Assignment on Employability Skills

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Assignment on Employability Skills
Assignment on Employability Skills
Assignment on Employability Skills

Unit 23 Employability Skills


Every individual need to possess or learn certain aspects so as to execute the activities assigned to it in a better manner at the workplace. Skills and knowledge helps an individual to deal with the situations arising at the workplace in an effective manner. There are various roles and responsibilities which an individual need to perform so as to achieve the performance objectives. Employability skills provides knowledge of the time management strategies which helps in maintaining the effectiveness so as to accomplish the targets. It also covers the evaluation of the effectiveness of a person with the performance objectives so as to analyse the problems or issues affecting its performance and recommendations for the purpose of enhancing the performance. Motivation is an effective tool which helps in the attainment of the objectives or improving the quality of the performance in a better way.  For this purpose there is a need to use motivational techniques and various methods for communication so as to communicate with others in an organisation in a better manner. There are various roles in an organisation which need to be managed in an effective manner so as to solve the problems arising at the workplace (Harper, et. al., 2010). 

Enployability Skills

Task 1

Health and social care is a field which need wide knowledge of the field as well as skills for the purpose of execution of the activities of health and social care. The main motive of health and social care is to ensure the health of the users of the service as well as ensuring wellbeing of the service users.

Part 1 Complete the documentation

AC 1.1 Develop a set of own responsibilities and performance objectives

Every individual have responsibilities for the purpose of managing the activities of its own so as to ensure the quality of the performance it is delivering. As a part of health and social care, there are various responsibilities of an individual. The main motive is to provide quality services to the users of the service so as to ensure their safety and wellbeing of the users of the service. It is the responsibility of every individual to execute or performs its duties or responsibilities well which helps in the self-management. Self management helps in the identification of the skills, knowledge possessed by the individual and capabilities of an individual. These skills, information and knowledge and capabilities help an individual to grab the opportunities by using its strengths and overcoming its weaknesses. As a part of health and social care the main responsibilities are to provide quality services for maintaining the health of the service users, ensuring that the hygiene level is maintained and ensuring that unethical practices are not taking place at the workplace of the organisation. The performance objective is to offer the services to the users so as to provide them a quality experience and to respect the service users and treating them equally so as to ensure the concept of equality is followed at the workplace (Nehring & Szczesiul, 2015).

AC 2.3 identify effective time-management strategies

Time management strategies are an effective approach which helps an individual to manage its activities on time so as to ensure the completion the responsibilities well on time. For the purpose of management of the time for executing the various activities a list need to be prepared of the activities which need to be performed so as to set them in the order in which they need to be executed. Setting or arranging the activities on the basis of the priority so as to complete them on time. For the management of the routine functions a dairy is an effective method for the management of the time of an individual which helps in recording the time involved in each activity so as to analyse the time required for the execution of every activity. Time management is an effective tool which helps in planning and organising the tasks in a proper manner and for completing within the specified time period. And the other time management strategies which can be used are dividing the tasks into smaller sections and distributing it with other employees so as to complete them in a proper manner. Measurement of the time involved in various activities helps in minimising the time involved by analysing the ways for this purpose. Allotment of time for the execution of a particular task helps in bifurcating the time so as to gain maximum benefits from the tie management strategies (Amar, et. al., 2015).

AC 1.2 evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives

There is a need to evaluate the performance of an individual with the desired performance so as to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual in executing the activities of the organisation. For the purpose of evaluation of the own effectiveness against the pre determined objectives various techniques or methods can be used. Evaluation of the own effectiveness provides a clear idea about the performance of an individual and identification of the knowledge and skills possessed by a person and helps in determining the need to training and development for the purpose of improving the effectiveness. There are various factors which are related with the role assigned which need to be considered. These includes the interpersonal skills or a person which explains the manner in which it communicate or the effectiveness in communicating or behaving with others, communication skills which explains the mode of communication an individual has adopted. All these help a health and social care worker in performing its duties well. As a health and social care worker it is essential to learn communication and interpersonal skills so as to provide services to the users in a better manner. The best method for the evaluation of the effectiveness is to consider or note the manner in which the skills and knowledge of a person are applied by it for the execution of its duties. And this evaluation helps in improving the performance so as to fill the gap between the actual performance and desired performance (Dreischulte, et. al., 2012). 

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AC 1.3 Make recommendations for improvement

There is a need to adopt measures which helps in improving the performance or effectiveness of an individual as well as develops the individual for future aspects. These recommendations are as follows:

  • Adaptability: different people have different behaviour and nature which affects the level of adaptability. As the conditions of the workplace changes frequently. An organisation needs to motivate its employees for adopting the changes occurring at the workplace so as to provide quality services to the users of the service.
  • Focus on personnel growth: for the development of every personnel there is a need to focus over every individual and identifying the problems or issues faced by them so as to solve them and providing them a chance to develop and grow.
  • Monitoring and feedbacks: monitoring the performance of the health and social care workers helps in reviewing the performance and effectiveness of the workers in executing the activities so as to enhance their performance by providing feedbacks over the aspects which need to be changed so as to improve their performance.
  • Involvement of the other workers: organisations need to involve the other workers which can help the organisation by generating team spirit among the workers so as to form a strong base for the organisation (Fitzgerald, et. al., 2011).
AC 1.4 review how motivational techniques can be used to improve quality of performance

There are various motivational theories given by different people which have explained that the needs of human is unlimited and when one need of a person is satisfied, it moves towards the other needs and focuses over the fulfilment of those needs. Motivation helps in encouraging the workers for enhancing their performance by providing different types of benefits to the workers. There are various motivational techniques which can be used by the organisation for the purpose of motivating the workers of health and social care. Providing monetary or nun-monetary benefits can be an effective technique which can help in improving the performance of the workers. These techniques ensure the improvement in the performance as well as quality of the services. Monetary benefits or rewards help in satisfying the monetary needs of the workers and makes them satisfied and enhances their performance. Non-monetary benefits or rewards help in providing job satisfaction to the workers as they are appreciated for their work, promoted and encouraged by involving them into the different functions of the organisation. Motivation helps an organisation by creating a better workforce and providing a competitive advantage over the others in the environment in which organisation exists (Bérubé, et. al., 2016).

Part 2 The Appraisal interview

AC 2.2 The preparation and completion of the appraisal will involve a range of communication methods allowing you to communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various 

Communication plays an important role in every organisation as it helps in the exchange or sharing of the information or of the flow of the information or ideas or thoughts among the organisation. Communication is an important aspect of employability skills. There are various methods for communicating with the others in an organisation. For the purpose of a health and social care worker there is a need to learn how to communicate with others or with the service users so as to provide services to them. A person needs to learn how to read, speak, write and listen so as to properly understand the activities it needs to perform. Lack of communication creates a gap among the different levels of the organisation and affects the functioning of the organisation at large. Proper channels of communication need to be established so as to ensure the flow of the information of the organisation in an effective manner. And a person in health and social care need to learn non-verbal channels of communication for the purpose of communicating the users of the service. There are various forms or sources available which can be used by the workers so as to communicate with the different levels of the organisation (Tineo, et. al., 2012).

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Task 2

AC 2.1 discuss the stages you went through to develop solutions to the work-based problem

For the purpose of development of the solutions for the work based problems, various stages need to be analysed so as to eliminate the problems or issues faced during the execution of the work. These stages which helps in the development of solutions for the work based problems are as follows:

  • User centralised services: services should be provided to the users by keeping the focus over the users of the service as the main aim of the organisation to offer services which helps in satisfying the needs of the users of the service.
  • Proper channels of communication: the channels of communication need to be proper so as to communicate with each other in the organisation in an effective manner. This will help in reducing the errors or mistakes.
  • Structure of the organisation: structure of the organisation need to be defined so as to establish a well organised structure of the organisation.
  • Fixation of the responsibilities: the responsibilities need to be fixed over the workers which will help in the errors or faults during the execution of the activities.
  • Feedbacks from the users of the service and from the colleagues: Feedbacks from the users of the service and from the colleagues help in identifying the problems and issues in a better manner and solving them.
  • Double check: the services offered or the activities performed need to be double checked so as to solve the issues arising at the workplace of the health and social care organisation (Akbarzadeh & Enferadi, 2011).

AC 4.1 discuss the tools and methods you used to develop solutions to the problem and make judgements on their value, effectiveness, usefulness

  • There are various methods available which helps in developing solutions for the problems and to make judgements on the values, effectiveness and usefulness. These tools or methods are discussed below:
  • Trail and error method or tool is an effective measure which helps in the development of the solutions for the problems. This method or tool is used when the other methods are not working with people for the purpose of solving the problems.
  • Experience based method: this method helps the organisation in solving the problems on the basis of the experience it is having on the basis of the past situations. There can be various problems which can arise at the workplace but the tool for solving the problem can be generated by applying the solutions used for the past situations.
  • Proactive approach: these approaches or tools help in analysing the situations or problems which may arise in advance so as to formulate a plan for these problems in advance (Munir, et al., 2013).

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AC 4.2 The strategy the team developed for resolving the problem

The strategy which has been developed by the team for the purpose of solving the problems is as follows:

  • Analysis of the problems: analysis of the problems which arise at the workplace helps in the identification of the problems at the initial level which helps in minimising the impacts over the performance or quality of the services offered to the users of the service.
  • Preparation of the plans: For the purpose of solving the problems there is a need to prepare plans on the basis of which further steps or stages are implemented by the organisations. This stage of the strategy helps in formulation of the solutions for the problems.
  • Implementation of the plans: in this stage of the strategy the plans which have been formulated gets implemented so as to solve the problems by the solutions planned.
  • Reviewing the implementation process: in this stage the implementation process of the strategy is reviewed or monitored which helps in the identification of the effectiveness of the implementation process and the gaps between the plans formulated and between the actual implementation of the prepared plans.
  • Application of the corrective actions: in this stage the corrective steps are taken so as to match the implementation process with the prepared plans (Lim, 2012).

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AC 4.3 Give your opinion of the potential effect on the business of carrying out your problem solving strategy

This problem solving strategy helps in solving the problems or issues arising during the execution of the activities or during providing the services to the users of the service. These strategies help in bringing positive impacts over the quality of the service and performance of the organisation. There are various types of problems which may arise at the workplace and the workers or employees need to deal with the problems by applying an effective technique or method. As the team member of Bedford hospital NHS Trustin the main responsibility is to disclose the areas which can be improved. These problem solving business strategy helps in solving the issues or problems in a better manner and improving the performance of the services offered to the users of the service. It also creates a healthy and safe environment at the workplace of the organisation which helps in maintaining the performance and behaviour of the workers or employees towards the organisation and towards each other. These strategies help in grabbing the opportunities coming in front of the organisation in a better manner (Cacciatori, 2012).

Employability Skills

AC 3.1 explain the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals

As a team, the team members are responsible for the performance of the whole team. A team works or executes its activities in a group and coordinate with each other for the execution of the activities. A team performs the execution of the activities or tasks assigned to the group by maintaining the quality of the tasks. The people in a team work as a motivator as they motivate and encourage each other so as to perform the activities in a better manner, provide guidance to each other for the purpose of explaining each other the manner in which the tasks need to be executed, formulate plans or strategies which helps in solving the issues or problems arising at the workplace of the organisation and people in a team also acts as a channel for the flow of information as the information related to the operations is exchanged among the team. They are train each other so as to improve the performance of every individual in the team as well as performance of the team as all the individuals working individually are part of a team and the work of one gets affected by the work of the others (Yardley, 2014).

AC 3.2 examine the way teams are made up and what happens in teams by looking at the behaviour of the team members and the group as a whole and how these relate to each other using examples from the team activity supported by citations to theory

A team is a group of people working with each other for the purpose of completion of a task or for the attainment of the objectives decided. For the purpose of making a team there is a need to identify the requirements of the persons for the execution of the activities of the team. A team must consist of the different types of people who help each other in the execution of the tasks of the group. Team plays a vital role in every organisation as it executes the tasks so as to provide services to the users of the service. A team consists of planners who plan the tasks and plans the manner in which the task will be carried out and by whom, the executors who executes or implements the tasks or plans prepared by the planner and the supervisors who reviews the tasks performed by the executors so as to ensure that the work is carried out in an intended manner. All together they help each other and coordinate with each other so as to deal with the issues arising during the execution process of the task and to complete the task without any delay or consequence (Harrawood, et. al., 2011).

AC 3.3 You will also suggest alternative ways to complete problem solving tasks and achieve team goals

For the purpose of completing the problem solving tasks and to achieve or attain the targets or goals or objectives of the team there is a need to apply measures or ways. These ways can help in completing the problem solving tasks and achieving the objectives or goals. The most important element which affects the tasks performed by a team is the team spirit and communication among the team. A team is a group of people who are working for the same purpose in the same direction. There is a need to generate team spirit among the employees so as to generate trust, loyalty and a feeling of belongingness among the team members. Communication helps in the effective flow of information among the team members and generates coordination among them. Equal opportunities need to be provided to the team members so as to adopt ethical practices and to motivate the team members to adopt ethical or fair practices which create a healthy and safe environment at the workplace of the organisation. All these ways helps a team to develop better coordination and complete the problem solving task and achieving the objectives in a better manner (Kole, et. al., 2015).


This section of the program aims at providing knowledge of the key elements discussed in the program so as to provide a better understanding of these key elements. This section explains the importance of the various aspects related to the employment and skills and knowledge required for the purpose of execution of the activities during performing the duties. It explains the role of motivational techniques and time management strategies in improving the performance of an individual. There are various aspects which affects the performance of an individual so for the purpose of coping with these aspects there is a need to possess skills and knowledge of these aspects.

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