Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment - Hilton Hotel

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Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment - Hilton Hotel
Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment - Hilton Hotel
Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment - Hilton Hotel


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Human Resource Management Service Industry - Hilton Hotel

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Level 4


Human resource management is all about managing the human resources of an organisation in such a way that optimum or rather maximum utilisation of the same can be ensured. The following Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment Hilton Hotel mostly deals with the human resource management of one of the famous hotels in London which is popularly known as the Hilton Hotel Stratford. The assignment further deals with important functions of the human resource management such as the human resource planning, recruitment and selection processes, training and development, etc. of the Hilton Hotel. A comparison between the selection process of the hotel inducts has also been with that of the Airlines industry in order to widen the knowledge and information reading the selection processes adopted by different service industries.

Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment Hilton Hotel - Assignment Help UK

Task 1

1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

Hospitality sector consists of huge range of business namely hotel, restaurants, food centers etc .the main aim is to provide sufficient services to the consumers and for this it is required to recruit ample amount of people. The most priceless asset of Hilton being the human resource department. The department of HR is also known as administration which is related to employee activities. The main role of HR department is to provide proper sustenance in a way of freeing the management.( Guest,,2011)

  • Concerning employment: The main purpose of Hilton being a newly chain of hotel is serve the needs of the people. The main purpose of the HR department is to recruit employees which will service as a boon for the hotel, it is the prior responsibility of the HR to properly look after the wage policy so that they people recruited should be paid accordingly
  • Mentoring: It is the prime role of the HR department to increase the morale of each employee who are working, for this the HR managers has to plan the career growth for each staffs present
  • Protection: In hospitality industry, providing adequate protection is the sole role of the HR manger .it is important that the Hr manager properly abides by the laws set the government of UK. it mainly includes working hours , depicting proper shift work , proper allowances for overtime workers etc .
  • Strategic level: HR manager being the people manager is all in all , it is his duty to plan everything strategically . it is the HR manger who is responsibility for looking at the overall costs

The key concerns of an Hr at Hilton Hotel:

  • Motivating employee: As a HR of the hotel Hilton it will be prime responsibility to motivate the staffs, by arranging several extra circular activities, proving enough room for training etc.
  • Involvement in Decision making process : The primary responsibility of the HR is to make the employee comfortable for this, the HR manager has to engage the staffs to participate in the decision making methods. This will not only help the employees in proper and efficient work but also boosting their inner morale
  • Responsibility of the employees and the company : It is the HR manager who will need to understand that ,the main  focus should be the guests , they need to cater the societal responsibilities and make the guess comfortable by providing proper services when and s necessary .

Different roles of HR:

As an executive: this is the role of people engagement role

  • Auditor: this is related in scrutinising the policies relating to appraisal, safety measures, training etc .
  • Facilitator: it related in providing proper and areas focus training to individual employee
  • Consultant: it deals with management of difficult situations
  • Service provider: it is HR who takes up awareness relating to safety and different management levels.

1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

Human Resource Planning: The main purpose of such planning is to properly recognize the need of human resource management on its present and future scenario. HRP is an association which tends to bind the management with the overall organisation. Being a human resource manager of newly formed Hilton, it is my responsibility to carefully look into factors which are affecting the demand and supply

For a concrete plan it is important to identify certain aspects:

  • Scrutinizing the objectives of the organisation
  • Accounting for present human resource
  • Demand and supply forecasting
  • Estimating  the  gap
  • Action plan
  • Evaluation, controlling.

Demand Forecasting: Demand fore casting refers to different factors which mainly includes many factors internally and externally. The external factor is mainly the government laws, the climatic factor, the economic structure, and other policies. While the internal aspects can be defined as the limitation of budget, production of new products, and the structure of an organisation and employee cessation. There are certain methods for forecasting such methods of demand;

  • Work study technique : it is one of the most important methods , where the estimated time is being calculated over the work load given , giving a clear picture of the amount of load given
  • Delphi model: under this methods, the human resource manager takes into account the importance of human employee and the need for such human staffs in an organisation .
  • Ratio trend analysis: it in process, it is being estimation on the basis of production and the number of employees available.( Kapiki,2012).

Supply forecasting: It comes after demand forecasting which implies that whether it is possible for the management to acquire the predicted number of employees as predetermined. It generally measures the amount of people who will be available outside and within the organisation. It mainly specifies on the reduction of any wastage, providing extra allowances for absenteeism etc. There are several methods under supply forecasting:

  • Labour wastage focus : this process mainly focus that there should be any war age on the employees training
  • Inventory relating to experience ,values etc : it mainly relates with the skills , experience , the age , the
  • Competency model : this process mainly focuses on the skills and behaviour each staff possess
  • Tabling the staffs: it gives a clear and transparent examination of each employee on the basis of their skills, behaviour etc.

In UK, the demand for hotel industry has always been booming and it still is, over the next 2 years due to its high demand and supply, there is an flourishing amount of investment in this hospitality sector. As per report the amount of growth in hotel industry has been recorded to about 4.6%  in 2015ad is exp4ect to increase of about 4.4% in 2016.

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Task 2

2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations for the Hotel industry

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Hospitality industry is one the most flourishing industries which are taking a front seat since ages , due to its high demand in this sector of travel and tourism industry , the hospitality industry is thriving a lot . Being a human resource manager at the hotel Hilton , Stratford , I have to take in account certain factors which is necessary for my newly formed hotel. The present scenario of employment can be determined by certain factors which are:

  • Unionisation: it is method of classifying employees of any organisation into a union of labour which acts an conciliator between the employees and the higher authority. Being a human resource manager I have to take care of such situation if it arises.
  • Culture: hotel industry recruits huge amount of manpower, because it is important to maintain each and every minute thing, so as a HR manager it is my prime responsibility to properly maintain a serene culture, which will make my guests comfortable. In this context I have to well acknowledge about the policies relating to planning, proper abiding of rules, the commitment it involves. Etc
  • Collective bargaining: It is the arbitration process where the trade union being a representative of all the group of employees tends to bargains. It is generally held between the workers and their management team. As a HR manager I have to take a distinctive check that of my staffs are being paid according to their job and there is no such confusion of collective bargaining. For example: it should taken in note that in 2013 , there were 182 contract where about 5.54,000 employees are under the direct pay contract of the employers and 6,36,000 were covered by the government . (Boxall, Purcell,2011)
  • Trade Unions: They are the persons who serve as an reconciliatory person in solving the issues relating to compensation, etc to the employees. There are mainly different types of trade union name :
  • ATL: It is a renowned union in UK which tends to sustain around 20, 000 staffs all across UK , it mainly comprises of all professional people who are employed in the fields of education , teaching bodies , librarians , etc .
  • Trade Union Congress (TUC): It is British’s largest union organisation which covers around 5.6 million members which is being represented by UNISON. This TUC is being spreading almost all over the world, helping people whenever any situation arises.

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  • Reconciliation: Being a HR manager of Hilton, it is important to maintain the key accounts. It is very important to properly identify that the amount of money which is being leaving from an account should tally with the amount spent (Ling, Nasurdin,,2010).In this regard it is very important to take into note ACAS or Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, which is a renowned organisation for resolving employment argument.

Grievance procedure: It is very important to resolve any kind of grievance , which any staffs or employee are facing , so being the HR manger of Hilton , I have to it keen account that my staffs doesn’t holds back any kind of injustice which is being done to them. For this it involves certain procedures like:

  • Conveying to the employer either by writing or face to face
  • The next comes appealing to the employer and explaining the reasons of non – agreement of such grievance

Other processes being:

  • Mediation: it is confidential method which is done with the employers and employee where the grievances are being sought on their own.
  • Tribunal claim: it is form of legal procedure which is lesser formal, where an employer can challenge the decision given by the court
  • Citizen Advice Bureaux : It is a free advice which is being given independently and without being impartial to the employees.

2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business.

Hilton hotel being a newly formed , it should always look at the employment law and the effect it can lay on the employees , so as a HR Manager I have to look through what are the important points which it have to abide by and follow it . The As per the employment Act 1996, it specifies that employees should be protected from their basic employment. This act stresses mainly on :

Rules relating to wages:

  • Under this, it is mandatory that to pay the worker on a compulsory basis, and
  • it also eradicates any kind of unauthorised deductions in wages.
  • It also specifies that if any worker is working in any Sunday that should be arranged specifying the amount of wages per hour.

Rules relating to work time

  • Under this there should problem flexible working time that should be mentioned,
  • It specifically lays down the idea that staffs should be given proper paid holiday.
  • In such hotel industry it is compulsory that the employees are required to take some time out and engage in their own needs like training, maternity care for women etc.
  • Substantial leave for women during child birth .( Brotherton,2012).

Rules relating to laying off

  • There should a fair law of providing equal amount of compensation to the staffs.
  • Employers are required to make proper payment in relation to employee turnover.

Rules relating to health and safety

  • It is very important that the health and safety factors of the employees should be taken into consideration
  • Proper hygiene for the employees.
  • In hotel industry it is mandatory to  organization safeguarding  the guest’s health , but at the same time it is important to take into account employees health and safety .
  • For example :one of the most serious issues which happens in a hotel industry is the outbreak of sudden fire caused by kitchen or any other appliances , in such scenario it is important to take certain safety measureslike free exits , modern equipments etc
  • In UK, the health and safety laws are changing, as per the Act of health and safety it is important to that the persons working in hotel industry should take care of the things which will tend to injure. it is also important that the handling of heavy baggage’sshould be made by making proper arrangements .

Task 3

3.1 Discuss a job description and person specification for a hotel industry job

Job analysis which is sometimes referred to as work analysis can be briefly described as combination of various procedures which helps in the identification of all the activities related to the job as well as the attributes which are required by the personnel in order to perform the job effectively and efficiently. It also proves to be helpful for the organisations in determining the most suitable candidate for the available job vacancies. One of the major purposes of the job analysis is to prepare proper job descriptions and job specifications for the employment of the right workforce (Ployhart, Van Iddekinge and MacKenzie, 2011). The following diagram provides an insight regarding the two important components of job analysis that is – Job Description and Job Specification-

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  • Job description – It is a written statement regarding a particular job within an organisation which is mostly based on the findings or the outcomes of the process of job analysis. It is mostly inclusive of the purpose, duties, scope, responsibilities as well as the working conditions which are regarding a particular job. It helps both the interviewer as well as the interviewee to develop an understanding regarding the nitty-gritties of the specific job under consideration (Buller and McEvoy, 2012).
  • Job specification – It is also a written statement which is mostly concerned with the information regarding the educational qualifications, the experience level, specific qualities as well as other responsibilities related to the job. It brief it can be said that the job specifications helps to define the aspects that must be possessed by the candidates in order to get selected for that particular job.

Job Description of the position of the Banquet manager in the Hotel Hilton has been provided below –

Job Description of the position of the Banquet manager - Assignment Help UK

Job Specification of the position of the Banquet manager in the Hotel Hilton has been provided below –

  • Should have a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in Hotel Management
  • 2-3 years of experience in the relevant field
  • Must possess good interpersonal skills
  • Must have the knowledge of multilingual languages
  • Must have good communication skills and must be empathetic as well
  • Must have an appealing personality

3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

Selection can be defined as the process of choosing the most appropriate candidate from the pool of eligible candidates for the available job vacancies within the organizations. It is mostly considered to be a negative process as it eliminates the candidates who are not considered to the best fit for the organization by the interviewers or the members of the selection committee (Mathis and Jackson, 2011).  The steps involved in the selection process can be shown in the following diagram –

The selection process of the different service industry is similar but not the same as the job requirements as well as the qualities or characteristics required for the job are also different. For example one of the famous names in the Airline industry, the British Airways closely monitors the entire process of recruitment and selection of their staff as they believe in investing in people. The assessment or the selection process of the British Airways involves the following steps –

  • Group Exercises – It helps to judge the team working capabilities of an individual. It also helps to find out whether or not the person is able to communicate with his or her team members or not.
  • Interviews – It mostly consists of tricky as well as stressful questions in order to identify the stress handling capabilities of the interviewee and even provides information regarding the skills and the knowledge possessed by the interviewee.
  • Psychometric tests – Such skills usually focuses on the numerical as well as the verbal ability of the individuals. It is mostly an aptitude test used for judging the decision making capabilities of the interviewee (Chang, Gong and Shum, 2011).
  • Interpersonal Skills – It helps to find out about the communication skills as well as the presentation capabilities of the human beings.
  • Role plays – Such role plays mostly has one of the interviewers acting as the client and the interviewee is asked to handle the client.
  • Testing Methods – It may include general intelligence tests, special aptitude tests, trainability as well as attainable tests, performance or personality tests, etc. in order to judge the personal capabilities of the candidates.
  • Criminal Record Checks – It is an essential part of the selection process and is done out of the safety and the security concerns related to the mankind.

On the other hand the selection process of the hotel industry and the Hotel Hilton In general includes the following steps –

  • Written Test – the written tests usually consists of the following –
  1. Reasoning as well as logical assessment
  2. Scientific aptitude as well as numerical ability
  3. Language paper
  4. Aptitude regarding the service sector
  5. General knowledge
  6. Specialisation knowledge
  • Group Discussion – It mostly helps to judge the communication abilities of the candidates as well as the knowledge of the interviewee reading the diverse fields associated with the hotel industry.

Task 4

4.1 Assess the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of a selected service industry business

Training and development is considered to an important function of the human resource management which is mostly concerned with improving the performance of the employees of the concerned organization. It is even sometimes considered to be educational process which helps to improve the concepts, sharpen the skills, brings about a change in the attitude or the personalities and also helps to enhance the knowledge of the employees regarding the  various aspects  which are essential for improving the performance of the organisation as a whole. The entire cycle of the training process can be shown in the following diagram –

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The difference between training and development lies in the fact that while training is an activity which is mostly focussed on and is also evaluated against the job or the position that is held by an individual currently. On the other hand development is an activity which is mostly focussed upon the efforts or the activities that may be or will be undertaken by the organisations in the future as per the changing requirements of the same and in order to implement the necessary changes successfully (Beier and Kanfer, 2010). In order to ensure the success of the training and the development programs it is very imperative to first assess or rather analyse the needs of the concerned organisation. The different steps involved in the training can be seen in the diagram provided below –

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The different types of training which is essential for the Hotel Hilton can be described in detail as follows –

  • Technological Training – This type of training is provided to the employees in order to make them aware reading the various new and advances technologies which will be adopted by the organisation to ensure delightful experiences of the customers.
  • Skills training – Such training is provided to the service personnel in order improve their proficiencies regarding the job which they are performing.
  • Soft skills or Interpersonal skills – In the service industry it is very important to have good communication skills in order to attract as well as retain the customers by providing them with theory expected services.
  • Problem solving training – It is very essential especially of the employees of the hotel industry because they have to come across a number of issues or problems on a daily basis in dealing with the customers or rather having a direct interaction with the customers. It is very difficult to meet the expectations of the customers as well as to handle their doubts and also to provide flexible solutions to their problems.
  • Professional Training – This type of training is essential in order to bring about a change in the attitude as well as the behaviour of the employees and it also them to be more professional in their approach towards dealing with the clients or the casters.
  • Team Training – Working in teams helps to improve the inter personal as well as the intrapersonal relationships of the employees working within the organisation. Employees must be adequately trained regarding the same in order to minimise the chance of conflicts and other problems associated with the team (Bloom and Van Reenen, 2011).
  • Safety Training – This type of training helps to guard against the accidents or other injuries as well as many such issues regarding the health safety and the security of the employees as well as the customers in general. It helps to train the employees regarding the concept of first aid, protection form fire, etc. 
  • Managerial Training – It can be considered to be a significant part of the succession planning of an organisation. It is mostly provided to the experienced employees who are a part of the organisation for a significant period of time.
  • Leadership Training – It is also essential for the organisation to have or develop an authentic leader for the organisation who can influence the other employees in order to achieve the desired goals of the organisation.

The different types of methods involved in training and development process includes –

  • On the job training methods – This type of training is usually provided to the new joiners, freshers or the inexperienced employees so that they can observe the job performance of their superiors or seniors and can try and imitate their performances. It is mostly performed within the boundaries of the organisation. On the job training methods include – coaching, mentoring, job instruction technique, apprenticeships or assistantships, internships, etc.
  • Off the job Training methods – This type of training is mostly conducted outside the organisation in place where full concentration can be devoted towards the process of learning and where there will be freedom of expression as well. These types of training methods include – lectures, vestibule training, simulation exercises, transactional training, sensitivity training, etc.

Simulation exercises and sensitivity training is very essential for understanding the attitude and the organizational behavior of different employees within the organization and also facilitates team building within the organization. It helps to build strong bond within the employees of the organization and also ensures healthy work environment which ultimately motivates the employees to work harder towards achieving the desires and the objectives of the organization (Jiang et al., 2012). Various benefits are provided by the process of training and development both to the organizations as well as the individual employees. Some of the benefits are listed below –

  • It helps to improve the performance of the employees
  • It helps to increase the productivity of the organisation
  • It helps to motivate the employees and ensures their loyalty towards the organisation as well
  • Satisfied employees also works harder towards meeting the desires as well as the objectives of the organisation
  • Ensures the development of the skills of the employees which ultimately leads to career growth and job satisfaction as well

Hence it can be said that training and development programs will help to improve the performance of the service personnel of Hilton Hotel and will also be helpful in fulfilling the ultimate objective of the organization which is that or customers satisfaction.

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Hotel industry is one of the most profitable industries of the world and even has huge potential of growth on the future as well. As the human resources is a significant part of the hotel industry hence it is important for the management or the owners of the hotel Hilton to ensure the satisfaction of the employees in order to derive the desired results from them and to ensure customer satisfaction as well. Moreover effective training and development programs are essential for improving the performance of the service personnel which indeed will help to meet the changing demands and the preferences of the customers.


Beier, M.E. and Kanfer, R., 2010. Motivation in training and development: A phase perspective. Learning, training, and development in organizations, pp.65-97.
Bloom, N. and Van Reenen, J., 2011. Human resource management and productivity. Handbook of labor economics4, pp.1697-1767.
Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011. Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan.
Brotherton, B. ed., (2012). International Hospitality Industry. Routledge.
Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight. Human resource management review22(1), pp.43-56.
Chang, S., Gong, Y. and Shum, C., 2011. Promoting innovation in hospitality companies through human resource management practices. International Journal of Hospitality Management30(4), pp.812-818.
Guest, D.E., (2011). Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers. Human Resource Management Journal21(1), pp.3-13.
Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Hu, J. and Baer, J.C., 2012. How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms. Academy of management Journal,55(6), pp.1264-1294.
Kapiki, S.T., 2012. Current and Future Trends in Travel and Tourism and Hospitality: The Case of Greece. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories2(1).
Ling, T.C. and Nasurdin, A.M., 2010. Human resource management practices and organizational innovation: An empirical study in Malaysia.Journal of Applied Business Research26(4), p.105.
Mathis, R.L. and Jackson, J., 2011. Human resource management: Essential perspectives. Cengage Lear

The following Human Resource Management Service Industry Assignment Hilton Hotel mostly deals with the human resource management of one of the famous hotels in London which is popularly known as the Hilton Hotel Stratford, Locus Assignment Help in UK posting units solutions so scholars can explore  Assignment Help UK  and get review the quality of our work.