Unit 21 HRM in Training and Development Assignment

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Unit 21 HRM in Training and Development Assignment
Unit 21 HRM in Training and Development Assignment
Unit 21 HRM in Training and Development Assignment


Human resource management is equal to management of human resources. It involves all those function which involves in managing and supporting employer-employee relationship. Human Resource Management is an important part of every organisation as they have so many roles and responsibilities towards the employees and towards the organisation. Human resource department is responsible in forecasting, planning and recruitment of Human Resource. Training and development part is also taken care by Human Resource Department. They have to maintain a good relationship with the employees and always help them whenever they need the same. They should take care about the rights and duties of the employee’s and make the employees aware about them.

In hotel industry, Human resource is the important element as it works upon Human resources working in the organisation. Human resource department requires coordinating with each and every department and managing their pay, leaves etc.  They help a candidate in improving the potentials of the candidates.

Unit 21 HRM in Training and Development Assignment

Task 1

P 1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

Human resource management refers to the management of human resources within the organisation. Every organisation needs human resources or people for the working of the organisation. So, these human resources need to be managed in different ways.

There are different functions of HRM:

  • Planning and forecasting– HR department is responsible for all the hiring in the organisation.  They need to fill the vacant positions in the organisation. They have to hire people whenever it is required. For hiring it is important to plan everything that how many vacancies are there in the organisation and what are the requirements of those particular positions. (Yeung, 2011)
  • Recruitment- Recruitment means to recruit people or human resources as per the required qualifications from different places like placement agencies, colleges, high schools, employee’s referral etc. Recruitment is a very long process starting from the screening of applications, aptitude tests, group discussions, personal interviews, background check etc
  • Employment contracts– Employment contracts are the formal contract in which the date of employment, duration, terms and conditions, pay scales, bonds etc. are mentioned. It is very important to have all these things in written in a formal manner so that in future if any problem occurs between employer and employee then it can resolve easily.(Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002)
  • Training and Development- Training and development means to train a person according to his job so that he can prepare for the job. It includes different types of training suitable for different job. Training should be given to not only new joiners but also to the existing employees. In hotel industry, they need to be updated and there are many new trends coming regularly. It is not easy to accept these things easily. It needs some specialised training which is given to existing employees.
  • Preparations of budgets and maintaining employee relationships- HR department have to prepare different budgets and they have to take care that all the process must be within the budget. For example, there are different events and celebrations happen in hotel Hilton, and all the preparations have to be done by HR department within the pre-defined budget. . (Carlson, 2001)

Role of Human resource management-

  • Recruiting- Shortage of workers and deficiency of required skill set is a major problem which every industry is facing. HR department have to hire quality people for housekeeping, chefs, and front office staffs. They have to do a strict background check for the candidates, whom they are hiring.
  • Retention- There is a lot of turnover in hospitality industry and this is a major problem for them. This is important to retain the employees for a long duration as the cost involves in hiring and training is very high and an organisation bears loss due to turnover.
  • Compensation- HR industry is a labour based industry as human resources are the most important element who contributes in the working of the organisation. So, they should give employees some extra benefits so that they can retain in the organisation for a long time period.
  • Liability- Human resource department must ensure the applicability of all employment laws and all rights and responsibilities of both employer and employees. They should help all the employees to understand about the rights under the law. (Hall, 2003)
  • Labour- There is different labour unions in every organisation.  All the employees have the rights to become a part of labour unions. Labour unions basically safeguard the interest of the employees and help them at the time of any dispute. HR Department plays a role of mediator between the leaders and management.(Rose, 2008)

There are two different types of HRM –

  • Hard HRM- In Hard HRM, employees are just treated a machinery. They don’t care about satisfaction and happiness of employees. They just try to know the requirement of human resources, cost involve in it. They pay minimum wages to the staff and there is a very less communication in the organisation. In this type of organizational, appraisals are very judgemental
  • Soft HRM- In Soft HRM, employees are treated as an important resource of the organisation. In this employees are given rewards for their performance. Employees are hired for a long duration. Human Resource department consider their needs and emotions. There is a strong communication in the organisation.

P 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

Human Resource Planning means to monitor and analyse the present human resource requirement and to forecast the future requirement so that there can be a clear view about the need of Human Resource within the organisation. (Edenborough, 2005)

  • Forecasting of demand: Forecasting of demand means to know about the human resource requirement of an organisation in the future at a point of time. It can done by Human Resource audit and it involves-
    • Budgets- At the time of demand forecasting, Human Resource Department should know about the budgets and they have to work within the budgets.
    • Turnovers- They should know about the employee turnovers due to terminations, resignations, transfers, retirements etc. .(Carlson, 2001)
    • Technologies Constraint- Technology keeps changing and old generation people are nor easily accept those changes so, it should kept in mind at the time of  demand forecasting. (Yeung, 2011)
  • Forecasting of Supply: Forecasting of supply means to know about the Human Resources available within the same industry in future at a point of time. It includes-
    • Promotions- Promotions means the human resources who are going to be promoted after completion of the requirements.
    • Availability of the resources in the market- It includes the students who are taking admission for a course which is related to the same industry. . (Hall, 2003)
    • Competition- It involves the competition between the talents in the field that the talent is available easily or there is a shortage of talented Human resource.

In Hotel Hilton, there is a high employee turnover so demand and supply forecasting has been done in a proper way so that employee turnover can be reduced by hiring good candidates.

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Task 3

3.1 Discuss a Job description and personal specification for a selected job at the Hilton hotel such as receptionist, banquette manager, waiter or cleaning staff etc.

Every organization has different recruitment procedure as the requirement differs from each other. Recruitment consists of a long process which includes tests like aptitude tests, general knowledge tests etc., screening of applications, group discussions etc.

After the completion of all these procedures, an employee is hired for an organization.There are some factors that affect the labor market and these are economic conditions, strikes, natural calamities, population etc.

Human Resource Department hires employees as per the need of the organization. For finding out the need of the organization, they do an analysis in which many things are considered at the time of hiring.(Rose, 2008)

  • Job Analysis- Job analysis means to identify the roles, responsibilities and duties of a particular job. If a position is vacant for a particular job, then they need to hire a person for that job and it requires knowing about the qualification of that person who can be suitable for that specified job. A person’s qualification and knowledge is selected on the basis of job analysis i.e. to find out the different roles and responsibilities of a job. In Hotel Hilton, the kitchen staff needs to be professional as they are serving to guests and it creates the image of the hotel in front of them. They should be hygienic and clean. At the time of hiring for kitchen staff, many things need to be considered by Human Resource Department of Hotel Hilton.(Piskurich, 2009)
  • Job Description- Job description involves the features of the job. It includes the qualities, skills and qualifications required for the job and the salary range for the job. Every job is not similar and the human resource require for all the jobs cannot be the same. So, in the same manner, the salary range for every job also cannot be the same. Job description describes the basic features of a particular job. In Hotel Hilton, one of the elements of Job Description is flexibility. Hotel works for 24*7 and it needs flexible human resources who can confortable for work in flexible hours.(Pollitt, 2007)
  • Person Specifications- Person specification describes the qualifications, skills, talent of a person which is essential to perform a specific job. Person specifications differ from job to job. In hotel industry, the person specifications is little different. They should be well groomed, should have a pleasant personality and good communication skills. They should know that how to treat guests. In Hotel Industry, physical appearance has given more importance because hospitality industry is famous for the treatment they give to their guests. The way the give respect to the guests is totally different. (Hassi, 2011)

Unit 21 HRM in Training and Development Assignment

3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses.

Every industry needs Human resources according to their requirements. The skill set or qualification of the candidate must be suitable for the organisation. In hospitality industry, more emphasise is given to the grooming part and the selection process of Hotel industry is also different from any other industry.(Edenborough, 2005)

Selection process of Hotel Hilton
In Hotel Hilton, selection of human resource has been done by two ways-

  • Internal recruitments- In internal recruitments, recruitments has been done within the organisation i.e. those who are suitable in the organisation for any other profile, they can be recruited for any other post too. This is called as internal recruitments.
  • External Recruitments- External recruitments consist of recruitment drives, walk-ins, etc. In this type of recruitment, the cost of recruitment is high because a new human resource is hired who is totally unknown to the organisation and new to it. So, he has given proper induction and training for making him comfortable and known to the organisation. . (Sparrow, 2006)

In Hotel Hilton, there are different procedures for selection at different post. Firstly, they provide candidates with some application, which they need to fill. After the filling of application form, these forms are screened. Screened forms belong to those candidates which are shortlisted for next round. Next round is a test which is different for every post.  These tests are Aptitude Test, general knowledge test, reasoning, English etc.

After appearing in these tests, the candidates have to take part in group discussion and then the final round consists of personal interview. In this interview, the candidate is judged on different criteria. Instead of all these procedures, there is a background check too in which the organisation assures that the background of the candidate is free from biasness.(Gilley, 2009)

Selection process of Monarch Airlines
If any candidate applies for the position like analyst, marketing department, finance etc. then firstly his screening has to be done on the basis of his educational qualifications, past experiences and background. If he fulfils the requirement and needs of the profile then, he will be invited for the interview. The recruiters and managers then judge the candidate’s ability by taking personal interview. . (Buckley and Caple, 2009)

If a person applies for cabin crew then there is a different procedure, firstly their personality and physical appearance has been checked and if they matched with the requirement then their interview has been conducted and after their selection a proper training has been given to them regarding their inter personal skills, personality development, grooming part, knowledge, behaviour, communication skills etc. The people who are hired for the position for cabin crew must be patient and polite as they are the ones who personally take care of the guests present in the crew.

There is a huge difference between the selection process of Hotel Hilton and Monarch Airlines as the qualities and the professional skills required in the aviation industry is not necessarily required in hotel industry.  The criteria for judging a candidate is different. (Tardits, 2010)

Task 4

4.1 Prepare a Power point presentation and present that to the senior member of the hotel emphasizing the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation for the selected service industry business Hilton Hotel.

Training is an important part of recruitment as it is the basis of a job. When a person is selected by an organisation then he is unknown to the organisation, its culture and work environment. So, training is necessary to remove all these issues.  There are different types of training which are prepared for different requirements. Sometimes a candidate needs training from starting to the end and sometimes a candidate needs just induction training. So, on the basis of requirements training has been given to the candidates. . (Buckley and Caple, 2009)

There are different types of training-

  • Induction training- It involves introducing a new candidate to the organisation and makes him familiar with the rules, regulation and procedures of the organisation. It’s all about making the candidate comfortable with his colleagues, managers etc. This training is generally for a short time period. This training is given just after the joining. In Hilton Hotel, Induction programme consists of Presentations, some sessions and interaction with top management.
  • Orientation- It is used to make employees know about their job so that they can get confidence and nervousness can be removed. It is conducted to develop a positive attitude among employees. (Reich, 2010)
  • Job Training- Job training is given to employees so that it can enhance their skills and knowledge related to a job. It includes different things like handling a machine, methods of production, usage of any software. The purpose of this training is efficient and effectiveness in the working of the employees.
  • Safety Training- This training is provided for the safety of employees so that accidents can be reduces and there can be proper safety In the working environment of an organisation.
  • Promotional Training- Promotional training is given to existing employees to train them for new technology or to make them compatible with high level tasks. If any employee is promoted in an organisation, then also promotional training has been given to him.(Pollitt, 2007)
  • Refresher Training- This training is basically for refreshing the qualities and the talent of the employees. This training helps existing employees in performing their job in a better way and increases their efficiency. It enables the employees to relearn and be updated with the changing scenario in working environment. It also takes place when existing employee has given some new tasks.
  • Remedial Training- This training helps the old employees in improving their behaviour and performance. It is used for removing the bad things like doing work in a wrong way or in a wrong method. Mostly this training has been taken by experts having experiences. (Tardits, 2010)
  • Internship Training- This type of training is mostly given to students who want to take practical knowledge by working in an organisation. This training helps student to know about corporates, the working environment etc. (Buckley and Caple, 2009)

Difference between training and development
Training is a short term process which takes place in series by which a candidate gains knowledge about the workplace and the job. Mainly training is given to an employee for improving his skills or knowledge so that his performance can be improved. It focuses on a specific task or any job. Training is given by mainly line managers. (Reich, 2010)

Development is basically target to improve the potential of the employee and make them better person. It just not about to improve performance, but it’s all about to increase the maturity level of an individual. It is generally a long term process and includes theoretical and practical concepts. The content of this training is general. Development is a self-process.

Benefits of Training
World is changing continuously and it is important for every employee to cope up with all these changing and become comfortable in working in the changes. If they will not provide proper training then it became difficult for them working in the changing environment.

  • Training makes the employees motivated and it results in developing new skills and knowledge in them which makes them more confident.
  • Training helps employees to create a positive attitude towards other employees and towards the organisation.
  • Training helps an organisation to reduce costa as training makes an employee more efficient and effective. It contributes in reduction of wastage and an organisation need not to hire new employees as with the help of training existing employees can perform new tasks.
  • Training helps an employee to be comfortable in an organization when he join the organization for the first time.(Rose, 2008)

Need of training

  • Future Prospects- Training helps in future planning as training and development makes a candidate capable of handling difficult situations. In future they become seniors and they can easily play senior roles in the organisation. (Hassi, 2011)
  • Reduce Employee turnover- Training helps in reducing turnover of an organisation as training never let employees to face any problem. They work in the best manner just because of proper training and development given to them.
  • Increases the value of employee- Training leads in value addition of the employees. Employees become more precious by learning different new things. It increases the value of the employees at it increases the knowledge and skills of an employee.
  • Increase Efficiency in operations- Training makes an employee perfect i.e. training leads to perfectionism. An employee becomes proficient in his job due to trainings. It results in higher outcomes and contributes in the success of the organisation.
  • Increases industry standards- Providing training on a regular basis to the employees raises the standard and goodwill of the organisation. This organisation can easily achieve the goals, who always try to make their employees more intelligent and more knowledgeable. (Yeung, 2011)

Without training an employee cannot work in a better way. There will be no value addition in his knowledge and skills and he cannot able to cope up with new technologies and new trends. Without training an employee remains the same for ever and cannot able to learn new things in his life. Training is an important part to convert an employee into an asset.

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Management is very necessary for each and every organisation as management is the key to success .If things are managed in a proper way, and then everything will be done in a very systematic and different manner which is free from hassles. Human resource department plays different roles in an organisation which consist of different roles and responsibilities.  In Hilton hotel, human resource management plays an important role as in hotel industry, human resource management have to do so many thing. They have to coordinate with each and every department, conducting interviews, arrange farewell parties and do all the arrangements on different occasions.

HR department is responsible for salary calculations, attendance, management of leaves etc. It is the responsibility of HR department to take care of every employee, understand their grievances and try to resolve the same. They should take care about the training and development part of employees and should concentrate on their growth and development. Sometimes employees have emergency, HR Department should take care about all these things.



  • Buckley, R. and Caple, J. (2009). The theory & practice of training. London: Kogan Page.
  • Couper, J. (2010). Chemical process equipment. Amsterdam
  • Dale, M. (2003). A manager's guide to recruitment & selection. London: Kogan Page.
  • Edenborough, R. (2005). Assessment methods in recruitment, selection, and performance. London: Kogan Page.
  • Gilley, A. (2009). The Praeger handbook of human resource management. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
  • Hall, A. (2003). Managing people. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Ivancevich, J. (2004). Human resource management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin