Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Burger King & CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Burger King & CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Burger King & CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Burger King & CAPCO


Diploma in Business

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Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour - Burger King & CAPCO

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Level 5


In this Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment Burger King & CAPCO I have taken two organisations namely Burger king and Capco, where the structure of the organisation is being explained. Moreover I have learned about the various leadership styles and their effect on these two organisations. Moreover I have discussed about the theories both scientific and human management relations and their link. I have also discussed about the importance of information and computers.

Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment Burger King & CAPCO - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

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Organisational structure:  organisational structure can be defined as the process of managing a group of people who works together in order to achieve a common goal. It mainly refers to the delegation of a task, with proper co – ordination, and sub – division of groups. The organisational structure of CAPCO is being compared with that of the major giant The Burger King :

Principles :



The burger king


The structure followed by CAPCO is flat organisational structure which specifies certain projects with various skills

The burger king follows  a functional  divisional structure


Capco follows a functional based structure

Whereas the structure followed by The burger king is mostly division based


Capco  being a flat structure tends to less hierarchical

Whereas the Burger King used the hierarchical chain .


It tends to maximize the functional performance of CAPCO.

Burger king is more concentrated towards fulfing the aims and objectives


Due to its low delegation on authority, they are very rigid and tends to respond slowly .

Being a divisional structure, it is mainly grouped into several departments , which has results in office politics ,more competition etc .

The similarities between the CAPCO and The Burger king Organisational structure :


  • The structure of both the organisations of both the companies seeks to ensure proper development their employee’s skills and knowledge.
  • Both the organisation structures believes in proper coordination and dividing work into different departments. ( Fine , 2010)

Burger king: Burger king is considered to the largest global chain of hamburger in America, its headquarter in Miami, Florida. The organisation formation is burger king is such, since it changes its structure over time to time as per the requirement of the organisation. Recently, the arrangement of burger king has been improved to a large extent.( Fine, 2010). The type of organisation culture used by burger king is most a centralisation organisation. In 2014, burger king amalgamated with Tim Hortons in order to shape up with Restaurant brands internationally.

The main characterises of such structure is as follows:

  • Centralisation globally: this feature usually specifies that the major decisions are being undertaken by the management team. The structure of the organisation was changed in recent times from decentralisation structure to a centralisation one. The main aim being, upgrading the affectivity of the employees and the team of management as a whole in  a better manner .
  • Functionality of groups: while being a centralised structure, it is also comprised of certain groups like functional groups, like that of human resource department, operations technology etc. This is basically done in order to gain proper functionality of the entire chain of business, and so that each groups in a department can have effective work group.
  • Distribution globally: it generally refers to the natural layout of the distribution section which helps each section of this burger king to get evenly distributed. This is basically a tertiary characteristic. For example: each division is being lead by the executive vice president.

It has certain positive aspects :

  • It has well – built control on the distribution , planning and other aspects , this due to centralisation of organisation
  • Due to application of functionality of groups it has been possible to make proper allocation of different group as per departments and this has enabled the overall effectiveness of the management.
  • The level of flexibility is generally high in these type of organisation

The negative aspect is:

  • Due to high extent of centralised supervision , it is difficult to reach proper effectiveness
  • The employees under this organisation generally remain dissatisfied due to such amount of control. Koontz,2010)

Capco Organisational Structure:

Capco Organisational Structure - Assignment Help in UK

Capco a well known business in its own filed in his field of investment. The type of organisation structure used by it is generally it utilizes a flat structure in its organisation which is being accompanied with certain attributes:

1. Competent of cost : due to low managerial formation , the amount of cost spent on salary , bonus at high management level is usually lesser  which helps in cutting of the cost to a large extent . (Koontz,2010)
2. Prompt decision making:

  1. Due to lesser existence of hierarchy, there is sometimes no need to undergo the hierarchy level , so it helps in delivering the decisions at a faster mode .due to which the CEO   Rob Hayvaert of Capco make weekly meet with the staff members

3. Communication: due to no such boundary in the level of hierarchy, the message can be easily reached to the higher authority without any miscommunication. This is one of the advantages of which is experienced by the Capco employees
4. Lesser line of control: Capco has a flat organisation structure, the amount of supervision the employee can readily work and since the amount of employees is lesser so there is no such amount restriction in it.

Burger king: Burger king is considered to the largest global chain of hamburger in America, its headquarter in Miami, Florida. The organisation formation is burger king is such, since it changes its structure over time to time as per the requirement of the organisation. Recently, the arrangement of burger king has been improved to a large extent.( Fine, 2010). The type of organisation culture used by burger king is most a centralisation organisation. In 2014, burger king amalgamated with Tim Hortons in order to shape up with Restaurant brands internationally.

The main characterises of such structure is as follows:

  • Centralisation globally: this feature usually specifies that the major decisions are being undertaken by the management team. The structure of the organisation was changed in recent times from decentralisation structure to a centralisation one. The main aim being, upgrading the affectivity of the employees and the team of management as a whole in  a better manner .
  • Functionality of groups: while being a centralised structure, it is also comprised of certain groups like functional groups, like that of human resource department, informational technology etc. This is basically done in order to gain proper functionality of the entire chain of business, and so that each groups in a department can have effective work group.
  • Distribution globally: it generally refers to the natural layout of the distribution section which helps each section of this burger king to get evenly distributed. This is basically a tertiary characteristic. For example: each division is being lead by the executive vice president.

It has certain positive aspects :

  • It has well – built control on the distribution , planning and other aspects of business , this due to centralisation of organisation
  • Due to application of functionality of groups it has been possible to make proper allocation of different group as per departments and this has enabled the overall effectiveness of the management.
  • The level of flexibility is generally high in these type of organisation

The negative aspect is:

  • Due to high extent of centralised supervision , it is difficult to reach proper effectiveness
  • The employees under this organisation generally remain dissatisfied due to such amount of control. Koontz,2010)

Organisational culture: it is a process where similar values, beliefs, ad assumptions are being shared   which influences the people who are working in the organisation.

The difference between the organisational culture of CAPCO and The Burger King are :





1.In CAPCO , There exist some amount of bureaucracy in the approach of leadership

1. In The Burger King , there  are no such bureaucracy measures under taken


2. CAPCO believes in providing adequate opportunities to all of its employees in the field of professional as well as personal growth.

While The Burger king gives more emphasis on the improvement in a larger extent.

The similarities between the organisational culture of CAPCO and The Burger King are


  • Establishing team or building of group are the two important factors which is being emphasised by CAPCO and The Burger King.
  • 2. There is a wide scope of openness, integrity and individuality uniqueness which is being depicted by both
  • 3. Employee empowering and innovation factor is being highly established by CAPCO and

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

Capco being a flat organisation the amount of control is limited since it has a flat organisational structure due to which there all employees can perform their share of work effectively. Under Capco due to its short amount of level in the hierarchy the employees can readily work in a more efficient manner. The employees’ takes their decision all by themselves, the higher authority can take only be their guide, to such an extent so as to encourage them to push their limits to work. The CEO makes it sure that the morale of each employee is being upgraded. So they are being depicted with more amounts of responsibilities so they feel that more elevated. The cultural aspect of each employee in Capco is highly diverse, but with their lesser line of control it is possible.

At burger king being the centre of a multinational hamburger food chain, it is a well known brand so; there exist a long chain of order, where every decision is being taken after proper supervision from the higher management of each department, burger king has a vice president in their each department, and it is the vice president who actually takes all the decisions. The employees in burger king doesn’t have proper authority to take up a proper task, they have to maintain the hierarchy, which is sometimes very times consuming. Burger king mainly belongs to major food section.

Capco as an organization is working in a very innovative environment and they have a very informal structure where employees from different departments can work in close coordination with each other and their overall objective is to attain the long term goals and objectives of the organization. The performance of the organization structure is directly proportional to efficiency of the organization culture, more stable organization structure more efficiently working of organization (Barbuto, 2005). In Dynamic working environment Capco’s business requires the stability in the internal working environment and this stability depends upon the values, rule and regulation of the organization and how properly employees perform them.  At Capco Performance is a continuous process which is well aligned with the structure of the organization. This type of Organization Structure reduces the communication gap between the employees of the organization and it provides proper channel for the flow of the information that result in to enhancement of the performance of the employee. They developed a work environment and work culture which makes its employees extremely at ease and ensure that a very unique culture of working flexibly

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice

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The features which influence the behaviour of each employee as:

  • Leadership: Work environment should be such so that the employees get a feel to work again and again without feeling distressed. So it’s the manager or leaders who work their best towards giving the employee’s the feel of right environment, thus increasing their morale.
  • Culture of work: Employees and staffs who are working should be happy in whatever they do , so it’s the prime role of leaders and managers to provide with a well cultured surrounding where employees’ will feel the harmony to work. There should be a strict rule for using the prescribe regulatory frame work. Everyone should be seen as equal as seen in CAPCO. In burger king due to a centralised culture, it is sometimes difficult to look into individual perspective. (Zhang, Bartol,.2010)
  • Responsibility of work: Every staff working should be depicted with the task that they more suitable and can perform effectively, so the manager is required to take into account skills of each individual.
  • Communication: Communication by far the most crucial thing which actually binds the entire organisation of both burger king and Capco. If the staffs are made to feel left out then it is impossible to take them back into the job and they lose their attention. The handling of any grievances should be prompt.
  • Relations and bonds: It is the manager’s duty to provide proper flexible job hours, because if an employee cannot spend sufficient time with his loved ones, it is not possible to work with full concentration. So it is important that there is well planned life at work and home. (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, Jackson,2012)
  • Job relationship: People will tend to be more progressive at work, if they feel that no one is paying any attention or is ignored it takes a step aback. Employees at work needs people to talk to, monotonous work doesn’t help is proper achievement of the goals.

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Task 2

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

The approach which is being used by CAPCO and burger king is as follows

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There are namely three major kinds of approaches which are as follows:

Classical approach:                                

1. Bureaucratic approach: It lays more stress on the organisation arrangement and the description of the organisation. It is required that the employees should be given proper training and education. It mainly has a formal formation. Burger king normally abides by this kind of approach


  1. The main focus is on the over doings of the mangers
  2. Proposing  proper education and training
  3. Lays major stress on past experience

Disadvantages :

  1. Rules are being used strictly
  2. Closed system
  3. Human factor is seen as a degrading factor
  4. Relying on past experiencing is not at all productive.

2. Administrative approach:

Under this five major functions where being stresses which are as follow: “

Administrative approach



its lays on the unity of command

Unity of direction

catering the interest of the individual person into general .



the amount of compensation is mostlycentralised


Scalar chain 

it is done as per the order



it refers to the steadiness of the tenure



it refers to the spirit of teams “Esprit de Corps “

Negative: There nature is formal

Normally, burger king being a multiband replies a formal way of approach found in this.

3. Scientific approach:

Study relating to time and motion

Planning  as per standard

Analysis of job


Recruitment and training in a scientific manner

The monetary perks


  1. It tends to encourage employees and managers to do a task in a better way
  2. There should be proper training provided

Neo – classical approach

  1. Behavioural theory: it mainly stresses on the individual behaviour and group behaviour.
  2. Socio – technical systems approach: it mainly stresses on the invention and fabrication
  3. Group behaviour approach: mostly concerned with interpersonal aspects with clear objectives of a group
  4. Interpersonal and professional behaviour approach: it mainly focuses on each person’s perception
  5. Human relation approach: it lays more stress on the human element
  6. Social – system approach: this approach lays more stress on relationships and bonding of the external and internal surroundings.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

It is very important to have proper existence of leaders which will ultimately determine how an organisation will work:

  • Autocratic: In this kind of leadership, all the decisions including the outer and inner and strategic part of an organisation in such leadership, the employees cannot testify anyone of the decisions, his decision is the final; and the ultimatum point. So it is often seen that the people work under such leadership are dissatisfied and often leave the company
  • ParticipativeThis kind of leadership stresses on being more for the people, and is often known as the democratic leader. Under this, it is the leaders who puts the employee first and make him participate in every kind of decision making, which helps to increase the morale of the employees
  • Laissez – faire: Under this kind of leadership, the leaders do no exert any decision on themselves but they encourage their staffs to make handle all kinds of decision.  Under this, sometimes chaos happens, due to non – uniformity in decisions.
  • Transactional: Under this, the leader bears a lot of responsibility in reviewing each and every task of the employees; he is the one who actually designates the different tasks to the managers concerned etc
  • TransformationalIn such style, a lot of involvement is required from the higher authorities in order to succeed. So it is very important that there exist a strong communication slow.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

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Maslow theory: As per Maslow, the needs are basically a categorisation of such outcomes which is very important for someone’s life, it basically comprise of four basic models like:

  • Physiological needs : This is the most vital need out of all the needs; this is the foundation which gives people to live. The employees earns their livelihood for getting a place to live, clothes for necessity and clothing for well being (Robert, 2013)
  • Safety needs: After the basic necessities are being attained, next an employee tends to seek for security, it mainly safe surrounding, monetary needs, the availability of raw materials etc
  • Belonging needs: This mainly refers to the bonds and tenderness of loved ones which makes life beautiful. This refers to the relationships, the friends, loved ones etc. (Tamborini, et al .,2010)
  • Esteem needs: This generally relates to the needs which can be related with the survival in a organisation like recognition, the superiority, the promotion etc.
  • Self actualisation: Under this it is generally thought that the highest benchmark which makes people realise that they have attended the ultimate goal. This generally includes solving problem, innovation etc.

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Herzberg theory : Taking in account the theory of Maslow, Herzberg further chalked out a more advanced form of explaining the motivation and its need. Herzberg differentiated as under the motivating factors and the hygiene factors.
Hygiene factors: These factors usually refers to the foundation for someone’s existence, if these basic needs are not fully attained, the employees might lose interest in their area of work. For example: employee benefits, policies, compensation etc
Motivating factors: This kind of aspects affects the employee outwardly, and without which the person is impossible to survive. They are interconnected to one’s life and most importantly workplace. For example: achievement, superiority, job enrichment, recognition etc. On a comparative evaluation it can be said that Maslow’s theory is based on human needs and their satisfaction while at the same time Herzberg theory is based on motivating factors and satisfiers and dissatisfies of life. Maslow’s theory is relatively simple and easy to understand while complexity is associated with Herzberg’s theory. Herzberg’s theory can be stated as extended form of Maslow’s theory and it only comes in applicability when money is not a motivating factor. In most developing countries and economies money is still the biggest motivating factor for a person. Maslow’s model is descriptive in nature while Herzberg’s theory is perspective in nature. In maslow’s theory needs are not classified while in Herzberg’s theory needs are classified as hygiene factors and higher order needs (motivator).

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

It is the managers who are the head for creating a harmonic atmosphere for the employees in the work place. It tends to make an even business environment between the employees and managers

  • Establishing communication: It is very important that Employees working in a workplace gets properly encouraged. Communication being a strong mode, it is very much needed that the employees gets the vigour to complete every task in an efficient manner. (Tamborini, et al .,2010)
  • Provision of training as well development: It is manager who is the first one to chalk out its employees. He should be aware of the deficiency or strength each employee is having, according to which the manger will be assigning each employee with training, some technical, some communication, some in other field
  • Personal development: Managers should take into account that employees wants to have a stable career line. So the employees are completely dependent on the managers who will make sure of a healthy career line
  • Gap identification: It is important to take a close look at the gap which is being identified among the employees and efforts to resolve them.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organization.

Group are important to be formed, because they are the ones which help in the proper functioning of an organisation. In this respect the organisation which I have chosen is the hamburger king burger king and Capco. Both burger king and Capco have different types of group setting depending on various attributes. Groups or teams are mainly formed for accomplishing certain amount of work, for sharing the part of work, and most importantly getting the success done. There are namely two types of groups:

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  • Formal groups: These types are groups are always under strict orders and supervision of the authority and have to abide by the regulatory framework. Burger king follows such groups since it has to work according to the prescribed code of conduct. For example: the command group, task groups
  • Informal group: This group does not adhere to any strict rules or policies. They are out of all these and they do not maintain any such line of control. Capo does not follow any such rules and the managers and CEO they maintain a healthy environment. Groups are formed in 5 stages:
  1. Forming
  2. Storming
  3. Norming
  4. Performing
  5. Adjourning

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organization

Forming an efficient group is very important for achieving the organisational goal .the hamburger king burger king and Capco, being two big brand, it is important for them to scrutinize at the aspects which helps in the correct development of teamwork

  • The people themselves: Company like burger king and Capco, everyone are dependent on the manpower or it can be said that, the individual people. They are the rich asset which helps to make a company work efficiently, to attain the goal. So it is very much needed that each individual should give their full effort to perform a work to its utmost level.
  • The size: The more the size the more is the strength depending from company to company. Burger king being a huge multi chain business, comprises of numerous people, staffs, groups etc. so it may happen that there can arise some complexities , so it the responsibility of the higher authorities to look into them.
  • Group standards: These are the standards or the strict rules that should be maintained by all the employees especially burger king, where there are more than 30,000 employees, so it is important that they abide by the rules, regulations etc. At burger king, the staffs are required to abide the attendance, the time of conducting certain activities, the time for serving breakfast etc. If anyone fails to adhere by the prescribed rules, they are being given a warning
  • Leadership: Effective leaders are very important for the smooth functioning of the employee and staffs. In Capco, it gives the employees its full authority. Thereby making them more functional in every aspect. The leader must give proper assistance to move in the right path.
  • CohesivenessIt relates with the proper alignment of the employees with the team, the individual staffs of burger king are required to first stand in a round conference where everyone has to share their ideas into one single team. It is the individual which has to constantly boost themselves as well as the group for achieving the goal as per the organisation requirement.
  • Synergy: Combined effort is the key to attain a successful goal. So it is the performance of each individual which matters, they need to give their full effort in order to successfully abide by a certain work
  • Communication flow: It is important that there should exist a harmonious communication between the staff members, it is also help to promote better organisational boundary and effective goal setting. There could be various barriers which can hinder the effective growth and development of CAPCO’s effective team work.

First and foremost would be the informal work culture which might eventually lead towards conflicts because roles and responsibilities are not strictly defined. Secondly people from different cultures are working together and there could be difference in work ethics, values and working style which can inhibit the effective and efficient team working. A non effective team would be developed when proper goals and objectives are not defined for the team and at the same time unmotivated team members and lack of support from leaders of the organization further increases non performance in teams. Sometimes lack of resources, over work and biased decisions of team leaders lead towards non satisfaction among members and they stop cooperating with each other (Donsback, 2006).

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organization

Without these technologies it is not possible to subject into modernisation. Both burger king and Capco are the modern and heavy weight application which helps in the prompt delivery of services.

  • Use of emails: Emails are the modern applications which tend to help in faster reply. With only one click, a message is being delivered from one part of the world top another. At burger king, since it is a food store, use of emails is frequent.
  • Use of mobile phones: With the vast availability of cell phone, it has made the [elope from all over the worlds to communicate with anyone at any place regardless of the time, place, the time difference. At Burger king, the delivery boys are mostly in off field jobs, where they have to be communicated. So this cell phone help in timely reaching the food items ordered in remote places too
  • Use of internet: Without internet is like a fish out of water, no matter where, internet helps to cater near and far off places, people, services etc. Burger king and Capco both being efficient and high profile companies, the use of internet is a must for them. In burger king, they have to take quick ode5rs from the guests where it should be printed easily. Sometimes people from online they tend to order and so if internet connection is not available it is difficult to cater their requirements
  • Use of computers, laptops, tablets: Computer development are the earliest and the most widely used technology till now , it is used extensively , with the help of computer being fixed , it is required for burger king to  initiate an order , to make the bill , the payment slip , taking the print out , everything is dependent on computer . another modern version is laptop .which is light , and portable , this is useful to every person , they can take their work home , they can use it whenever necessary , Capco being a financial company , it is important to always adhere to the stocks n financial business . another more advanced edition is the tablets , it is small , but a world , of computer , it is a small computer  very carried , it even fits the pocket of any clothes . And with the help of internet it is a world of vast applications 

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In this Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment Burger King & CAPCO I have learnt how an organisation is being affected affected by the layers and how the employees within it can be carefully managed. Moreover I have learnt about the several leadership styles which can have a high impact on various organisation. I have learnt how burger king uses its different organisation structure and Capco as well. Moreover i have also learnt about the various management theories and how they are different from the current theories of management.


Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. and Jackson, P.R., 2012. Management research. Sage.
Fine, B., 2010. Theories of social capital: Researchers behaving badly. Pluto.
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Hui, R. and Wuyi, L., 2010. Practice and investigation on scientific management of large-scale instruments sharing [J]. Experimental Technology and Management9, p.005.
Koontz, H., 2010. Essentials of management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Donsback, W. (2006). “The identity of Communication Research.” Journal of Communication. 4(1): 11-19
Long, C.S., Thean, L.Y., Ismail, W.K.W. and Jusoh, A., 2012. Leadership styles and employees’ turnover intention: Exploratory study of academic staff in a Malaysian College. World Applied Sciences Journal19(4), pp.575-581.
Tamborini, R., Bowman, N.D., Eden, A., Grizzard, M. and Organ, A., 2010. Defining media enjoyment as the satisfaction of intrinsic needs. Journal of communication60(4), pp.758-777.
Zhang, X. and Bartol, K.M., 2010. Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity: The influence of psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement. Academy of management journal53(1), pp.107-128.
Barbuto, J.E. (2005) Motivation and Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Leadership: A Test of Antecedents, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, vol. 11, no. 4, 26-40

Unit 3 Organisational Behaviour Assignment Burger King & CAPCO have taken two organisations namely Burger king and Capco, where the structure of the organisation is being explained, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.