Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel

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Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel

Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel - Assignment Help in UK


This Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel provides a lot of facts and insight on the concept of Employability Skills, the Organisation taken into account for analysis in this case is the Travelodge Hotel. The job description of a particular job role has been documented inside this organisation and personal effectiveness in view of the required responsibilities are analysed. Recommendations for improvement have been made post that. Various motivational techniques to improve performance have also been discussed. The concept of team dynamics has been mentioned clearly and a few alternative ways of performing tasks in Travelodge has been spoken about. A business strategy has been developed in order to ensure the reduction in employee turnover in the organisation of Travelodge and the potential financial and the non financial impacts have been effectively evaluated and discussed.

Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel - Assignment Help in UK

Task 3

3.1) Explain the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals

  • Belbin’s Model: According to the Belbin’s Model, the following nine roles are to be determined in a team for its success. They include individuals like shapers, implementers, finishers or completers, Team workers, Evaluators, specialists, coordinators, resource navigators and planters. The presence of these personnel in a team ensures they work together in order to achieve shared goals. (Mindtools, 2016)
  • Delegation of Authority: The leader of the organisation or the group should ensure that the right levels of authority have been designated for every role. Along with authority, responsibility should also be properly delegated. This helps as any instances of micro-managing is ruled out because of this. Micro-managing tend to cause rapid demotivation among the people and as a result of proper delegation of authority and responsibility, this can be evaded. (Rowan, 2012)
  • Communication: A proper communication system within a team or group ensures that the delegated responsibilities along with the accountabilities are easily understood. This is significant in the long run as team members tend to rely on each other for support and guidance and it is this concept of sharing that invokes a feeling of togetherness and unity within a team.
  • Purposeful Innovation: Every member of the team should aim to be creative and innovate with a purpose. Aimless discoveries just contribute to the wastage of resources and hence innovation should be targeted at productivity and utility. Baseless innovations do not help the organisation achieve high levels of profit and thus is not of any help. (Ross, 2012)

The following roles should be adopted by the team members:

  • Shapers: People posing challenges for improvement to the team.
  • Implementers: The individual who is assigned the role of getting things done.
  • Finishers: The individual who is entrusted with the responsibility of a particular project or mode of operations.
  • Coordinators: The responsibility of carrying out the roles of being a leader of the team is entrusted on a coordinator.
  • Team Workers: The people who have to carry out the role of ensuring that all the people are working as a team and are also given the duty of negotiation.
  • Resource Investigators: People carrying out the role of dealing with external stakeholders assisting them to attain their objectives. (Mindtools, 2016)
  • Plants: Denotes the role where an individual has to come up with new ideas.
  • Evaluators: The ideas suggested by the plants are evaluated by individuals in order to determine the competency of the suggestions. They are called evaluators.
  • Specialists: This is a tag given to people who have a specialised knowledge on something.

3.3) Analyse team dynamics and suggest alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals

Team Dynamics can be referred to as forces which are invisible existing between various individuals and members of a group or a team. The behaviour and performance of a particular team can be directly proportional to the amount of team dynamics prevailing within a team. The various forces that can be examined for recognising team dynamics include personality styles, role of the team members, layout of the office, technology & tools, organisational structure and culture, etc. (Sqa.org.uk, 2016). Historically, 2 approaches govern the nature of team dynamics. One of them comprises of a structured hierarchy where command and control is the theme that is dominant and every individual has a prescribed job role and a single boss. The other is a small group approach where work is a collective approach and emphasis is laid on the skill level of the employees as they acquire more knowledge as a result of climbing up the system with time. (Levi, 2010)

The alternative ways to complete tasks include:

  • Productivity: Appropriate productivity can be managed by setting goals and concisely articulating thoughts and also by demonstrating favourable behaviour towards the rest of the team members. Positive interaction is the key along with utmost cooperation with team members and by appreciating the contribution of others and all of these factors plays a role in achieving productivity.
  • Adopt distinct perspectives: Working in a team allows an individual to be subjected to different opinions and perspectives rooting from different individuals. Analysing situations from different perspectives will allow more chances of determining the most pertinent solution to a problem and also helps in covering all bases and angles.
  • Technology: The advent of technology has advanced the communication system prevalent in organisations today. Communication can be done in a much clarified and competent way today and acts as a huge factor in getting things or jobs done. Team members should know how to productively use technology so that the communication process can be carried out in the most easy and efficient as well as cost effective way possible. (Iowacore.gov, 2016)
  • Inter-personal Skills: As a result of working in a team, individuals acquire a range of inter personal skills over a period of time. This set of skills can be further enhanced by ensuring that the power of listening is developed. One must pay attention to the various styles of work of individuals and the inter personal skills developed in the process will help in attaining the common organisational objectives.

Task 4

4.1) you should evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems with reference to your chosen organisation or Travelodge Hotel

  • Revenue Management Team: Any problems related to the effective management of revenue are managed by this team. The revenue management team uses the latest software & technologies and statistical insight in analysing data from all the Travelodge Hotels and also look to attain people who are versatile so that pragmatic solutions can be provided in order to drive success in the future.
  • Marketing, Sales and PR: The growth potential for sales in Travelodge is immense and the portfolio of the business and the customers are looked after by a dynamic set of people. The Brand Gurus and PR experts have a lot of contacts with journalists and are focused on promoting the products and services of Travelodge in the most effective way possible. The individuals are experienced in analytics, multi0channek marketing, data-driven marketing, segmentation of consumers, etc. (Travelodge.co.uk, 2016)
  • Human Resource: The human Resource Department comprises of experts who are trained in the following four significant categories. Resourcing helps in attaining the right kind of talent for the purpose of working at Travelodge. The individuals are catered to with regards to their career advancement and the skill sets with the help of Learning and Development Programme. Technical and practical knowledge is imparted to the team by the HR experts prevalent and finally employee relations and new contact support is provided by the much efficient administration team of Travelodge.     
  • Procurement/AccountingManaging Financial resources are provided to the issues of Travelodge Hotel by the finance and accounting professionals who exhibit immense skills in the analysis of numerical. The products that are in demand and popular among the customers of the Travelodge Hotel are purchased by the Procurement team by making commercial decisions that are sound and competent in nature.
  • Health & Safety/ Customer Service: The Health and Safety Department are instrumental in looking after and fixing all issues and threats pertaining to the safety of their customers. Customer Safety is maintained t all times and this is because of the competent health and safety team in place. The Customer Service department looks after all the issues, complains and queries along with special requests of the customers and guests that are present in the Hotel currently and also the customers who were a part in the past or are looking to be a part in the future.

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4.2) Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving the problem of labour turnover in an organisation of your choice or Travelodge Hotel

The Strategy for reducing the problem of labour turnover will include the following measures:

  • Proper Delegation: The primary task after the proper hiring of people is the correct delegation of authority and responsibility. If people are given pertinent job roles that they specialise in, they will be more motivated to work as opposed to a situation when they would have to carry out tasks that they are not the best at or which do not comply with their interest levels.
  • Incentives & Benefits: Motivation is one of the key factors for efficiency in operations in any organisation. The biggest motivation can be brought about by incentives and rewards on the achievement of excellence in operations and output. Incentives can be monetary and non monetary in nature. Incentives and benefits keep the motivation level of the employees high and thus provide security from labour turnover. (Jacobsen, 2013)
  • Training and Development Programme: Employees in Travelodge are very keen on growing and developing with regards to their personal skill set and overall career. Travelodge has a few training and development programmes in place that looks after the development of the employees by giving them the option of choosing their path of career inside the hospitality sector and the necessary training and education is provided on the particular field. This makes the employees feel that Travelodge is concerned about the future of the employees and thus might secure the organisation from large scale labour turnover.
  • Levels of Participation:Inside Travelodge, a culture should develop where all members and employees of the Hotels should be determined clear rights and authority to voice their opinions and state their facts. Effective employee engagement can be attained if employees are asked to come and participate in the decision making and executional activities. This will make them feel that the company cares about the opinions and perspectives of the people or the employees and this might help in decreasing labour turnover. (Dickson, 2010)
  • Work/Personal Life Balance: The work assigned to every employee should be attainable realistically and rationally and such work load should never be subjected on employees that would force them to sacrifice on their personal time in devotion for Travelodge. When this happens consistently, employees tend to develop a repulsive or revolting nature against the company. An employee has a lot of responsibilities in his life other than work and he should be thus given a chance to strike a balance between his personal and professional life.

4.3) evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy. You should consider both financial and non-financial impacts on the business

The potential impacts on the business of implementing the strategy include the following.

  • Financial Impacts: The costs involved in implementing the strategy can be segregated into Direct Costs and Indirect Costs. Direct Costs are the costs that are incurred by Travelodge directly and include the expenses like employee recruitment cost, Costs incurred from scraps and wastes, Expenses resulting from an accident or a similar situation, etc. One of the biggest direct costs is the expenditure incurred as a result of training the employees, etc. Expenses such as cost of loss of production, unused potential the expense incurred for overpayment of staff, etc are considered as Indirect Costs. These costs can be further divided into controllable and uncontrollable costs. Training, Accident, Excess Pay to employees, etc are all instances of controllable costs. Cost of overtime, production cost, etc are instances of Uncontrollable costs. These are the various costs or expenses that will be directly impacted as a result of implementing the compiled strategy in 4.2.  (Rangaraju & Kennedy, 2012)
  • Non- Financial Impacts: The non financial impacts are not related monetarily and include factors such as enhanced reputation of Travelodge Hotel, increased levels of unity among the teams and groups at work inside the Hotel, increased levels of staff motivation and morale among the workforce, etc. All these result out of the implementation of the strategy. Motivation and Morale will prevail as a result of the proper delegation of work and the employees will develop a favourable attitude towards the top management and leaders of Travelodge as a result of the induction of the training programmes and incentive schemes. A sense of belonging will be established among the employees as they will know that their suggestions and opinions matter and are valued and this will inspire them to strive for more. Overall high attachment levels will be developed on the employees with regards to their relationship and outlook of the company and this will help increase employee engagement which will effectively lead to increased employee retention and decreased labour turnover.


From this Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel we come to know that a few significant responsibilities of a Kitchen and Bar Cafe Manager include providing huge levels of customer service, working in due accountability to the line manager and complimenting the activities of the team as effective team work is one of the key components. A few motivational techniques to improve performance include the prevalence of a lucrative salary and the prevalence of career development programmes. The various roles played by members of a team include that of an evaluator, coordinator, resource investigator, etc. Alternative ways to complete tasks in an organisation include using technology, adopting different perspectives, etc. The various components involved in the strategy to reduce labour turnover include increased participation, training and development programmes, etc. The financial impact consists of direct, indirect, controllable and uncontrollable costs.  


Dickson, D (2010), Fostering Employee Engagement: Practical Tools and Best Practice Techniques, Human Resource Development.
Forbes (2012), 5 Ways to improve your Customer Service, [Online], Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/sundaysteinkirchner/2012/08/22/5-ways-to-improve-your-customer-service/#18d640a9154f, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Iowacore.gov, (2016), Employability Skills, [Online], Available at: https://iowacore.gov/iowa-core/subject/21st-century-skills/3/employability-skills, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Jacobsen, D (2013), 12 Surefire Tips to reduce Employee Turnover, [Online], Available at: http://www.globoforce.com/gfblog/2013/12-surefire-tips-to-reduce-employee-turnover/, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Levi, D (2010), Group Dynamics for Teams, SAGE.
McQuerrey, L (2016), 7 Techniques for Increasing Motivation, [Online], Available at: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/7-techniques-increasing-motivation-55420.html, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Mindtools (2016), How to be a great Team Player, [Online], Available at: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMM_53.htm, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Rangaraju, M & Kennedy, S (2012), Innovation in Management Challenges and Opportunities in the next decade, Allied Publishers.
Rowan, C (2012), Achieve Success by Effectively Defining Roles, Responsibility, and Authority, [Online], Available at: http://www.tac-focus.com/article/achieve-success-effectively-defining-roles-responsibility-and-authority#.V4NRo9J95dg, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Sqa.org.uk (2016), Problems faced by Project Managers, [Online], Available at: http://www.sqa.org.uk/e-learning/ProjMan03CD/page_15.htm, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.           
Travelodge.co.uk (2016), Hotel Support Centre, [Online], Available at: https://www.travelodge.co.uk/careers/roles/hotel-support-centre/, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Travelodge.co.uk, (2016), Kitchen and Bar Café Team Member - up to 30 hours per week, [Online], Available at: https://apply.travelodge.co.uk/vacancies/vacancy-details.aspx?VacancyID=7722, Accessed on: 11th July, 2016.
Wolf, J (2014), Seven Disciplines of a Leader, John Wiley & Sons.

This Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel provides a lot of facts and insight on the concept of Employability Skills, the Organisation taken into account for analysis in this case is the Travelodge Hotel, Locus Assignment Help UK posting units solutions so scholars can explore Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.