Assignment on Human Resource Development

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Assignment on Human Resource Development
Assignment on Human Resource Development
Assignment on Human Resource Development


This Assignment on Human Resource Development is all about the employees relations with the organization TESCO, Plc.  It is the responsibility of the company to assess the skills and the knowledge of their employees and helps them in achieving their goals. The company arranges the various training programs for their employees. TESCO is the multinational grocery merchandise company in the United Kingdom. It founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen and known as the third largest company as a retailer from its profits.

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Task 1

1.1 Compare the three main learning styles of the HRD theory and apply them in relation to the company outlined in the shaping your future.

The three main learning styles of HRD theory which can adopt by TESCO, now we will have a look over the features of learning styles mentioned as below:

Learning Styles



Visual Learning

Learning should be in picture form.

Pictures should be used to learned and focusing on the ideas.

In between flash cards should be used.

Read the body language

Better learning

Things should be remembered easily.

Auditory Learning

Data should retain by hearing and speaking.

Speaking aspects should be noticed.

Talent of background music playing.

Lectures should be recorded.

Technology of words repetition.

Loud reading.

Kinesthetic Learning

Approach of hands on – on newly prepared materials.


Preferred Group work.

Study Breaks.

Standing Postures required while studying or working.

Encourage demonstration.

Except these there are various other learning styles are available which can depict the nature of the organization. Such as: Assimilating, Accommodating, Diverging and Converging.

Above we have discussed about the learning styles, their features and requirements in the organization. Visual learning is such learning style which can provide learning in the form of pictures and the pictorial learning make this learning focus on to different ideas. For the proper usage of knowledge in between flash cards should be introduced. Another form of learning is Auditory Learning, as per this learning the focus is on audios and with the help of more speaking and effective listening learning can be retained. They collect maximum information for the purpose of the conversation so that they can notice the aspects of speaking. They put concentration in work ethics and enjoy the working with the background music which is going on during work. In last, kinesthetic learning is used where approach of hands on should be used on the newly prepared materials. For the purpose of work they use demonstration approach and prefer to work in group formation. In respect to the TESCO where we have to develop the human resource management we can use the kinesthetic approach of learning because with the help of this learning approach the learning become fun for the employees. With the help of this learning TESCO can make development to such extent of the growth and the high prospects for the benefits and the welfare of the human resource (Argyris and Schon, 1997).

1.2. Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of the transferring learning to the workplace in TESCO.

A learning curve is the representation in the graphs that shows the development by following the continuous techniques by the TESCO, Plc. Through this curve, the company can achieve its goal in the new surroundings of the job. Experience can enhance the knowledge and the skills but the new techniques use by the company only for facing the new challenges and meet new targets. Continuous assessment can improve the skills of the employees. The importance of transferring the learning to the TESCO, Plc. is all about the expectations of the company, innovation and the planning of the career made by all employees. It is the essential tool for the workforce to enhance the wide scope of the opportunities within the company (Doorewaard and Benschop, 2003). Various training events organized by the TESCO for improving the skills of the staff members.  It increases the employee’s ability. It gives the chance to the management to evaluate the knowledge of the employees and remove any flaws if there.  

1.3. Assess the contribution of the learning styles and theories when planning and designing the learning event for the TESCO.

The theories of learning help in understanding the factors of the company TESCO, plc and about the workforces. Learning event is organizes by the company for the employees to meet their company goals. Acquisition of theories state about the structures, types of the learning and its implementations that how knowledge is relevant directly. The company faces the new challenges because of the new structure and the values of the TESCO, Plc.  They select the particular learning theory and the style after consider the changes, improvements and the scope of the accountability. An appropriate event designs by the employer for the better results by showing the great impact on the employee’s performance.

Task 2    

2.1. Compare the training needs of staff working at different levels of organization.

The need of training for staff at the different levels of an organization can be discussed below:




Management Level

Decision Making, workshops

In business they need to develop the strategic implementation, ability of decision making is required; improvement areas in the organization should be identified.

Performance appraisal and strategic role planning

Successful career path need to be developed, practical implication of knowledge need to be developed with this they need to maintain the team leader.

Operational Level

Workshops and workbooks

There is a need of development in their skills, they have to understand the context of job in an effective manner with this there is need of experience the situation of practical implication.

Require supervision, authority and responsibility

In the production process there is a need of maintaining the efficiency and adaptability clause in the organization.

2.2. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of both on-the job and off-the Job training methods.

TESCO conducts various apprenticeships training events for their employees for bringing the changes in their working areas. Managers give proper coaching to their team for making their career. The various job training methods are discussed below such as:

Training Methods




With the help of the workshops employees can get the real and practical experience, with this they also face criticism factor. Employees can apply the learning in their work methods so that they get effective results.

Due to criticism employees get affected in a negative manner and become demotivated. Practical knowledge influences the implicit knowledge which can affect the working style of employees. Rumors can be created by the uninterested employees who create a confusing scenario for the remaining employees.


The attachment model provides efficiency in the working and with the help of the attachments employees can understand the requirements of the skills and work requirements. A set of instruction can be provided to the employees according to which they has to complete the task in an effective manner.

Most of the Employees fears to take new responsibilities, sometimes they didn’t find out any relevancy between their work and their skill area and in the organizational market there are lots of trainer available who are unskilled and in the end employee’s participation is less in respect to the organizational activities. Working with the help of the attachments employees feel uncomfortable.


In motivating employees appraisal plays an important role because employees can perform their assigned activities in an effective and efficient manner so that they get desired results. Some kind of appraisal should be provided to employees for their better and effective performance.

If the evaluation of appraisal is based on the discrimination it becomes the most dreadful disadvantage in respect to the performance appraisal and sometimes negative feedbacks and the comments lead the employees towards de-motivation.

Performance Logs

This is most effective model in which they can keep on tracking the performance history of the employees. With the help of this they can found the strength and weakness of the employees in an effective manner and with the help of training and development programs they can eliminate them in an effective manner. With the help of the performance log employees as well management can track the record of their performance and if required they can provide training and development sessions because they focuses on the improvement areas.

Performance log can get affected due to the past failures in an negative manner and shows the negative picture that there is no improvement can take place or no action should take place in respect to correct the things.

2.3. Using systematic approach, plan the training and the development for your working staff at various levels in the organization.

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 For TESCO it is very important that they can arrange training and development programs for their employees and in respect to this context they can follow the below steps:

  1. Identifying the need of training: The foremost step of TESCO is to identify the need of training with the help of the managers or leaders by tracking the performance of the employees. There are various groups in the organization which require different kinds of trainings. It is the job of management to find out such employees who need training.
  2. Objective of training: After identifying the needs of training TESCO can set the objectives and at the time of completion of training these objective should meet. As per the need training system should be designed in an effective manner. For example: Customer care employees need to improve the communication and behavioral skills, TESCO administration need to improve their technical skills, etc.
  3. Training Plan: Training schedule should be in such form which can help the employees so that they can effectively intake the training learning from these sessions. With this the training sessions should not be provided such leniently so that employees cannot take them seriously and the motive of trainings should not meet the expectations. The development training plan should be effective so that it can provide enough knowledge to the employees.
  4. Training implementation: After planning training planning should be implemented so that employees can improve their skills where they were lacking and bring the change in an effective manner. With this organization can achieve their objectives in an effective manner.
  5. Evaluate the training results: In the end of the training trainer can take the assessment and the provide survey forms to the employees whom they have to fill and return it to trainer. With the help of the survey form they can evaluate the quality and efficiency of the training sessions and with the help of the assessment they can get to know about the learning level of the employees.
  6. Analysis: After evaluating the results the management can analyze them in an effective manner whether the training session is adding values or not. On the basis of the analysis TESCO can decide whether they can arrange more training sessions or not in respect to developing the employees or enhancing their skills (Argyris and Schon, 1997).

Task 3  

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using suitable techniques

Evaluation can be made with the help of proper techniques as follow:

  1. Program objective: Evaluation can be made to identify the objectives of the program.
  2. Employee objective: After evaluating the objectives of programs there should be taken care about the employee’s objective.
  3. Designing the program: The layout of the program design should be prepared for the external usage of the program in the organizational market.
  4. Observation: With the success of the organization observation can be made.

Evaluation process:

  1. Customer’s opinion: the first step of evaluation is the customer’s opinion.
  2. Statement of line manager: in evaluation statement of line manager should be required which is based on the customer’s opinion.
  3. Productivity variation: Variation in the productivity of the employees adversely affects the organization.
  4. Involvement of knowledge: There should be proper knowledge involvement in the evaluation process so that they get best output.

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(Moon, 1999)

Documents required during evaluation:

  1. Framing and asking Questions: Proper Questionnaire should be prepared.
  2. Person should be appropriate: The prepared questionnaire should be asked from the appropriate person so that they can make best alternatives within the business.
  3. Individual characteristics: they are also based on the training and development programs.
  4. Descriptively taught the lessons: It means in training and development programs there is a need of specialized and expertise so that individuals can follow the high traits and development process for the organizations (Moon, 1999).

3.2 Carry out an evaluation of a training event

Evaluation of training event:

  1. There should be some scope of adjustments and improvements.
  2. For the improvement of the individuals as well as organizational performance adequate management support and guidance by the expert should required.
  3. In this scenario identification of the issues and the gap analysis can be developed.
  4. In the development of the organization improved training facilities and adequate workforce should be required (Moon, 1999).

3.3. As the company director, explain what are the various models of evaluation that could be used to review the success of the evaluation methods

Evaluation Model

There are various models available in the market in respect to evaluate the training like Kirk Patric Model, CITO model, ROI Model etc. With the help of these models organizations can effectively evaluate the impact of the training so that they can make improvement if required. TESCO can choose the Kirk Patric Model in respect to evaluation. Kirk Patric model helps in analyzing the effectiveness and the impact of training so that they can improve in case of any requirement. Kirk Patric model is available with four levels such as:

Reaction: It is the first level of the analysis where we can measure the reaction of trainees in respect to training. It is very important to measure the reaction because it helps in understanding the quality of training provided to them. By measuring the current training reactions they can make efficient changes or improvements in the future trainings and cover all the missing areas so that they can effectively provide the training to their employees.

Learning: It is the second level f the model where trainers can evaluate the learning of the trainee. Since it is very necessary to evaluate this because while starting the training trainer set some objectives and in the end they can evaluate them, in this evaluation they can evaluate the learning of the employees so that they can decide whether the trainee is effectively learn the things and ready for next level of training or need to do work hard to learn the basic training in an effective manner.

Behavior: it is the third level of the model where trainers can evaluate the changes in the behavior of the trainee’s after getting learning. Specifically they can look upon the implication of learning in to their working environment. If they didn’t show any change in their behavior it doesn’t mean that they didn’t learn anything from the training. So it is very important to make evaluation from the first level so that you get the effective results.

Results: last level of the model where they can evaluate the final results of the training. With the help of the various assignments and the practical implications trainer get the effective results which should be analyzed. With the help of the effective analysis they can find out that the training is effectively good or not in respect to organization and their employees (Doorewaard and Benschop, 2003).

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The success of the training programs does not depend on the levy of the employees but it arranges for analyzing their abilities employed in the company. TESCO is the retail distributor/ merchandiser in the Assignment Help UK performing all its operations in the wide market of the country. Their main strength is the personnel soul presumes the goals of the company at the high rate than never before. They helps in analyzing the environment provide to the consumers by the employees. Various styles are opt by the employees in handling different problems arouse in an organization and the skills of the employees are improve by these training events only. It makes the employees capable enough to face every type of problem and solve them effectively on the base of their improved skills. As a result, the company enhances their business, earns more revenues and helps in enhancing the economy of the United Kingdom.


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  • Budhwar. P, 2000. “Evaluating levels of strategic integration and devolvement of human resource management in the UK” , Personnel Review. Vol. 29 Issue 2. pp.141-157
  •  Doorewaard. H and Benschop .Y, 2003. “HRM and organizational change: an emotional endeavor”.  Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol. 16 Issue 3. pp.272- 286
  •  Farquharson. L  and Baum .T, 2002. “Enacting organisational change programmes: a centre stage role for HRM?”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 14 Issue 5. pp.243-250
  •  Liao. Y, 2005. “Business strategy and performance: the role of human resource management control”, Personnel Review, Vol. 34 Issue 3. pp.294-309.
  • Montagu. A ,1999.  “Race and IQ” (Expanded Edition). New York. Oxford University Press.
  • Moon. J, 1999. “Reflection in Learning and Professional Development”: theory and practice. London. Kogan Page 0-7494-2864-3.
  • Redman. T and Wilkinson. A, 2001. “Contemporary Human Resource Management – Text and Cases”. Prentice Hall.
  • Walker, James. W, 2001. “Perspectives; Emerging Trends and issues in Human Resource Development and Implementation”.  Human Resource Planning. March 13. IGNOU, School of Management.