Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group

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Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group
Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group
Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations TUI Group

QFC Level

Level 4


Developing and leading tourist destinations assignment TUI group report has been prepared over the topic tourist destinations. There are various aspects which affects the tour and travel industry. This program discusses these aspects so as to provide a better understanding of the tour and travel industry. Tour and travel is one of the most important sources of income generation and employment generation for a country. Analysis has been made of the popular tourist destinations on the basis of the number of tourists visiting the destination or income generation; analysis has been made so as to determine the trends of the tourist destinations and future trends of these tourist destinations and of the issues which affects the popularity of these tourist destinations (Fraga, 2014).For the purpose of analysing the appeal made by these destinations for attracting the visitors, social, cultural and physical features of these tourist destinations have been discussed. Comparison has been made betweena developing tourist destination and a developed or leading tourist destination and the level of appeal made by them. And it also provides an understanding of the manner in which the characteristics of these tourist destinations affect the appeal made by them for attracting the visitors (Pearce & Schänzel, 2015).

For the better understanding of these aspects related to tour and travel industry and tourist destinations a travel and tourism company of United Kingdom has been selected named as “TUI Group”. It’s headquarter is located in Hannover, Germany. It was founded in 1923. It owns various travel agencies, airlines, hotels, retail stores and cruise ships. It main focus is to provide quality services to its customers so as to provide them a unique and memorable experience.

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 1 - Assignment Help

Task: 1

1.1 Analyse the main tourist destinations, at least top five destinationse.g. the UK, Europe and the rest of the world and to include the main generators in the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation.  For example by identifying the number of visitors, visitor nights per visit and spending by purpose and by country of visit using the most recent data available?

In today’s consumer oriented market where the number of organisation is providing their best services in order to get best business in terms of increase in turnover and business life cycle. TUI group being the very big player in business field is making product development. I am working in business product development team which is operating around the global. In order to understand the product needs and demand in market it is required to estimate the number of tourist visitors in U.K. and their number of factors which may affect the business of our organisation. TUI is engaging in tourism business and also provides various ancillary services in order to provide the best experience to customers. In order to increase the business our team needs to analysis various tourist destination and their main generators in terms of visitors numbers in country and income generation (B & S, 2014).

Collected data from the countries as well:- 


Tourist of 2015

Income generated from the tourism sectors and ancillary services

Chart of tourism in the  GDP of countries

Number of employment


82, 230, 000

8.6 Trillion


287 Millions



72998.80 MYR Million

15.9% of GDP





16.2 million 

$83.4 billion




10.44 million

78.3 billion

18% OF GDP



20.73 million


8.5 % OFGDP

5.22 Million

United kingdom


US$6.6 trillion

13% OF GDP

4.1 Millions

This above analysis has shown that tourism sector has become very developing sector all over the word and economic development in other industries is also somehow dependent upon tourism. With the above depicted data in a tabulated formatted it could be said that U.K. is full of potential of tourism business. Our product development team has analysed the data that number of tourist in U.K. is 54, 864000,000 which is far more as comparative to other countries all over the world. The market share which TUI group could acquire in U.K. is very large. Economic development rate of U.K. is also 13% of GDP that is very high. Tourism sector has shown to be much of help of economic and social growth of the country TUI group in order to phase with this increasing demand in the country has come up with the  marketing strategy  of product development. In this TUI will provide add on services like SPA, tours and travel package, attractive deals, coupon offers and furthermore. Product development team in order to make increment in tourism business of TUI can make up strategies of accomplishing some of the intent (B & S, 2014). Various luxurious services are offered. The entire tourist destinations are covered with the complete phase of exploration. Hotels and others staffs should be trained in such a manner which bind them to be totally inclined toward clients.

At the end it is written down that while computing data of income there has been made total consideration of night spend by tourist and their purchasing on all the products and services including all the items they import from various countries.

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 2

1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends

It would be imperative to say that tourism sector worldwide has gone far more away from merely be called as holiday. Now a day’s people perception toward their life spending has changed. They want to work but simultaneously living a quality of time with their family member’s has become an upcoming trend.  With the mining process of above data shown in the table where various countries GDP have jumped due to change in the tourism sectors. Government has also become aware that tourism business is essential key in generating foreign exchange and economic development worldwide.

In this sophisticated environment and increasing demand of the clients with their luxurious comfort TUI has to make changes in its present product and services. This is seen that many organisations have failed due to this problem in market.  Consistent adaption in product and services offered in market by TUI as per the clients demand has become its competitive advantage (Valeri, 2015).

There we can say with the help of graph shown below about the tourist destination and its  future trends:-

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 3

This above graph has shown that in various sectors like hospitality, tours and travel, and other luxurious services has grown up rapidly with the change in time. In the future by 2030 this demand has become double.  Product team need to analysis the market demand and has to reciprocate with the demands available in the market. Product penetrations, diversification in other business sector in order to increase in the services offered to client are the best strategies as per the present scenario (Milenkovska, et. al., 2015).

Now a day’s e-tourism has been widely in trend. Many people from different countries are looking for the offers and packages which are available in market. TUI in order to increase in the number of clients has to follow the following steps:

  • Adaption with the climate and services offered in transportation
  • Focus on providing the best green tourism worldwide in order to save the world and resource.
  • Generate different portal free from the problem of server down or web site page block.
  • Make plans for safety and security of tourist.
  • Current and future trends




Predicted demand

Hospitality business

24,864,000,000(Visitors per year)

54,864,000,000( visitors per year)

154,864,000,000( tourist visitors per year

Tours and travel business

14,864,000,000(person who availed this services too)

44,864,000,000(person who availed this services too)

144,864,000,000(Person who availed this services too)

Other services like SPA, swimming, GYM and etc.

54,864,000,000 (Person who availed this services too)

54,864,000,000(Person who availed this services too)

54,864,000,000(Person who availed this services too)

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 4

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Task: 2

2.1 Analyse the cultural, social and physical features of the tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists

Tourism industry is mostly affected by cultural, social and physical features of different tourist destination. Tourist in order to decide where he wants to travel and which country he thinks most appropriate to explore is highly dependent upon this key pillars. As an assistant manager of product development team of TUI I would take the example of U.K. country which is very attractive country as per the pint of those three pillars.

  • Culture features of U.K.:- U.K. is highly income generated country worldwide and 25% of its main income is somehow dependent upon the tourism factors. Culture is made of resident people’s beliefs and values toward the overseas visitors. It is found that people resides in U.K. are totally inclined toward the overseas visitors and their behaviours. In spite of the rigidness in their culture with the other factors people of U.K. is friendly and helping nature. Further more people of U.K. strictly follow the English language which attracts overseas visitors to visit this country with no problems(Milenkovska, et. al., 2015).
  • Social features: - U.K. is highly influenced by its neighbour European Union. Although the factor of social features is made of culture, education, freedom to perform work and so on. TUI group can easily find their way in U.K. as the atmosphere and the openness to adopt new industry in market is the most materialistic thing in its way.
  • Physical features: - Geographical feature of U.K. is the most attractive factor in deciding whether TUI should open its business up there or not. There are number of monuments and destination which put add on in the tourist attraction features of this country.  Westminster Abbey, Flamingo Land Theme Park and Zoo, Yorkshire, Chester Zoo, Windermere,, Boat Cruises, Bowness,  The Royal Academy of Arts, London, The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, Tower of London, Highlands House and Estate, Essex, St Paul's Cathedral and so on (Gnoth & Zins, 2010).

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 5

2.2 Compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations given above

TUI in order to establish its business has to understand the various benefit and drawback of different leading and developing countries all over the world. It is imperative to understand that leading tourist destination country is that which has highly income generated capacity and other factors like manpower, attraction o museum, rivers and monuments are there in adequate manner leading tourist destination has ample amount of resources which play an important part in providing best quality of services to clients. Developing and leading tourist destination country can be bifurcated with the help of level of services, education, infrastructure, branding and the purpose for which tourism is motivated in those countries. In the leading tourism country there is seen a wide range of rules and regulation restriction and putting number of sectorial cap. But in case of developing tourist destination country there is seen less government intervention and problems in establishment of tourist industry. TUI should opt to make investment in leading country U.K. as compare to other developing countries. Although there are more restriction and sectorial cap. But due to high brand image and ample amount of opportunity in market poses a significant benefit to the organisation in U.K. country (Buffa, 2015).





In this country all the manpower is highly educated and inclined toward going in service sectors

In Thailand manpower is less even though country expect has ample amount of opportunity but the manpower  is less skilled and less qualified


People resides in U.K. are having open behaviour toward the overseas visitors. and they  have understood the value of tourism in a positive manner and their beneficial outcome

People in Thailand are less concerned with the overseas visitors, and they have bind their mind and their surrounding only in their filed


In U.K. capital and manpower is to the extent is provided by government and people resides in country

Thailand is developing country and has managed to survive on international level somehow. But due to lack of money and resources has poses a high threat to its sustainability.

Government intervention

U.K. government has understood the benefit of tourism industry worldwide in order to promote this sector government is giving so  many grants and donation by providing different benefits

Thailand closed ended government is not allowing FDI to the very much limit which poses a threat to the investors outside.

These are the above points which enable TUI to establish its business in U.K. country. TUI promotional team needs to make proper research with the given factors, shortcoming and benefits etc. therefor it could be said that TUI needs to estimate the  demand and supply  of the market in near future and has to respond according to the need of the market (Song, et. al., 2012).

Task 3

3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations to be presented to marketing department to assist them in marketing activity

For the purpose of this section of the program two countries have been selected so as to make comparison among them. These countries are Turkey which is in the developing stage of the development process and France a developing country. These places are famous for various tourist destinations. There are various features of these destinations which attract the visitors and affect the level of appeal made by them to enhance the number of the visitors visiting these places.There are various characteristics of Turkey and France which determines the decision of the tourists for visiting the place. The famous tourist destinations of France include Paris, Nice, Bordeaux, Tours, Marseille, Burgundy, Avignon, Lourdes, Annecy, Lyon, Saint-Tropez, Colmar and many more. The famous tourist destinations of Turkey includes Istanbul, Antalya, Bodrum, Cappadocia, Ephesus, Alanya, Belek, Kemer, Bursa, Dalyan, Adana and many more. These places attract the visitors towards France and Turkey (Sörensson, et. al., 2013). The culture of both the places differs which attracts the visitors and social aspect of these places also plays a vital role. The facilities offered at both the countries differ as France is a developed country which is having good infrastructure facilities, transportation facilities and communication facilities in comparison to Turkey which is a developing country. The infrastructure facilities of France are well developed which enable the visitors to travel without any hassle. Communication and transportation facilities also play a vital role as these facilities connect the places with the different areas and places. This provides an advantage to the developed countries and helps in making an effective appeal as facilities available in a country create a huge impact over the tourism of the country. France is having various historical places which have seen the history and provides the glimpse of that era to the visitors and act as a point of attraction for the visitors. Crime rate also affects the number of visitors visiting the place as increase in the number of crime rates against the tourists visiting the destinations harms the interest of the tourists as well as image of the destination (Tseng, 2012).

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 6

3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal with reference to Cuba, North Korea or Myanmar (Burma)

There are various aspects or factors which affects the appeal made by the tourist destinations so as to increase the number of visitors visiting the place. For the better understanding of these characteristics there is a need to evaluate these characteristics. The characteristics of a place create huge impact over the tourism of the destination and helps in developing the economy by providing employment opportunities as well as providing sources of income generation which helps in the development or growth of the economy of the country. For the purpose of comparing the characteristics of the tourist destinations there is a need to consider the aspects or factors mentioned below:

  • Advertisement techniques for promotion: these techniques are an important aspect which affects the popularity of a destination in a positive or in a negative manner in the tourism sector. For an example Myanmar government is offering wide range of packages for the purpose of increasing the number of visitors and for attracting them towards Myanmar.
  • Support of the government: government of a place plans the manner in which the activities of the tourism sector will be conducted so as to provide a safe and healthy environment to the tourism sector of the destination (Akroush, et. al., 2016).
  • Rate of the criminal activities or unethical practices: the unethical practices or the rate of criminal activities of a place makes a huge impact over the decision of the visitors who are planning to visit a destination. Criminal activities affect the visitors as well as the image of the destination. For an example Cuba has adopted anti-criminal practices so as to regulate these types of practices against the tourists (Jraisat, et. al., 2015).
  • Impact of economic aspects: economic conditions of a place determine the visitors as changes in the economic conditions affect the income level of the visitors. For an example change in the value of the currency of a place affect the decision of the visitors as the value of the  Tour packages  they are availing will get changed.
  • Political conditions: political instability affects the environment of the destination as change in these aspects may results in unethical practices. For an example change in the ruling government may results riots in the country or at the tourist destinations.
  • Availability of facilities: availability of infrastructure facilities, communication facilities or transportation facilities affect the tourism sector as these facilities depends upon the availability of these facilities so as to provide convenience to the visitors and making their trips or visits memorable (Jraisat, et. al., 2015).
  • Types of visit: the types of visits or the purpose of visit also affects the appeal made by the tourist destinations.  As the type of the visit determine the number of visitors visiting a place. For an example a destination is famous for the purpose of business then the main visitors for that destination will be the businessmen (Akroush, et. al., 2016).
  • Number of visitors: the number of the visitors visiting a place determines the future scope of the destination as it helps the destination to identify the future prospects. It determines the popularity of a particular destination. These aspects must be considered during the evaluation of the characteristics of a tourist destination.

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 7

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Task 4

4.1 analysing issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations

There are various issues which can create an impact over the popularity of a tourist destination. These issues help in identification of the effectiveness or level of appeal made by the tourist destinations with a motive to attract the visitors towards it. These issues affecting the popularity of a tourist destination are discussed below:

  • Climatic conditions: change in the climatic conditions affects the tourism industry at large. There can be change in the climate, temperature or weather conditions of a place which affects the popularity of the destination as it affects the health of the tourists as there may be chances that the climate does not suit to the health of the tourists.
  • Terrorism: terrorist attacks leads to unhealthy environment which is not safe for the tourist as it may harms them. For an example: the Bali bombings has affected the tourism of Bali at large as it has destroyed the infrastructure facilities of the destination and reduced the income generation as well as job opportunities at the tourist destination (Liou, 2010).
  • Natural disasters affect the facilities which form a base for the tourism ?Natural disasters: industry and also affect the health of the people of that place as well as health of the people visiting that place. For an example due to the earthquake a Nepal all the facilities which were available in the country got affected and it affected the lives of people of Nepal at large level.
  • Political issues: political issues may arise due to which situations may arise at the tourist destination which hampers the tourism sector and the services offered to the tourists at these tourist destinations (Di Pietro, et. al., 2012).
  • Economic instability: situation of the economy of a place affects the tourism as it creates changes or instability in the economic situations which acts as issue for the tourism in a country.
  • Trends of the tourism: trend or pattern of the tourism get decided by the people visiting the place and by the people of the destination and by the government of the destination all together.
  • Generations of the tourist: the generation of the tourists or the type of tourists leads to differences in the selection of a tourist destination. Different people have different taste, choice and preference which create a huge impact over the selection of the tourist destination and popularity of the tourist destinations among the tourists or visitors (Liou, 2010).
  • Prices of the services offered at the tourist destinations: the prices or the value of the services offered at a destination affects the popularity as the income level of different people is different.
  • Physical features: physical features of a place are the main attraction points which attract the visitors towards the place. Availability of these physical features in a country affects the popularity of the place or the destination (Di Pietro, et. al., 2012).

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 8

4.2 discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations where TUI group operates with reference to Europe, Turkey, Cuba, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Egypt, and Thailand.

There are various aspects related to the tourism sector which affects it in a positive and in a negative manner and there is a need to evaluate and analyse these aspects so as to enhance the tourism at a tourist destination. These aspects include the social, cultural, physical, economic, environmental or political aspects or factors. The main motive of responsible tourism is to promote the safe and healthy tourism and eliminate or reduce the impacts of social, cultural, physical, economic, environmental or political aspects or factors so as to reduce the harm to the tourism sector. Tourism sector promotes the job opportunities as well as is an important source of income generation for the destination. It employees large number of people and develops or helps in the growth of the economy of the country. Responsible tourism plays a vital role in promoting a safe environment so as to preserve the social, culture and economy of the place. Various business or other sectors are linked with the tourism sector (Goodwin, et. al. 2012). Turkey is a developing country which is promoting tourism by providing the information about the destinations located in its boundaries so as to enhance the economy of the country. Responsible tourism may help in reducing the harmful or unethical practices carried out at different tourist destinations including child labour, discrimination on the basis of sex, caste, race or colour. Various organisations are working towards the safeguarding and development of the tourist destinations so as to preserve them from being destroyed. A responsible tourism not only promotes a safe and healthy tourism but also provides safety to the tourists visiting the destination. The main aim behind the tourism activities is to promote healthy relationships between the different countries which help in reducing the differences among these countries and for the purpose of drifting of the people from one place to another.There is a need to preserve the natural heritage of a place so as to preserve them for future aspects. The main aim of responsible tourism is to create positive impact over the economy of the tourist destination (Wright, 2013).

Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment TUI Group 9

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This program provides understanding of the various aspects or elements related to tour and travel industry. It provides knowledge of the various tourist destinations which are popular among the tourists and making an effective appeal for the purpose of attracting visitors. It also discusses the future trends so as to analyse the tourist trends in UK and the manner in which effective appeal can be made for increasing the number of visitors. Features of a tourist destination affects the appeal made by it for attracting visitors as these features determine the decision of tourist for visiting a destination. UK has been one of the most popular tourist destinations of the world. There are various factors which affect the appeal made by the tourist destination. These factors include economic, environmental, social or political factors. It explains the role of a tourist destination in promoting the tourism and eliminating the unethical practices which affects the people of the destination in an adverse manner.


Akroush, M.N., Jraisat, L.E., Kurdieh, D.J., AL-Faouri, R.N. & Qatu, L.T. 2016, "Tourism service quality and destination loyalty – the mediating role of destination image from international tourists’ perspectives", Tourism Review, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 18-44.
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Buffa, F. 2015, "Young Tourists and Sustainability. Profiles, Attitudes, and Implications for Destination Strategies",Sustainability, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 14042-14062.
Di Pietro, L., Di Virgilio, F. & Pantano, E. 2012, "Social network for the choice of tourist destination: attitude and behavioural intention", Journal of  Hospitality and Tourism  Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 60-76.
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Gnoth, J. & Zins, A.H. 2010, "Cultural Dimensions and the International Tourist Role Scale: Validation in Asian Destinations?", Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 111-127.
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Jraisat, L.E., Akroush, M.N., Alfaouri, R.J., Qatu, L.T. & Kurdieh, D.J. 2015, "Perceived brand salience and destination brand loyalty from international tourists’ perspectives: the case of Dead Sea destination,
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