Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment

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Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment
Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment
Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment


This Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment has been prepared so as to analyze the various aspects related to tour and travel industry and its impact over the countries. This program discusses the analysis of the different tourist destinations and the role of their cultural, social and physical features in attracting the visitors. There are various places in this world which are famous for their different features and trends and which are visited by the visitors the most. Different places have been discussed which are popular in terms of tourist generators, generator of income and generator of employment opportunities. It provides a basis for comparison between the different destinations in relation with the social, cultural and physical features of the places. The main purpose of this report is to identify the increasing trend so as to analyze the direction for the activities or for the operations of the business of TUI Group Hotels & Resorts which is conducting its business activities in various countries and to analyze the future trends of the tour and travel industry in United Kingdom. (Cavia, 2015). TUI Group provides quality services to its customers so as to maximize their satisfaction level and make their experience memorable. It provides various services to its customers which includes accommodation facilities, booking the tickets for the customers and meals during the span of the tour. Discussion has been made over the countries that have generated high income from the tours and travel industry in the world. It also covers the appeals made by the developing tourist destinations for attracting the visitors and the manner in which the characteristics of tourist destinations creates an impact over the appeal made by the place. It provides an understanding of the issues which are affecting the popularity of the tourist destination places.  It also explains the potential of responsible tourism in the improvement of host community at the different tourist destinations of the world (Fraga, 2014).

Task 1


This report has been prepared over tourist destinations as the increase in the tourists has resulted into increase in the destinations. This report discusses the main tourist destinations where people visits in large numbers and this affects the income level of the country. Now-a-days the major source of income for every country is the tourism industry as this is providing employment opportunities. Different tourist destinations have been discussed which have the high number of tourists and high income generation level from the tour and travel industry (Cavia, 2015).

1.1 Analyse main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation

Tourist destinations can be explained as the places where people visit for various purposes. With the change in the environment, taste and preferences of people are changing. A major change can be noticed in the tour and travel industry. People are visiting different places for different purposes. These purposes can be for vacations, holidays or due to work. These purposes results in increase in the flow of income of a country where the number of visitors are high. The area of operation of tour and travel industry is expanding which has resulted into increase in the income level of the country. There are various tourist destinations and generators in the world which are attracting the tourists towards them. The main tourist generating countries of the world are Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico, Germany, France, Brazil, South Korea, Australia and China (Fraga, 2014). These countries have large number of tourists. In the past few years these countries have seen huge change in the visitors visiting these places. This has resulted into increase in the income of the country which helps in developing the economy of the country. According to the report of 2014, Canada has ranked number 1 as the increase in the visitors from 2000 to 2014 in Canada is by 57.4 %. This rise in the number of visitors has increased the inflow of income in the country. The main reason behind the increase in the number of Visitors in Canada is due to the study purpose, business or for holidays. In 2000, China was ranked 24th in terms of number of tourists and in 2014, China has been ranked number 10. China has seen high growth in the number of tourists which has helped the economy of the country by improving its financial capacity, produced employment opportunities as well as developed the country (Fraga, 2014). The Growth rate of United Kingdom from 2000 to 2014 has decreased by 15.5 %. From the analysis of the various countries, it has analyzed that United Kingdom has ranked number 6 in terms of the generation of income by the mode of tour and travel industry. The countries which have numbered between 1 to 5 are USA, France, Spain, China and Germany. United Kingdom is one of the biggest tourist generators in the world (Cavia, 2015).


Rank (According to 2014)







United Kingdom








South Korea






1.2 Analyze statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends

United Kingdom has been declared as one of the most famous destinations which attract the tourists towards it. Tourism industry is one of the major sources of income for United Kingdom. There are different cities in United Kingdom which attracts the tourists towards it for different reasons. These cities include London, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, and DK towns, Edinburg, Birmingham and Glasgow. These cities of United Kingdom in last few years have seen major change in the number of tourists visiting them. The most important city of United Kingdom is London and the reason behind this is the large number of tourists visiting London for The London eye, British museum, Buckingham palace and The Tower of London (Zmy?lony, 2014). These trends of United Kingdom can help in predicting the future trends of the country. There can be various reasons for increasing number of the tourists of UK. These reasons can be the development of coastal resorts by the government of United Kingdom which enables the country to attract the customers of different places, another reason can be the increasing role of mass media in the lives of the people which can help in the promotion of the places among the society by making people aware of the services or facilities offered at these cities or the development of the infrastructures of United Kingdom which has made it attractive and interesting from the tourist’s point of view(Zmy?lony, 2014).
            France is one of the most popular tourist places of the world. And predictions have been made that the number of tourists will increase in the future as there are various beaches, historical monuments, falling prices of Euros and mountains. These future trends will be beneficial for France as these future trends will help in generating income as well as employment opportunities in France.


Rank (according to 2010)













DK towns





This report has discusses the various aspects of the places which attracts the customers. It also provides an idea of the trends of the different countries which helps in attracting the tourists and increase in the number of tourists. This ultimately results in the increase in the income of the country as well as provides employment opportunities to the people of the country. The past trends of different counties have been discussed with the help of tables and figures so as to provide a better understanding of these aspects (Zmy?lony, 2014).

Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment

Task 2

This section of the program covers the analysis of the cultural, social and physical features of the tourist destinations which attracts the customers towards the places. These aspects plays a vital role for every country as these helps in the development of the economy if the nation by contributing towards the development of the country and its people. It also covers the comparison made between the features of the tourist’s destinations of developing countries and leading tourist destinations which attract the visitors. This discussion has helped in the analysis of the various aspects of these features which plays a crucial role for every country as tourism is one of the main sources of income for every country (Vilchez, 2012).

2.1 Analyze cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists

Cultural, social and physical features are the main attraction points which attract the tourists coming to visit that place. These aspects provide uniqueness to the place which catches the sight of the visitors. There are various cities in United Kingdom which attracts the visitors. These cities include London, Manchester, DK towns, Edinburg and many more. There are various aspects of these places which makes them unique from the other places. Cultural trends of a place are the trends which are adopted by the people of a place. These trends make the culture of that place different from the other places. Social features also attract the visitors by their uniqueness. Physical features are the sights or places which attracts the visitors to a place. These sites or places can be historical monuments, mountains, beaches and resorts (Pang, et. al., 2011).  London is the most popular place of United Kingdom. For the better understanding of the cultural, social and physical features of the tourist places London has been chosen so as to analyze the features of a tourist destination in a better manner. Tour and travel industry is one of the main sources for the generation of the income in UK. There are various places in London which contributes towards its beauty and attracts the visitors towards it. It has been analyzed in a report that the number of the visitors visiting London in the last year is more than 59, 00 tourists and this has contributed 12 billion dollars to the economy of the United Kingdom (Vilchez, 2012). The cultural features of London includes the values, dressing, behavior, language and its art and craft culture which attracts the tourists and results in the increase in the number of tourists visiting London. Physical features include various places which help in attracting visitors. These places include the Tower of London, The London eye and Buckingham palace. Social features include the different types of handmade stuffs and products.  All these feature all together appeals from the visitors so as to attract them. These aspects of tourist destinations enhance the experience of the tourists visiting these places. It helps in maintaining peace and harmony among the different countries as tourism promote peace and harmony. And it also provides an understanding of the different cultures. There is a need of the support and cooperation from the different communities as these local communities helps in maintaining the culture and social aspects of the place. The different types of dishes offered by the restaurants of London also attracts the visitors as people who are fond of food visits different places with a purpose to taste the food of different places (Pang, et. al., 2011).
            It offers various benefits to the people of London as it provides them employment opportunities as well as enhances the living standards of the local communities by providing them a means for the generation of income. And cultural aspects have helped in the development of art and craft products of London which have increased the shopping trends in the tourists. Apart from these benefits tourism may have some negative impacts and these impacts include pollution, exploitation of the local communities and affect the infrastructure of the tourist destination. All these aspects all together attract the visitors towards London.

2.2 Compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations

There are various differences between a developing tourist destination and a leading tourist destination. These differences affect the appeal level of the tourist destinations. These differences can be due to the difference in the infrastructure facilities, the manner in which historical monuments are presented, branding and purpose of the tourism (Pang, et. al., 2011). Government of the place plays a vital role in management of these aspects of the tourist destinations as it is the responsibility of the government to take proper care of the services offered to the tourists in their countries (Pearce, et. al., 2015).  United Kingdom is a developed tourist destination and china is a developing and leading tourist destination. Both these countries offered various services to its tourists but the level of these services differs as the culture of the places is different as the availability of resources, technology and taste and preferences differs. Social aspects include religions, tradition of the UK and China is different. The manner of conducting the other activities also differs. Infrastructure facilities include transportation facilities, accommodation facilities and food and meals also differs at these places. It also gets affected due to the promotional techniques adopted by the countries for the purpose of promotion of the tourist destinations of the country (Vilchez, 2012).

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Task 3

This section of the report discusses the comparison of the appeal of the leading tourist destinations and the appeal of the developing tourist destinations. This comparison has been made over the basis of the characteristics of these places. This will help in gaining a better understanding of the characteristics of the developed tourist destination and developing tourist destinations (Pearce, et. al., 2015).

3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations

For the purpose of making comparison between the leading tourist destinations with the developing tourist destinations, tourist destinations of United Kingdom and India have been selected. Both these countries have different social, cultural and physical features which attract the visitors by making an appeal to them. India is in the developing phase of development and UK is a developed country. Both these countries have different characteristics which affects the different aspects of the various industries.  the important tourist places of UK includes Tower of London, Windsor castle, Big ben, Palace of Westminster, British museum, Stonehenge, Churchill war rooms, Victoria and Albert museum, national railway museum and many more (Della Corte, et. al., 2016). Tourist destinations in India are Taj Mahal, Qutab Minar, Human’s tomb, Amber fort, The red fort, Akshardham, Ganges, Golden temple, Gurudwara Bangla Sahib and many more. The stories behind these historical monuments are different which represents the different cultures and history of the country (Pearce, et. al., 2015).  Both these places have different and unique tourist destinations. India is full of stories of the various kings and their empire. It shows its history and culture with the help of unique historical monuments which provides different and unforgettable experience to the visitors. On the comparison of these two countries both provide different experiences to the visitors. But there are various other aspects which make a difference. These include the services provided by the countries to the visitors which include accommodation, fights, transportation, meals and guides. Economic characteristics, Physical characteristics, Social characteristics and Political characteristics affect the appeals made by the tourist destinations of a place (Della Corte, et. al., 2016).

3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal

For the evaluation of the manner in which the characteristics of a tourist destination affects the appeal to the visitors, there is a need to consider the various aspects which creates an impact over the appeal and which need to be kept in mind while making an appeal to the visitors. This manner need to be identified and used in such  manner that it provides maximum benefit to a country and its economy as well as helps in the growth of the country (Pan,2015). To facilitate comparison between these destinations certain aspects must be considered which affects the appeal of these destinations for attracting the visitors. These factors or aspects or are discussed below:

  • Popularity and promotional techniques: the popularity of a place determines the number of visitors will visit the place as the popularity is the main aspect which spread information or details of the place among the visitors. Promotional techniques need to be effective so as to attract the visitors by making them aware of the destination (Pearce, et. al., 2015).
  • Change in the numbers of visitors: The number of the visitors determines the popularity of the destinations. Increase in the number of the tourist destinations helps in the better generation of the income in the country and better generation of employment level in the country. This aspect or factor need to be considered while determining the impacts of the characteristics of a tourist destination which affects the appeal of the tourist destination to its visitors (Olmedo, et. al., 2015).
  • Types of visitors: The type of visitors can be understood as the visitors of different age group, interest, gender, business class and travelers. These visitors decide the place which they need to visit so as to fulfill their motive by visiting the place. These visitors affect the number of tourists visiting a place and the pattern of the visit as it may depends upon the season or trend.
  • political stability: political conditions of a country affect the tourists visiting the destinations located in the country. Political conditions create an impact over the policies which ultimately affect the tourists visiting the destination (Pan, 2015).
  • Quality of the services: quality of the services offered at the tourist places affects the satisfaction level of the tourists visiting the destinations. these services determine the quality of the experience visitor is gaining from visiting a place. Tourists need various other services while visiting a destination. Availability of these services and quality of these services need to consider while appealing before the visitors (Pearce, et. al., 2015).
  • Economic factors: economic conditions also affects the appeals of tourist destinations as there may be change in the inflation rates, interest rates and exchange rates. This makes it a point of consideration for the tourists visiting the place. These economic aspects affect the tourist destinations and the number of visitors of the destinations.
  • Crime rate: With the changing environment criminal activities are also increasing. This rise in the criminal activities affects the selection of the destination by the visitors. There are various countries where crime against the visitors coming from other places is increasing which affect the appeal made by the destinations regarding the visit of the visitors to the destination (Olmedo, et. al., 2015).


This Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment has been prepared so as to identify the various aspects or elements of tour and travel industry so as to gain a better understanding of the various aspects or factors which affects the tourist destinations. This report provides idea of the features of a tourist destination which attracts the tourists as well as enhances the condition of the economy of the country by the development of the people and local communities as well as by providing employment opportunities to the people which results in reduction in the poverty in a country. It also explains the role of responsible tourism in bringing improvement in the conditions of the tourism in a country.


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