Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment- Avon

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Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment- Avon
Unit 14 Working with and Leading People - Avon
Unit 14 Working with and Leading People Assignment- Avon


The given questions in this assignment are primarily concerned in understanding the recruitment procedure and leadership and managerial aspects practices at an organizational level. The other highlights of this working with and leading people - Avon assignment are an insight into the legal and ethical aspects and recruitment and the factors contributory to the assessment of work performance.  For this purpose the Avon cosmetic company has been mentioned in the   case scenario.

 Avon is a globally popularly cosmetic company with its products particular designed for the women. Being one of the leading beauty companies has an annual turnover of more than $10 billion. Avon is also popular as the world’s largest direct seller with its customer base spread across 100 nations and more that 6.5 million active independent Avon sales representativesV (Annualreports.com, 2016).
Unit 14 Working with and Leading People - Avon

Task 1

1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff.

Referring to the scenario presented in task 1 an emphasis shall be given to document a recruitment procedure wherein an advertisement and promotion shall also be incorporated highlighting therecruitment for Avon in the post of area manager. The developed advertisement shall be published in metro. Essential to convey Avon has planned to recruit one area manager with an intention to improve the sales rate of the company.

The steps that are important for documentation of a staff recruitment procedure are explained below:

  1. Approval of recruitment: obtaining official approval from the higher administrative body of Avon with respect to recruitment of an individual in the post of area manager is the first step in this respect. Hence approval of recruitment is initiated by preparing a draft mentioning the number of staffs required for the desired post. This draft must also incorporate the details about the required academic qualification and professional experience applicable for the post of area manager. The blueprint of the advertisement to be published should also be attached with the draft document. This draft should also be send to the human resource management department of Avon after the recruitment for the said post is approved officially (Marshall, 2009).
  2. Position description:  mentioning the position for which recruitment is initiated should be clearly specified by Avon. It is mandatory to obtained official approval for the position description prior conducting the next step of recruitment. In this case Avon desires to recruit one candidate for the position of area manager (Nccer., 2015).
  3. a recruitment procedure is never complete without advertising the position vacant. Hence in this case it is observed that Avon has decided to advertise its recruitment in metro. However it is usually the responsibility of the human resource department to select the advertisement mode (Kirton, 2011).

Advertisement for the position of area manager:

Position vacant: area manager

Number of posts vacant: one

Location: Devon

Salary: £ 22,000 to £28,000 depending on the skills

Perks provided: Company care with fuel card, private medical cover, life insurance, pension scheme and 25 days of annual leave.

Incentives:  Cash bonuses, prestigious cars for top 3 area managers all expenses of official trips to be financed by the company

Other incentives: Gucci watches, Gucci bracelets and Kindle fires.

Academic qualification: High school passes with a master’s degree in business management.

Desired experience: A professional experience of 5-7 years in similar field is expected. Candidates without professional experience need not to apply for the said post

Type of employment: Regular

Working hours per week: 35-40 hours

Responsibility of the post:

The candidate should be capable of addressing the sales related issues and should also be capable of managing the self employed team.

Should be responsible for selling into retails

Should be capable of delegating the duties within the team with an objective to generate the sales rate

Should be very fluent in English along with a commendable communication skill

Closing date: 10/01/2017

1.2 Assess the impact of the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations in recruitment and selection process and identify the areas of improvements

As a response to the task question the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical aspects shall be discussed with reference to recruitment in the post of senior sales officer in Avon. Needless to mention that the recruitment for the said post shall be in accordance to the legal guidelines related to employment followed in the united kingdom. Furthermore during the process of recruiting a senior sales officer, the human resource segment of Avon should focus on the tasks like job posting, formulation of the interview question, checking the job offers etc. The recruitment process should therefore be ethically fair and justified with no discrimination within the candidates based on race colour or ethnic background (Neyroud and Beckley, 2001).

Influence of the Discriminatory Act: Avon while recruitment for the post of senior sales officer should follow the legal guidelines of sec discrimination act with strict prohibition towards workplace discrimination. No discrimination of the candidates in terms of gender shall be done during the recruitment session.

Impact of the Race Relations Act:  it is illegal to practice workplace discrimination in accordance to the race or ethnic background of the candidates appeared in the interview. The recruitment team of Avon shall    remain focussed that no discrimination is entertained during the interview session. hence an individual with work  permit to work in the united kingdom or a citizen of this country are entitled to appear for the interview provided  the other job selection criteria has matched (Legislation.gov.uk, 2016).

Impact of the equality regulation: The recruitment in the post of senior sales officer in Avon shall also be in compliant to the equality (age) regulation wherein the company is entitled to deliver equal employment benefits to the selected candidate for the above mention post as the other employees of Avon are provided with (Gov.uk, 2016).

Influence of legal implication over the advertisement published: The content used in advertisment and promotion for recruitment in the position of senior sales officer shall not indicate a kind of discrimination with respect to sex, race or socio-economic background.

Legal obligations on the interview stage: Avon is obliged to frame the interview question used during recruitment for the post of senior sales officer irrespective of any controversy (Yeung, 2011).  The interview question should not include any questions that are likely to tamper one’s religious views or beliefs.   The recruitment team of Avon is expected to deliver equal and justified treatment towards all the candidates who has appeared for the said post (Rostker, Hix and Wilson, 2007).

Influence of right to employment: It is mandatory for the recruitment team of Avon to examine whether the candidate own a work permit to be employed in UK. Individuals with past criminal records are not entertained within the selection procedure (Lumley and Wilkinson, n.d.).

Influence of the statement of employment: It is mandatory for Avon to offer a statement of employment to the selected candidate following the official joining for the said post. This statement of employment shall comprise of employment terms and conditions mentioning the salary offered, work responsibility, the duty hours and the allowances for holiday and medical leave (Legislation.gov.uk, 2016).

1.3 Participation in the selection process:

The recruitment conducted in Avon should be recorded to provide evidence for addressing any conflicting situation in the near future. Hence the recruitment for the post of senior sales officer in Avon shall is accomplished in the sequential order presented below:

The human resource director of Avon should decide both the recruitment team and the selection panel who are to participate in the recruitment process.

Short listing of the candidates based n their academic qualification and professional experience to be performed. A second round of short listing of the candidates shall be done with respect to the scored obtained in IQ and MCQ exam. The shortlisted candidates are to be called for the final round to face to face interview (Leatherman, 2008).

The selection panel as appointed by Avon are responsible for interviewing the shortlisted candidates.

I would consider participating in the recruitment process of Avon as a general manager taking the responsibility of interviewing the candidates shortlisted for the final round of interview.

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Task 2:  Prepare a Report on leadership, management and motivation of staff   

2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership

Citing the example of Avon cosmetics it can be stated that the managers of Avon should posses both managerial and leadership traits.The reflection of a good and capable leader is through the presence of a very good communication skill wherein the concerned leader is not only good at commanding but also a good listener. Apart from this ability to make right and prompt decision is also another attribute of leadership. Moreover presence of good control over the subordinates along with capability of directing the working force is the other skills required to become a good leader.Most importantly the efficacy of a leader is significantly dependent on the type of leadership style followed by the leader.In Avon in most of the cases the team leaders tend to practices participative leadership style through which they not only direct the team members but also remain equally involved while addressing a task. Another key trait of a good leader is being patient and is alsocapable of confidently addressing the business challenges (Thompson, 2000). Hence a good leader should be firm with respect to decision making, remain extensively involved with the business operations and should also be informed regarding the company related information.

2.2 Explain the difference between leadership and management

The practice of leadership and application of managerial skills are two distinct aspects both of which are found to be implemented within the business operations of all the companies and Avon is not an exception to this. The company has prominently reflected both leadership capabilities and managerial skills. Important to convey that Avon managerial skill is well evident in the human resources segment that handle the staffs and also recruit new working force. Leadership can be explained as the capability of an individual to take the leading role and is hence also the key decision maker; however different leaders are evident to prefer different leadership styles. With an intention to explore the differences between leadership and management the example of Avon has been considered. In Avon the team leads primarily follow participative leadership and in some cases indulge themselves with situational leadership. The primary concern of applying leadership skill is to achieve the business objectives and also to efficiently address the challenging business situations. In contrast to leadership practices, the management aspects of Avon are evident to focus on the proper management of the team members. The staff recruitment also requires efficient management practices. Hence it can be further added that the managers of Avon are found to be involved in organizing and directing the employees along with controlling that working force (Whetten and Cameron, 2005).

On the concluding ground it is justified to convey that although leadership practices is quite distinct from that of management practices, but both must complement each other. In Avon the leadership capability of the team leaders is in alignment with the managerial practices of the managers of Avon along with presence of a strong and stable interactive platform.Hence synchronization is evident with respect to leadershipcapabilities and management within the organizational culture of Avon.

2.3 Compare leadership styles for different situations

The practice of leadership at an organizational level is diverse in nature because a number of leadership styles are evident to be implemented. Democratic leadership style, autocratic leadership style, paternalistic leadership style, laissez faire leadership style, participative and transformational leadership style are some of the most common types of leadership styles evidentat the organizational level. Considering the example of Avon, UK’S leading cosmetic company it can be stated that the company has mostly followed participative leadership style. It is through this leadership style the managers of Avon have preferred to achieve the business objective wherein all the team members are also included. The managers of Avon through participative leadership style remained completely involved with the concerned business operation. The managersare evident to make a business decision by including the perspectives of the team members. However incertain challenging business situation, the managers of Avon have also reflected paternalistic leadership style. Following this particular style the managers of Avongenerally take decision while addressing the business challenges. Hence under such crisis period the managers of Avon take the entire responsibility of decision making on their shoulder relieving the employees for the burden of decision making (Goldsmith, Baldoni and McArthur, 2010). Hence by following paternalistic leadership style the managers of Avon at crisis period save their team members from bearing the responsibility of an adverse outcome if incident hence it can be inferred that the managers of Avon are efficient in their leadership ability and follow the most suitable leadership style depending on the business environment and do not stick to only one leadership style (Hailey and Smillie, 2013).

2.4 Explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives.

The practice of employee motivation at an organizational level can be directly equated with the business objectives achieved by a company. As a response to the task question Avon’s employee motivation shall be explained with light of Maslow hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs offer the principles that are applied to work situations and it is implied that the managers are accountable to ensure the deficiencies are addressed. According to this employee motivational theory it is essential for an organization to address the psychological needs, securities, belongings, self esteem and self actualization of the employees (Fargus, 2000).As a response to the psychological needs of employees, Avon has no such offers as it practices direct selling. Coming to the security offered by Avon majority of employees are sales representative who are offered with fringe benefits. However the company also looks after the problems faced by its employees.The sales of Avon are through direct channels the sales representatives of Avon are given the chance to work independently. They can be their own boss and are given the opportunity to motivate themselves. Apart from this as a response to self actualization, the employees of Avon are motivated to take up challenges in business and are also encouraged significantly to bring creativity in their work. Incentives, employee appraisals and bonus are the added part offered to employee by Avon as a part of employee motivation. (Avon Annual report, 2014)

Task 3 - Prepare a Training News Letter and Plan

3.1 Benefits of team working for Avon Cosmetics.

Referring to the example of business practices and organizational culture of Avon cosmetics it can be stated that incorporation of team working attitude within the employees of Avon reflect the business success achieved by the said company. The global popularity and huge scale customer loyalty of the company can be considered as an outcome of the efforts given by the team members of Avon. The benefits of team working at organizational level are numerous. To begin with the efficient team member’s enabled the company to achieve its business objectives or goals at a must faster pace. Furthermore, the team working attitude is also an indication that a strong interactive platform is present that contribute in better decision making (Cadwell, 2004). Meeting the business challenges in Avon is also achieved successfully and efficiently by the team members of this company. The desired sales target is also reached through teamwork in Avon. Another commendable benefit obtained by Avon through its team working attitude is the responsibility of busies operational activities and its subsequent outcome are shared by each members of the teams and not burdened on only the shoulders of the team lead. Avon has also achieved a healthy relation between its employees through team working wherein the team members reflect positive level of mutual faith and immensely rely on each other (Bosworth, 2005).Hence the above mentioned aspects can be considered as the potential benefits acquired by Avon cosmetic through its team working attitude.

3.2 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

The team working attitude of the employees of Avon can be presented as the competitive advantage of the organization. The effective of this can be also felt through the increased sales rate of Avon that has in turn contributed to the increase of the business profitability. An essence of the presence of diversity of knowledge within the organizational culture is also experienced due to the efficient team working practice by the employees of Avon (Frazer and Oswald, 2009). Avon’s efficiency in facing the business challenges and business competitions as a result of its rival company can also be considered as an indicator in this respect. Worthy to mention that implementation of a suitable code of code along with incorporation of a strong communication platform is also an indicator towards the effectiveness of team work in the cited company (Cadwell, 2004). The world wide popularity of the company and its being the most preferred cosmetic brand to the global female population also reflect the efficacy of Avon team members. Last but not the least; it is justified to convey that Avon may improve its team functional efficacy through inheriting Belbin’s team role model. The presence of mutual faith within the team members marks the integrity level within the organizational framework of Avon.

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Task 4

4.1 Factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance.

The efficacy of the business operational activities can be investigated through evaluating the work performance level. Important to convey, a number of factors play a crucial role in this respect. The learning ability of the employees also acts as a crucial player with respect to the professional efficacy delivered. On simpler terms a well trained employees can positively add up to the efficacy level of the said organization. Proper evaluation of the performance level is also essential for which planning is mandatory. However, measuring the performance of the employees at an organizational level demand extensive degree of monitoring. Avon hasremained concerned regarding monitoring the work performance level of its employees. The conduction of survey by Avon in which both the employees and the customers are the major respondents is one of the ways of assessing work performance level. Avon has incorporated employee appraisal schemes and appraisal interviews which can be also considered as an approach of assessing the work performance level (Cottrell, 2003). Furthermore through the implementation of random methods of quality control of its products Avon has practiced its assessing of work performance. The survey results indicate the functional efficacy of the business practices of Avon and its present position in the global market. Presence of high brand loyalty also reflects a commendable work performance of the said company.

4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs for the “Avon Manager”.

In compliant to the task requirement emphasis shall be given to identify the development needs and plan accordingly. In this context the example of Avon’s store manager is considered.The process of continuous up gradation at the professional level is a way to improve the professional skills. These aspects can be considered by the store manager of Avon as a part of development need to improve the professional training of his team members. An analysis of the given training to the team members of Avon is important in this respect. Furthermore as a part of producing a plan with respect to the identified development needs, Avon can also initiate analysis of the content for which the concerned organization should be informed regarding the type of knowledge.It is recommended that the store manager of Avon can practice identifying the development needs quarterly following which no gaps in business shall be created. Prioritising improvement in areas like job design, job rotation aspects, issues related with job enrichment and job enlargement can also be considered as the factors related to development needs. Hence the store manager can work on theses above mentioned aspects through which the working force of Avon can be maintained at a stable position.Identification of the gaps associated with formulation of training objectives, selection of trainee and improvements in training methods can also be considered by the store manager of Avon as a part of the plan for identifying development needs at the organizational level (Fargus, 2000). Hence it can be inferred that the store manager of Avon should not only identify the factors related with developmentneeds but should also consider on addressing the identified factors.

4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process.

Improving the personal and professional skills has always been the key intention of the business organization wherein proper evaluation of the success of the assessment process is also of significant importance. In this context it is equally important to understand the drawbacks of the employees that it directly hampers the business activities. Therefore referring to the case of Avon it can be stated that similar to other business organizations, Avon has also focussed on evaluating the success of assessment process. Important to convey a successful assessment process enable a company to meet the business channelled. Survey conducted by Avon is a good approach for understanding the success of assessment process (Bosworth, 2005). The feedbacks given by both the employees and customers of Avon are the key to understand this particular aspect. Hence the survey result data serve as a measuring tool for evaluation. It is through this process Avon understands to how extent the employee training is successful and or what are the gaps in proving training to it newly recruitment staffs.


In line with the information provided in the previously discussed segment it can be concluded that efficient leadership ability within the managers of Avon has played the pivotal role in achieving business success at a global level. Apart from building a sustainable business platform Avon has also inherited the ways of effective communication skills applying which the company has obtained present day business profitability. It can be further added that the managerial skill reflected within the managers of Avon has also contributed enormously in this respect. Hence it can be conveyed that Avon’sremarkable managerial skill,its efficient working force, the leadership ability of Avon’s team lead and the team working attitude has enabled the concerned organization to achieve the present day business success.


Avon Annual report. (2014).

Annualreports.com. (2016).Avon Products, Inc. - AnnualReports.com. [online] Available at: http://www.annualreports.com/Company/avon-products-inc [Accessed 28 Nov. 2016].

Bosworth, D. (2005).Determinants of enterprise performance. 1st ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Cadwell, C. (2004).Leadership skills for managers. 1st ed. [New York]: American Management Association.

Cottrell, S. (2003).Skills for success. 1st ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Legislation.gov.uk. (2016).Employment Rights Act 1996. [online] Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/18/contents [Accessed 28 Nov. 2016].

Gov.uk. (2016).Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK. [online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance [Accessed 28 Nov. 2016].

Fargus, P. (2000).Measuring and improving employee motivation. 1st ed. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Frazer, R. and Oswald, P. (2009).Teamwork!. 1st ed. New York: Simon Spotlight.