Unit 38 Business Events Management Assignment

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Unit 38 Business Events Management Assignment
Unit 38 Business Events Management Assignment
Unit 38 Business Events Management Assignment


Business Event Management refers to a concept where detailed study and planning take place for creation an Event. It is basically a complete pre-planning before actual happening of an event. Nowadays, in almost every kind of business whether it is fashion, sport, music etc. Business Events are required. Various kinds of events which take place are music concert, fashion shows, sport event, marathon, tournaments etc .Creation and success of these events requires huge pre-planning and coordination in each and every stage activity of the Event (Bauer, 2012). It is basically a combination of proper planning, coordination and cooperation of all the members of the team.

In this project report, we are planning for a football match event for fund raising for a charitable purpose. Firstly we will start with the detailed planning and analysis of every stage of the activity required for the event. For the creation of this Event, we have planned an inter- school competition. Two schools of city have been selected; whose football teams will take part in this Charity event. Entire work for the creation and happening of the charitable event will be sub divided into different departments and all the department heads will directly report to the Event Director of our Event management Company.The Report consists of various techniques and methods which we are going to apply for operating the Event and there is a complete evaluation of our Proposal. It has been completely taken care that the expenditure required for the creation of the event is low as comparison to the fund rose through it so as to maximise the benefit of our beneficiaries.

Unit 38 Business Events Management Assignment

Task 1(Planning)

Operational outcomes and priorities

The Following are the main objective and priority of the creation and happening of our Event

  • The Event is for the charitable purpose. The entire amount, which, we will raise from the event, will be donated to a charitable organization which works for the children who have cancer. Thereby our main purpose would be to raise more and more fund to help these children.
  • Successful creation of the event with no harm to any of the student taking part in the Football match (Bauer, 2012).
  • Huge participation of all the individuals and associations connected with the Schools for making it a successful event.

Clear sequence of actions that must be completed in order to meet the outcomes

  • Firstly we have to conduct meeting with the various school authorities for approval to take part in the Event. For this we have shortlisted various schools who generally show interest in such kind of event.
  • And then will finalise a ground or stadium, where the event will take place. We will opt for any one of the school ground as to minimize cost (Sonnenberg, et. al 2014).
  • Logistics department will be looking for all the accounting transaction and will prepare budget for the entire event and will prepare report for the same. Their main work would involve deciding ticket price, analysis of various expenditure for the event.
  • Then our marketing department will work for promoting the event. So that maximum person can be gathered for the event. These promotional activities will include dissemination of pamphlets, announcement in schools for encouraging students and their parents to come for the event, selling tickets of the match (Sonnenberg, et. al 2014).
  • Health & Safety team will arrange all the basic medical aid required for the sport and will also arrange for a team of sports physician who will be there for stretching and for any other health issues during match.
  • Entertainment department has to prepare t-shirts & shorts for players. And other activities will include arrangement of few food stalls for the masses. For this we will contact with few independent food stallers who on payment of minimal charges can sell food products during the Match.

Clear timeline/ schedule

For the successful happening of the event and for avoiding any kind chaos/panic, it is very much important to provide series of the action/activities and clear time duration for all the activities which are going to take place for the Event (Sorrentini, et. al 2011).



Start Date

End Date



Event Director

Meetings with School authorities



2 days

Two schools will be finalized who will take part in the Event.


Preparation of budgets and all other numeric terms



2 days

All source of incomes and expenditures will be analyzed


Promotion of the Event& purchase of t-shirts & shorts for players



5 days

Tickets must be sold  and information about Event must be disseminated

Health & Safety

Should arrange atleast two physician and must prepare basic medical aid



3 days

All the necessity must be prepared


Need to arrange chairs and tent and sound system& contact with independent food stallers



3 days

Everything must be arranged timely

Size of your team and the skills they possess

Resources needed
  • Human resources- well efficient and effective person who are knowledgeable about conducting event.
  • Printing of pamphlets & tickets
  • Medical aid equipments
  • Few footballs
  • Arrangement of chairs and proper tent
  • Arrangement of t-shirt & shorts for players with Company’s name printed (Sorrentini, et. al 2011).
Network plan and critical path



Preceding Activity


Event Director












Health and safety








Network plan-

Unit 38 Business Events Management Assignment 

Critical Path-           

Critical path will be A-B-C which is 9 days.

Plan for Successful Completion of the Event-

In this event we have designated a Head known as Event Director who will look for completion of all the set of activities. He will coordinate everyone as per the plan and will motivate everyone (Carroll, 2012).

Quality management techniques

Quality management techniques basically stresses on quality management. Here we have assured that all the services provided by us during the Event are of good quality and we set a benchmark for creating an event.

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Task 2 (Preparation)

Various documents will be made during the entire event.

Firstly we will sign Approval letters with the School authorities for taking their approval on taking part in the Event.A Letter approving that a Football match can be undertaken at the Ground of a school from the head of the Society which will clearly mention that it will cause no harm to the Society or any near neighbourhood and will take permission for the appropriate level of sound pollution that can occur during the Event.Create clear records of communication both internal and external

Internal Communication

Internal communication lies within the team mates. For the smooth communication and understanding between them mainly documents are created those are Event manual and Staff Briefing Document (Carroll, 2012).Event manual is a document required to provide guidance and references to all the staff of the organization. It basically provide all the necessary do’s and don’ts for the Event. It is a very helpful document for completion of all the tasks/activities of an Event. Staff Briefing Document is a set of principles, practices and instructions for the guidance of the staff. These are very useful as it contains all the required set of instruction for the staff members and thereby reduces time used up for briefing and communicating team members.Apart from having internal communication, various measures of documentation are also required to have external communication with outsiders.As in our case we will have to communicate with School Authorities, Students, and Vendors etc. (Carroll, 2012).Demonstrate leadership, effective time management and skills of prioritising and delegating


A leader is an individual who direct and motivate a group of individuals for achievement of common goals/objectives. Leadership basically means possession of leadership traits. There are various leadership traits described by various professionals at different interval of time (Bauer, 2012).A true leader is one who bears following characteristics-Good energy level & stress toleranceHigh confidence level with great enthusiasm High level communication skills & should be able to understand other perspective too.In our Case, we have designated head in each department and an ofverall head known as Event Director. These are basically leaders of our Event, there job, is not only to accomplish activities within time limits but to also take responsibility of the same.Time management nowadays is a very important factor for the completion of any project. Time management helps in timely completion of task and avoids stress that occurs due to non completion of work (Bauer, 2012).Time management simply means to organize all the activities of a project within specified time limits and then to act upon the same. In our Project, we have, clearly distinguished all the activities clearly and has set time limits for its completion. Our activities included from meetings, ground arrangements, printing etc. all these activities have been segregated among all the staff and due duration has been accounted to all of them (Musgrave, 2011).It is always necessary to prioritise the activities according to their importance. This checklist will always help us in focusing more time and effort to that work which are more important than the less important work.Delegating responsibility is another aspect for the success of any objective. The more we delegate responsibilities, the more chances are of timely decision making and timely completion of tasks (Musgrave, 2011).It is a common phenomenon seen that work pressure and stress leads to lot of anxiety and anger within team leaders and staff.This anger act as a hindrance in the smooth working of the activities and thereby delaying completion of activities within stipulated time limits (Niu, 2015).Organise resources to carry out the event or project

All the resources required for the completion of the project or event must be organized in a orderly manner.

Resources required in our project are as follows-

Human resource – Firstly we need a group of individuals who are well educated and groomed regarding the Event Management Course. These individuals will carry out all the activities required for the completion of the Event (Niu, 2015).Sports Equipments- Various Sports Equipment’s will be required for the completion of the Event. These Equipment’s will consist of a set of footballs, net, proper set sports shoes, t-shirt & shorts for the players.Sound systems- Arrangement of proper sound systems would be required to make various announcements during the Match.Basic medical aid- Various medical kits will have to be arranged for the Event.Proper Chairs – For the proper sitting arrangement, we will require number of chairs (Guenthner, 2012).Perform regular reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources Evaluation of the project- the last but the most important task of the project is to evaluate it after end of the project. This process includes meeting with different persons such as organization team, external contractors, client etc. And asking them to prepare de-brief reports.These meetings will help us in analysing what has been done in the event and what are the can be the better ways of doing the same (Guenthner, 2012).Through these meetings, with the help of de-brief reports we take note of experiences, recommendations, advice etc. of all the associated individuals. Not only criticism but these meetings are also conducted for acknowledging good work by team members. These sort of meetings helps in boosting confidence among all.Support and monitor the project Monitoring the project means to observe all the activities or happening during the working in a project. It can be happen in various ways such as observation of work report, reading reports, inspecting the quality of the work and holding review meetings with the staff (Guenthner, 2012).Task 3 (implementation)

After making of the entire plans and strategies, it is time to run the plan as prepared.

We have made proper arrangements for enough staff but also backed up other staff members as well in case if any staff remains absent due to any problem.We contacted our Sound system contractor who installed the system and also contacted tenting to make proper sitting arrangement for the audience. We made proper sitting arrangements (Mahajan, 2010).Than we ensured that proper prizes and trophy for the winner have been arrived at the venue.We contacted all the independent food vendors who are supposed to provide edibles to the audience. But they may also not come thereby we made a backup plan by contacting other edibles vendor who were ready to serve in case we call them.At the entrance gate, we made few decorations to make it look interesting.All the players taking part in the football match was already provided their t-shirts, shorts and sports shoes etc. We than made sure that all the players are well prepared and present for the match.We checked that proper medical kits are in place. And all the required medical things and medicines are in place.Photography was something which just went out of our mind while making checklist thereby we in a hurry called up our Photographer who being available agreed to attend our event.All the players are well on time and they even practise little bit and there is no problem in the clothing or shoes (Mahajan, 2010).Task 4 (Evaluation Report)

A business model which we will use for the evaluation of our Project/ Event will be-

Operational management is very important for charity organization as with the help of these management concepts we can efficiently cover all the activities within an organization in a balanced manner.

In our charitable event, we planned, organized and coordinated every activity in an orderly manner. We planned the activities first than we allocated resources accordingly and worked in an organized manner (Janiesch, et. al 2012).

A process model which have implemented in our Event is firstly Plan, secondly execution, thirdly analyzing. In our project we firstly planned all the major activities and than sub divided further the activities. Secondly we executed the entire plan as per our planning; we divided all the requisite resources and worked for the completion of our project. Than thirdly, we analysed our plan and made notes of the observations and experiences.

One of the biggest problems which come across while conducting a Charity event is minimizing the cost to greater extent but at the same time providing quality services. Since all the earnings from the Event are for charitable purpose therefore cost has to be minimized but this reason adversely affect the happening of the Event.

Few objectives of our charitable event were to collect more and more fund for the welfare of the beneficiaries, to gain publicity for our Event management company, creating awareness about the cancer disease among the masses. All these objectives have substantially helped in making our event successful.

Linear programming basically means a mathematical technique which uses various variables to ascertain certain resultin our case the expenditure and income generated can be two variables used in this linear programming expression.

Critical path analysis refers to various activities which accomplishes a task. All these activities are interred linked with each other. In our project, all our activities starting from meetings of Event management, logistics activities, marketing planning, health& safety activities, entertainment activities etc. are linked with each other.

It is very important to control the activities during a charity event as source of income is for a cause and generally there earning is limited.

Various Corrective actions can be taken like various back up plan has to be made if in case things do not work as planned (Janiesch, et. al 2012).

Clear communication plays a very important role in liaising with the team as all the staff members are well informed about the plan and activities.

Obviously Event plays an important role in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. This event has helped the organization in many ways such as learnt how to manage such a big audience and how to create a sports event.

Conclusions and Recommendations

With the study of this events management, it can be concluded that pre-planning and organizing are two vital aspects for the success of an Event. All the activities to be undertaken for an event must be carefully planned and analysed, this helps in minimizing difficulties in future. And help in happening of the event. Activities should further be sub divided into various sub activities and proper action plan and time schedule should be made (Devine, et. al 2015). Few other traits which should be there in it to be like leadership skills, management skills, communication skills, coordination, cooperation etc. this entire factor immensely contribute for the successful implementation of the plan/project. All the resources which are important for the implementation of the project must be collected and used up tactfully so as to make the output worth. We always also need to carry a backup plan for the completion of the Event because any hindrance or deviation from the current plan can make our Event unsuccessful. An Execution of a plan give its entire staff a different experience of working therefore these observations must be clearly written down as de-brief notes as these are very useful and helpful for the future events and help the staff to improve its working and minimize its cost and increases its profits. All these factors contribute for the completion of the Project/Event (Devine, et. al 2015).


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