Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment

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Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment
Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment
Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment

Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment -  Assignment Help in UK


Understanding the importance of human working in the organisation report is generated in concentration with Human resource management so as to provide the information related with the organisation and the people working at workplace. This Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment will include various roles and responsibilities of the human resource management which it has to follow at the workplace. Information regarding various legislations related with human rights and legislation related with dismissal of the employees will be discussed in this report. Functions of the human resource management will help in evaluating the necessity of it in the organisation. This report will provide the direction to the organisation to make effective set of decisions regarding employees working in it and various aspects that will help the employees to perform better and help the organisation in attaining its targeted objectives.

Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment -  Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.

Every HR consultant should have the information regarding the difference between personnel management and  Human resource management.  These are some of the aspects which are bit confusing but individual working in an organisation like Samsung should have effective knowledge of these two aspects. Therefore there are several differences between human resource management and personal management which will help in providing information regarding the fact that which type of management is best suited for Samsung:

Personnel Management

Human Resource Management

Work of the people processing at the workplace is taken under consideration by the organisation. 

Focus of the organisation remains on the employees working at the workplace.

Targets provided to the employees are the main focus of the organisation.

In this people working in the organisation are looked as the assets of the company and are treated accordingly (Bal, et. al., 2015).

Reactive approach is used by the organisation in personal management

Proactive approach is used by the management in human resource management.

Less power is shared by personal management at workplace.

Have full control over the people working in organisation.

Control system in personal management is controlled by external parties (Martin, 2010).

Internal authorities handle every situation of the organisation.

This type of management system is found in beurocratic, mechanised and centralised organisation.

Developed and organic organisations use human resource management.

Company rely less upon the employees working at workplace

Company rely more upon the employees working at workplace.

Professionals play a lead role.

Line manager is a link between the upper level management and employees working at workplace

For Example: Manufacturing unit of Apple has the personnel management system in which play by rules is followed. There are certain predetermined rules and regulations provided to the workers which are necessary to be followed by them, any breach in the rules and regulations leads to the punishment which could affect the working of an individual.

For Example: On the other hand operations department of Apple have human resource management in which more importance is given to the employees working on the operations and are being provided training so that they could refine their skills and could manage the work in en effective manner.

Understanding both the aspects it was analysed that Apple uses Human resource management system. It takes care of the employees working at the workplace and ensures that they should work effectively. Human resource management of Apple believe that making the employees comfortable at the workplace will help in increasing the productivity rather than overburdening the people working at the workplace. Apple focuses upon its employees rather than their targets that they are achieving or on the work they are doing (Martin, 2010).

1.2 Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

There are various functions of human resource management that are followed by Samsung so as to ensure that the decorum of the organisation could be maintained. Therefore, certain functions that are followed by the human resource management of Samsung are:

  • Recruitment: Human resource management department of Samsung ensures that people should be timely recruited to the workplace. HRM of Samsung recruits people having talent and skills which can support the organisation in managing the work process and can help in attaining the objectives (Ali, et. al., 2015).
  • Safety: Keeping the people safe and secure is kept on priority by the human resource department of Samsung. Human resource management team provide training of safety and security to the people working at the workplace, it ensures that the premises should have all the safety and security equipments that could help the people in the emergency situation.
  • Employee Relation: Samsung believes in building healthy relationship with the employees working in it. Samsung make sure that the employees working in it should trust the organisation and should get emotionally attached with the organisation (Ali, et. al., 2015). This type of strategy helps in reducing employee turnover.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Samsung’s human resource management ensures that each and every employee working in the organisation should get the compensations and extra benefits for extra work they are processing out at workplace. Every employee working extra for the organisation is paid extra so that he can remain motivated at the workplace (Martin, 2010).
  • Compliance: Providing training to the employees working in the organisation always remains on priority of the human resource management of Samsung. Human resource management of Samsung make sure that each and every employee working at workplace should have effective set of knowledge regarding all the rules and regulations of the company.
  • Training and Development: Human resource management of  Samsung business  ensures that the people getting hired at the workplace should get proper training so that they can work effectively. Human resource management of Samsung organise various development programs so that people working in the organisation can be groomed and can provide quality product (Martin, 2010).

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the line manager in your organisation for familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

Line manager is a link between the people working in the organisation and the management of the organisation. Line manager remains in touch with the employees working in the organisation and make sure that they should work effectively. Line manager focuses on the issues and needs and wants of the employees working at workplace and try to resolve the issues and fulfil the needs and wants of the people. There are several roles and responsibilities of line manager that are provided by Samsung. They are:

  • Line manager of Samsung take care of the employees working at the workplace. He makes sure that employees working under him should work properly and all their needs and wants should be fulfilled (Miles, et. al., 2010).
  • Recruiting the right person at the right job is another responsibility of a line manager that he has to follow.
  • Providing training to the unskilled workers is another responsibility. This helps the employee to succeed in the organisation.
  • Evaluating the performance of employees and appraising the effective performer is another responsibility that helps in motivating the employees and helps in enhancing the productivity of the workplace (Miles, et. al., 2010).

1.4 Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

Organisation has to follow various legal rules and regulation provided by the legislation. Following all the legal and regulatory framework help in the smooth functioning of workplace therefore, Samsung will have to ensure that every employee working in the organisation should have the knowledge of various legal and regulatory frameworks so that decorum of the organisation can be managed:

According to Employee Right Act 1996, it is necessary that rights of the people working at the workplace should be taken care of (Chan, 2012). Employees working in Samsung has right to get remunerated and get paid according to their skills and abilities. Samsung should ensure that the skilled employees should get hired rather than hiring the employees on the basis of race, religion, culture, gender and disability. According to Equal Pay Act, all the employees working in the organisation at same position having same abilities should get paid equally. It is necessary that no discrimination should be done on the workplace regarding the pay of the employees (Saini, 2013). According to Data Protection Act, it is necessary that the personal information of the employees and customers attached with the organisation should not be shared by any one. Information of the employees should be kept protected and access to only authorised person should be provided by Samsung.

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Task 2

2.1 Analysing the reasons for human resource Planning.

Human resource planning is an important aspect for the organisation. Human resource management of the organisation should ensure that the planning of human resource should be done. Various benefits that will be availed by human resource planning are:

  • Human Resource Planning Supports Business Strategy: Human resource management of the organisation supports business strategy. All the strategies regarding the business can be formulated (Martin, 2010). Organisation makes the strategies to increase the productivity. Increase in the productivity requires more men power so as to fulfil this requirement human resource planning will help Samsung to ensure its success.
  • Human Resource Planning Support Human Resource: With the help of human resource planning organisation can ensure that existing human resource can be used properly at the workplace. It helps in reducing the operation cost that could excess human resource at workplace (Martin, 2010). With the help of human resource planning organisation can forecast the requirement of the people at workplace according to which sufficient number of people can be hired at the workplace so as to manage the work.
  • Human Resource Planning Helps in Bringing New Talent to the Organisation: With the help of Human resource planning organisation could ensure that it could have the reservoir for the new talent. It ensures that the organisation could have the employees who can bring innovative and best possible ideas so as to manage the work. It ensures that the people working in the organisation could bring the lean ideas to manage the work more effectively and in less time.
  • Helps in Controlling the Labour Cost: Human resource planning helps in controlling the labour cost because with human resource planning number of people required at the workplace is hired. It ensures that the unnecessary cost on the labour should be reduced and expenses of the labour could be controlled.

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.

Stages involve in  human resource planning  are as follows:

  • First step is to analyse the organisational objectives, Samsung will have to analyse the objectives of the organisation according to which human resource can be determined accordingly by the organisation.
  • After that Samsung will have to determine the inventory of present human resource that how many people it has in present in the organisation.
  • After that forecasting of demand and supply is necessary. Samsung will have to forecast the demand of the human resource at workplace in near future and managing the excess supplies accordingly.
  • After forecasting man power gaps should be estimated so that those gaps can be filled by the organisation.
  • Next stage is to formulate the human resource action plan so as to set the things on priorities (Martin, 2010).
  • Last, stage is monitoring, control and feedback. It is a most important aspect for Samsung as it will help in helping the human resource and will help in reducing turnover ratio of the employees working in organisation.

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation.

Samsung has a traditional process of recruiting and selecting the people at workplace. Current recruitment and selection process of Samsung is:

  • Candidates applying for job in Samsung have to apply for the vacancy providing the details of their qualification.
  • Then Human resource management of Samsung give a call to the shortlisted candidates and take a telephonic interview of them. There are several questions that are asked by Samsung by the human resource management:
  • What are your life’s goals,
  • What is your main motivation in applying for this role,
  • If you were to be anything in life what would it be,
  • Tell me about your last 4 jobs (they needed 4 jobs to apply).
  • Applicants are then asked to complete a psychometric assessment and an aptitude test (Powell, 2014).
  • After this candidates are selected for the face to face interview and eligible candidates are selected so as to work in the organisation.

On the other hand competitor of Samsung, Apple uses a bit tough recruitment and selection method so as to hire the candidates applying to work in it:

  • Firstly eligible candidates for the post have to give the preliminary interview.
  • Then the short listed candidates have to give the written test.
  • After that the candidates who have qualified the test has to give the employment interview (Powell, 2014).
  • After that reference check and background test is being done by the company of selected candidates.
  • After that decisions for final selections are taken.
  • Candidates finally selected have to give the physical test.
  • After that offer letter is provided to the candidates
  • Sign on the contract of employment is taken by the organisation by the candidates.

Certain changes are required in the current selection process of Samsung so as to ensure that right people can get hired at the workplace and staff turnover could get reduced which could help in organisational growth.

2.4 Evaluating how effectiveness is the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation.

With the above discussion regarding the current recruitment and selection process there are certain set of aspects that came into existence regarding the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process? With the help of this discussion it will be evaluated that how effective is the recruitment and selection process of Samsung and Apple (Saini, 2013). It could be evaluated that recruitment and selection of Samsung requires improvement as there were certain aspects that are required to be modified so that effective set of talent could get hired at the workplace (Bing, 2009). Apple is the organisation which is using effective recruitment and selection techniques and it seems that the steps that are taken by the organisation will help in recruiting the best talent available in the market.

Apple has the process of gaining detailed knowledge regarding the people who are to be hired at the workplace. Apple prefers to bring the quality people to the workplace so that they can manage the work in a better and effective manner. On the other hand it is being evaluated that people in Samsung are judged on the basis of telephonic interview. It is not a way of judging the people, possibilities of wrong decision increases in such situation (Miles, et. al., 2010). To reduce staff turnover ratio it is necessary that Human Resource Management of Samsung should provide appraisals to the employees working in the organisation. Management of Samsung should adopt the strategies which could help the staff members to remain motivated and enjoy the working environment. Keeping the employees happy is the key for effective and quality production at the workplace. Hence, it is necessary that Samsung should try that its employees should remain happy and do not prefer to leave the job.

Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and rewards at Virgin Media.

Motivational theories  and rewards systems in the organisation are somewhere interrelated with each other. Implementing the changes at workplace somewhere becomes hard for the organisation to manage. Therefore, somewhere it becomes necessary for Samsung to motivate the employees working in it and to motivate them it becomes necessary to provide rewards and recognition to them. For better understanding with the fact it is necessary to understand Maslow’s theory of motivation:

According to the theory of Maslow’s people working in the organisation have one reason to work over there. That reason is the needs of the people. People works in the organisation so as to fulfil their needs and wants and after fulfilling every need they get motivated to fulfil another need. Maslow has divided the need of people in a hierarchy which helps in developing the understanding how people get motivated after fulfilling the needs and what are the required needs that are to be fulfilled by the organisation so that they can remain motivated and work effectively (Aquinas, 2009). Below is the diagram that will help in understanding with the hierarchy of needs that employees working in the organisation have which help them in remaining motivated at the workplace.

link between motivational theory and rewards at Virgin Media -  Assignment Help in UK

Organisation has the responsibility to fulfil the needs of the people working for it. Providing rewards to the people will help Virgin Media to motivate the employees working in it. Human resource management of Virgin Media will have to ensure that after attaining each stage it should provide reward to the employee so that they can get motivated to work more hard and can work on the verge of attaining another needs. This process will keep on moving and will help Virgin Media in attaining success in the market (Aquinas, 2009).

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pat at Virgin Media.

Job evaluation helps the organisation in decision making process. With the help of job evaluation requirement of people on the job can be analysed by the organisation with the effect of which Virgin Media will be able to make decision of how much people are to be hired at the workplace. Process of job evaluation is as follows:

  • First step is to determine the objective so as to evaluate the job
  • After that it is necessary that Virgin Media should do job analysis (Miles, et. al., 2010).
  • There are two factors included in job analysis they are job description and job specification.
  • After that formulation of job evaluation program should be done by Virgin Media
  • After the formulation of job evaluation next step that is to be implemented should be of wage survey. As the main aim of job evaluation is that the employees working at the workplace should get equal pay. Virgin Media will have to ensure that no discrimination should be done by its side in relation with the wages of the employees working at workplace and equal pay must be provided to all the employees working at same level at workplace (Miles, et. al., 2010).
  • After that classification of the employees should be done by the organisation so as to ensure that the right pay should be provided to each and every employee working at the workplace.

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media.

Reward system is an effective way of motivating the employees working in the organisation. Providing rewards to the people working i9n the organisation helps in bringing the healthy environment to the organisation. Rewards system at the workplace helps in attracting the talents.  Virgin Media have a tendency to provide the rewards to the best employee of the organisation in which each and every activity of the employee is evaluated, therefore to get recognised and appraised at the workplace people working in the organisation prefer to participate in all the activities. This helps in attracting the talent towards the organisation. Retention can be provided with the help of the reward system that is being used by the organisation. To gets rewarded employees of the organisation prefer to provide quality in the work which ensures employee retention (Ali, et. al., 2015). Reward system of the organisation also helps in motivating the employees working in it. Virgin Media provide rewards to the effective performers which help in motivating the employees with the effect of which employees of the organisation prefer to work more effectively and helps the organisation in attaining its objectives.

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organisation use to monitor employee performance.

To monitor the performance of the employees there are various methods that are adopted by Virgin Media those methods are:

  • Virgin Media review the performance of peer member on weekly basis
  • Manager could have a regular check on the working of the employees by walking round around the desk of the employees
  • Reviewing the work done by the employees will help in evaluating the performance and quality of the work done by the employees.
  • Comparing the actual performance with the standard performance established by Virgin Media
  • Rating the employees according to their performance
  • Taking feedbacks of the employees
  • Conducting post appraisal interview
  • Initiate the corrective actions to the employees

360 degree method could also be used by  Virgin Media  so as to evaluate the performance of the employee working at workplace (Ali, et. al., 2015). In this method of performance of employee is evaluated by taking the responses of all the people working with particular employee and decisions are made on the basis of it.

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

According to legislation it is necessary that the employer should give an appropriate reason before terminating the employee. An employer cannot terminate the employee without any valid and authenticated reason. Faisal has violated the policies of the organisation because of which employer of Faisal has terminated him. Faisal was not performing the duties on the job and another reason was that he was running his own business by unethical ways which included the using of equipments of Bob. In this violation of all the laws and regulations was done by Faisal. In company hours he was running his own business due to which he was neglecting his formal duties which was against the law. Therefore, Bob has right to terminate Faisal fir his unethical behaviour at the workplace (Bal, et. al., 2015). This type of cases is the cases in which employees can be terminated by giving the termination letter by the employer mentioning the reason behind the termination of an employee. Reason for the cessation of the employee in this case was indulging in the unethical practices of using the assets of the organisation for personal use. Negligence of the duty was shown by Faisal at the workplace as he was not doing his part of work at the workplace and was indulged in the practices of his personal business in the office hours.

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice.

Every organisation has an employment termination process following which can help in easy exit of the employee from the workplace without breaching any law or legislation of the workplace. In the same manner Chicken Master has an employment exit process which helps the employees to resign from the job in easy way. Employment exit process of Chicken Master is:

  • Information should be provided to the manager providing the reason behind the resignation from the organisation
  • After that employee will have to type the resignation letter in which reason of resign should be mentioned
  • After the acceptance of that letter by the manager, employee will have to serve the notice period according to the agreement of job (Jarvis, 2012).
  • At the time of exit employee cannot take any asset of the organisation with him
  • In case of termination manager will have to provide appropriate reason behind the termination, which should include the warning letter and after repetition of the mistake or unlawful activity employee can be terminated directly from the organisation by the manager.

On the other hand Samsung uses different employment exit procedure. In Samsung employee do not have to inform the manager. There is a link on the site of Samsung for the employees on which E-Exit is given. Employee has to click on that button and have to fill up certain detail. After that manager provides the approval and employee has to serve for one month as a notice period after which he can leave the organisation. In case of termination cap letter is issued to the employee by the manager and compliance team and after repeating the mistake employee could be terminated from the workplace.

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

It is a responsibility of the employer to follow all the rules and regulations related with cassation of the employee. Various legal and regulatory frameworks on employment cessation arrangements with Chicken Master are:

  • Wrongful Dismissal: It is a breach which could be filed in a common tribunal law. Any wrongful dismissal could lead the party to pay a penalty of 25,000 Pounds if a breaching party founds guilty. Any employee working in the organisation should not get terminated due to discrimination, retaliation, employee refusal to commit any illegal act or due to any other unnecessary reasons. In the case of Chicken Master Faisal was not terminated due to any wrongful dismissal (Miles, et. al., 2010).
  • Unfair Dismissal: It is the dismissal in which employees are dismissed due to unjust and is not provide the authorised reason for the dismissal. Any organisation dismissing the employees due to any unfair or unauthorised reason has to pay 9900 Pounds as a basic award and 63,000 Pounds as a compensatory award. In this case Faisal was not found to be terminated due to any unfair and unauthorised reason; therefore there was no situation of unfair dismissal found in this case (Chan, 2012).
  • Claim for Redundancy Payment: Government reviews for the claim for the redundancy and review is done by the government on yearly basis. Total redundancy payments are calculated on weekly basis for which organisation has to pay for it. And it is capped at 280 Pounds.

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With the help of various aspects presented in the Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment it could be concluded that human resource management of the organisation makes the process easy. Organisation should ensure that it should have an effective human resource management which can manage the human resource working at the workplace. It can be evaluated that human resource management of the organisation reduce all the employee related issues from the organisation and ensures that the work of the organisation does not get hamper. It can also be concluded that for an organisation human resource management also works as the legal advisor which ensures that any kind of wrongful or unlawful activity should be avoided by the organisation and smooth functioning of the workplace could be maintained.


Ali, M., Metz, I. & Kulik, C.T. 2015, "Retaining a diverse workforce: the impact of gender?focused human resource management", Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 580-599.
Aquinas (2009), Human Resource Management,Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
Bal, P.M. & De Lange, A.H. 2015, "From flexibility human resource management to employee engagement and perceived job performance across the lifespan: A multisampling study", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 126-154.
Bing, J. (2009), Linking Research and Practice in Human Resources Development, Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol.11no.4, pp.417-419.
Chan, S.C.H. & Mak, W. 2012, "High performance human resource practices and organizational performance: The mediating role of occupational safety and health", Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 136-150.
Jarvis, R. & Rigby, M. 2012, "The provision of human resources and employment advice to small and medium-sized enterprises: The role of small and medium-sized practices of accountants", International Small Business Journal, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 944-956.
Martin (2010),Key Concepts in Human Resource Management, SAGE
Miles, A., Fleming, M. & McKinney, A.P. 2010, "Retaliation: legal ramifications and practical implications of discriminatory acts in the workplace", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 694-710
Powell, T. (2014), Strategic management and the person, Strategic Organization, vol.12 no. 3, pp.200-207
Saini, D.S. 2013, "Human Resource Management", Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 98-98.

Unit 18 Human Resource Management for Service Industry Assignment will include various roles and responsibilities of the human resource management which it has to follow at the workplace, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.