Unit 18 Assignment on Human Resource Development

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Unit 18 Assignment on Human Resource Development
Unit 18 Assignment on Human Resource Development
Unit 18 Assignment on Human Resource Development


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 Human Resource Development

QFC Level

Level 5


The following assignment is based on the human resource development that concentrates on the understanding of the styles of learning that would help the staffs of the organization to provide quality work in the organization. Human resource development assignment also focuses on the training and development of the employees in the origination that would further increase the scope of a better work being performed by the people working in the job sector. It is to be observed that the development of the human resource in any organization is a very important thing to do. It is because it is the human resource on which the entire working in the organization depends on. The working of the human resource in the organization signifies the amount of fresh work that is being done. It is the work that enhances the reputation and the status of the organization. The assignment also concentrates on the planning of the training processes and the skills that would help the organization to perform in a right manner. It further put emphasis on the government led skills development that would help to build the employees in the organization to produce productive work in the organization. Therefore, it could be clearly stated that the better the  human resource  in an organization the more productive work could be performed by the organization to build a good reputation in the market.

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L01 Understanding of learning styles and theories: (refer to ppt)

1.1 Comparing of different learning styles

There are different learning styles that are available for the employees and the organization could follow such as:

  • Kolb learning style that focuses on the four factors that includes the planning of the work that is followed by the doing of the work, the reflection that is received from the work and the conclusion of the work.
  • VAK model is another type of learning style that includes factors such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic styles that would help the employees to perform well in the organization by following the styles that are described.
  • The learning style of honey and Mumford that reflects on the learning style that was described by Kolb and which is widely used in the organizations of UK.

Following these learning styles would help the employees to perform quality work in the work place that would further help the organization to earn the maximum return of scales. This would further help the organization to develop a good human resource in the work sector.

1.2 Explaining the role of the learning curve and its importance in the workplace

The learning curve is referred to a graphical representation that indicates the learning experience of the individual that helps the individual to understand the progress report of the individual. It could be understood in two ways that includes the time period of learning of the individual or when a similar job is performed by the individual.

The importance of the learning curve in the work place is as follows:

  • Make the employee aware of the progress report of the work that he is performing in the organization
  • Assurance of the employee that whether the employee is depleting in the working or the quality of the working is increasing
  • Helps to judge the working of the employee in the organization by the management

The progress report helps to understand the increase and the decrease quality of the work that is performed by the employee in the organization. Moreover, it helps the organization to make the correct judgment of the employee’s work by noticing the progress report of the work that is being performed by him in the organization. It is with the increase of the quality of the work of the employee in the organization, it would help the employee to earn the profit by making a promotion in the organization. On the other hand, it would further help the employee to gain the confidence to do the work in a more appropriate manner.

1.3 Assessing the contribution of learning styles and theories

The contribution that the learning theories and styles have on the employees in the work place is that the employees tend to adopt the correct form of working in the organization that enables the employees to perform quality work in the organization. Moreover, it further encourages the employees to work in the organization with full potential such that the employees could provide their best they can to produce productive result in the organization. It also helps the employees to gain proper knowledge of the work in the organization and increases the potential work balance of the employees in the organization.

The theories and the learning styles provides a good contribution to the employees working in the organization it is because the employees could develop the knowledge of the work in a better way such that it would enhance the working of the employees in the organization.

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LO2 be able to plan and design training and development:

2.1 Comparing the training needs for staff at different levels in an organization

It is important to plan the training event for the employees in any organization so that proper work could be initiated from the employees working in the organization. Therefore, the training events are set up by the organizations in a planned manner so that it would benefit the organization to make progress in the working such that it would help the organization to attain the goal for its future in less time. The training needs for the staffs are required to train them with the appropriate working style such that their interest for the work remains and help the organization to enable proper skilled labors to work for the organization (Knowles, 2014, p.78).

Assuming the top managerial level the staffs that are associated in the managerial level are required to be trained in such a way such that the management of the organization could be done in a proper manner. It is because the employees working under the management and the employees would report about their difficulties to the management. Therefore, it would be the duty of the management to understand the problems that are being faced by the employees working in the organization. On the other hand, assuming the lower section of the organization where the basic staffs are working, the training is to be provided to them so that the employees could learn to manage time in the work that is done by them. Apart from that it would also help them to take proper decision of the work. This would increase the potential and confidence of the employees to work with effectiveness so that proper result could be initiated from the employees working in the organization (Budhwar, 2013, p.24).

2.2 Assessing the advantages and disadvantages of training methods used in an organization

There are both advantages as well as disadvantages that are associated with the training methods that are imparted to the staffs in the organization. It is because the training helps to develop more knowledge and skills for the employees working in the organization. That helps the employees to produce productive work in the organization that would create the best benefit for the organization. It is to be observed that the organization provides training to the employees for their own benefit. It is because the organization would itself get higher competitive advantage with the development of skilled labors in the organization (Ulrich, 2013, p.6).

Therefore, the advantages of the training involve the employees to learn new things in the work place that would help them to work in a more potential and correct manner. It would further help them to develop knowledge and skills that would guide them in their future to obtain promotion in the organization. This would further create a benefit for the organization to increase its liability to obtain their future goals in less time and increase the scope for the growth possibilities in the market. This also helps the organization to build a good reputation in the market by having skilled employees working in the organization. Whereas, the disadvantages that are associated with the training of the employees is that it is time consuming and it stops the actual working of the organization. It is because the more emphasis is given on the employees to train them with better knowledge and skills. Hence, there cause a delay in the daily working of the work by the employees as the employees gets engaged in the training process (Renwick, 2013, p.14).

2.3 Using a systematic approach to plan training and development

The systematic approach of the planning of training event is associated with the several processes that include the following:

Analyzing: it refers to the analysis that the organization makes upon the performance of the employees. That helps the organization to decide upon the type of training that the organization should impart to its employees for better future result in the organization.

Design: it refers to the designing of the time schedule as in what time and how much time would be given to the employees for training. It also involves the designing of the event of training in the organization.

Development: it refers to the development of the plan that is associated with the training of the employees that includes the place and the number of employees who would be trained for further progress in their work.

Implementation: this refers to the implementation of the plan that is developed by the organization for imparting training to the employees in the organization (Dipboye, 2013, p.67).

LO3 be able to evaluate a training event:

3.1 Preparing an evaluation using suitable techniques

The training that is imparted to the employees in the organizations based on suitable techniques. Therefore, it is important for the organization to adopt a suitable technique for training its employees. The technique that the organization could adopt is on the job training and technology based training.

In the on the job training it would consume less time it is because the employees would be trained in the office and during the office hours. Moreover, it would be flexible for the organization to provide such a training to the employees as it would help the organization to obtain the work from the employees while they are being trained in the office (MacArthur, 2014, p.469). Moreover, the technology based training would help the employees to become technology prone that would further make the working easier for the employees as it would fetch them to put less energy. It is because all the work would be done in the computers using proper technology software.

3.2 Carrying out an evaluation of a training event

In the training event the technology based training would be the best method that the organization should adopt to impart training to its employees. It is because through techno based training the organization would be able to clearly communicate the basic terms and the methods that the employees are suppose to know and learn. Moreover, the use of video clips and audio presentation would help the organization to impart clear understanding of the work that the employees are suppose to do in the organization. On the other hand, it is to be observed that from the verbal way of expressing it is easier to catch up with the audio and video presentation. Therefore, the organization should adopt both the audio as well as video presentation to impart training to the employees in the organization.

3.3 Reviewing the success of the evaluation methods used

The success of the evolution method that is used in the organization is that it becomes easier for the employees to understand the training and to develop their skills by taking the training through audio video presentation. It is because they get a practical knowledge about the training and it would last in their memory for a longer duration. On the other hand, it is also observed that it is proper training event being organized by the organization and proper training being provided to the staffs (MacArthur, 2014, p.469). The organization would be benefitted with skilled employees to work for them in the organization. This would further help the organization to gain the competitive advantage by increasing its work flow in the organization with the staffs working in the work sector.

LO4 Understanding government-led skills development initiatives

4.1 Explaining the role of government in training, development and lifelong learning

The role of government in the training is that the government tends to provide infrastructure to the organization. Not only that, it also invest money on the training procedures that are adopted by the organization so that the organization could provide proper training to the employees. Moreover, the government imparts its role in the training procedure because it helps the organization to obtain skill labors. The skilled labors when work productive in the firm it would help the organization to flourish in a better way. This further adds income for the economy as the economy would make progress in the market by earning competitive advantage that would add value to the nation’s economy (MacArthur, 2014, p.469).

4.2 Explaining the development of the competency movement impacted on the public and private sectors

To enable excessive growth in the economy the private and the public sectors are making an initiative to impart knowledge and skills to the employees so that the employees could develop better working skills in the organization that would benefit the organization. Thus, to maximize the competitive advantage and earn profit in the market the organizations are developing training events that would help the organization to flourish with more skilled labors to work for them. The progress of the organization would further open broader scope for the organization to make growth opportunities for the organization. It would further help the organization to increase its competitive advantage in the market place thereby making a scope for the organization to expand its business in the global market and also in the local market.

4.3 Assessing contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to HRM.

The contemporary training initiatives that have been introduced by the UK government for its employees are the techno training that is provided to the employees in the organization. The techno training helps to create better understanding of the knowledge and the skills that re imparted through the training procedure such that it increases the work flow in the organization. On the other hand, the techno training further helps the employees to retain the learned knowledge for a longer duration that they could use in their working in the organization. This would further help the organization to gain the competitive advantage by increasing its work flow in the organization with the staffs working in the work sector. It is further observed that it is the human resource in any organization that makes the organization flourish. It is because the more developed  employability skills  human resource is present in the organization the better the organization could work and make progress (MacArthur, 2014, p.469).

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It could be concluded from the above discussion that the development of the human resource is a very important thing that an organization is requires to do for the better work to be obtained from the staffs. It is observed from the above discussion that the learning styles and the theories that are discussed would help the organization to impart proper knowledge to the staffs working in the organization. Moreover, the learning styles if followed properly by the staffs of the organization it would help the staffs to learn the appropriate way of performing in the organization. It would also help the staffs to learn the proper time management process and the proper decision making process. On the other hand, it is also observed that it is proper training event being organized by the organization and proper training being provided to the staffs. The  organization behaviour  would be benefitted with skilled employees to work for them in the organization.

Reference list and bibliography

Unit 18 Assignment on Human Resource Development 1