Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment - Delta Plc

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Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment - Delta Plc
Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment - Delta Plc
Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment - Delta Plc


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 Working with and Leading People 

QFC Level

Level 5   


Working with and leading people is an essential aspect that needs to get considered in any business environment and is used for productive recruitment, selection and retention processes that needs to be used in a major high street bank named Delta Plc. In this regard, the leadership skills will get discussed as well as the ability of working in an effective manner within a team and also the development needs of individuals as well as their performances.

Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment - Delta Plc

Section 1

AC 1.1 Job Descriptions & Person Specification for Customer Service Advisor at Delta PLC Bank

Job Description

Job description takes into consideration basic job-related data that is considered effective for advertising a particular job as well as attracting a pool of talent. It takes into consideration information like job title, job location, reporting regarding the staffs, summary of job, temperament and goals regarding a job, performance of tasks as well as duties, conditions for work, use of machines, tools and equipments by a potential staff as well as the involvement of various risks.

The essential skills that are required by Customer Service Advisors are,

  • Better telephone manner that includes clarity in speech, the capability for understanding individuals with hindrances in speech as well as bizarre accents and also possessing outstanding manners.
  • To be more persuasive having the capability of soothing the customers that is not happy as well as persuading them towards the retention of services or making additional purchases.
  • Having administrative skills to take note, writing reports as well as maintaining track of multiple tasks straight away. (Furnham, 2012)
  • Having IT skills to interact with technology for handling calls, databases as well as other computer software and in addition, the capability for adapting quickly to new methods.
  • Possessing widespread information & knowledge regarding the business area as well as possessing the capability for absorbing new information in a quick manner for keeping up with the changing scenarios.

Person Specification

The person specification describes the qualifications, abilities, experiences, knowledge as well as other traits that need to be possessed by an individual for performing the duties related with the job. The person specification needs to be used as the foundation regarding the decisions for selection towards the stages to shortlist, test as well as interview the candidates.

Person specifications for Customer Service Advisors are as follows,

  • More focus towards customers
  • Communicating in an effective manner
  • Working in a team
  • Ability to do stress management
  • Ability to solve problems
  • Ability to achieve results. (Fernando, 2011)

Job Description &Person Specification for Delta Plc Bank

Job Title: Customer Service Advisor                                            

Salary Band: 12,000 to ?17,000 per annum

Hours: 24 hours on shift basis (Each shift for 8 hours)

Accountable to: Dealing with different customer requests and providing support for assisting people in resolving problems

Location: London, UK

Job Summary

To deal with a range of customers regularly and to handle anything from basic enquiries to grievances. There is a need to possess outstanding communication and people skills, outstanding maths skills, precision as well as attention for details and the being confident in selling financial products to customers.

Main Duties/Responsibilities

  • To process payments as well as withdrawals
  • To set up and maintain the accounts of the customers
  • To deal with enquiries
  • To promote and sell financial resources products as well as services to customers
  • To use the IT system for updating the details of accounts
  • To be able to do basic tasks regarding administration
  • To be able to operate UK as well as overseas currency tills
  • To assist customers regarding loan as well as applications for mortgage.

Person specification






Assessment Method



NVQ LVL 2 in Customer Service




Application Form



In Providing Customer Service





In Banking Industry



Application Form

Skills, Knowledge & Abilities


Keyboard skills along with ability to use MS office



Application Form

Excellent communication skills





Good Math Skills



Application Form



Able to work flexible hours





What to do next?

Send application to the email address below,

Email Address: rafal.michalczyk@deltaplc.com

Postal Address:

For further enquires please call:  02083563399

AC 1.2 Assessment of the Impact of Legal, Regulatory and Ethical considerations on the

R&S process
Impact of Legal and Regulatory considerations to the R&S process

The impact of legal and regulatory considerations towards the recruitment and selection process in Delta Plc can be explained through the Equality Act, 2010 that includes nine set of regulations such as Equal Pay Act, 1970, Sex Discrimination Act, 1975, Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 and so on. The condition that has been included in the Equality Act 2010 is a changing aspect regarding the general structure of safeguard against direct discrimination. (Furnham, 2012)

  • Impact of Sex Discrimination Act, 2010: Delta Plc must abide by the Sex Discrimination Act. When a candidate gets qualified for the post of Customer Service Advisor, then Delta Plc must do the recruitment of the individual irrespective of whether the candidate is male or female. Discrimination cannot take place in respect of gender.
  • Impact of Race Relations Act, 1976: The provision of Race Relation Act will get violated when the advertisement of Delta Plc regarding the post of Customer Service Advisor will be inviting only those candidates that are belonging to a specific race or nationality. Any individual possessing legal work permit for working in the UK is eligible to get the job of Customer Service Advisor at Delta Plc irrespective of the individual’s nationality or race. (Furnham, 2012)
  • Impact of equality (age) regulation: Similar standard of benefit should be provided to candidates that are young as well as old regarding the recruitment and selection process at Delta Plc. Therefore, it will be considered as the violation of law when the human resource department of Delta Plc will be providing more preference to the candidates of a particular age group. It will also be violating the provision regarding equality (age) regulation.

Impact of Ethical considerations to the R&S process

  • Impact of law in Advertising stage: When a job advertisement for the post of Customer Services Advisor for Delta Plc will be given by the human resource department, the HR Manager of the company should make sure that discrimination does not occur in respect of sex, age, race, ethnicity, gender, nationality and so on. The HR Manager should ensure that the law is not getting violated through the advertisement.
  • Impact of law in Interview stage: The process of interview at Delta Plc should definitely adhere to the law. Any sort of question that will be negatively influencing the religious outlook or nationality of a candidate should not be asked by the interview board. Any sort of sexist remark should not be used at all. The candidates should receive equal treatment as well as avoid being personally biased. Discrimination should not be made based on an individual’s disability. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Impact of right to employment: The board taking the interview at Delta Plc is required checking whether the candidate applying for the post of Customer Service Advisor is having legal rights for working in the UK or not. Also, there is a need to do the checking of the whether the candidate is having any criminal record or not.
  • Impact of statement of employment: The new staff for the post of Customer Service Advisor is required receiving an employment statement that will take into consideration every term regarding the person’s salary, working hours, holidays and so on

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AC 1.3 Reflective account on my contributions to the selection process as the HR manager

Contributions made to the selection process as the HR manager

As a HR Manager at Delta Plc, I was the given the responsibility for recruiting suitable candidates for the post of Customer Service Advisor. In this regard, there took place a selection process that is mentioned as under,

  • Selection of a panel for recruitment and selection: The HR department at Delta Plc will be having a selection team for the recruitment of candidates for the post of Customer Service Advisor. Being a part of that selection team, my role was to make the final selection of candidates who would get shortlisted for the post of Customer Service Advisors. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Short listing: As the HR Manager, I implemented certain effective methods of short-listing such as IQ Test, conducting examinations through use of MCQs, written examinations and so on. After this, there occurred the arrangement of interview regarding the candidates that have been shortlisted for the post. (Freeman, 2010)
  • Interviews: As the HR Manager, I took the interview of the shortlisted candidates. I asked them pertinent questions about their background, their educational qualification, the prior work experience they are possessing, the knowledge they are having, their cultural background and so on.
  • Appointment: Those candidates that could successfully complete the interview process were provided with final statement for appointment from my end and they commenced their job in Delta Plc as Customer Service Advisors.

AC 1.4 Evaluation of the benefits of the contributions made to the selection process as the HR manager

Benefits of my contributions to the selection process

  • Planning the selection process: In this respect, I undertook the selection process by reviewing the information provided by the candidates through resumes, application forms. Other techniques of selection were also used by me at the time of interview that included work locusassignments. written tests, oral presentations, as well as personality or aptitude tests.
  • Working with a selection panel: As the HR Manager, I got the opportunity to be part of the selection panel for the process of selection that comprised of a senior staff member, a board member, as well as a potential co-worker. My contribution in the selection panel was to do the screening of resumes, preparing questions regarding the interview, offering input in respect of the ultimate selection. (Fernando, 2011)
  • Making my decision and reviewing it: As the HR Manager, I did the evaluation of the final candidates for identifying the most efficient candidate depending on the skills of the candidate, characteristics of the candidate and how the person can fit to the organization. After reviewing all my notes, I wrote my decision.
  • Making the offer: Then, I called the candidate that has been finally selected for making an offer and also offering constructive feedback to those candidates who did not get selected during the process of recruitment. (Freeman, 2010)

Limitations of my contributions to the selection process

Improper Induction: As the HR Manager, I need to acknowledge the fact that improper induction will be adversely impacting Delta Plc in poor retention of staffs. This is considered to be a disadvantage regarding the effectiveness of staffs that will be resulting in poor organizational effectiveness.


This assignment delves with the aspect of working with and leading people that explained the skills as well as attributes required for leadership. In this respect, the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process of the bank has been assessed. The role played by the Human Resource Manager in the selection process has been highlighted and the contributions made as the HR Manager while participating in the process of selection has been evaluated.


Freeman, R (2010). Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art. Cambridge University Press.
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press