organisation. 

There is also a similarity between the two organisations in respect to the organisation structure which is focused to the work structure. Both the organisation wants to remove the conflicts and bring healthy environment in the organisation.Organisation culture is the values that the organisation follows in their work process in order to establish a sound working environment. The culture can also be different by its nature which can be differentiated in the following way: (Schein, 2012)

Role Culture

Task Culture

Role culture can be observed in the organisation CAPCO where the groups of the financial consultants are formed and adequate training is given to them in order to enhance their knowledge regarding the financial services.


In HSBC task culture can be observed where the groups are formed based on the functions and also for the specific geographic territory. Empowerment is the key attribute of the task culture where the employees are highly motivated to give their best performances as per the targets.

Organisation culture for the organisations is mainly formed to set a discipline in the organisation. The objective is to increase the productivity while giving superior value to the clients. Thus every organisation will try to set the culture which will empower the employees and help to achieve the common target.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

There is a direct relationship of the CAPCO’s structure and culture on the employees performance and that can be determined from the following observations:

  • The employees are the human being who is driven by the emotions. The perception, attitude is different from each other. So the formal structure of CAPCO will establish a direction that will help the employees to move and give their best performances by attracting more clients to CAPCO. Apart from that organisational culture of CAPCO will help the employees to be motivated by giving the periodic training to the employees.
  • The functional structure of CAPCO will reduce the misunderstandings, conflicts among the team. As the responsibilities are divided based on the departments which will help the employees to maintain an organised communication structure. The culture that CAPCO follows is a role culture due to bring more efficiency in the team of the financial consultants. (Bratton, Sawchuk, Forshaw, Callinan and Corbett, 2010)
  • The reporting authority in CAPCO will be easier due to the functional structure. The top management can easily trace the work status of the consultants and the consultants can also convey the message easily which will establish a sound coordination in the team. The culture that CAPCO follows can motivate the employees due to the importance given to them. As the employees or the consultants is the backbone of CAPCO in order to bring more clients and business.

So from the discussion it is clear that both the structure and culture has a wider influence in the employee’s performances. An employee will give their best performances when they will be motivated and also the environment will support them. Thus both the variable plays a major role in the terms of motivation and coordination which can help the employees to get a route map about the work activities.1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

Individual behaviour is the reaction that the individual gives based on the specific situation.  There are the factors that influence the behaviour of the individual in CAPCO in the following way:

  • Perception: Interpretation of the employees based on the given situation is the perception that we know. The interpretation is mainly formed due to the different inputs they used to gather from different activities. Sensory impressions are the determining factor of an individual to have a perception. CAPCO is the organisation who deals with the clients based on the financial advisory services. The training initiatives taken by CAPCO like the leadership skills, client satisfaction tools, more knowledge based on the financial situation are focused. The initiatives have created an influence in the employees of CAPCO by enhancing their knowledge level and also make them feel that they are asset of the company. Thus a positive perception is been there at CAPCO among the individuals working there who can give productive performances. (Wilson, 2013)
  • Attitude: Attitude is one of the influencing factors in the individual behaviour which can determine the preference of the individual. Organisations like CAPCO are operating in the financial sector where there are several opportunities to grow the future prospects of the employees. With the development plans at CAPCO, the attitude of the employees will be changed as they will feel that CAPCO is the ideal place to fulfil their aspirations of their life. Positive attitude towards the organisation can improve the productivity to a significant level.
  • Stress: Stress that is one of the negative individual behaviour which affect the performances of an employee. Suppose excessive pressure or negative working environment at the workplace will definitely reduce the productivity and that will be a loss for the company. In this regard, CAPCO has senior consultants who used to motivate the teams of the consultants by involving them for any issues or feedback. Thus the stress can be removed from the workplace with the positive approach from the management. (Wood, Zeffane, Fromholtz, Wiesner and Creed, 2010).
  • Personal factors: The individuals or the employees are the influenced by the personal factors like personality. If one employee is introvert, he/she can find it difficult to manage the clients at CAPCO where they need to approach the clients with logic and true picture of the financial situation. But for an extrovert it will be helpful to deal with the clients due to the free communication techniques they used to apply while interacting to with other.

Thus we can observe that there are there are several factors which can positively or negatively influence the behaviour of the individual. The factors needs to be analysed and formulate certain strategies which will help to overcome the negative sides and enhances the productivity of the organisation.

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice

Leadership is the power that an individual has in order to influence others.From a leader, high motivation, enthusiasm can be expected which will attract others to follow him/her. There are different leadership styles which are followed by the organisation in order to involve the employees in the work process which will ensure high productivity for the organisation. In order to determine the effectiveness we need to compare the different leadership styles being followed in the organisations CAPCO and HSBC.

  • Transformational Leadership: Transformational leadership is the effective way that a leader used in order to motivate the team. The Group chairman of HSBC holds the leading place in the hierarchy and under him Group CEO is there who used to look after the Finance Executive.  All the managers in the respective departments are highly skilled and experienced. They used to relate their achievement with the beliefs, values they used to hold. Based on that the employees used to follow. The leader in this style relate the mission and vision to the individual targets assigned to the employees where the employees feel that they are also the part of the business and equally responsible like the management for making the business grow. In this style the employees are automatically influenced by the approach of the leader. The positive impact is the high productivity from the employees end but the negative part is the leader has the leadership skill and enough experience to motivate others in the organisation. (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2010)
  • Participative Leadership style: Participative leadership style is mainly focused on the active involvement of the employees in the  decision making  process. At CAPCO all the consultants and the senior consultants used to sit with the principle consultants for sharing their issues also to give feedback in the organisation. It is the style which involves all the members of a team for taking any decision. Leader in this style will involve all the employees for sharing their views and also like to communicate with all of them for maintaining a positive and healthy environment at the workplace. The positive impact is the motivation that the employees will get for accepting their views and the negative impact can be the complexities that can arise by involving all in a process.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management

The organizational theories are very much relevant in the practice of the management. The theories used to give guidelines about the practices that are needed to be followed for getting more productivity in the organisation. The productivity will be high if the theories like scientific management, human relations theory are put to the application. The relation of the organizational theories with the practice of management can be related in the following way:

  • Scientific Management: Frederick Winslow Taylor is the developer of the scientific management who focuses more on the simplification of the jobs for maximising the productivity level. As per the scientific management the thumb rule is not applicable. As the situations are dynamic for that flexibility is much needed in the structure. Allocating the work is to be done by evaluating the skills and experienced level of the employees are needed to be done by the management. For checking the performances certain parameters needs to be fixed by the management. The theory can be related to CAPCO where the consultants are given targets based on their capacity level. The structure of CAPCO is also flexible where the consultants are changed from one zone to another based on the targets and their capacity to deal with the clients. Thus we can relate that the practices of the management are related with the theory of the management. (FAO, 2015).
  • Human Relation Theory: As per the theory of the human relations, the people or the employees are the central point of the organisation. The researcher Elton Mayo claimed that the social and psychological factors are the major determinants of the productivity in an organisation. The management needs to give focus on the motivation which will involve the employees highly in the business. At CAPCO the individuality is the main approach to empower the consultants and make them an individual leader which motivates the employees to a great extent. Apart from that excellent perks, health insurance, vacations are key features of CAPCO in order to motivate the employees for giving best performances. Thus we can observe that human relation theory is also applied in the management practices of the CAPCO in order to maximize the level of the productivity.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

Evaluation of the different approaches by the management used by CAPCO and HSBC bank can be done in the following way:

  • Scientific Management Approach: At CAPCO the management used to follow the scientific approaches in order to bring the flexibility in the organisation by replacing the thumbs rule. As the financial situation is very dynamic and for that the consultants of CAPCO is to be ready and flexible to face any situation. The impact of this approach will maximise the productivity of CAPCO and for that they can attract more clients to the business. The positive side is the mechanisms of the allocation of the targets based on the capability level of the employees will give more productive performances due to the specialisation and experience. But the negative side can be the techniques like Business Process Re-engineering or Management by Objective (MBO) are not followed for measuring and controlling the performances. (Kreitner, 2010).
  • Human Relation approach: As per the human relation approach, both the organisation CAPCO and HSBC used to follow the human relation approach where all the employees are given benefits and sound remuneration to increase their motivation. Schemes like health insurance, perks and other incentives are given to all the employees to ensure that their performances are productive.  The outcome will be the increase in the profitability due to the high motivation of the employees. The positive side is the misunderstandings can be removed due to the preference of the employees in the work process and the negative side can be the complexities that can be arrived for involving all the employees.
  • Social System Approach: In this approach the relation of the internal and the external environment is being related in the management practices. At CAPCO the teams of the consultants are formed based on the client’s background. The outcome will be the efficiency that the organisation is providing in dealing with the clients. The positive side is the consideration of the factors that influences the decision making process of the organisation. But the areas like planning, controlling, are not included in the social system approach which is the negative side of this approach. (Morden, 2014).

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

Leaders are the people who have the ability to influence other people with their experience, knowledge, skill and the approaching styles. The leaders are responsible to increase the motivation of the employees in the organisation. The objective of the organisation determines the leadership styles to be followed in order to establish a positive working environment in the workplace. For instance certain change at CAPCO like rotating the employees from one team to another. In this perspective of the change, the leadership styles that have different impact can be assessed from the following way:

  • To ensure the change in the organisation the management can follow the participative style which will involve all the team members who are affected by the decision of the change. Involvement of the employees will address the management about the issues they are facing or can get some creative ideas to solve the problem. The positive impact is the motivation that the employees will have due to the consideration of their views by the management and the management can also convince them about the positive side of the change that has been done. The negative impact can be the involvement of many employees can make the process complex and bring certain misunderstandings in this regard. (Johnson, 2016).
  • With the change decided by the management can also be managed by the transformational leadership where the activities of the management will automatically influence the teams to follow the change. The management can visualize the values or the goals of the organisation in relation to the change which will benefit the teams only for having the growing opportunities. The satisfied employees of CAPCO will accept the change but the other employees will resist the change. The positive impact is that the management can easily influence the employees by their values and goals but the negative side is the employees who will not be satisfied should be identified and approaches them effectively. (Politis, 2010).
  • Transactional leadership style is related to the prize and punishment approach. The employees who will accept the change will be rewarded and the other employees who will not accept the change will be penalised as per the style is concerned. This theory is not relevant currently as the working environment has change and the employees are the strategy implementer of the organisation. This theory will reduce the motivation and that will lead to the loss to the company which is the demerit of this style.
  • Autocratic leadership style will impose the change without discussing with the employees. The leader will adopt the change without considering other members. The positive side is the low complexities in the work designing process but the negative side is the level of de-motivation in the working environment. De-motivated employees will not give their productive performances and hence the organisation cannot achieve the goal. (Dulewicz and Higgs, 2015).

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

Motivation drives the employees to give productive performances in the organisations. Highly motivated employee will give more productive performances than the de-motivated employees. Thus it is necessary for the organisation to inculcate the motivation in the working environment. Application of the motivation can be understand from the theories of the motivations that are as follows:

  • Maslow’s Theory: As per the theory of Maslow, the needs of the human being are divided in to 5 categories. The needs used to develop when they are fulfilled. The five needs of a human being can be related with the organizational settings in the following way: (Dweck, 2013)

                                     Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & HSBC 1

  • Physiological Needs: It is the first level which ensures a very basic need for the individuals to live their life. For example need of the food, shelter, medicine etc. These needs are fulfilled by the organizations like CAPCO in the form of the employment. Employment means the salary, remuneration which will support the employee to live their life.
  • Safety needs: After the basic needs, security needs derives which influences the individual to secure their life. The organizations like CAPCO are giving the medical insurance, excellent perks, retirement bonus, terminal policy which will motivate the employees to give their productive performances.
  • Psychological Needs: After the safety needs it is the psychological needs which will come in the place. At this phase the individuals will like to go for the social groups, friends etc. This phase also supported by the organisation by making the team of consultants where the employees will find a group. The groups at CAPCO are formed based on the experience and skills which will remove the conflicts among the members.
  • Self-esteem needs: These needs used to come when the individuals grow their sense of achievement. They want reward for their achievement. At CAPCO, the management has the recognition schemes where the employees are given when the performances are outstanding. Apart from that promotion is also there for the consultants to become senior consultant and principle consultant.
  • Self-Actualisation: As per Maslow it is the last stage that the individual like to have for instance spirituality, creativity etc. The management of CAPCO allocates the critical projects to the consultants in order to face the challenges.
  • Herzberg Theory: Herzberg categorises the motivation in two parts one is the hygiene factor and the other one is the motivational factor. As per the satisfaction and dissatisfaction the management has given emphasis on these two aspects in the following chart: (Miner, 2015).



Company policies are developed by involving the employees as an important part for driving the revenue. Employees development is also focused on the policy

All the achievements are rewarded with the promotions done by the management which motivate the employees to give more productive performances

The supervision is followed by considering the level of experience and knowledge. All the principle consultants of CAPCO are experienced and high skilled in order to supervise the teams of the consultants.

Responsibilities are delegated before the work process which help the employees to plan their way and also reduces the chances of doubts,

Salary, benefits, perks, allowances are provided to the employees by considering the industry benchmark in order to motivate the employees.

Growth in the company is there where the consultants are given ample opportunities to prove their best.

Thus we can observe that motivational theories are linked with the management practices in order to deliver the motivation among the employees for getting more productivity in their performances.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

The role of a manager in the organisation is very much important from the business point of view. The manager is responsible to make the things done in the organisation. For this responsibility motivation is the only requirements to make the things done. For example if the organisation has planned for a change in some work process then it is the manager who needs implement the change by motivating all the employees under him/her. In that perspective motivation theories can be applied for example factors leading to the dissatisfaction as per Herzberg theory will help the  developing manager  to understand the reason for the dissatisfaction and needs to overcome the situation by undertaking the measures. It is very much common that the organizations failed to achieve the target due to the performances of the employees and for that a manager is needed to understand the theories of motivation and apply to the situation for increasing the productivity. It is the motivation that can uplift the employee’s performances which will support the organization to achieve the target. Not only motivation has a direct relationship with the target achievement it also influence the working environment at the work place. If a manager involves all the employees in a decision making process then the employees will think once for giving unproductive performance. The initiative will motivate the employees to give their best performances and also help to create a positive working environment in the work place. (Fox, 2010).

Motivational theories can be related within the workplace by adopting the applications prescribed by the theories. As per the Maslow’s Hierarchy there are five needs which the human being wants to achieve. For example supporting the basic needs of a human being can be related with the employment opportunity given by the organisations like CAPCO. Secondly supporting the security needs are fulfilled by the organisation CAPCO by providing the health insurance, employee’s welfare schemes, flexible policy etc. Thirdly, psychological needs are fulfilled by the organisation CAPCO by forming the effective teams of the consultants and also by maintaining a positive working environment in the organisation. Fourthly, CAPCO supports the employees by fulfilling the self-esteem needs by providing rewards and recognition and also promoted the consultants to senior consultant’s hierarchy etc. Lastly, CAPCO fulfil the self-actualisation needs by providing challenging jobs or deals to the consultants for managing the premium clients. (Gagne, 2014).

Thus we can observe that Maslow’s need theory can be related in the workplace for increasing the motivation which will boost the employees morale and participation in the business of the organisation and that will enhance the business towards profitability.

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Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or you chosen organisation

Groups are the collection of employees who used to share common goal and purposes. It is difficult for an individual to achieve the objectives and for that reason the groups are being created for meeting the goals effectively with equal contribution. Based on the organisation CAPCO groups or the teams are formed for the consultants who used to deal the clients by giving financial solutions. There are several types of groups which are formed based on the objective. (Sofroniou, 2013).

For example at CAPCO the nature of the groups is:

  • Formal Groups: These are groups of the consultants who used to deal with the clients and the management used to form the groups based on the experience, specialisation and efficiency. These groups of Tesco are highly structured and have adequate resources to manage the clients effectively.
  • Committee: Committees are there in CAPCO who used to take care of the investors, employees and the functions of the organisation. For encouraging and to maintain a long term relationship, a committee for the investors is there headed by one of the partner of CAPCO. There are also other committee who are headed by the two partners of CAPCO. Thus it is also a group of the top management who used to manage different aspects of the organisations. 
  • Problem Solving Teams: These are the teams of the Principle Consultants of CAPCO who used to deal the high valued clients in order to create a long term relationship with the business.

Thus we can observe there are several types of groups in the organisation which are very much different by its nature. The nature of the group is mainly determined by the objectives of the group as we can observe from the groups of CAPCO.

Group behaviour is also one of the important factors in order to determine the effectiveness of the group. The group behaviour can only be determined if we relate it with the Belbin’s team role by the following way: (The Team Building Company, 2015).

  • Shaper: Shaper is the member of the groups who like to address several ways for accomplishing the tasks and by nature they are extrovert.
  • Implementer: Implementer are the perfectionist who like to follow the guidelines minutely and will complete the task on the given time period. They used to play a positive role in the team for achieving the target.
  • Coordinator: In the team of CAPCO there will be some consultants who will like to take the initiatives for coordinating with the members in order to remove the misunderstandings and to establish a communication process.
  • Complete-Finisher: Complete finisher is the member of the team who are conscious about the target and influences the other members or consultants by giving reminder. 
  • Resource-Investigators: Resource investigators are the members of the team who will approach the seniors for giving more resources say it can be time or any other physical resources for the team in order to achieve the target
  • Team Worker: Team workers are the members in a group who are highly committed for the team by giving his/her positive contribution which will ensure the productivity of the team.
  • Plant: Plant is the members in a group who are popular for their creative ways in giving their performances. For their innovative ways the group performances are effective and help the members to achieve the target
  • Monitor-evaluator: These are the people who like to evaluate the decision based on the merits and demerits. They like to follow the analytical ways in order to evaluate the ideas before its application.
  • Specialist: At CAPCO all the members of the teams are specialised in the finance domain for giving effective financial solutions to the clients who can be the individuals, organizations etc.

Thus from the Belbin’s team role we can easily understand the group behaviour where the members shows several ways in order to achieve the group targets.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

There are several factors which are associated with the teamwork at CAPCO which will promote or inhibit in the following way:  

  • Group Process: In the group process at CAPCO the major decisions will be taken by the Principle Consultants and they will communicate with the senior consultants for passing the decisions to the consultants. If any consultants are facing any issues or wants to share some feedback they can directly approach to the Senior Consultants who will convey to the Principle Consultant. In this way the process is formed which will give direction and road map to the members of the team. (Miles and Snow 2011).
  • Group Structure: The structure of the group at CAPCO is formed by the management that is the principle consultants by considering the experience, specialisation, past records in order to attract the clients. Based on the business transactions the teams are formed for satisfying the clients for a long term basis. Group structure will help the organisation to achieve the targets and also to ensure a positive and effective teamwork in the organisation.
  • Power Dynamics: In CAPCO the procedures are structured and help the members to follow the work activities. Over here the Principle Consultants are the strategy thinker and they will communicate the strategy to the senior consultants. In this way the group members used to interact with the reporting authority. This factor will bring a communication process in the team and help the members to follow the same as directed.
  • Personal factors: Personal factors also influence the effective team work. For example if some of the members used to pass way their duties by not giving contribution then it can affect the teamwork or else if the management follows the participative styles then it will be effective for the team to discuss their issues or certain feedbacks that are important for the business.
  • Social Factors: Social factors also promote the effective team work in the organisation. For example, facilities like health insurance, employees welfares schemes by the organisation CAPCO is to influence the social factors which involves the families of the consultants. This will motivate the team members to give their contribution effectively for the organisation.
  • Organisational Factors: Organisational factors are mainly the initiatives taken by the management of CAPCO in order to develop the team function. Rewarding the team for giving best performances, rotation of the members from on team to another for making the team more productive, training and development for the consultants for giving enhanced financial solutions to the clients. These are the initiatives taken by the organisation for promoting the team work. (Brooks, 2007).
  • Negative group Dynamics: Poor or weak leadership by the senior consultants in the organisation will affect the teamwork due to the lack in giving direction. If the member always disagrees with the decision then it hampers the teamwork. The member who wants to dominate the other members will also create a situation for conflict and subsequently it will affect the teamwork.

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

Technology is the process or the methods used by involving the machines, computers, or any other electronic devices. Sound team functioning can be possible with the help of technology. Not only the team functioning but also helps the organisation to reduce the operational cost and in the same time can also bring more efficiency in the work process.

The positive impact of the team functioning at CAPCO can be analysed from the following way: (Edmuds, 2016)

  • The teams of the consultants are connected with each other by using the eloectro9nic devices like the note books, smart phone apps. It will help the members to communicate with each other at any time
  • Accounting software is there which help the members to give their presentations to the clients.  All the financial situations based on the analytical tools are also included in the software which helps the members to give more detailed presentations by showcasing the future benefits or losses.
  • The principle consultants used to communicate with the consultants via email or in case there is an emergency phone calls are used. It help the management to get the update and also for the team members to give certain updates to the seniors.

There are also the negative impacts which are associated with the technology like:

  • As the teams are communicated virtually so members can easily manipulate the data and which will hamper the team functioning.
  • Poor connectivity and also the networks jams are the barriers in the technology which are the negative impacts of the technology on the team functioning.

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In order to conclude the report is prepared based on the organisational behaviour which involves several aspects influencing the productivity of the organisation. Based on the CAPCO and HSBC the report is being made where we can observe organisational culture and structure. Secondly, leadership styles along with the organisational theories are also highlighted with the organisational settings and practices. Thirdly the motivational theories are shown based on its necessities in the organisation and also the effectiveness. Lastly the importance of the groups and the behaviour is highlighted.


Bratton, J., Sawchuk, P., Forshaw, C., Callinan, M. and Corbett, M., (2010).Work and organizational behaviour. Palgrave Macmillan.
Brooks., I. (2007). Organisational Behaviour: Individuals, Groups and Organisation.
Dulewicz, V. and Higgs, M., (2015). Assessing leadership styles and organisational context. journal of Managerial Psychology20(2), pp.105-123.
Dweck S., C. (2013). Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development. Psychology Press
Edmuds A., A. (2016). How Can Technology Enhance Teamwork & Groups in the Workplace? [Online] Available: http://work.chron.com/can-technology-enhance-teamwork-groups-workplace-1878.html , Accessed on 7.7.2016
FAO. (2015). Organizational theories. [Online] Available: http://www.fao.org/docrep/w7503e/w7503e03.htm#exhibit%201:%20organization%20theories , Assessed on 7.7.16
Fox., W. (2010). Managing Organisational Behaviour. Juta and Comapny
Gagne., M. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Work Engagement, Motivation, and Self-Determination Theory. Oxford University Press.
Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D.A., (2010). Organizational behaviour. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Johnson., R. (2016). 5 Different Types of Leadership Styles. [Online] Available:  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-different-types-leadership-styles-17584.html , Assessed on 7.7.2016
Kitchin, D., (2010). An introduction to organisational behaviour for managers and engineers. Routledge.
Kreitner., R. (2010).  Principles of Management . Cengage Learning.
Miles., R. and Snow c., C. (2011). Organizational strategy, Structure and Process. Mc Graw Hill.
Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational Behavior: Essential theories of motivation and leadership.USA : M.E. Sharpe