Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Nestle

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Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Nestle
Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Nestle
Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Nestle


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Nestle

QFC Level

Level 4


Human research development is usually a study of developing the qualities and talent of an individual to develop them or prepare them for the position of the job. It is usually practiced by the human resource management team of the company. The study of human resource development involves huge conceptual and practical knowledge. This study will examine the different leadership styles and learning theories. The study will also demonstrate the role of learning curve and significance of transferring learning to the workplace. It will also outline the ways to develop a training program that Nestle has implemented. The report will also highlight the company training and development policy and will also examine how an accurate training program is important for the success of an organization.         

Task 1


The understanding capacity of both the genders is very different and that also differs in majority of the human beings. People react differently over a same situation and thus the mode of learning differs from one person to another (Bashir, 2009). In the current workplace situation around the world, training sessions and learning environment has become important for the success of the organization. It is now essential to provide training sessions for maintaining and developing the capabilities of the employees in the workplace.  


Learning of anything can be term as having the concepts of information and knowledge, skills and behaviors and preferences. Learning deals with the three most important questions, i.e. what, how, and why (Bashir, 2009). Numerous experts have given their views regarding the learning styles. The comparison between two most famous leadership styles is provided below:

Kolb’s learning styles:

David Kolb proposed learning styles are termed as the most influential learning style. He stated that people usually follows four stage learning styles. This four stage learning stages are as follows:

The learning cycle, UK Assignment writing service

Diverging learning style: This style is mentioned for those who have the style of observing anything rather than doing it immediately (Maurer and Gonon, 2014).

Assimilating learning styles: People with this styles love to follow the conceptual and logical knowledge. These people tend to focus on concepts rather than noticing the results it gave to the people.  

Converging learning style: people with this leadership style have faiths in practical works and results.

Accommodating learning styles: individuals with this learning style follow their inner feelings.   

Honey and Mumford’s Style:

  • Activists learning style: people with this style like to experience new things and didn’t think about the consequences.
  • Reflectors learning style: This leadership style individual collect data from all possible sources and after examining them comes to any conclusion.
  • Theorist learning styles: these peoples tend to formulate and create new theories from their own experiences (Maurer and Gonon, 2014).
  • Pragmatics learning styles: these people like to implement ideas that have never been implemented in real world.    

Learning curve always has its impact during the total learning process as it portrays the track record of the performance of the leaders. Though it does not shows influences if it is not implemented in the workplace.

Role of Learning curve: Nestle learning curve is represented in the geographical representation. The graph portrays the increase and decrease in learning of the individual in accordance to his or her experience. Learning tool of the company has emerged as great technique in availing the impact of any training program. It is to find the abilities of the learners and also to find the resource recruitment planning.     

Importance of learning curve: Learning curve is developed to arrange the learning sessions for the staffs. Organizations spend time and resourcesto train their staffs for gaining competitive advantage. Learning curve of Nestle helps in adding value to the corporation (Maurer and Gonon, 2014). Learning curve also helps in overcoming the challenges and proper utilization of funding.   


The practical knowledge regarding the various learning styles as well as learning theories are quite more vital for various type of learning event framing as this much of a psychological job which is described in the following:

As per Case:

  • Mr. A is a teacher
  • Mr. B is a doctor
  • Mr. C is a policeman
  • Mr. D is a banker

If the manager assumes like a learning event designer and executor, then firstly he have to consider regarding their originality. What type of learning they require as well as their recent portion of work and at the same time their capable further functions in their particular jobs should the first concerning point. After that the manager requires to understand how humans act as well as how their minds perform and at the same time the performance of past qualification they conducted. This will guide and support them to know the thinking of the learner. Then the manager should collect deep understanding regarding the learning styles and theories. And on the basis of the originalityand requirement of the learners they should frame a learning event. After this, the manager should arrange the performances, as well as materials, related to learning according to the learning which manager has selected. 

In the given case in the above Mr. A, Mr. B, Mr. C, Mr. D has distinct backgrounds as well as distinct requirements of leanings. They may conduct distinct pas qualification and knowledge along with this may have distinct psychologies. Thus, if the manager has the excellent information and experience of the learning theories as well learning styles then the manager particularly will not be able to frame an efficient and successful learning event.

Task 2



Training has been essential part of Nestle Company from the top level management to bottom level workers. Company provides continuous training to develop the abilities of its employees. The company has its operations of training for all level of employees.

  • Local training programs: almost two-thirds of the workers of Nestle works in the factories and the company gives regular training to meet its daily needs (Noe, 2007). This is to meet difficult issues that range from technical, leadership and business economics.     
  • International Training: At the international conference center of the company that is based in Switzerland, top level management meet from all over the world to exchange information and business strategy

Nestle develops its training method in the workplace according to its budget and market examination. Some of the methods used by Nestle are provided below:

  • Classroom method: Under this method, the staffs are asked to get attend in a classroom and one of the seniors gives lectures about the projects and objectives that need to be completed. The major advantage of this method is that Nestle can conduct the training for a large number of employees at a time (Balakrishnan and Srividhya, 2007). It is also very cost affective. The major disadvantage of this method is that it is only for theoretical perspective and cannot be done for practical examples.
  • Practical training method: This method needs a practical field to get conveyed and the workplaces of Nestle have space to provide practical training method. The major advantage of this method is that it is best for the production department of Nestle. It is also very beneficial in encouraging the staffs regarding the practical work. Learners can also ask questions as they will be having training in practical field. The major disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be applied in the management level as at there is something more required than just the practical reality.
  • Mixed training method: this method contains all the possible training methods that need to be train and develop the workers. The mixed training method of Nestle is very suitable and influential to it as the company has different departments and different layers in all those departments. As the company has implemented this approach, it is now easier for the company to train and develop their workers (Balakrishnan and Srividhya, 2007). The major disadvantage of this method is that it is usually very costly. It is also very time consuming and it sometimes also lead to unnecessary involvement of the workers.  

Systematic approach of Nestle is prepared for its systematic stages that come one after another (Balakrishnan and Srividhya, 2007). Systematic approach of any company is mainly a rational approach that starts from finding the aim and objective of the organization and after certain stage it finishes the approach of the training program. The training event of Nestle is provided below:

  • Stage 1: corporation aim and objective: The foremost motive of Nestle is to become a leader in the market with effective marketing management and cost minimization. Nestle has developed a comprehensive product line to gain advantages in the market.
  • Stage 2: Preparation of training: In this stage, Nestle identifies its production department and makes them more efficient.
  • Stage 3: Designing training strategy: Nestle has developed a demonstrative training strategy for its workers in the production department so that it can be run efficiently.
  • Stage 4: Implementation of the training program: After getting success in all the above stages, Nestle after that implement the training sessions or programs for its employees.    

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Task 3



There are various techniques of evaluation and success of training is the most important factor in accomplishing and fulfilling the goals of training. Evaluating the training programs simply describes the calculating the efficiency of the executed training program. There are several ways for evaluating the training programs(Balakrishnan and Srividhya, 2007).The main aim and goal of the evaluation are actually measuring that if the training was really effective for executing or not and at the same to measure that is the performance of the staffs developed and improved or not. For Nestle, it is quite essential for evaluating mainly two training programs executed. Due to this cause, the human resource manager of Nestle organization planned a strategy for evaluating the training. The human resource manager firstly verified the entire training session and then the manager collect date of the worker’s past functioning and performance along with this historical data.

After all these, the manager then planned to identify the workers for three weeks for assessing the development and the in the meantime the managerplanned to accumulate feedback through the players of the training program. For the accumulation of the feedback, the manager designed several questions and along with this planned to communicate with the workers respectively(Bashir, 2009). Then the human resource manager designed his group of evaluation as well as describes the plan to them briefly and the entire team ready to begin the processes of evaluation.


Evaluation of a training event is actually the practical stage which is adopted by the human resource team for the evaluation process. In this factor, the human resource team reflects the entire feedbacks in the following:

  • Reaction and satisfaction of the players: This is the instant valuation of the employees in the training programs. The manager identifies the instant reaction of the employees as well as seek to understand if the training session was successful or not(Bennett, 2003). The human resource group of Nestle Company finds the excellent reaction from the training programs.
  • Knowledge Achievement: It is the material about feedback for the human resource group. The human resource group of Nestle Company calculates the amount of knowledge through instant questions and the reaction process and that was horde much communicative as well as much trainee participated along with this their gestures was also excellent(Bhattacharyya, 2009). Thus the human resource group of Nestle Company considers the amount of knowledge accomplishment amount is quite excellent.
  • Interactive Application: It was the result of the training session. The entire process as well as the behavior of the trainee modified and at the same time the development was noticeable(Briggs and Whalen, 2010). The Nestle Company is quite more gratified to observe this development and growth.
  • Assessable Business Development: This is the last stage of the evaluation of training event, the Nestle Company measure up the outcome collected from the training session through the past established standard(Gayet and Revel, 2010). Nestle Company observes it quite inspiring as well as the gratification of the outcomes collected. So the company is on the edge for setting up new objectives maximum than the past one.
  • The human resource team of Nestle Company adopted mainly fourprocesses in order to evaluate the two training programs(Funnell, 2014). Before begins, the process of evaluation the manager describes everything regarding this with his group members. The manager also discusses the advantages of the each method respectively to his team member in the following:
  • Reaction and satisfaction of the players are actually a psychosomatic process and at the same time, it clarifies the internal feelings and emotions of the employees’regarding the session they performed.
  • The training session was adopted for developing the people personal talents and it is actually associated directly along with the achievement of knowledge(Green and South, 2006). Thus, it must be calculated for identifying a huge image of the effects of the training.
  • Interactive Application is simply a tool for understanding the individual’s development and so it is involved in the process of evaluation thus functions effectively.
  • The exact objective was to develop the business result(Grieves, 2003). Thus the manager gathered past information and then compared that along with the new information that wascollected by identification.

Task 4



The government is the most important as well as the essential personality of the UK that helped and at the same time supported the Nestle Company effectively to a great extent. The Government of UK has the potentiality for doing much excellent and effective guidance than any other financial company or institution owned by the private company(Werner and DeSimone, 2006). As a role of supreme personality of UK, the authority has the most important role improving its subjects as well as it is spending well. The performance of UK government in training, development and lifelong learning is quite crucial and the main spending of the authorityis discussed in the followings:

  • Producing a community rule: UK government has the potentiality to reach everywhere, with the help of its different charges it can recruit a phenomenon for generating a mutual tradition between the community that will support them to develop and improve them.
  • Prepare a Human Resource Policy for community: The authority of UK can prepare a Human Resource Development Policy for every people, community and also support to develop the potentiality of their citizens(Sims and Quatro, 2005).
  • Distribute Fund: Authority of UK can provide the fund for Human Resource Development in both public sector and private sector(Maurer and Gonon, 2014). Basically, the authority across the globe gives fund to develop and improve its employees of the state. As per policy of government and requirement they can provide to the private section as well.
  • Endorse Human Resource Development Training: Authority of UK can support development as well as training by endorsing Human Resource training for everyone(Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2006). It can be performed with the help of inclusion of a strong program of Human Resource Development in the National Curricula.
  • Framing Innovative Work Surroundings: Through giving innovative working surroundings the authority can support in establishing the entire potentiality of the communities(Knowles, Holton and Swanson, 2005). It can be executed through passing a rule that contains the rights of the workers as well as violation punishment.

Competency can be referred as the potentiality for achieving any provided job. This potentiality needs few other talents, experiences as well as qualifications that are the requirements to complete a job successfully(Horton, Hondeghem and Farnham, 2002). The conception of competency can be known through the sequences in the following:

  • Beginners- They are those who do not have any past knowledge.
  • Experienced- They are those who conducted the primary qualification of the job.
  • Practitioners- Theyare those who work with primary qualification for a lineage time period.
  • QualifiedPractitioners- They are those who collected entire necessary knowledge of the subject matter and still not reached the expert stage(Sengupta and Sahoo, 2006).
  • Experts- They are those who normally become capable in the subject as well as established a complete understanding of the job.

The private sectors, as well as public sectors, are inspired with the help of competency undertaking. Previously, this competency knowledge was not hugely distributed(Mankin, 2009). Through the way of time, it becomes a matter of great discussion, as well as the quality of competencies, become a mutual conversation between the specialists. In the public sector, the competency of the public domestic becomes a subject of consideration. In order to maintain competitive advantages, the private sector acknowledges a maximum competency quality and because of this they provide lump sum income for the competent people(Mathis and Jackson, 2003).            


The government and supreme figure of UK have various proposals and scheme regarding Human Resource Development(Morse, 2010). The institutions of government of UK that observe in this subject are given in the following:

  • Department of Skill and Education
  • Department of Trade and Industry
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Pension and work

The services delivered by the agencies to its own companies are given in the following:

  • Preparing quality labor force of particular sector through National Vocational Knowledge.
  • Delivering talents for Business Network through Sector Services Council.
  • Preparing qualified laborforce for the company through the help of the University of Industry.
  • Assuring excellent practice of labor through the Investors in Publics Quality.

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From the above analysis it has been found that the main aim and goal of the evaluation is actually measuring that if the training was really effective for executing or not and at the same to measure that is the performance of the staffs developed and improved or not(Noe, 2007). For Nestle, it is quite essential for evaluating mainly two training programs executed. Due to this cause, the human resource manager of Nestle organization planned a strategy for evaluating the training. It has been also found that for the accumulation of the feedback, the manager designed several questions and along with this planned to communicate with the workers respectively. Then the human resource manager designed his group of evaluation as well as describes the plan to them briefly and the entire team ready to begin the processes of evaluation.


Balakrishnan, L. and Srividhya, S. (2007). Human resource development. Mumbai: Himalaya Pub. House.
Bashir, S. (2009). Developing the workforce, shaping the future. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Bennett, J. (2003). Evaluation methods in research. London: Continuum.
Bhattacharyya, D. (2009). Human resource development. Mumbai: Himalaya Pub. House.
Briggs, V. and Whalen, C. (2010). Human resource economics and public policy. Kalamazoo, Mich.: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
Funnell, P. (2014). Team training. London, England: Orion Children's.
Gayet, J. and Revel, E. (2010). Business development. Paris: Eyrolles.
Green, J. and South, J. (2006). Evaluation. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press.
Grieves, J. (2003). Strategic human resource development. London: Sage Publications.
Horton, S., Hondeghem, A. and Farnham, D. (2002). Competency management in the public sector. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Kirkpatrick, D. and Kirkpatrick, J. (2006). Evaluating training programs. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.
Knowles, M., Holton, E. and Swanson, R. (2005). The adult learner. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Mankin, D. (2009). Human resource development. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mathis, R. and Jackson, J. (2003). Human resource management. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-western.