Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Loynds Company

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Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Loynds Company
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Loynds Company
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Loynds Company


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Employability Skills

QFC Level

Level 5


Employability skills are the qualities which are essential for the employees while performing his work. These qualities help the individual in accomplish the entire task at the workplace with efficiency. The employee needs to have an effective communication with all its co-workers to execute its entire task.  This Employability skills assignment loynds company focus on attaining the organization goal by coordination with the all the other team members of the company. Employee should also have the knowledge about the factors within or outside the organization which are affecting their work.  For effective execution of the work the employee should have complete planning and organization of all the work to be performed at the workplace. The employees should also have flexibility while adopting change in situation and environment within the organization. Employee also needs to manage the time while performing his work and executes its entire task within time. For effective functioning of the business the employee needs to have leadership qualities and guide its co –workers effectively while working for the organization. The employee should need to analyze his work and should make efforts to improve the qualities of his work. He should make the efforts to execute his work with honesty and integrity.

Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Loynds Company

Task 1


The Loynds Company is generally engaged in the supplying candy, chocolate and wrapping machines for over 25 years. The Loynd family group has even more deeper roots with over 80 year of manufacturing candy product. The company provides equipments and guidelines on a wide range of industrial manufacturing processes. The company design, manufacture and upgrade candy and chocolate machinery to customer exact requirement and operating over 100 countries worldwide. The company generally operates two range of manufacturing method for delivering candy and chocolate machinery. In first method the range of the product are designed and built in UK solely by Loynds. This provides unparallel quality and reliability backed up by the British engineering. A second range of the equipments is built in conjunction with our Asian partners, allowing the company to offer the extensive range of machinery at the lower price and provide the reliability which is expected from the company. I am currently working as a product manager in the company. My role in the company is to communicate vision from higher level of executive leadership to development and intimation team. Moreover, I need to investigate, select and develop a new product for the company. For this I need to examine the needs of the customer and build the product which satisfies the need of the customer.

1.1 Explain how you would develop a set of your own responsibilities and performance objectives?

  • The product manager needs to develop some responsibility and performance objective to improve his performance at the workplace. A product manger needs to be responsible for effective managing his team and help the top level management in attaining organization goal.
  • He is requires to make improvement in current level of activity for effective execution of the entire task. The focus of the manager should be on executing the entire task with efficiency. The manager needs to set direction for the subordinate to achieve the desire company goals and objective. He needs to have effective communications with all his co- workers to handle his part of the work and also requires the coordinate between various units and various tasks for attaining the organization goals. The manager should continuously check on shortfall in the current process and decide the ways to handle the shortfall based on the learning. It is the responsibility of the manager to conduct his task with honesty and integrity and effectively handle the relationship with all the other employee of the workers. He needs to motivate the employees of the company to achieve the goals of the organization. (Jackling & Natoli, 2015.)
  • The manager should set goals which can be measured and should provide direction and measures to achieve such goals. The manager needs to set objective to improve the  develop business. He needs to find the innovation in current level of work to improve his performance. The manager should set the target objective of the product to be sold within the year and make efforts to achieve the target. He needs to find the way to increase the current level of productivity of the business. For effectively control over the work the manager needs to distribute the work in parts and should allocate the work within his team. 
  • The manager needs to effectively communicate the responsibility to all the workers should check on the functioning of such work. He needs to encourage the other employees for completing the task which is assigned to them within allocated time. The manager needs to coordinate between the different units of the company and check that all the work is done within the time limit and as per the laid standard. If he finds any deviation from the current performance he needs to examine the reason of deviation and should take measures to control that deviation.
  • The manager should have complete knowledge of the policies an procedure followed by the company. The management should check that the employee follows company policies and procedure while working for the organization.
  • The manager should check the safety of the employees at the workplace and provide equal opportunity to the entire worker. The manager is responsible for building relationship with the employees and should handle and guide them to complete their work. He also needs to build effective relationship with the customer by identifying their needs through research and should concentrate on meeting such need. The manager also needs to check that there is no leak of personal information of the company to the other business as it will cause a huge loss to the organization.  (Miller, Biggart & Newton, 2013)

1.2 Evaluate own effectiveness against defined performance objectives in task?

After understanding the responsibility and performance related to the work the manager needs to evaluate his current performance by comparing it with the standard performance. The manager should use various evaluation techniques for improving the current level of the performance such as setting target and comparing the current performance with the set target. The manger also needs to appraise the performance of the work performed by the employees of the company. He also needs to obtain the suggestion of the employees of the company to improve the current level performance. For this he needs to build  marketing communication system  which help the employee to solve the problem which they faces while working. The manager also needs to make the strategy for increasing the performance of work. He needs take training on the work to acquire information and develop various skills related to work. While working the manage can take advice of the fellow workers to improve the quality of the work. He needs to find the more effective way of doing the work by analyzing the current problem and should understand his own strength and weakness. The management also needs to take feedback from others and improve his current working (McMahon, Wolffe & Brooker, 2013)

1.3 Using a specific situation you may have encountered, make recommendations for improvement of such situation?

While working for the organization the manager has encountered many problem s in the responsibility and performance objective of the company. Due to conflict between the manager and the employee related to the wages paid to them there was a temporary close down of manufacturing work of the product. It causes the huge loss to the company as the company was not able to deliver the machinery to the customer on time which created the dissatisfaction among the customer. The manager needs to timely identify the problem which the workers are facing at the workplace to avoid such situation. He should timely handle all the queries of the worker to avoid the stoppage of the work. The ignorance of problem of workers will cause huge loss to the company. (Fortney & Yamagata,  2013)

1.4 Review how you would use motivational techniques to improve quality of performance in an organization of your choice?

Ans. Motivation is related to creating desire for doing something. The manager should use various motivational techniques to motivate the employee for attaining the organization goals and objective. It helps in directing the employees towards attaining the particular work. The manager can use various motivational techniques to motivate the employees within the organization. The manger needs to find the factor which causes the motivation within the employees. He should then find the cost in fulfilling the demand of the employees and the benefit which the company will receive by adopting such mean. The motivation will help in increasing the contribution of employee towards the work and improve the performance of the business. (Avbar, 2016)

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Task 2

2.1 In the context of working with others at your workplace, identify a work based problem and develop solutions to the problem?

  • The manager while working for the company has encountered many work based problem. The most relevant among the all the problem are-
  • There is the lack of communication between the various units of the company due to which the manager is facing problem in coordinating between various activities of the company. The manager needs to identify the barrier which cause inefficient communication and should take measures to avoid such barriers.
  • The employees may find difficulty in performing their current work due to lack of knowledge and skills related to the work. This may be due to lack of training provided to the employees related to the work. The manager should identify the problem workers are facing in the current working and should conduct the effective training program for the employees of the company.
  • The employee may have conflict with each other due to certain reason which cause problem while working. The manager should make the effort to handle the conflict between the employees or should assign the different role to the employees to avoid conflict between them.
  • The employee feels difficulty when there is improper coordination between various activities.  The manager needs to create effective link between various activity to conduct all the activity within time and allocated resources.
  • The employees may feels less  motivated while doing their work due to which they are not giving there complete efforts towards the work .The manager needs to find the factors which motivates the employee and should use various motivational technique to motivate employees towards work. This will create there interest towards work and improve the outcome of the result.
  • The employees may find the difficulty in working due to the ineffective technology used by the company at the place of the work. The use of latest technology made by the manger will avoid the wastage of resources and motivate the employees towards the work.
  • The management creates the goals and objective of the company without obtaining the opinion of the workers and are not proper will create the dissatisfaction among the employee. This will create lack of interest within the employee as they find difficulty while working. So, the management should obtain opinion of employees while creating companies goals and objective.

2.2 How you will communicate both the problem and the solution in a variety of styles and appropriate manner to various levels used in your work based problems?

  • A proper action should be taken by the management for the problem which occurs in the workplace. It will help in improving the company existing process and avoid the wastage of resources. For effective handling the problem it should be communicated to all the persons within the organization which are affected by it. The management can communicate both problem and solution within the organization by using various means which are-
  • The manager can communicate the problem and obtain responses on them through sending the mail to all the employees. The manager can ask the various team leaders to communicate problem within their team and obtain solution from the team members.
  • The solution of the problem can also be found by conducting the meeting with the employees which are facing difficulty while working.
  • The manager can mention the problem on the notice board of the company and ask the workers to send recommendation on the problem.
  • The management can also conduct survey within the employees to identify the problem and obtain solution over the problem. (Eubanks, et, Al., 2016)

2.3 Identify effective time management strategies used in your organization?

The time management strategy followed by the manager in the organization are-

  • Proper allocation of time for each activity and check that the activity is done within time.
  • The time is distributed is between the various task on priority basis. The task which is essential should be done first so the organization doesn’t face any problem in its functioning.
  • The management should use planning tools to improve productivity. Writing down your task, schedule and memory joggers can free your mind and focus on priorities.
  • All the task of the company should be organized and should get rid of the clusters. This will help in avoiding hassle free situation.
  • The organization needs to schedule there time approximately they needs to determine the time required for each activity.
  • The management needs to distribute the task into different part and should delegate the work to the lower staff and within the time limit.
  • Break the task which is complex into small parts to facilitate timely completion of the work.
  • The company needs to manage external time wastage on other people and things.
  • The performance of multiple tasks at one time should be avoided to prevent wastage of time.

Task 3

3.1 Explain various roles that you and your colleagues in your workplace may have played as a team in your work-based situation and suggest how teams can work together to achieve shared goals?

The team of the company is generally action oriented and has the clear purpose and the purpose is very well communicated with the entire team member. The role which are played as a team to achieve the organizational goals are that all the members work together in an integrated way with the high level of awareness and appreciation of each other strength. The team facilitates to complete complex task by breaking them into parts which was not possible if the task is allocated to single person. All the members show high level of commitment to achieve the common objective. An effective team shows a high capacity in handling problem which arises within the workplace. The effective team efforts help in proving high quality outcome of the work with the contribution of all the members. It joint effort of the team has help in timely accomplishment of the task by allocating the work among the team members. (Whyman, et Al., 2015)

3.2 Analyze team dynamics at your work place?

The various team dynamic components used at workplace are-

  • Norms- The norms generally governs the behavior of the members within the team. The team leader should build the norms which are to be followed by the member while working. The norms generally define what should be done by team members to maintain consistent and desired behavior.
  • Cohesiveness- it is the relation between the members of the team and the bond between them. If there is effective coordination and bond between the members it will help in providing timely and quality outcome of the work.
  • Size- the Size of the team plays a great role on the outcome of the work. A leader should determine the size of the team which is required for the work and should allocate the task between all the members.
  • Roles- The leaders should assign different roles to its team member on the basis of their skill and expertise. The breaking of the work helps in providing quality outcome of the result.
  • Status- The leader should assign different status to various members in the team based of their qualities and experience. It helps in building effective control over the team and timely completion of work.
  • Objective- All the members of the team should have clear objective of the outcome which are required from their work. There should be effective coordination between the all the team member and should make the joint efforts to attain the common objective. (Georgiadis, 2015)

3.3 Suggest alternative ways to complete a task and achieve the goals at your work place?

The ways which can be followed to complete the task and achieve the goal at the workplace are-

The fresh start needs to be made for each and every task to complete the work on the time. The manager needs to prioritized objective, draw out option and  business decision making  rom where work should be started. After that manager needs to break the work in different parts and make the proper schedule of the task to be done. The schedule should be neither too tight nor too flexible. Create a complete blueprint of the work to attain the complete view over the project. It will help in building check over the work which are performed and avoid deviation from the standard. Get the opinion of the outsider to check the outcome of the work and obtain recommendation on the shortfall of work. The manager should than check that the work is timely completed and as per the desired outcome. If the deviation arises in the work than the efforts need to be make to avoid such deviation.( Maclean & French ,2015)

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Task 4

4.1 Evaluate using appropriate tools and methods, ONE work-based real problem in your Organization that is an issue for your management or department head?

The management should timely identify the problem in the workplace and solve this problem to avoid the wastage of the resources. There was a conflict between the employees of two working unit due to which there was inefficient coordination between these units. This was causing the loss to the company as the company was not able to timely accomplish its task which was affecting the business as a whole. The various tools used by the management to evaluate the problem the workplace are-

  • Brainstorming- In these technique efforts are made to find conclusion over the problem by getting a list of ideas contributed by its member. The manager needs to communicate with the employees and obtain their opinion on the problem which is causing conflict between the employees.
  • Force Field analyzes-The manager needs to find the forces which generally cause the problem in the workplace. This can be done by analyzing each factor which is affecting our current work.
  • Impact analyzes- The manager needs to analyze the impact of the conflict between the employees on the business and the effect which it will make on the functioning of the business. This can be done by obtaining complete view of the scenario. (Colet, Hine & Plessis, 2015)

4.2 Develop an appropriate strategy to resolving the problem in with justification?

The strategy which the manager can follow to solve the above problem at the workplace is-

  • Identify the issue- The manager needs to identify the issue which is causing the conflict between the employees. Different workers of the organization may have different views over the problem. The manager needs to obtain the clear picture of the issues.
  • Parties related to the conflict- The manager needs to identify the people who are associated with the conflict and there part of interest in the conflict. The manager should make the effort to find the solution which meets the interest of all the employees.
  • Possible solution of the problem- The manager should develop various solutions for the problem by developing various tools. This step requires lots of skills and knowledge and room for creativity.
  • Evaluate the option- The manager needs to evaluate the different solution by finding both positive and negative impact of the solution as per the current scenario.
  • Select the option- The manger should select the best solution which meets the interest of all the party to the conflict.
  • Document the problem- The manger should document the current problem and its solution for future avoidance of such problem.
  • Evaluate- The manager should evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented solution.

4.3 Evaluate the potential impacts of implementing the strategy?

The strategy will help in identifying the problem which is causing the conflict between the employees. The will help the manager to provide various solution to the problem. The manager needs to make choice between various alternative on the basis of positive and negative of each of the problem. This will help in avoiding the conflict between the employees and increase the efficiency of employee while working. It will provide effective coordination between both the units and will help in avoiding the loss of resources. (Muschalla & Linden, 2014.)


So it can be concluded that the employable skills are necessary for effective execution of the task at the workplace. The individual should create his own performance objective and responsibility to increase efficiency at the workplace. This can be done by create proper schedule of all his work to be performed to complete his part of work within allocated time. There should be effective communication between all the employees within the organization for effective handling the work.  The study also helps in finding the skills which are required at the workplace to increase the efficiency of the business. It provides information about how motivation helps in increasing the efficiency of the current worker. The management can identify the problem at the workplace and the ways to overcome such problem by using various tools. This help in making informed decision over the problem.


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