Unit 21 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment Copy

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Unit 21 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment Copy
Human Resource Management Sample Assignment Copy
Unit 21 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment Copy


Diploma in Business (Marketing)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment Copy

QFC Level

Level 4

Credit value

15 credits


Human resource management is the most important aspect of an organisation which contributes in shaping the firm and achieving the desired goal (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). The report will cover all the point of human resource management and discuss in detail about the personnel management and human resources management, the importance of recruitment and selection and how the pays should be directed, the motivation theory and also the how an employees must be rewarded. The company chosen in the report is Tesco and detail related to it is discussed in respective questions. In the end, report will also discuss in detail about the termination policy and legal framework related to it.

Task 1

A) Explain the difference between personnel and human resource management and assess your role and responsibilities as a line manager.

Difference between personnel and human resources management - Human resources Management is an extended version of personnel management. Human resources management has worked on the study of human management whereas personnel management just deal with salary and recruitment part of human resources management (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Following is the detailed discussion of the difference between personal management and human resources management: -

  1. Human resource management on one hand is more modern approach towards managing people on the other hand personal management is traditional in nature and it is being practised from ages now (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Only recently the importance of human resources management has increased so much that people have now started looking at human resources from completely different perspective.
  2. The approach of personnel management is narrower in approach where they only deal with concepts like personnel administration, employee welfare and also labour relation (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). While on the other hand human resources management is broader in approach which includes everything related to human management like acquisition, training and development, motivation and retaining the people.
  3. In personnel management, people are treated as mode of achieving the set results while in human resources management people are treated as special and valuable entity of an organisation (Berman et al, 2012).
  4.  The focus of personnel management is related to the personnel activities which directly lead to the satisfaction and in human resources management, the main focus is achievement of goals through planned and administrative function.
  5. In case of personnel management, the job is designed on the basis of factors like division of labour on the other hand, in case of human resources management the job is designed on the basis of team work and group design (Berman et al, 2012).
  6. Personnel management does not have any focus on the training and development of the employee and employee usually learn to work on the job while in case of human resources management the main focus is on training and development of the employees (Berman et al, 2012).
  7. In case of personnel management, mainly most of the decisions are taken by the top management and follow the strict line of rules and regulation (Berman et al, 2012). While on the other hand, human resources management, decisions are taken in a collective manner and everything is considered like employee’s participation, decentralisation and the environment in which they work.
  8. Personnel management focus is on production and satisfaction of employees while in case of human resources management the main focus is on effectiveness, culture, and productivity (Berman et al, 2012).
  9. Personnel management contains personal manager and in case of Human resources Management contains all type of managers from top to bottom.
  10. Personal management is normally a routine function and in case of human resources management is more of strategic functions.

Role and responsibilities as a line manager - Line manager is a person who directly deals with the employees and get them work to get the desired result. They manage the employees or team of people and they are the mediator between the employees and high level of management (Berman et al, 2012). They are the one who execute and implement all the policies being formulated by the top level of management among the lower level of management and they are the one who pass on the performance related information and other issues or problems of the employees to top level management (Berman et al, 2012). Line managers have a supervisory job and they direct the employees.

B) Analyse the organisational environment and discuss how it impacts the HRM function in your organisation.

Organisation is very important for the business environment and every organisation has to function within the boundaries of environment which is prevailing in the market (Robbins & Judge, 2012). The impact of organisation environment is very important and crucial. The relationship between the organisation and organisation environment can be analysed in three main ways which are discussed as follows: -

  1. The organisation is a body of work where the system is followed called input and output. Therefore input is used to produce output and output is goods, services and profits which are given back to the environment (Robbins & Judge, 2012). The process also analyse the type of input which should be taken to analyse the output.
  2. Organisation is the main focus of understanding the main contribution of different groups which function within the organisation and outside the organisation as well. The organisation must make sure that these groups have a legal right to contribute in the organisation (Robbins & Judge, 2012). These groups mainly consist of employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and society in which the organisation functions. The activities of the organisation will be highly influenced by the groups and their expectation from the organisation.
  3. The organisation functions in an environment which is full of opportunities and threats and what is crucial here that the organisation must most of the opportunities which are available and must make a way for dealing with the threats (Robbins & Judge, 2012).

Impact of organisational environment on HRM function

Following is the detailed discussion of impact of organisational environment on HRM functions: -

  1. Due to constant technological innovation, technically qualified employees are required at so many places and demand of such employees is only increasing.
  2. Economic condition is also very important and it influences the financial health of the organisation. HRM function gets influenced by the economic factors of the country as well (Robbins & Judge, 2012).
  3.  Labour market is another very important aspect and the organisation are always in need of employees and workers in order achieve the result. Labour demand and supply affects so many functions and compensation and staffing is main points which create implication on the activities (Budhwar, & Debrah, 2013).
  4. Changing demand in HRM is also affecting the organisation functions. The company constantly has to undergo so many changes which also impact the demand of employees in the firm.
  5. Legal factor is one of the most crucial aspects of HRM which get affected by the organisational environment. The company tries it best to manage the employees in terms of the legal system of the country. There are many acts in legal system which impacts the organisational function like trade union act, compensation act, the minimum wages act, payment of gratuity act and many more. There are acts like maternity benefit act as well which make sure that the employees are working in the best working conditions and the government of the country make sure that the industrial and economic activities are followed well in connection of the legal framework of the country (Budhwar, & Debrah, 2013).

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Task 2

A) Explain and asses the role of human resource planning in your organisation and discuss the stages of the planning process.

Following is the role of human resources planning in the organisation: -

  1. Human resources as discussed is one of the most important function in HR and the planning the HR functions should be done extreme care and it should meet all the job requirement and also wellbeing of the employees. As the business grows, every company requires supply of employees for important functions of the organisation and any successful company will manage the human resources aspect in line with the overall strategy plan. So basically human resources planning will help in achieving the business goals of the organisation (Jackson et al, 2011).
  2. A significant part of human resources planning is forecasting the employees demand in the organisation. There are number of factors which has to be considered in forecasting the demand like sale and revenue and the rate at which the company is growing. The financial success is automatically connected with the human resources planning as the business grows company automatically need more people who are qualified and bring more success in the company.
  3. Human resources planning also help the company to be more proactive and prepared for the future. When things will be planned in advance it will be easier for the company to be prepared for everything (Jackson et al, 2011).
  4. Human resources planning also help in finding the right balance between the effective employees and the services.

Following are the stages of planning process

  1. Assessing the employee’s requirement: - the first stage is assessing the HR requirement and the environment is also assessed with the help of PEST. The HR inventory is also assessed on the basis of the requirement. By assessing the entire requirement, the company can understand the weakness and the strength of the company and decide what is needed in the company (Al-Otaibi et al, 2012).
  2. Demand forecasting: - human resources forecasting help in deciding the demand of the employees and the sources through which supply will be made. Future requirement can be assessed with the help of current human resources in the company and its need.
  3. Supply forecasting: - it is the flip side of human resources planning and it is related with the estimation of supply of human resources. It also helps in deciding the future requirement which can arise from the internal promotion or transfer or job enlargement and job enrichment (Al-Otaibi et al, 2012).
  4. Matching demand and supply: - in another step human resources planning, covers the future demand and supply of the human resources. The matching procedure aims at bringing the demand and supply at par. Therefore to get the equilibrium, whenever there is a shortage of employees, over staffing has to be done to come at par with the employees (Al-Otaibi et al, 2012).
  5. Action plan: - it is the last phase of human resources planning, in which surplus and the shortage of human resources is tested. The human resource plan is executed through different range of post in different human resource function (Al-Otaibi et al, 2012). The major and important functions are recruitment, selection, placement, training and development. In the end, control and evaluation activity is followed in which all the planning is matched with the objectives and policies so that everything can be updated as and when required.

B) Analyse the recruitment and selection process in your chosen organisation and assess your contribution as a deputy to the Human Resource Manager.

The company is in constant need of the people in both categories store based and non-store based jobs. Tesco aims in ensuring that all the activities functions in line with the main objective of the organisation (Zhao & Liden, 2011). Also to do achieve successful recruitment and selection process the company follow a structured process in all the categories like managerial and operational roles.
Following is the recruitment and selection process followed in the company: -

  1. The company uses the method of workforce planning to understand the demand of new people in the company. The company has a structured form of planning cell which looks after all the requirement of manpower in the company (Zhao & Liden, 2011).
  2. The company tries to fill many positions within the company and that saves the cost of the training and acquiring the new employees. The company follows a process which widely known as talent planning (Zhao & Liden, 2011).
  3. In Tesco the recruiters give a lot of importance to the job description and person specification as it helps in the potential candidates to understand, of what is expected from them.
  4. The company devote a lot of time in understanding the nature of each job and the qualities require achieving each task. The company need people who right and appropriate for the each job (Zhao & Liden, 2011).
  5. The first stage of recruitment is internal recruitment and then there is external recruitment. Initially the company tries to recruit people within the company and then invite people from outside to apply for the job and then the proper recruitment process is followed from inviting people for interviews to training and development (Zhao & Liden, 2011).
  6. The selection of the employees is done on the basis of getting the most suitable person who is most appropriate for the vacancy. This also includes screening of the candidates in the selection process. People who are screened and selected for the interview should be best fit for the job (Kumari, 2012).
  7. People who pass screening attend assessment centre which are the part of stores and run by the managers of those stores. These processes help in providing the consistency in the selection procedure. Candidates who pass the internal assessment centre are called for the interview. Line manager usually take the interview (Kumari, 2012).

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