Unit 14 Working with and leading people Assignment - Emirates

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Unit 14 Working with and leading people Assignment - Emirates
 Unit 14 Working with leading people Assignment - Emirates
Unit 14 Working with and leading people Assignment - Emirates


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

 Unit 14 Working with and leading people

QFC Level

Level 5


The success of any organization is depending upon the performance of the employees and recruitment and training process of the human resource executives. The aim of the recruitment and selection process of the human resource department is to appoint efficient staffs. The competitive labour market creates the advantage in the well-organized business. Almost all organization believes on the team working strategy rather than individual working strategy. On the other hand the HR official can easily manage the team rather than individual employee (Mendenhall and Osland, 2012).  The HR executive implements the motivational strategy to increase the efficiency of the employees for long-term profitability. The learner is assigned as a HR executive in the Human Resource department of Emirates airline. Then learner is asked to prepare the recruitment and selection process for company. The newly appointed HR executive critically observes legal, regulatory and ethical consideration for the recruitment process (Bush and Middlewood, 2013).

Task 1:

1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff:

The operation of the organization is depending on the working with and leading people and selection program. The human resource management has planned to develop the recruitment strategy and examine the key areas of requirement of airline organization (Kotter, 2012).  The learner has observed that there are requirement of cabin crew. Therefore the HR executive has published an advertisement of recruitment of new cabin crew trainee. In this section the HR executive has planned to prepare the recruitment process by explaining the job analysis, job description and person specification. The newly appointed HR executives have observed that last time the HR department has recruited the employees from different countries (Sergiovanni, 2015). As Emirates airline operates more than 80 international routes, therefore the human resource management has planned to implement cultural diverse workforce in workplace. The human resource management of Emirates Airline generally follow job analysis process such as:

  • Understand the actual requirement of the organization such as activities in workplace, behaviour of the employees, job profile and requirements of the employees.
  • Evaluating the collected past data, expanses and allocated fund foe recruitment process
  • Identify the number of employee for selection process
  • Job verification
  • Explain the job description and job specification

Job description: Cabin crew in Emirates Airline

Working with leading people 1

Working with leading people 2

1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration for recruitment process:

The business of airline industry is influenced by efficiency of the employee performance. Efficient employees always manage their work effectively. Therefore, securing efficient employees are considered as a most important responsibility of the organization (Dickinson and Carey, 2016).  The quality of employees depends on the rules and regulation of recruitment process for quality people in organization. On the other hand, HR executives have designed the entire recruitment process after observing the requirement of the airline organization. It has been noticed that the HR executive has designed recruitment process for cabin crew staffs (Kelley, 2015). They have already published job description and person specification in newspaper and digital media. The human resource management follows data protection act and freedom of information legislation to protect applicant’s personal details.

In the interview process, the human resource executives shortlisted and selected the employees whose profile matches the criteria. The administrative should monitor that the interviewers are well organized and prepared.  The HR official needs to familiar with the documents of shortlisted candidates (Popescu and Predescu, 2016., p.273).  The human resource management has to recognize employment related laws such as The National Labour Relations Act, Employee Right Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act and Fair Credit Reporting Act, Employment protection act, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976 (Kotter, 2012). Those will secure the health and life of the employees. Therefore, the employees will be motivated and perform well.

1.3 Take a part in selection process:

The HR Executive has developed a suitable selection process for recruiting cabin crew for Emirates Airline (Mumford et al.  2012, p.708). They are very conscious to match the requirements of Airline business. They have planned to select new employees based on their skills and qualification. Therefore, newly assigned HR executive suggest a suitable recruitment process for recruiting cabin crew for Emirates Airline (Massey and Coluccello, 2015). The human resource department has to follow specific steps to conduct the successful recruitment and selection process such as:

  • Application forms: In order to arrange a successful recruitment process, HR executive has to publish the recruitment notice on printing media and digital media (Lasalvia  et al. 2013, p.56).  After that the human resource management has to examine job application of the applicant and conduct first round screening process and invite selected job candidates in recruitment process.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): On the first round of interview process, human resource management department has to check curriculum vitae of the applicant (Gibb et al. 2012). The CV holds background knowledge of the applicant such as educational qualification, work experience, extra curriculum activities and personal details (Dickinson and Carey, 2016). Therefore, HR executive can conduct the first round screening process by examining the CVs of the applicants.
  • References: After first round screening process, human resource management has to check the reference person’s name of the applicant. As stated by Kelley (2015), most applicants are referred by any existing employees of Emirates. This type of reference will reduce the time and cost of the selection process.
  • Simulations: After checking the references, HR executives have to simulate the employees through different activities like group discussion, debate and role play. Those activities will help recruiters to anticipate the patience, managing ability, politeness, behaviour and communication skills of applicants (Lussier and Achua, 2015).
  • Interviews: The recruiters have to arrange interview process to evaluate whether the applicant has the right qualification for maintain the duties and responsibilities of cabin crew. In this process, the recruiters have to judge psychology and skill level of the applicants (Miller and Rollnick, 2012). Based on those qualities, the recruiters will select the applicant who will be suitable for the post.

1.4 Own contribution in selection process:

I have appeared as a human resource executive of Emirate Airline in the recruitment process. I have critically evaluated the job application of the applicants and call 30 applicants for the recruitment and selection process. In recruitment and selection process, I have conducted the first screening process by examining CVs of applicants. I have very much focused to match educational qualification, skills and knowledge with the person specification. After that I have checked the references and selected 25 applicants for the simulation round. I have divided the employees in 5 different groups and arranged group discussion round. From the group discussion round, I have selected 20 applicants for their excellent communication skill and attitude. After that I have make 10 groups containing 2 people in each group and arranged debate about different social and ethical incidents. From that round I have selected 10 candidates for final round interview. In the interview round I have focused on the technical skills and psychological abilities of the candidates and selected 8 candidates as employees.  

Task 2:

2.1 Skills and attributes needed for leadership:

Leadership skill refers to the familiarizing the leaders with good leadership qualities and traits which helps to identify the weakness and develop a strong management styles. The leadership skills must contain different qualities such as:

  • Passion
  • Communication
  • Commitment
  • Team managing
  • Decisiveness
  • Passion: Good leaders must be passionate for the work they do and always feel it’s important. The team leader has always shared their passion and enthusiasm with team members which motivates them and make them productive. The team leaders of Emirates Airlines have encouraged and acknowledged team members for their good performance. on the other hand the team leaders have implemented score reports to monitor team members’ performance level.
  • Communication: As stated by Day (2014), strong leaders know the actual way of communication with team members. It has been noticed that team leaders of Emirates Airline have arranged daily briefing session to analyse their job. Team leader has gathered information and knowledge through good communication system and instructed the team members if any changes or updates arrives.
  • Team managing: Entire responsibility of the team members goes to the team leaders. The team members have assigned team to extract maximum efficiency. In Emirates Airline, team leaders break the total responsibility among the team and instruct them to do that particular job. It has been found that team leader has assigned 2 cabin crews for checking safety equipment of the flight. After that 4 crew member have welcomed the passengers and directed towards their seat. Before take-off 4 crew members have checked whether the passengers are fascinating seat belts proper way. In that way team leaders have eventually distribute the total work load among team members.

2.2 Difference between leadership and management:

As opined by Day (2014), the managers are more than a leader for the organization. Hence, the leadership has been acted by the leaders on a team. Management process is involved in that goal setting process. However, the leadership   process is acted for fulfilling the goals. Then leadership process establishes the direction such as create a vision, clarifies the big picture and set strategies. On another hand management process is involved in the planning and budgeting such as establish agreement, set time span and allocate resources.
As opined by Glasby and Dickinson (2014), leadership process aligns people from different communities. On the other hand the management process provides work structure, recruitment and establishes rules and regulations. Leaders motivate and inspire the team members to improve performance. On the other hand management processes develops incentives, creative solutions and takes corrective action.

2.3 Compare leadership styles in different situation:

There are different types of leadership such as:

  • Democratic leadership
  • Laissez-Fiare leadership
  • Transformational leadership
  • Authoritarian leadership
  • Transactional leadership
  • Bureaucratic leadership
  • Democratic leadership: As opined by Sergiovanni (2015), the democratic leadership has not been maintained by organizations because it took lots of time to discuss and evaluate the situation. However, it involved all team members in decision making process. Therefore, the employees are motivated, influenced and performed well. If the organization has plenty of time and want better team collaboration to achieve goal, then the organization can apply democratic leadership style. However, Emirates Airlines is one of the busiest airlines service providers of the world, so they have not much time to apply democratic leadership style.
  • Laissez-Fiare: There is no dead line to understand that team is enough experienced. The team leader only knows that team is enough capable to do that particular job which they have trained. However, the team can gather enough knowledge so that team leaders can trust on team members. However, team leaders have faced trouble for inexperience team. On the other hand the responsibility of the job lies on the entire team rather than team leader. Emirates Airline does not follow the Laissez-Fiare leadership strategy because safety and pleasure of the passengers is directly related with the experience of the cabin crew members.
  • Transformational: The transformational leadership is a good idea to motivate the team members and support them when the task is urgent. This process helps to achieve better performance of team. As argued by Schwalbe (2015), the transformational leadership can be used only in urgent situation. Emirates Airlines has applied the transformational leadership style in urgent situation.
  • Authoritarian leadership: As stated by Lussier and Achua (2015), in authoritarian leadership, leaders can send clear and direct instruction to save time. Emirates Airline follows authoritarian leadership styles to save the time. On the other hand this leadership style eliminates the obstruction of the team members so that it does not create any serious problem.
  • Transactional leadership: In transactional leadership, the team members are being punishes for not fulfilling goals or time limit. On the other hand, team leaders motivate the team members with rewards or bonuses. The reward system improves performance of employees.
  • Bureaucratic leadership: Lussier and Achua (2015) stated that there is clean and fixed decision in the bureaucratic leadership style. The clean and fixed decision has been based upon rules and guidelines. The decision making process is time efficient but not considered as a perfect way to solve any problem.

2.4 Methods to motivate the staff to achieve an increase in sale:

In order to motivate the employees, organization has to use different leadership theories such as:

  • Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model
  • Theory X , Y

Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model:

Action and leadership

Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model is based on three different requirements such as task needs, group needs and individual needs. The task based requirements refer to setting objectives, planning task, allocating of responsibilities and setting performance standards. As stated by Lussier and Achua (2015), individual requirements of the employees are fulfilled by coaching, counselling, development program and motivation strategy. On another hand, the requirements of group are fulfilled by communication, team building, motivation and discipline. It has been noticed that British Airways had developed Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model in 2011 and increased their profit on the end of 2012.

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y:

Theory X and Y


McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y is based on two alternative set of assumptions such as theory X and theory Y. Theory X indicated those employees who are lazy, untrustworthy and irresponsible.  On the other hand theory y reflects those employees who are approached as one of the most valuable asset of the organization.

After segmented the employees the team leaders develop two different strategy for those employees. The team leaders pay extra attention towards the theory X employees. The managers pushed hard to make them more productive and directed them to do things they the do not enjoy.

On the other hand team leaders want more involvement of the team members in decision making process. The team leader shares responsibility with theory Y employees because those employees have good knowledge and experiences. It has been noticed that Etihad Airways has implemented McGregor’s Theory X ad Theory Y and improved their performance in 2009.

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Task 3


This task is based on the impact of team building and team performance. The learner has planned to demonstrate advantage of team work in an organization. Team work always increases trust, employee bonding and employee performance.

3.1 Benefit of team working for an organization:

Team work is a powerful operation that influences common people to fulfil the goal. As opined by Schwalbe (2015), team members of Emirates airline has created an environment that motivated team members to go beyond their limitation. The team working fulfils the requirement of organization with the help of performance of all employees. There are several advantages of team working such as:

  • Innovation and learning: Team leaders often involve the team members in decision making process. Therefore, most of the cases, innovative ideas of the employees helps to find out solution of the issues (Miller and Rollnick, 2012). On the other hand the employees can learn from the innovative ideas of their colleagues. 
  • Increase trust: The team bonding increase the trust among the employees. Active co-operation of all team members can easily fulfil the goals. The group working employees can easily meet the target. In the airlines industry the cabin crew members have to act as a team (Sergiovanni, 2015). Good understanding and communication among the employees helps to manage the passenger smoothly and fight against any accidental situation.
  • Encouragement: Besides team leader and management, team members appreciate any good habit or idea of their colleagues. As a result the team members are encouraged by their team members. It has been found that 18 crew members were rewarded and considered as icon for saving life of 300 people from burning plane in Dubai Airport on 3rd August 2016 (BBC News, 2016). Therefore, the cabin crew members are still encouraged by the incident of 18 crew members.

3.2 Working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with

Any conflict or difficult situations: As stated by Bush and Middlewood (2013), team leader manages the team to fulfil specific goal. Team leader usually influences and inspire the team members to act in coordination towards a specific direction. In Airline Company the team leader usually arranges a briefing session before starting the work for the day (Mendenhall and Osland, 2012). After that the team leader has discussed the daily routine of the team members.

The team leaders have discussed any previous issues and its prevention techniques. It has been noticed that the team leaders provide training and knowledge to the team members about life saving process, safety and security process, passenger entertainment system, catering services and report preparing. On the other hand the team leader also distributes the responsibility of the ground staffs (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). The team leader analyses the proper ground clearance system, refuelling system, waste cleaning system, plane cleaning system to the team members. On the end of the shift, the team leader checks report.  Team leaders often encourage team members through the rewarding system (Day, 2014). The reward system forces the team to enhance better performance. The team leader inspires team members and acknowledges for their good performance. Team leader inspires team members to fight against any conflicts or difficult situation.

3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals:

As a team leader of cabin crew department, team leaders arranges the briefing session to analyse job role, daily work schedule, evaluate past day report, rectify mistakes and encourage the cabin crews. The team leader distributes entire work load on cabin crews (Kotter, 2012). They have selected 2 top 3 crew members to check the safety standards, equipment, cleanness, seat pockets, emergency exits, air conditioning system and meals before starting boarding. After the reporting of those crew members, the team leaders have selected 4 to 6 crew members to welcome the passengers and help them to find out their seats. After that the crew members are instructed to check the safety of hand luggage compartment and demonstrate the safety and security process of plane (Miller and Rollnick, 2012). The on board attendants take care the passengers by serving meal, drinks and offering gifts for duty-free shopping. Finally the team leader instructs the crew members to fill the daily chart and make report.


In this part the learner has explained the advantages of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations. After that the learner has discussed the role of team leader in Emirates Airlines.

Task 4


For performing best in an organization, training assistance has got its share of importance using which the workforce can have the best effect over the final outcome. The management is needed to put a focus on the development skill of every employees by which they are required to perform the best. Using competency the squad will also meet the customer expectations along with the requirements of the TL.

4.1 How can you plan and deliver the assessment to ensure needs of the cabin crew is developed.

For pursuing skill and proficiency development, the employee management is needed to make delivery of several programs which will help them in using their expertise in the best effective ways (Fullan, 2014). Below are some techniques discussed adopting which Emirates Airlines have proved their level of competency to its clientele:

  • Training Needs: A set of technical assistance gets provided to the manforce in order to prove their capability of performing best in the long run. With the help of the management, delivering of live experience is carried out to the candidates who have appeared to the designation of ‘Pilot’ of the airlines (Mendenhall and Osland, 2012). Additionally management even gives effort for hiring the high qualified candidate so as to enable only the best solution prepared for their customers.
  • Needs of Learning: The Team Leader is required to find out the various reasons of providing learning needs of an individual and so for that implementation of tests is required. If the individual is not proffering enough knowledge regarding his subject, then the TL will be making arrangement of seminars to enable him in getting expertise regarding his subject (Miller and Rollnick, 2012).

4.2 What methods can you suggest that the airline should use to evaluate the success of the assessment process?

Manager will be the person who is responsible for knowledge increase of an employee for giving a better performance. Below are mentioned the planned strategies for an individual prepared by management:

  • Motivation: Team Leader will be the person in identifying the needed inspiration of an employee as well as adopt the various techniques for motivating them (Kotter, 2012). Many times the employee will be requiring motivational needs in comparison to the monetary or other terms using which they can boost up their performance ability. Being a leader they are needed to focus on the non-monetary and monetary requirements of any candidate using which motivation gets proffered.
  • Delegation: It is the other method where responsibility gets shared to the subordinates of the organization from the management’s top level (Camarinha-Matos, and Afsarmanesh, 2013). The liabilities of the employees get increased by the management in order to keep them boost up to their delivery of the end-products.
  • Communication: This is the last method with which the employee output can be improved. Having the right skill of communication enhances their opportunity in mixing with more people and henceforth established a better reputation of the company ‘Emirates Airlines’ giving them an opportunity to strive well.

4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process

For evaluation of a successful planning, the ‘Emirates Airlines’ have adopted various implementation plan and strategies in its every department:

  • Feedback: The team leader will be collecting feedback for their every implemented policies so that they can ensure an identification about all their regulated planning (Lev, 2013). The leader will be taking feedback so as to make an identification of all the advantages and disadvantages about their implemented planning. If any mistake is found within the entire planning procedure, then the organization will be taking necessary for mending such.
  • Appraisals: Each of the leaders of the organization is needed to appraise performance of individuals within the work force for bringing improvement over their presentation (Huber, 2013).  Appraisal is considered as the best means for keeping all the employees motivated and henceforth fetches success to the task which they are performing.
  • Discipline: For the performance improvement, plan management is needed to be strict since it will be carrying the ultimate success of the organization. Leader of all teams need to make implementation of the several criterion of success with the proper planning (Bush and Middlewood, 2013.). Discipline come the best means for the ‘Emirates Airlines’.


Thus is a detail about an idea for the various factors required to get considered for monitoring and planning of the assessment of performance.

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In this report the learner has introduced himself as a HR executive in the Emirates Airlines. The learner has developed the recruitment process along with job description and person specification. After that the learner has discussed the legal aspects in the recruitment process. After that learner has expressed own experience in selection process. The learner has developed a power point presentation leadership process, motivation strategy, leadership styles.

Reference List:


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Bush, T.
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Day, R.D., 2014. Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization.Psychology Press.
Dickinson, H. and Carey, G., 2016. Managing and leading in interagency settings. Policy Press.
Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook.John Wiley & Sons.
Glasby, J. and Dickinson, H., 2014. Partnership working in health and social care: what is integrated care and how can we deliver it?.Policy Press.
Huber, D., 2013. Leadership and nursing care management.Elsevier Health Sciences.


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Massey, S. and Coluccello, R., 2015.Introduction. In Eurafrican Migration: Legal, Economic and Social Responses to Irregular Migration (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
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