Unit 23 HRD Training and Development Assignment

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Unit 23 HRD Training and Development Assignment
Unit 23 HRD Training and Development Assignment
Unit 23 HRD Training and Development Assignment


In Unit 23 HRD Training and Development Assignment we discuss Human Resource development helps to develop personal and organisation skills, abilities and knowledge of the employees. It offer opportunities to its employees for developing learning skills and that is planned and designed as a systematic activity by an organization. Human Resource development provides training and development to improve the performance of the employees. There are various types of trainings that are provided to the employees according to their learning styles, skills, etc. HRD will analyse the employees needed skills and suggest the training to develop these. The government has a role to offer training thus contributing to the human resource development. This aspect of human resource development dons an important role in the organisation.

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TASK 1 - Understand learning theories and learning styles

1.1 Compare different learning styles

The Learning styles of each individual will be different. There are various methods to learn like Listening, Reading, Visuals and an Experience. Each person are unique in this. There are some popular models in learning styles such as Kolb, Honey, and Mumford.

Kolb Learning Style Model: The Kolb Learning style model has been classified under four stages. They are:

  • Concrete Experience: A learner aggressively experiences an activity. 
  • Reflective Observation: A learner knowingly reflects back on the activity’s knowledge.
  • Abstract Conceptualization: A learner makes an attempt to create mentally a theory or model of what's discovered.
  • Active Experimentation: A learner is making an attempt to arrange a way to check a model or theory or arrange for a forthcoming expertise.

Honey and Mumford Style Model: A  Honey and Mumford style model has been classified into four types of learning styles. They are:

  • Activist: These consist of people who are interested to do or learn by trying out the work. A term Activist is captured well in the phrase, "I will try anything ". These type of people’s characters are defined as open-minded and enthusiastic. They will act in a friendly manner and later get very close to others.
  • Reflector: These type of people will observe or watch closely as is captured in the phrase "Look before you leap" and wish to get a novel experience. They will analyse the available data before they begin the work and think multiple times on the outcome. (Pritchard, 2013).
  • Theorist: These are people who depend only on theories and their models to learn. They are exemplified as captured well in the phrase, "If it is reasonable it is fine". They will face the issues head-on and give the solutions in a systematic fashion.
  • Pragmatist: These type of people always try out new things and they are really interested in toying with new ideas and techniques by way of practice.  They are exemplified as captured well in the phrase, "If it works, it is fine else there will always be a better way". They always need a more practical grounding and they are interested in taking practical decisions and finding solutions to the issues. 

In an organisation a new software was introduced in order to start a new process. Towards this, the company has planned to give training for the four employees chosen to gain knowledge on the new software. The four employees picked are Michel, Karen, Bob and John. The learning style of each learner is different.

  • Michel is interested to learn in a theory mode. He was looking up more on theories about the application from top to bottom. Through this manner of style, he learned about the application but he takes more time to observe (Pritchard, 2013). 
  • Karen, she is really eager to learn by doing. She tried out her new ideas by practically applying them and found the solutions for it. She did practice enough number of times on the application. Through this; she got more comfortable with the application that enabled her to work within a short period.
  • Bob needs a graphical presentation of the application to learn. He takes in the learning through a visual mode and do as creatively as possible for him in the work.
  • John observed from other learner’s activities who are working currently on the application. He analysed the actions of others and prepared the report as a self-learning exercise.    

1.2 Role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace

The Learning curve is a relationship or link between the learning time and competences. It denotes the progress of learning.  It is really common among all people especially when they have to obtain new knowledge or skills in a short period. The Learning curves are classified as,

  • Standard Curve
  • Stepped Curve

Standard Curve: It represents the learner who has not improved even though enough time has been spent on trainings. There is potential for the learner to improve through re-designing the learning program and apt cultivation of motivation of the learner.

Stepped Curve: This is applicable to the learner who learned more and improved within a specified period of time on trainings. Here they may change jobs or work methods. There could also be a transition of work from a non-managerial position to a managerial position.

The really essential part is transferring the learning to the workplace. The learner may attend various type of learning's but they need to transfer their learning on to their work. When the learner transfers the knowledge and practical skills that are learnt in training and makes his or her work as effective as possible, then it is defined as positive transfer. If the learner is not using their learning in their work, then it is known as negative transfer.

1.3 The contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event

By organising a learning event, there are few types of models that are used in training for a set of people. To cite an example, in an organisation, a training event has been arranged for a group of people to learn about a new software that has been introduced. For this, the trainer had planned for various kinds of learning models such as the graphical method, the theoretical method, the interaction method and the practical method. The application will be explained through these methods to the, to be trained group of people because each person possesses various kinds of learning skills. Once a training is over, the trainer will provide a test to gauge the knowledge of the participant’s learning about this new software (Dunn and Griggs, 2000). As the learning theories and models are planned and designed by the trainer while organising an event for developing the employee skills, the assessment shows the result of their learning.

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TASK 2 - Be able to plan and design training and development

2.1 Compare the training needs for staff at different levels in an organisation of your choice

In an organisation there were different type of people with differing skills. Everyone has a different perception of their skills. Their positional growth and development in the organisation is based on their knowledge and skills. There were a few staff who were really eager to learn new things on a day to day basis towards developing their skills. The staff will attend the training as they need to develop their skills. In an organisation there are different roles for different staff who have different jobs to do. To cite an example, an organisation has four office staff viz., two accountants, one team lead and a manager. Each staff position or role in the Organisation Behaviour is different. But regardless of these differences, they need to develop some skills that they can apply in the workplace for their and the organisation’s development.

Classification of Training that are related to positions:

  • All Office staff need training on basic skills like a drive for result, innovative thinking and more.
  • The Accountant needs to manage the financial status of an organisation. So, this person needs training to develop his or her knowledge on accounts, finance management and more.
  • A Team Lead has to manage the team and is responsible for the overall team work. So this person needs training on leadership training, people management and more.
  • A Manager will manage all the staff and have full rights to assess an organisation. This person needs training on team management, operations management, risk management and more.

2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of training methods used in your chosen organisation

The training methods are different with regards to an organisation. In an organisation, the training are planned and offered to the employees to develop the skills and that can be used in the workplace. To cite an example, an organisation is engaged in customer service. Customer service have big challenges in facing the customers directly and the need to build a strong relationship between an organisation and its customers.  There are few types of training methods that are followed in various organisations such as

  • In-House Training
  • Professional Training
  • Seminars
  • Videos
  • Classroom
  • Online

Under In-House Training, the companies will hire a trainer from within its own staff to conduct the training. They will act as an immediate and readily and conveniently available source for the company training. The disadvantages of this type of training is, the materials or referrals may not be updated regularly.

Under Professional Training, a trainer is sourced from a third party vendor who is a professional in the Training and Development arena. The staff will understand the training clearly when compared to learn from the fellow worker.  Sometimes, a set of staff might have to go for training during office time because of which the work load may get disturbed (Dunn and Griggs, 2000).

Seminars is a good type of training method. Through seminars the employees can get more knowledge as seminars are typically more detailed. The flip side is; seminars are typically not fine-tuned for the purpose for a specific organisation.

Most staff will enjoy video training exercises instead of other activities. Visuals reach the staff easily as they present knowledge in a much more interesting manner. Another benefit is once a training video is made, it can be used for all employees at any time. But the disadvantage in this video training is; there is a tendency for organisations to ignore the need to update constantly the materials leading to redundancy of training materials that in turn makes the training less effective.

Classroom method can be used as an interactive training method. The topics can be discussed among the participants and the questions elicited can garner solutions from the different views of people.

Online, the trainer need on time to provide training but through online method the staff can get training at any time and from anywhere.  It won't disturb the office timing as well as staff timing.

2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan training and development for a training event

Should plan and design to make a training event an effective one.  In developing a training event, there are few approaches that make the event as effective as possible and they are as follows:

  • Should analyse the purpose of training and the audience
  • Find out needs or requirements of the audiences
  • Establish training goals and objectives
  • Developing Instructional activity
  • Need to prepare the training design as a written statement
  • Need to prepare the evaluation forms for the audience
  • Establish spectator actions for the event

These type of approaches are applied to a variety of training methods like face-to face training, online, interactive and more.

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Task 3 - Be able to evaluate a training event

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using suitable techniques

Event evaluation techniques are used in organisations to make an event a more effective and efficient one. The mistakes encountered in organising an event serves as the learning for the next organising of an event. Event evaluation will be done immediately upon the completion of an event. The event evaluation will be discussed with the team members.

The event must be organised on the basis of a planned and designed structure. The organiser should target the audience and follow their needs in training. The techniques that will be suitable for training evaluation are collecting feedback from audience on the extent to which it achieved the event objectives (Keefe, 1987). A evaluate training are associate with learning, transfer and impacts factors in Organisation. The evaluation goals determine various purposes for different level of people.

There are few approaches or techniques for evaluation. They are as follows:

  • Goal Based
  • Goal Free
  • Responsive
  • Systems
  • Professional Review

A suitable techniques for evaluating the training event are based on the purpose, objectives, levels, instructional delivery and type of participant groups.  

3.2 Evaluation of a training event

The evaluation techniques are already identified and those methods that are used to organise the events are as follows:

  • Goal Based: This type of an event is organised based on a goal. Every event has the goal and themes that goes into its making. The organiser and team members discuss the event evolution and work towards achieving the goal and effectively targeting the audience.  
  • Goal Free: An event that doesn't have any specific goals or targets to organise is a Goal Free evolution. This method does not have any measures or goal to govern the event.
  • Responsive: An event is organised with more responsive needs in mind and targeting the peoples who are in need.  As an organiser of this event, the concerned person is geared towards more responses from the audience and need to give apt solutions to their queries.
  • System: When a training is organised it is fully getting updated automatically in the system. Through this; an event information can be shared with others easily. Sometimes the discussion can go through online mode or via systems (Keefe, 1987).
  • Professional Review: The event evaluation will be checked by the Professional Development about the planned and designed structure of the event. Through the review the event changes can be pointed out and it is the feedback for the changes in events.

3.3 Success of the evaluation methods used

The goal based method is likely to be a huge success for the training event. The goal-based method has a goal and target that needs to be achieved at the end of an event. The organiser has a clear view with regards to this in the training outline and its structure. Through this method, an evaluation of training event is more successful. This method is used in invariably every organisational training event. It employs the outline structure of the training sessions, timings and more. Through the outline structure, the organiser and the team members can easily follow the schedule. This method enables to reach the targeted audience well by providing effective training.

TASK 4 - Understand government-led skills development initiatives

4.1 Role of government in training, development and lifelong learning

The initiatives by the UK government that is for the sole purpose of the human resource improvement is properly depicted. Diverse types of learning styles are the theme of this task, where detailed theories regarding the learning styles along with its gravity of impact towards the planning sector and the fields of design related to learning events are offered (Coffield, 1999).

The objective of the UK government is quite simple and direct and they are:

  • Implementation of a vocational learning strategy so that demand for learning will get enhanced as education will be a fun to do a thing in this manner.
  • Top-notch and outstanding training programs and their development so that the domestic markets of the European countries and that of UK will remain contented, and by which the economy of the country will always stay strong and prosperous (Coffield, 1999).
  • Redevelopment of talent and proficiency happens when people are given opportunities and the government is also providing opportunities to them to widen their skills along with their understanding (Day (Ed.)., 1999).

The project lifelong learning is designed in such a way that the main goal of the UK government will be to get rid of those particular hurdles that obstruct the forthcoming opportunities for the people who are having lack of expertise. UK government has taken this huge step towards helping the people who do not have adequate resources for learning and getting a job. Therefore, the Government has been investing lots of funds towards the education as well as training for adults who have no impressive skills by which they can get opportunities to be employed (Horton, 2000).

Encouragement to the people like- travellers, homeless, refugees, people who are seeking asylums, drug addicts and many more for lifelong learning is implemented in societies. In addition to it, the UK government is also encouraging people to improve the literacy rates in the country and so that, it will help the people, who have great interest in training, learning as well as occupation but have failed due to zero skills (Day (Ed.)., 1999).

4.2 Development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sectors

The thought behind the competency movement is geared towards the sole motive of development of the skills of the workers. For the development of competence, the UK government tries to build up knowledge, skills and abilities of the people. This competency movement has a positive impact on various public sector and private sector units. The training procedure for this competence development is carried out by the government and the promotion concerning this competence development is also done with the help of MCI. NVQ was founded in 1986 to encourage vocational training and the development of work opportunities for the young as well as adult people (Horton, 2000).

4.3 Assess how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for an organization of your choice

For the greater improvement of lifelong learning among the citizens, the government of United Kingdom has established The Learning and Skills Council otherwise known as LSC for proper management of Marketing Planning as well as funding various learning and skills development initiatives (Hood, 1991).
The Connexions Service is one of the supportive training initiatives under the aegis of the UK government to offer advice and give young people of the age group of thirteen to nineteen, an idea about the right direction they need to take for their future life. Plus, personality development along with the process of connecting the threads of professionalism to the life of the people is satisfactorily executed by this service (Hood, 1991).
IIP (Investors in People) and Union Learning Fund or the ULF are two great initiatives by the government. These two sources of initiatives help in the development of organizational performance of the people (Hill & Stewart, 2000).

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In Unit 23 HRD Training and Development Assignment we discussed Learning is an essential part of an organisation. There are various types of learning styles that are followed by the organisations. The employees learning style are not similar throughout. The Human Resource Development division will plan and design the trainings that help to develop employee’s skills. Through such trainings, the employees will get more benefits through earning strong knowledge and developing skills. The government is also contributing to human resource development through initiation of training sessions.


Coffield, F. (1999). Breaking the consensus: lifelong learning as social control. British educational research journal25(4), 479-499.
Day, C. (Ed.). (1999). Developing teachers: The challenges of lifelong learning. Psychology Press.
Dunn RS and Griggs SA. (2000), "Practical approaches to using Learning Styles in Higher Education". Australia: Greenwood publishing group.
Eraut, M. (1994). Developing professional knowledge and competence. Psychology Press.