Organisational Behaviour Assignment – British Airways & ASDA

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Organisational Behaviour Assignment – British Airways & ASDA
Organisational Behaviour Assignment British Airways & ASDA
Organisational Behaviour Assignment – British Airways & ASDA


The ASDA PLC is a large store which has various departments in it. It is a British based private limited and it was American owned super market. They are a retailer for the food, clothing, general merchandise, toys and financial services. ASDA also have introduced the mobile as an own manufacture. It is a subsidiary for the American retail company, Walmart. Now ASDA is the largest retail chain company in market share at the U.K. ASDA was founded in 1949 and it was located in Leeds as Headquarters. This Organisational Behaviour Assignment British Airways & ASDA is a study of the organisational structure, culture, and behaviour and leadership style. This Organisation has various operations and different types of customers but their motive, treating employees, management concepts are same in all operations. They follow same organisation structure, rules and regulations in all aspects. Through these the customers ASDA are very satisfied and a uniform manner and they are visiting the stores frequently due to good responses from the store employees or management.

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Task 1

P1.1- Compare and contrast the organization structure and culture of ASDA PLC to that of British airlines.

The organization usually has a structure that needs to be followed by the workforce working in that organization. The work would be hence assigned to a person or a team and the same will have to be completed within the time allotted to them for completion. The coordination that is followed between the team and also the culture the work is followed with called as the organizational structure. The ASDA PLC has grown into a big store with different departments in it. The same is run through the organization structure that everyone in the organization follows. The customers are dealt in the uniform manner by the workforce as they are trained accordingly. This is because the customer can get the uniformity in the essence of the treatment provided to him. The customers come back to the stores as they know that they would get the same response at any store they visit.

The hierarchy that is followed by the staff has clarity in the rendering of the job structure to the staff working under the people who are at the managerial position. The team that is given to the concerned managers or the supervisors is briefed about the job structure by them and the same is followed by the team without any discrepancies. It is a big team and there is no discretion between the members of the team or the seniors (Levi and Slem, 1995).

The British Airways is a large prospect of business that has a large amount of workforce that needs to be maintained and hence the same has to be handled well enough so that the customers do not face any issues and have a bad experience. However, the company is trying to ease out things between the different aspects of the job structure and organize the set of work. There are some departments that are set to take some extra task as required. Hence, Organizational structure is the work that the company wants the employers to do in a systematic manner as prescribed by them and culture is the manner in which the task is performed.

P1.2- Explain how the relationship between Asda’s structure and culture impacts on its performance.

The ASDA had run a survey regarding the working structure that the customers felt about so that if there is any improvement the same can be implemented. This was in the year two thousand and nine. In two thousand and thirteen, there was another survey run for the employees called as “Your Voice”, so that they can put forth the concerns if any. The colleague pledges that was looked into were as mentioned below:

  • A fair approach at work
  • The equal opportunity to all
  • Show respect to each other
  • Feel proud working at ASDA

The behaviour of the workers depends on the structure followed by the organization:

If the organization has to change the way of work structure, the reason could be that the same followed is not giving the right performance as requested by the organization. Hence, the structure that is followed by the organization has both direct and indirect effect on the workers behaviour in the organization (Cannon-Bowers and Salas, 1997). The atmosphere in the workplace if not friendly, then the same would not have the employees working therein for a long period of time. The culture plays a vital factor that decides the workforce to be a healthier place to work. The best performance gives the best result in terms of the profit that has been targeted by the organization. Hence, the organization that keeps the employees happy will always follow the culture with the customers as well. This can be found in a larger aspect when it comes to the ASDA workplace.

If the organization has to change the way of work structure, the reason could be that the same followed is not giving the right performance as requested by the organization. Hence, the structure that is followed by the organization has both direct and indirect effect on the workers behaviour in the organization. The atmosphere in the workplace if not friendly, then the same would not have the employees working therein for a long period of time. The culture plays a vital factor that decides the workforce to be a healthier place to work. The best performance gives the best result in terms of the profit that has been targeted by the organization. Hence, the organization that keeps the employees happy will always follow the culture with the customers as well. This can be found in a larger aspect when it comes to the ASDA workplace.

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The importance of the culture on the performance of the workers:

The efficiency of the performance provided by the workers depends on the culture that is followed in the organization. The culture in the ASDA sees to that the culture followed is such that the workforce puts in the effort to give the best performance. There is cooperation that is found in larger aspect within the perspective workers that leads to serves the customers accordingly (Douglas, 1976). Hence, the culture is related to the performance of the workers in a direct manner.

P1.3- Discuss the factors which influence the behaviour of ASDA’s employees at work

  • The security provided at ASDA: The ASDA job security is very important for the worker and hence the same is expected by the employees working for the store. There is seen that the talent that is looked into before appointing the worker, the worker too looks at the security job at the place he works. And this is seen in the ASDA in a larger aspect. This security that is provided by the organization enables the employee to have a longer relation with it and in turn the organization will retain the experience of the worker (Flin, O'Connor and Mearns, 2002).
  • The compensation paid to the workers: The compensation that has been to be paid to the employees also makes an effect of his behaviour. The employee decides to stick to the job only if the compensation that has been provided is as per the expectation of the employee compared to the task provided accordingly.
  • Environment at work: The environment at work also impacts the behaviour of the employee in the store. The same is much friendlier as the main aim of the store is to imply good relation between the employees. There are surveys that are set to know how the employee feels about the workplace and the feedback is used to improvise it accordingly. The environment should be such that the employee feels like attending the task every day and improvising their performance accordingly.
  • The importance of the work done by the employees: The employee’s behaviour at the ASDA more importantly is about the respect for the task performed. The performance may be hampered if the same is not found in the working environment. The workforce knows its job and can perform the work assigned them in the best possible aspect. The disrespect towards the same would coax an efficient employee to quit the job. Hence, the surveys like ‘Voice of Employee’ has been carried on within the team force to understand the issues if any and the rectification of the problem being fixed eventually.

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Task 2

P2.1- Compare the effectiveness of the leadership styles used by the CEO in ASDA to that used by British airways CEO:

The leadership aspect is one of the important aspects that keep the employee going in strong in the current job. The CEO of ASAD Andy Clarke has developed the store to a level that it is today and the same has been carried on in the similar way, in which the employees are given the preference as they are the source of the business. This has been highlighted in many sectors of the business function accordingly. The store concentrates on the level of employment that has been adhered to with respect and also the equality provided to the employees along with the leadership that plays fair aspect that leads to the culture that is observed and accordingly results in one of the best in provision of customer service. The culture in turn depicts in the working environment that leads to the success of the business in the store eventually (Bolman and Deal, 1992).

In the case of the British Airways, the CEO Keith Williams feels that the importance has to be given to the employees that were missing in the employee satisfaction aspect. As the organization was quite large the employees were not provided the required importance and due to this the business environment where the employees worked was prone to questionable. Hence, the same was taken an issue to be looked into and the measures were implemented so that the employees can have an ease at work and the employee satisfaction was given importance so that there would be prolonged relation with the Airlines. This was brought into picture as the employee at large were initially not looked into and addressed so that the employee and the organization relation gets strengthened even more so that there would be many employees who would work for a longer period of time.

P2.2. – Identify any organizational theory practiced at ASDA and explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management:

The organizational theory that the store can adapt to would be the administrative theory wherein the administrative concept is concentrated and is very useful for the development of the business. This theory would include the factors such as task organization, team that needs to be led accordingly and same to be controlled and regulated professionally to complete the task within the required time span.

The organization theory is very important for the sustainability and the growth of the business. The same can help in the enlargement of the market in future and thus earn profits accordingly. The employees have to be taken into confidence in this regard, the planning though done by the management; the employees would provide the required assistance in terms of the idea formation as they are the people who interact with the customers on the daily basis.

Secondly, the aspect of together working comes through only the ideas exchanged and the implementation done for the benefit of the organization. This in turn would assist in earning more profits for the concern and provide growth to the employees. This is again related indirectly to the sustainability of the employees in the concern as the experienced employees would act as an asset to the company (Krishnan et al., 2008). The organizational theory that is been followed by the ASDA, would be at the administrative level, where the importance of the managing the large force is decided and organized in a systematic manner methodically designed accordingly. This is important for the concern to sustain itself at the same level of success as this would decide the future of the organization.

Hence, the store here concentrates on the administration of the staff and also implementation of the required sectors for the smooth running of the business, which would also include the employees’ contribution. Employee satisfaction also forms a part of an acceptable structure of the organization. A guideline is developed for the same and the process is then acted accordingly. There are some regulatory aspects that are followed before the planning is given the final execution effect.

P2.3– Evaluate the different approaches to management used by ASDA to that used by British Airways:

The approaches that are followed by ASDA developed the approach of cultivating capacity or development of the capacity. The approach involves the reporting of the employees to manager more than one and the concern follows the approach as it looks into identifying customers who are definite as per the community that is considered as the consumer community. It also implies and emphasizes on the problems that can be clearly understood and solved on priority. The data is collected and through the collaboration of the team together decides on the activity that has to be adapted and executed to get the result as required (Kay, Maisonneuve, Yacef and Reimann, 2006).

On the other hand, the British Airways depends on the approach of steering methodology. It implies on the project that is first planned, the objectives of the plan and the period within which the process has to be completed. The systematic methodology that is followed by the Airlines enables them to execute the sector of task that is requested to be completed accordingly. The importance is on the planning process that is cooperatively interlinked and the same is formulated to give the required result. The approaches that are followed by ASDA developed the approach of cultivating capacity or development of the capacity. The approach involves the reporting of the employees to manager more than one and the concern follows the approach as it looks into identifying customers who are definite as per the community that is considered as the consumer community.

It also implies and emphasizes on the problems that can be clearly understood and solved on priority. The data is collected and through the collaboration of the team together decides on the activity that has to be adapted and executed to get the result as required. On the other hand, the British Airways depends on the approach of steering methodology. It implies on the project that is first planned, the objectives of the plan and the period within which the process has to be completed.

The systematic methodology that is followed by the Airlines enables them to execute the sector of task that is requested to be completed accordingly (Denzinger and Fuchs, 1994). The importance is on the planning process that is cooperatively interlinked and the same is formulated to give the required result. The last part would be the evaluation of the task and the sectors that are corrected before the preparation of the report. The importance of the last aspect would be to give the report that can be used for the development of the task and improvise if required. This is to make sure that the right report is provided and the same is followed accordingly.

Task 3

P3.1- What types of changes could ASDA engage in? Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation of ASDA’s staff in periods of changes:

The changes that the ASDA would get into the change that would lead to the again engineer the certain aspects of the business and as change is constant and challenging, this is inevitable when it comes to the business that involves the larger aspect of the market. There can be even more resources development in the technology that they are dealing with in terms of delivery of the goods etc. Here, leadership involves the attainment of the goal that is specified by the management and the same as per the timeline specified. The management’s intention would be to run the business with the available resources and the goal that achieved by the leaders with the resource put to work accurately as planned (Nagi, 1976).

The leaders at this time should be approachable and more important be trustworthy to reveal the exact reason of the change. The staff has to be motivated that the change is for the best and the same has to be taken in a positive aspect. When the ASAD was merged with the Walmart, the employees did not take it to their stride and had to inform that the merge was undertaken without any effect on them. An organization, to be trustworthy is very important to gain the confidence of the employees.

P3.2- Compare the application of different motivational theories with special reference to ASDA’s employees as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Vroom expectancy theories and McGregor’s theory X and y -----.  Which theory is most applicable and why?

The theory of X and the theory of Y that has been defined by McGregor stating that the people who come under the X theory category, would not be available for work and they would find reasons to get away as their intention is to not work, the reason may be that they are too lazy for the same. An authoritarian approach can be or have to be implied her. However, the theory of Y states that the people under this would come under the section of hard workers. They are ready to work above their capacity and are always ready to work as well as take responsibility.

The people who come under the Vroom expectancy theories will work without getting attracted towards any offers such as an additional leave. They are ready to work extensively as the intention is to make the most of the money possible. The different sector of individuals has to be encouraged in different levels. The people who are under the Theory X can be given the option of choosing the perk if given the amount of work provided by them as expected by the management.

The encouragement that is provided to the employee would result in the best result towards the promotion would enable them to work much better. The section of the people who have the strong rules would develop the intention of sticking to the job for a long time as these kinds of people are strong on the values (Pollert, 1996). The development of the employees is found with the recognition provided to them and the same can be given by the managers without having a bias towards the same.

In ASAD, employees are given lot of importance and they are allowed to voice out any issues faced. There is no necessity that they need to do it to the line manger that they report to as the working structure is much more widened to enable the staff to enjoy what they are doing and also to continue to do the same for a very long period of time. The intention of having the motivation factor in place in the organization is to get the best out of the employees who are capable of executing the task, however, are not interested to do the same. Here the X theory aspect should be motivated accordingly. The Vroom expectancy is a theory that can be used by the ASDA wherein the employee can be informed that the reward is associated with the reward hence, the more the employee works hard the reward would increase simultaneously and the employee could reach the heights that he wishes to.

P3.3- Evaluate the usefulness of a motivational theory for managers. How could a theory like Hertzberg’s motivation theory be useful and relevant to the managers of ASDA

As per the Hertzberg’s theory there are two things that can happen, either the person is dissatisfied or hence he cannot enjoy his work, on the other hand the person is not dissatisfied with the job but not encouraged. Hence, in case of ASAD, the theory of dual aspect under this theory can be implemented wherein the employee would be motivated by the managers, by providing the reward for the difficult tasks and also to motivate the employees with the challenging task and also promotion based on the same.

The motivation is the best way to coaxing the worker to get the best out of him. In ASDA the theory can be used for the development of the employees by considering the both the factors like satisfaction as well as the dissatisfaction of the job. The dissatisfaction results due to the factors like the questionable job security leading to the instability in the job. The best way to reduce such a situation that the employee starts feeling, would to reward him with the equivalent incentives so that this forms an encouragement for the employee to work even more hard and give the best results.

Task 4

P4.1 Explain the nature of the various groups that may exist among ASDA’s staff and how they may influence the group behaviour.

There may be different groups that are sent in ASDA. Some of them may be found in the group that has been an assigned task that needs to be achieved and they are bent upon achieving the same. There would be an option where employees had to achieve the task hence assigned. The other group that would be formed by the organization internally, that would be a team to come together when required as a fun group and the same can be an activity that would be conducted frequently for a change in the routine task work. The groups are formed to know each other and to complete the task with the teamwork eventually completing the task at the given time by the management. The leaders can help in completing the task faster by assigning the group with the task that can be decided to be segregated between the group members. This way there would be cordial relation between the staff members developed.

P4.2 Discuss the factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork among the employees of ASDA PLC.

The employees skills can develop the effective teamwork and complete the task much more effectively. The leaders should concentrate on the communication that is provided to the team members about the task that needs to be achieved (Cannon-Bowers and Salas, 1998). The trust within the team has to be developed and the mutiny seen if any should be addressed in order to have the strong team. This is required as the team has to achieve the target with the built in team and the same can be done only through the understanding of the calibre and the technique involved achieving the same.

There would be positive attitude that has to be shared by the team members and the leader as well. This is due to the fact that the task that is given can be adhered to and completed only if there is diversity within the team and also the team work to complete the task given. The leader has to encourage the team during the time when it would be high pressure not just by telling the group to perform but also to perform as required for the time given (Steijn, 2001). The ways to do a particular task that may be difficult should be told by the leader so that this makes them comfortable to take tasks that are difficult.

P4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within ASDA PLC.

The technology is of great help for the sector like ASDA as the delivery section and also the places where the delivery is required faster, technology comes to its rescue. Technology also can help in ordering through net or mobile through Apps. They should be used in the best possible way so that the customers get the orders or messages regarding the orders on time and also develop the bondage with the customers for a longer period of time (Valkenburg, 1998).

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The company has different types of Management approaches. This Organisational Behaviour Assignment British Airways & ASDA discussed about the Organisational behaviour through different parameters like motivational theories, functions of Management, about leadership, etc. The Organisation need strong knowledge for the Management who plays major role to get success for the company. The Organisation structure is different from one to other company as large scale or small scale companies but the management concepts, role of leadership and management responses is very important to get succeed. Mostly for the Organisation team work will give best outcomes because the teamwork has more effective inputs from different sources. Every employees will be motivated by their superiors or managers so that the employee will work as very liable to the company. Sometimes the managers will be a role model for the employees as how they act in the critical or any other situations through tackling the situation with very jovial. Likewise, ASDA has acted well in more situations and their managements and employees have a good relationship and understanding between them. ASDA has implemented more in the work supervision and maintaining the quality team for delivering as it required and holed the best result. Through their team work, the company was running smoothly and producing best results as expected. This company motives or goals is different to other organisation which makes them succeed.


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Valkenburg, R. C. (1998). Shared understanding as a condition for team design. Automation in construction, 7(2), 111-121.

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