Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Marks & Spencer

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Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Marks & Spencer
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Marks & Spencer
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Marks & Spencer

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Marks & Spencer 1


Human Resource Management the traditional and modern approach to personnel management and HRM is explained and it also explained that how human resource management helps in achieving the purpose of the organisation. Human resource planning has been discussed which is used to analyse the need of human resources in the organization. For these purpose two organisations, Capgemini and Infosys have been taken. The recruitment and selection process of the organisation is described in detailed.  This report also helps to understand the termination policy of the organisation.

Task 1

1.1. Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.

Personnel management is the function of management which is mainly bothered for providing assistance to staff members and act as the advisor to personnel. Additionally, personnel management acts as the mediator between top management and workforce. Personnel managers have a direct contact with the employees. Whereas the Human resource management is the acknowledgement of policies and procedures that influence the human resource of the organisation as well as include the three foremost areas that includes staffing, employee compensation, benefits or other benefits like fringe benefits and creation or framework and defining of work and plans of the organisation.  For e.g. in Just eat they follow the personnel management in delivering the food and in Adam restaurant they focus on the HRM by proving the assistance to the human resource. (Gil-Lafuente, Merigo, 2014)

Personnel management is organize the workforce in the Just Eat where online food delivery is made whereas the HRM is broader than the personnel management because it includes all functions of the personnel management like in Adam restaurant the staffing, recruitment and other functions also followed by the organisation. Personnel management is the traditional management but adopted as modern approach in the Just Eat whereas HRM is the modern approach in foster decision making is fast Adam restaurant. In personnel management the job design is based on division of labour in Just Eat i.e. dividing the tasks among people according to their capabilities whereas HRM focuses on the group work or team work in the Adam restaurant.

1.2. Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

The functions of HRM help to achieve the purpose of the organisation. These are described below.

  • Recruitment- in Adam restaurant the recruitment process is magnetize, appointing, retaining the appropriate workforce according to their work. That will be helpful in achieving the purpose of the organisation by right people, at the right time, at the right place. By this the Adam restaurant is able to serve the people at the restaurant efficiently.
  • Training- It is the second phase of the HRM functions. In this Adam restaurant management provide the training to the hired employees for their grooming so that the organizational goal of the satisfaction of customers can be enhanced. It also focuses on the specialization of the employees.
  • Benefits and Compensation- It is third phase of HRM functions. In this other incentives based on the employees’ performance is considered that helps in motivating the employees of the Adam restaurant. Benefits can be monetary as well as non-monetary. Monetary benefits include bonuses and commission etc. whereas the non-monetary benefits includes paternity & maternity leaves, status, recognition at work etc. All these benefits help in increasing the work life balance so that the purpose of the organization can be achieved in the organisation.
  • Designing the work frame- The final function of the organisation is designing the legal work frame. Certain laws are imposed by the state and central government like minimum wage system, tax allowances and discrimination policies that helps achieving the goals of the Adam restaurants by retaining the employees for longer times.

1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organisation or familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

  • Line managers- Line managers are the managers who are directly responsible for the workforce of the organisation. In line management there is a vertical chain of command over a particular product line. Line managers also termed as the direct managers and front line managers. Line managers organise the workforce at the organisations and report to the top management of the organisations. (Hazimah, Susomrith, 2014)
  • Roles and responsibilities of the line managers- Line managers at the Adam restaurants are responsible for the recruitment and hiring to fill the vacancies. Line managers at the Adam restaurant, are liable for training and also works for the growth of the new employees. Line managers at the Adam restaurant provide the guidance and also feedbacks to the employees. Line managers at the Adam restaurants keep vigil eye on the employees as well as the team work to ensure the quality of work. Line managers are the person at Adam who grants the leaves to the employees. Line managers are look into the needs of the organisation and also take corrective actions if needed in the Adam restaurants. Line managers at the Adam restaurants are responsible for preparing the metrics of the performance appraisal of the employees. Line managers also liable for knowledge communication with top level management and to convey policies to the lower level workers at the Adam restaurant.

1.4. Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

In HRM the employment legislation is mainly concern with the laws and regulations to maintain the smooth regulations between employer as well as employee. Some of the laws that have impact on the HRM are described below-

  • Sex discrimination Act, 1995/97-  This act was came into force to protect the employees from the discrimination at the work on the basis of gender i.e. this act protect the employees from discrimination on  promotion policies on the basis of male & female, or a female is demoted upon their maternity leaves.
  • Race relation Act, 1976- This act protects the employees at the work on the basis of racial ground. This act mainly focuses on the equal treatment of the employees and he/she should not be discriminated on the basis of race and colour of the employee.
  • Equal pay Act, 1970- This act focuses on the prohibition of the less commending treatment between male and female on the basis of salary, incentives and mode of employment.
  • Disability discrimination Act, 1995/ 2005- This act is mainly to protect the disabled persons. Disabled person have the rights to be treated equal at the work. This act later amended in 2005 with the main purpose of eradication of discrimination of disability that can be mental or physical.
  • Data protection Act, 1998- This act mainly focuses on the employees’ data, which ensure the confidentiality of data to the employees. It is feel necessity that companies and employees have to keep personal information to themselves only.

Task 2


The task is about the recruitment and selection of the suitable candidates for a company because the company is currently facing a high staff turnover and according to the finance manager who is currently also playing the role of Human Resource Manager, the reason behind the high staff turnover is that the company is not able to find the right people for right job in the company which results in the employee dissatisfaction and they leave the job. Also, it is found that there is no adequate HR policy followed in the organisation and the recruits are done by taking a telephonic interview at first and then face to face interview is conducted for the candidates who pass in the telephonic rounds. In this task, a new HR policy on HR planning will be recommended to the organisation.

HR planning is the process in which the needs for the human resources are recognized by the organisation so that the goals of the organization can be achieved. The organisation which is taken for the better understanding of the concepts and procedures of recruitment in the organisation according to the given scenario is Capgemini which is the Multinational management consulting company based in France and have its operations across the world in more than 40 countries. The company has more than 180000 people across world and which provides the services in business management, technology and consultancy. And the process of Capgemini for recruiting manpower is been compared to other organisation, Infosys which belongs to the same industry.

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2.1 Analysing the reasons for human resource planning.

Being a consulting company and outsourcing services for their companies, Capgemini needs high quality employees which are experts in their fields. It is very important for the company to acquire right no of employees for the jobs they need to serve. The right no of employees can be determined by using Human resources planning because it analyse the right requirement of the company for the human resources. Human resources planning are essential for any organisation to achieve its goals and objectives timely and for attaining high productivity in the organisation. There are many reasons for its significance in the organisation, which are discussed below:

  • To attain required no of employees: Every organisation needs an optimum no of employees which means the no of employees which are neither in excess nor in shortage. It is because the company needs employees to complete its targets and more employees will lead to the excess costs for the company while fewer employees will hamper the work of the organisation. So an optimum no of employees can be analysed through Human Resources Planning. (Hazimah, Susomrith, 2104)
  • Utilization of resources: Capgemini may have many other respires like capital, equipment’s, land, etc. but these resources can only be utilized when it will have sufficient no of employees who will use them properly for providing benefits to the organisation. Proper planning for Human Resources is necessary for optimum utilization of Human Resources in the company.
  • To recruit skilled and talented workforce: Human Resources Planning is essential to recruit the talented and skilled workforce for the company which can help the organisation to reach new heights and helps it to gain more revenue and fight competition in the competitive market. Capgemini has a tough competition in the industry with Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, etc. which has to be faced and this can be done with the help of talented workforce which help the company in getting higher productivity and efficiency. (Job analysis, 2016)

These were the few reasons because of which HR planning is important for Cognizant.

2.2 Outlining the stages involved in planning human resource requirements

HR planning is the process which goes on endlessly because the employees in the company keep on going and coming. The stages which are followed in HR planning in Cognizant are discussed below:

Planning: First of all, planning is done for the required no of workforce for achieving the goals and objectives of the organisation. So, for that the goals and objectives of the company are to be made clear to the human resources team so that they can focus on the needs and requirements of the company and can plan about the hiring process for the required personnel. (Van der Waarden, 2010)

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HR Planning process

  • Analyse the gap and Design the methods for recruitment: Once the required no of employees are analysed for making recruitment, it is been identified that how many employees are actually available in the organisation at present to fulfil the requirement and then the gap is measured. This gap can be taken as the gap between the demand of workforce and supply of workforce and the further decisions of recruitment or firing will be the taken. It is analysed in Cognizant that due to the high turnover in the recent times, the company needs to recruit new workforce to fill up the vacancies available. (Van der Waarden, 2010)
  • Turn planning into action/ Implementation: Once the need is analysed and the gap is measured, Cognizant realised that it needs more workforce so it plans for making new recruitment s for the suitable candidates for the available vacancies. The process may include methods like recruitment, selection, training, tests, and more.
  • Review the actions/ Evaluation and control: Once the implementation is done, HR manager review the plans which are implemented and then identify where the need has been fulfilled or not. This will recognize any gap or limitation, if any. Further actions will be taken on the same to improve the process. This is to make sure that all the needs are been met by the process followed. (Van der Waarden, 2010)

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation you recommending.

Two organisations which are taken for the comparison between the recruitment and selection process are Capgemini, a French company for outsourcing IT services and Infosys, an Indian company which belongs to the same field and provides IT services.

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Recruitment refers to eh procedure where maximum no of suitable candidates are attracted to apply for the jobs whereas Selection refers to the process where the most suitable candidate from the received applications is selected who can provide the maximum contribution to the company. The current recruitment procedure at Capgemini includes taking an interview of all the candidates who applied for the job over the telephone and then the most suitable out of them are shortlisted which will appear for the face to face interview in the next round. Capgemini is focussing on external environment recruitment where the advertisement are given on Job portals, websites, through employee referrals or direct walk in which enables the company to get the applications of different talent with unique skills. (Hassan, et. al., 2015). On the other hand, Infosys focus on Internal recruitment methods where the employees of Infosys are given chance to get promoted so that the company does not take more time in the long processes of external hiring and opportunities are being created for its own employees which increases the morale of the employees and they plan to stay with the company for a longer period of time because they see their growth over here. Infosys take tests or evaluate the performance of the suitable candidates and the most suitable candidate is promoted for the position. (Hitka, Balážová, 2015)

2.4 Evaluating how effectiveness is the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation you recommending.

Recruitment and selection are the processes which helps the organization to fill the gap of employees in the organization. The recruitment and selection processes in both the organization which is discussed above- Infosys and Capgemini helps them to fill up the vacant positions with the most suitable candidates. Bothe the organizations use different methods for recruitment and selection. Infosys uses internal hiring where the existing employees are given the first chance to prove themselves and get promoted and Capgemini focuses on hiring the employees externally where new talents and the employees from other companies which have exclusive skills are given chance to prove themselves and get selected for the company. (Jasper, Waldhart, 2013)

The companies follow different strategies for the same motive of attracting the best talent out of the pool of candidates available. Both the methods of recruitment and selection have its own benefits and disadvantages. Capgemini have more choices of candidates to choose from because they are approaching higher no of candidates by making advertisements and the employees are scrutinized by the telephonic interview at first and then the rest of the best candidates appear for the face to face interview where the final selection is made for the required candidates. This is a very systematic procedure where the filtering is done to select the most suitable candidate but it also consumes a lot of time and money. (Breaugh, 2013)


HR planning is an important procedure to determine the current need of HR in the organisation and in Capgemini the required candidate is been chosen by adopting external methods of recruitment and selection and it is been compared with the selection and recruitment process of Infosys which follows internal methods for recruitment and selection.

Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.

Virgin media is the United Kingdom based company that is providing the services related to the broadband, TV and mobile packages etc. the revenue of the organisation in 2012 was approximately more than € 4.050 bn. and profits of the organisation in 2012 was more than € 2.850 that increased to last year. Motivation is the inertia that moves the individual to grow and make him to achieve the organisational goals efficiently and effectively. Motivation level can be described as the willingness of work of the employees and any how level of satisfaction of the employees. Here we have so many motivational theories in HRM and it is the duty of the manager to motivate the workforce to achieve the goals of the organisation efficiently as well as effectively. Motivation can be intrinsic as well as extrinsic. Virgin Media also have adopted the motivation approach to enhance the working level of the employees or we can say to enhance the productivity of the employees. Virgin media uses the Maslow’s need hierarchy for the motivation at the work place. In that theory we have five levels if individual get one he desire for the second and so on. The five levels of the theory are named as

  • Physiological needs,
  • Safety needs,
  • Affection needs,
  • Self- Esteem needs
  • Self-actualisation needs. (Kramar, 2013)

As today we have too much competition in the market the virgin media more focusing on the customer satisfaction that is only possible through when the employees of the organisation will be satisfied with their basic needs that includes the food, cloth and shelter. Than the employees seeks for the stability at the job, and then social belongingness from the society and peer group that can be increased by giving them proper training and development at the work, after that the employee must feel the respect for him/hers self when they will get promoted at work then the last need is personal growth and development that will be helpful in increasing the quality of the work and move the level of the productivity at the mount.

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation.

Job evaluation is the method in the organisation in which we grade the job or find the value of the job this approach is realistic and practical in nature. It includes the different jobs at the virgin media that is to be evaluated. Job evaluation is done in these ways-

  • Job comparison
  • Job classification
  • Point method
  • Factor method.

In ranking method the job is compared with another job at the virgin than evaluated. In grading method the jobs are graded by the authority on the basis of their skills and knowledge. Point method is prominently used for the job evaluation. In this the jobs are evaluated on the basis of occupational as well as responsibility level. In this we determine the each factor on the basis of arithmetic progression. Additionally, the point method is the new approach in the virgin media that they are using, in this they focus on the skills, knowledge, responsibility and efforts made by the employee at the virgin.

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation.

Reward system in the organisation play a very vital role in attracting, retaining and motivating the employees. In virgin media two types of reward system adopted these are intrinsic reward and extrinsic reward. Intrinsic rewards are the, self-administered awards or come from within like- security, recognition and empowerment etc. extrinsic awards are the direct and indirect compensation at the work. Indirect compensation includes personal leaves, vacations, sick leaves and paid leaves whereas the direct compensation includes the basic salary, performance based salary and merit pay etc. human resource are the main factors that helps to achieve the goal of the organisation so for attracting, retaining, and motivation reward system play a foremost role at the virgin media for its effective and efficient working. (Manuele, 2014)

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organisation use to monitor employee performance.

Virgin media has a certain procedure to check the employee’s performance or to check the team’s performance. Virgin media keep vigil eye on its employees by following way-

  • Feedback- Virgin media give feedback to its employees to perform the best in the organisation. Feedback is act as reminder to the brain of the employee. By feedback virgin is able to know the exact condition of what employees are having in their mind and what they feel regarding their work and organisation. (Keegan, 2012)
  • Observation- In this the virgin media generate the basic idea of observation that they are about to observe attitude, behaviour, consistency of employee and safety of the workforce. Managers supervise their employees themselves at the Virgin Media. Things or factors are monitored by the managers, which are causing the lack of growth of the employees.

After these above evaluations the actual performance of the employees are being matched with the standard performance. If these match than it is considered good, if not than employees are encouraged to achieve these standards for the growth of the organisation. (Doyle, et. al., 2012)

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

 As it is stated, in the scenario that the employees have to follow the hand books rules. These rules were have to be followed but Faisal violated such rules at the work, by emailing his wife during work time, watching pornography, helping his daughter in homework and he was found designing his own restaurant at the work time. So, on the basis of his poor performance the owner of the kitchen’s master Bob decided to terminate the Faisal or the cessation of employment of Faisal took place. Because he misused the power he has given, violate all the rules mentioned in employee’s handbook, carelessness towards his duty, floor was not properly cleaned that was effecting the reputation of the kitchen’s master. Initially Bob himself provide assistance to him but all in vain. So finally Bob took the decision of termination of Faisal. (Compton, et. al., 2014)

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice.

Termination of employees took place in two forms voluntary and in voluntary. Voluntary turnover is when the employee himself leaves the organisation like- retirements etc. whereas in involuntary termination is when the employer turns the employee out from work or fire the employee. Chicken master follow a certain procedure to fire the employee. It was fully an involuntary termination done by the employer to the employee. The employee who is about to leave the organisation have to give one month prior notice to the organisation and in case of involuntary cessation of employee the organisation have to give notice to the employee. The employee who is terminated have to give proper reasons as in the case the Bob himself guide him to work but it was not effortful and the reasons were made as poor performance of work and violation of employee’s handbook, other adjustments related to salary and other benefits were made within a certain days that can be one month or one and half month from the termination period.  (Chi, et. al., 2011)

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

Different countries have different rules regarding the employment. In UK the employer makes the termination of the employee because of his/ her poor performance, violation of rules and regulations, misconduct at the work or misbehaviour by the employee etc. The chicken master has to follow the rules regarding the employment. According to the law the employee can terminate the employee only when the there is a certain reason the employee. The termination has to be done in a certain and proper way otherwise legal action can be taken by the employee. As in the given scenario Faisal took the action against the employer. No employee can terminate by the employer on the basis of gender, colour, race and disability. All have equal rights of work at equal pay. If Bob has proved wrong in this case he has to be hiring Faisal again and have to pay compensation amount to him. (Compton, et. al., 2014)


In this report the differentiation is explained between human resource management and personnel management. Other than this the roles and responsibilities are also explained with example for the better understanding. Legal requirements which an organisation have to follow is also discussed. Job evaluation factors and termination of an employment and certain procedure is explained.


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Compton, R.L., Morrissey, W.J. & Nankervis, A.R. 2014,Effective recruitment and selection practices, 6th edn, CCH, North Ryde, NSW. 
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