Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford

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Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford


Unit 18 human resource management assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford case study is associated with the aspect of human resource management for services industries which states that one of the most significant as well as complex job in respect of the HR manager is managing the organisational human resource. This case study has done a critical analysis of the major factors associated with the management of human resource. For clarifying the case study, discussion has been made in respect of the functional aspect of HR management. Also, there has been discussion in respect of  human resource planning . Also, the nature of relationship for the staffs and its practice is carried out at Hotel Hilton Stratford in UK. Along with these the processes for recruitment, description of task, as well as conditions that impacts the performance of the staffs has been discussed as well as various kinds of methods for selection are also part of the discussion.

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford - Assignment Help 

Task 1

P 1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

Human resource management is considered to be that procedure in which the growth of human resource for a company takes place. Also, for ensuring the growth of human resource certain basic activities can be ascertained in the HR management. These activities are associated with the aspect of staffing, training, motivating, developing and maintaining the human resources. Human resource management is considered to be that philosophy of management where every prominence is provided for organisational development. Like the other organisations, Hilton Hotel is also emphasizing on applying the roles and purposes of human resource management to improve the condition of the organisational staffs. (Farnham, 2015) The roles and purposes of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel are mentioned as under,

  • Staffing – In UK, Hilton is considered to be one of the most resourceful hotels. There is a lot of significance associated with the aspect that the management at Hilton Hotel should ensure that each and every activity related to staffing in respect of the recruiting team at Hilton does the recruitment of applicants that have the right qualification, doing their selection as well as placing them in appropriate position in accord to their productivity as well as experiences.
  • Training and developments – Training is considered to possess a little section of the complete method for development in respect of the staffs although, training is considered to be playing a very major role for the staffs of any organisation. Hotel Hilton Stratford offers facilities for training to the staffs on a regular basis for ensuring that the staffs gain more competency as well as efficiency. Therefore, the quality of the staffs can improve. In another aspect, it can be stated that training and development are considered to be the significant characteristic for the functional aspect of human resource management that is contributing in various ways in respect of the same. (Farnham, 2015) Training and development are considered to be the most efficient ways that really assists in increasing the capability as well as proficiency within those individuals who have an involvement in the programme for training and development that Hotel Hilton Stratford holds.
  • Motivation – This is considered to be the means for energizing the staffs as well as inspiring the staffs for getting directed in accord with the organisational desirability as well as the final need of the organisational management is actualisation of the company objectives. The management at Hotel Hilton Stratford possesses the belief that motivation is a psychological trait for the creation of an internal feeling within the organisational staffs for generating profitability, reduction in the absenteeism amongst the staffs as well as increasing the commitment of the staffs towards work. (Farnham, 2015)
  • Maintenance – One more significant aspect for human resource management is maintaining the sincerity of the staffs at Hotel Hilton Stratford since it offers organisational staffs with those policies that are considered to be superior to manage the health and safety of the staffs in the hotel. The Hilton Stratford management believes that when there is the maintenance of a superior relationship as well as communication amongst the staffs and the organisation, there will be definite thriving of the organisation and outcome of the organisation will be very much productive.

The management of Hilton Stratford has the ability for offering reasonable price for the customers in comparison to the other competitors that offers higher prices. The role and purpose of human resource management is associated with its contribution towards Hilton Stratford through the supply of capable candidates as well as applicants since it is attracting the applicants who possess the capability and experience with the help of the function of staffing in respect of human resource management. (Crawshaw, 2014)The role and purpose of HR management also assists in achieving the development of performance percentage for Hilton Stratford since it provides Hotel Hilton with very effective staffs. The reason to have capable staffs is only due to the training and development function for human resource. (Crawshaw, 2014) The training and development is associated with making the staffs more capable and reducing majority of staff turnover ratio and increasing their reliability.

P 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

Human resource is considered to be the most significant aspect of any company. When there is appropriate utilization of human resource, the company could regain better competency as well as profitability. One more significant aspect is associated with planning for human resource. Planning for human resource are considered to be those decisional aspects whose determination was done earlier in relation with the needs for human resource in respect of different organisational positions. (Griffin, 2011) A human resource plan for Hotel Hilton Stratford is mentioned as under,

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 2

There are five different steps in respect of a human resource plan for Hilton Stratford which is as follows,

  • Identifying the key positional areas – The primary step of the human resource plan for Hilton Stratford is finding out or identifying all those major positional areas where there exists the possibility for finding out the vacancies. By identifying this aspect, Hilton Stratford initiates their human resource plan.
  • Identifying the capabilities for major areas and positions – The next step for human resource plan is associated with the management of Hilton Stratford for identifying the capabilities that are required for performing the tasks that are designated for the individuals in respect of the positions that are vacant. Based on the need for performance of the skills in respect of work, the plan is prepared by the management. (Griffin, 2011)
  • Identifying the interested staffs and evaluating their capabilities – In the next step for the human resource plan, the management of Hilton Stratford does the identification of staffs that are having an interest as well as evaluating their capabilities to find out if the staffs have the capability for completing the task or not.
  • Developing and implementing succession and plans for transferring knowledge – In the next step for the human resource plan, the human resource manager has the duty for identifying the areas where they will have the ability to do the implementation of the succession as well as plans for transferring knowledge when there arises the necessity for doing so. (Kramar, 2012)
  • Evaluation of effectiveness – The final step of a human resource plan is evaluating the efficiency of the human resource plan. When there is effective functioning of the actions that were predetermined for the human resource plan and making the organization efficient by implementing the human resource plan, then the actions will be considered to be productive.

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Task 2

P 2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations for the Hotel industry.

In UK, the employment relation is depending on the democratic philosophical aspect or style. The staffs should abide by the regulations of United Kingdom while they provide their respective services for the different organizations and the employers should be maintaining the law and order prevailing in UK while retaining the staffs in the companies. In accord with the aspect of employee relations in UK, the employers and the staffs are in a position from where both possess the ability for bargaining so that they have a win-win approach that will benefit both the parties. Hotel Hilton Stratford is considered to be a profit-making as well as customer oriented hotel business of UK that is believing in the win-win approach which states that the both the related parties will receive the benefit from the contract or from the performance of the activities. So, it can be very well said that Hilton Stratford believes in the democratic employee relation as well as does the exercising of the win-win approach for employee relations. (Hayton, 2012)

There exist various branches of the Hilton hotel. Every branch of the hotel is consisting of individuals who take active decisions for the organisational welfare. The present scenario of  employee relationship  for Hilton Hotel Stratford is very strong as the hotel is offering equal significance for customer satisfaction and for the satisfaction of the staffs. Every significant organisational decision is taken by the senior management and simultaneously the staffs are also allowed for participating in the decision making process. There has been a significant development in the organisational culture. The distribution of the leadership powers are presently distributed among the staffs so that they have the ability in taking the most effective decisions in respect of the organisation. (Hayton, 2012) There is also the ability to empower the staffs for carrying out activities associated with collective bargaining with the management that provides them the necessary motivation for working in a more productive manner in respect of organisational benefit. The staffs possess the ability to do the negotiation as well as do consultation with their seniors at any point of time. The capability of the staffs for participating as well as getting involved in the process of decision making has provided support to the company for decreasing the turnover rate. (Harrell, 2011) The organisational staffs need to follow each and every law when they carry out their duty. The procedures associated with grievance in respect of Hotel Hilton Stratford are very much effective. The organisational polices are defined clearly by Hotel Hilton Stratford. The responsibility for job, accountability and roe of every staff are explained in a clear manner by the company. There is the adaptation of each and every safety measures in respect of the company. (Harrell, 2011) Staffs are needed for creating an appropriate culture of organization by following each and every regulation as well as procedures failing which they are penalized by Hotel Hilton Stratford.

P 2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business.

In UK, each and every organisation is required to have a relation with the human resource laws while making the policies for human resource. Let us now discuss the ways by which employment laws of UK impact the function of human resource management in Hotel Hilton Stratford. In all the organizations, the staffs are considered as the means for performing each and every activity since it is very much significant to involve the human resource towards performance of all the organisational activities. In UK, the employment law states the factors that make sure the development of the staffs or workers as well as to safeguard the interest of the staffs that are working within a company. The employment law in UK will be covering the legal relationship of staffs, authorities as well as trade unions. (Furnham, 2012)

The employment law impacts the human resource management of Hotel Hilton Stratford. The strict employment law at times develops the liability of the Hotel Hilton Stratford in respect of the staffs. The Employment Relation Act is one of the strict acts that develop the additional liability of the organisation in respect of the trade union. The Act is stating that the employers are required towards recognizing the trade unions. And since the power to bargain for the trade unions are more, there is the creation of trouble for the Hilton Hotel. This is because when there is non-acceptance of the bargains then it is resulting in the resignation of a lot of staffs which the hotel wants to evade. (Martin, 2013) The employment contract takes into consideration the employment getting terminated when a staff is found violating any law or fails in serving the organisation in the best possible manner.

The function of human resource management at Hotel Hilton Stratford is performed by following the aspect of staffing, training and development, motivation as well as maintenance. For operating these aspects the HR management of Hotel Hilton Stratford is required considering the procedures of employment law of UK. (Rees, 2013) Hilton Stratford is impacted by the employment law of UK as it is required recruiting the staffs in respect of the procedures of UK employment law when Hilton Stratford will have the capability for providing the ‘minimum wage of £6.31 to a person above the age of 21 years under the National Minimum Wage Act, 1998, and 28 paid holidays as well as not more than 48 working hours in respect of the Working Time Regulations Act, 1998 and the right to take maternity leave as well as the right for having flexible patterns of working under the Employment Rights Act, 1999.

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Task 3

P 3.1 Discuss a Job description and personal specification for a selected job at the Hilton hotel such as receptionist, banquette manager, waiter or cleaning staff etc.

A Job Description clearly states the duties, responsibilities, functions and scope of an announced vacancy within an organization. It lays out details regarding salary, work timings; conditions etc which helps a prospective candidate understand the expectations as an employee. Whereas, Personal Specification lays out the attributes’, qualities, knowledge and abilities that a prospective employee should possess while performing a specific job. These include qualification, experience, skills etc. (Manser, 2012)

The following draft will help to understand job description and personal specification for Receptionist at Hilton Hotel.

Job description:

Position: Receptionist

Summary: will be responsible to handle front office and administrative duties including welcoming guests, answering queries, replying mails, handling customer inquiries, phone calls etc. Additionally, will be responsible to schedule room booking/cancellation and handing out keys.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Managing reservation/cancellation request by phone, email, letter, fax or in person
  • Completing check-in and check-out process of guests
  • Checking room availability and handing keys
  • Preparing bills and processing payments
  • Handling customer inquiries, special requests and complaints
  • Informing guests about special offers or promotions

Working Conditions: Rotational Shifts which include evening, night, weekends and public holidays for which extra pays are made. Spending most of the time on reception desk, computer and telephone.

Salary: £12,500- 14,500 (Annual) Plus extra Seasonal Bonus

Personal specification

Position: Receptionist

Qualification: GCSE standard Math, English or equivalent

Experience: 2-3 years of working experience in Hotel Reception environment, handling confidential information and meeting deadlines

Skills: Excellent written and spoken communication skills

           Strong guest handling, problem solving and professional skills

           Friendly, patient and tactful personality

           Methodical and attention to details

           Multi-Tasking and ability to handle pressure

Personal Attributes: Adaptable, self motivating time management qualities.

P 3.2 Compare various different selection processes of different service industries business that can best suit to the Hilton Hotel.

Selection process is significant for any organization as it matches the best fit for job role according to the challenges and nature of work profile with knowledge, skills and ability of the personnel who is being selected. This is important as not only it utilizes the best result for set objectives but also this alignment helps to reduce turnover rates or absenteeism. Thus the process of selection is wide depending on criteria’s that best suits a company’s requirement. Let us discuss example for selection process in different service industries business.

Selection process in BT (British Telecom)

This consist of multiple stages beginning from filling in pre-screening questionnaire where prospective candidates need to respond to few question based on their academic and professional achievements. Once it’s successfully cleared, one can go in for completing full application process. This is followed by short listing of CV’s received against the essential requirements for the job profile. The screened applicants have to undertake telephonic interview where a BT consultant contacts and explores the skills and strengths. The successful candidates then need to undertake online ability test which is followed by face-to-face interview with Hiring Managers. Once this is cleared, candidates are invited to assessment centre held at BT Centre, London which includes meeting with senior managers and teams. Here a detailed assessment is made before one qualifies for final appointment. Thus at BT the selection process is rigorous to match roles with candidates talent. (BT, 2016)

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 3

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Selection process in The Ritz, London

The process at The Ritz, London consist of dropping a CV and answering few descriptive questions based on candidate’s self description, career goals and general intelligence test. The shortlisted applicants are then invited to participate in the assessment centre where individual tasks are set for each candidate which is observed by Leadership Team who provides scores or grading. This is followed by short interview session. The successful candidates are re-invited for lengthier interviews with Head of Human Resources, who makes final selection. Once, the final participants are screened they have to undergo training at The Ritz Academy which is then followed by permanent enrolment in company. (The Ritz London, 2016)

At Hilton hotels, the selection process should be fusion of both the processes mentioned above because as in case of BT, the process goes through multiple layers that help in deeper refinement of skills as per roles before the participants are invited at assessment centre. Whereas, the most strong point of selection process at The Ritz is training that is provided before the successful candidates are actually placed on floor to deal with guests. This arrangement of training gives scope of in-depth understanding and hands on learning experience that is useful for new employees once they are offered the job position. Also, this insight serves as expectations and roles simulation that a new employee is expected to face originally while dealing with position. So, this mix of process of BT and The Ritz will help Hilton exactly adopt a approach that would be suited to its high customer service excellence.

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Thus it can be concluded that the assignment has provided the leaner with scope of understanding different aspects of human resource management particularly in functioning of service industry business by illustrating successful application to Hilton Hotels. Also, various employment laws and state of employment relations have been assessed with a clear understanding to the subject. Moreover, appropriateness of selection process in case of Hotel Hilton has been analyzed to give a clear conceptual understanding to the learner. 


BT. (2016).How to Apply. (Online) Available at:
http://btplc.com/careercentre/ourlocations/uk/fasttrack/theapplicationprocess/theselectionprocess/ Accessed on 1st July, 2016
Crawshaw,J (2014). Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives. SAGE.
Farnham, D (2015). Human Resource Management in Context: Strategy, Insights and Solutions. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. Publisher
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Griffin, R (2011). Organizational Behavior. Cengage Learning.
Harrell D., G. (2011).  Marketing Management .  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Hayton, J (2012). Global Human Resource Management Casebook. Taylor & Francis
Kramar, R (2012). Human Resource Management in a Global Context: A Critical Approach. Palgrave Macmillan. .
Manser., M. (2012). Introducing Management in a week: Teach Yourself. Hachette UK
Martin, M (2013). Human Resource Practice. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Publisher
Rees, G (2013). Leading, Managing and Developing People. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Publisher
The Ritz London. (2016). The Application Process. (Online) Available at: https://www.theritzlondon.com/the-ritz-academy/the-application-process/ Accessed on 1st July, 2016