Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment

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Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment
Human Resource Management Assignment
Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment


Leadership remains the greatest strategies followed by maximum organizations. Leadership remains one of the best strategies that get used for the management of employees. Process of leadership also enhances assistance of employees in terms of gaining knowledge about what they are working.

An organization success depends on their employee performances as well as recruitment and the processes of training which executives of human resource bring down. The recruitment and section process aims with the human resource department where they make appointment of efficient staffs. The competitive labour market creates a list of advantages within a business which can better be marked as awell-organized company.

Task 1 - Essay

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives (800 words)

Definitions of HRM by Kingfisher Airlines:

Main functions performed by Kingfisher Airlines: The vital functions of HRM of the companyinclude:

  1. Benefits and Compensation
  2. Establishing a relation between Employee and labor
  3. Development of Human Resource
  4. Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection
  5. Human resource research
  6. Safety and health

Activities: The activities include:

  • Development of a thorough knowledge about the corporate plans, culture as well as the  Kingfisher Airline’s policies
  • Acting as a consultant
  • Initiate alterations and modification and play the responsibility of a facilitator and expert
  • Establishing a better communication between each individual present within the workplace of  Kingfisher Airlines
The ‘Best Fit’ approach vs. ‘Best Practice’:

Best Practice

Best Fit

Best practice states that several HR Policies will be including reward plans

It believes in reward systems which should be aligned with that of the strategies of the company

In this practice the HR leads to better commitment of employees as well as high motivation to the same

Best fit results in achievement of competitivebenefit for the company

The hard and soft models of HRM:
Hard HRM:

Here the employees get used as resource for a trade where a strong link is identified with that of the planning of corporate business. In this model, the HRM would significantly be focussing on the needs of workforce and manage and recruit professionals as per the  Kingfisher Airlines need.


                                                                  Figure 1: Hard HRM Model


Soft HRM:

In soft HRM all the employees receive a treatment of being one of the primary resources of the Kingfisher Airlines and remain a source for keeping the  Kingfisher Airlines in a competitive edge. Infact they are treated as individuals and thereafter all their requirements get planned accordingly. In this model, the HRM would significantly be focussing on the needs of workforce as per their roles and responsibilities with extra benefits of motivations and reward systems.


                                                                        Figure 2: Soft HRM Model


Workforce planning:

Types of labour market:


Types of Firm

Types of Labour Power Market



Core (Large firm with a power of market as well as an ability to )

Independent Primary

Subordinate Primary

Line/Control employees, Salaried staff both of technical and professional fields

Production workers who often gets unionized by competing with union




Periphery (Competitive yet small firms offering an ability to make a good plan ahead)



These are highly skilled people who are generally unionized by craft union

Low skill, lesser job security with high turnover for a chance of advancement. These are actually dead-end jobs




                                                                                Figure 3: PESTEL

The internal labour market: ILM, abbreviation of Internal Labour Market, is an administrative unit within a firm where pricing and labour allocation gets governed by administrative procedures and rules.

Analysing turnover: The ways with which employee turnover can be calculated has been mentioned below:

 Checking the records of HR for counting the total numbers
 Employee turnover rates get calculated with terminated employees

The impact of legal and regulatory frameworks:

Protection of employees from unfair discrimination within their office

Protection of employee investments in their pension

An employer is needed to provide his employee a place with safer and cleaner environment

HR will be developing policies to ensure that employees and managers are well aware about the legal restrictions as well as conscious about the various ways of dealing with the potential violations.


Sources of recruitment: internal vs. external recruitment

Internal Recruitment

External Recruitment

This takes place when the HRM team of  Kingfisher Airlines looks for hiring employees from referrals of their existing workforce

This takes place when HRM team of Kingfisher Airlines is hiring from external source such as through advertisements, agencies etc.


Reliability and validity as key criteria:

Reliability: Reliability can get measured by the ‘test-retest approach’, parallel or alternate form method and split halves procedure. It actually refers to techniques of achieving consistency with the measurement of repeated use of their key term.

Validity: Validity encompasses types like, content validity, criterion validity and constructs validity.

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Task 2 – Produce a Report

LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation


The different models of evaluation have been mentioned below:

  1. Hamblin Model of Evaluation
  2. Kirkpatrick’s Design of Evaluation
  3. Warr’s Framework of Evaluation
  4. Premil’a and Virmani Model of Evaluation
  5. Peter Brameley’s Model of Evaluation

The effectiveness of the different training evaluation models:

  • At Kingfisher Airlines, Accountability is assured with evaluation
  • Checking the cost efficiency of training programs
  • Feedback to the process of training as well as for the trainer

The effectiveness of job and work place design, and reward system: Job and Workplace design and reward system at Kingfisher Airlines would be enhancing the following:

  • Increment in terms of productivity
  • Improvement of attendance
  • Employee retention gets improved
  • Employee morale gets improved

The effectiveness of flexible organization and flexible working options: The newly implemented Flexible working schedule at Kingfisher Airlines, not only strengthened the employee commitments instead it also enhancedthem in handling situations which might be proved unsafe for the company functionality. It actually motivated them in working perfect with positive impact over the outcome.

Training and its needs and differentiation with development: Development and Training remains the key factor for the best functioning of HR. Kingfisher Airlines looks the process of training and development as one of the integral activities. Their various forms are:

  1. Induction Training
  2. Training on Job Instruction
  3. Refresher Training
  4. Vestibule Training
  5. Apprenticeship Training

In today’s world training stands as one of the important practices which assist employees in bringing improvement to their level of competency. It increases their efficiency with an extra advantage of increasing their effectiveness towards what they are functioning.

Development, on the other hand, implies opportunities that get crafted for the growth of an employee.

Job and workplace design
Reward management

Extrinsic rewards: are the tangible reward systems which managers proffer to the employees in terms of bonuses, pay rises as well as bonuses (Crick and Spencer 2012, p.465). Intrinsic rewards are the non-physical rewards which get proffered emotionally towards the employees. That is, these are the praise letters or motivational quotes received by an employee on completion of a successful project.

The link between motivational theory and reward: According to theories of ‘Content and Process’, motivation remains a procedure with which an individual’s thinking process gets influenced and enhances them in achieving their goal more perfectly. It can be financial and non-financial. For the former, the organization would be making payment because of their performance whereas for the latter, non-financial, praising enhances the employee performance. ‘Maslow’ puts a theory where managers would be deflecting their attentiveness in offering a complementary fair relationship with the workforce ((He et al. 2014, p.199)). ‘Herzberg’ puts forward a theory where he mentioned a couple of needs for every employee. Such are:

  1. Motivation Factor
  2. Hygiene Factor

For example, Kingfisher Airlines make use of Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theory where the former suggests that achieving one level will be motivating them in achieving the second level. In this company rewarding remains one of the prime motivator where each employees get reward for attaining accomplishment of their projects (Yang et al. 2012, p.838).

The flexible organisation

The diverse types of flexibility are:

  • Numerical Flexibility: It allows an organization in terms of quick response to the environmental alterations of employed employees.
  • Structural Flexibility
  • Functional Flexibility: Quickly employees can get re-deployment to newer activities and tasks.

Models of flexible organisations (e.g. Handy, Atkinson): Handy Shamrock’s management theory states that the first leaf represents multi-skilled team consisting of managers, technicians and professionals who would essentially be continuing the business successfully. The second leaf is the contractual fringe since non-central activities would get contracted to those firms such as Kingfisher Airline which specializes in effective communication (Aniset al. 2013). The third leaf is the flexible workforce that would be made up of seasonal, temporary and part time workers. The figure has been provided below:



                                                                   Figure 4: Handy Flexibility Model


Atkinson Flexibility Model has been shown below:


                                                               Figure 5: Atkinson Flexibility Model              

Performance and reward

Performance management and methods used to monitor employee performance:

Methods used for monitoring employee performances are provided below (Davidson et al. 2012):

  1. Monitoring of employee performance
  2. Asking employees about making use of tools which are meant for self-monitoring so as to keep a track of whatever they are doing
  3. Regularly checking what the employees are performing and how they are attaining their regular task
  4. Keeping an eye on what they are performing by tracking a record from their previous performance as well as becoming aware about the various means using which they are functioning
Types of payment and reward system

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards: Intrinsic reward explains the satisfaction which an employee is getting after completion of a task is termed as intrinsic reward whereas extrinsic is the fringe, money and promotional benefits (AlBattat, 2013, p.162).

Financial vs. Non-Financial Rewards: As name implies financial reward is rewarding with money whereas non-financial potentially are at the disposal of any organization. Non-financial rewards infact motivates the employee in getting more attracted towards their performance and functioning.

LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation

Employee relations: It is a manner with which the management interacts and addresses each employee. Maintaining a better relationship will be reducing any kind of workplace conflicts along with some more advantages such as raising staff morale and increment of the entire organization productivity (He et al. 2014, p.198). At Kingfisher, the different ways that get used for improvement of such has been mentioned below:

  • Improved Communication: Maintaining a proper hierarchy, the management makes sure that all the employees are having access to every level so that they can feel their priority of service as well as their importance within the organization.
  • Career Development: For decrement of employee turnover, the company have adopted certain roles in terms of staff career development.
  • Sharing of vision: For making each and every employee feel special, importantly the company is needed to share the plan of the company with their every staff.

Strategies for building and improving employee relations and engagement:

The strategies include:

  • Using a survey that acts rightly for assessing employee engagement
  • Focussing on the employee engagement at the organizational and local levels
  • Selection of the right managers
  • Coaching of managers and additionally holding them accountable for the purpose of employee engagement
  • Defining engagement goals in everyday terms

Employee relations and the law:

The purpose of employment law: Apparently employment law got into effect when industrialization was spreaded all over the world. Infact, this very term bring about a lot of change to a nation (Govaertset al. 2013, p.36).

Fair Hours and Wages: The employment law got implemented for the purpose of correcting conditions of hours and wages of an employee. At Kingfishers a safer working condition got implemented where each of them was provided every right in suing the employer if any unsafe condition gets raised.

Workplace Equality:Currently the law got established to working conditions which enables people for working in an atmosphere that does not contain any kinds of bias within itself.

Trade unions and workplace representation:

The role of trade unions − local/national: The Trade Union typically follows activities which include provision of services and assistance to their individual members who are collectively bargaining for a suitable working condition with a better option of payment for their every worker. Including such they also engage themselves in improvement of the public services provided to them along with taking industrial actions and political campaigning. The union members can include:

  • Professional footballers
  • Shop assistants
  • School means staff
  • Nurses
  • Teaching assistant
  • Bus drivers
  • Apprentices
  • Engineers

Notably most of the trade unions work independent with workplace representatives. These representative offer help to the members with their diverse problems and resolve their issues at their earliest.

The roles of Trade Unions

A significant change has been brought down to the industry that includes:

  • Abolishing the process of child labour
  • Minimum wage implemented nationally
  • Improvement of safe working
  • Improvement of the standards of living by making reduction of the total hours  in a week and encouragement of a healthier balance between work and life
  • Improvement in terms of parental leaves
  • Equality legislation
  • Proffering minimum sickness entitlements along with lesser holidays

Also with the trade unions a lot of agreements got issued that affects every workplace following negotiation, bargaining and consultation.

LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context

Technology is not the only thing which everyone looks for. Infact it is the purpose of attaining work as well as remain connected with the whole world. Also it will be impacting on the recruitment of how the employers are carrying the task of recruitment and in what ways they are finding the right squad of talent.

Social Media Recruitment: Even though it is not new that recruitment process takes place at every organization, or it is not anything new neither to the employees or the employers, but these are gaining more hike because of the implementation of a few media tactics. Such includes video interviewing where the social media profile of a candidate gets considered. This consideration is taken into account instead of making use of the traditional ways which are now being used. One ofthe crucial means of using social media in terms of recruitment is by making use of the referral source. An analysis shows that almost a percentage of 30% finds an increase into the referral candidates (Costen and Salazar, 2012).

Tracking System of the applicant: It remains one of the most helpful technological impacts on the process of recruiting. Although the hiring managers and the recruiters might find it as one of the most advantageous tools for making a rigorous scan to the resumes, whereas for the job seekers it might come as one of the hurting situations as individual resumes would never be considered here. Thus the best way to make use of such is using it with some trained eyes since they can take a look on the resumes which are not getting into account by this Applicant Tracking Systems (Lee 2015, p.85).

Mobile Recruiting: A larger portion finds it as one ofthe most advantageous means with which a better recruitment can be achieved. In a good resume, the career page is needed to be optimized in its best ways. This will be allowing the candidate in getting a positive response from the organization.

Career Pages and Job Boards: This is not something new in the recruitment process. But the application of technology has brought down a lot of change with an advancement of effective utilization of recruitment tools. The mobile recruiting states that in a mobile, the career pages are required to get optimized. Sharing of social media means that the messages can get accessed using mobile for example, some people is making use of Twitter feed from their phone.

Conclusion: The report puts a draw line defining about the various terms of HRM and its impact over a business, Kingfisher Airlines.  It has taken out the various activities of Trade Unions with their prime role in any trade. Employee Law and Relation have been established with their best effect over any company.


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