Unit 3 Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment

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Unit 3 Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment
Unit 3 Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment
Unit 3 Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Principles of Health and Social Care Practice

QFC Level

Level 4


In HSC organisations there are involved various organisations providing these services to the users of HSC and making impact on the overall effectiveness of life style of people who requires these services. HSC worker plays important role in the overall effectiveness of this industry as in they are provider of services to these people. There are defined liabilities and rights of people worker of HSC impacting on the quality and level of services providing by them to the users of HSC. This Principles of health and social care practice assignment will define various policies, procedures, regulation, codes of practices and standard on organisation policy. There are also defined various policies and practices making impact on the different aspects of life making impact on the services provided byHSC organisation.

Unit 3 Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment

Task 1

Understand how principles of support are implemented in HSC practice

Angela is a 45 years old women living in her home with her parents who are taking care of her and Jo is her care taker who is responsible for taking care of her and noticed different changes in her behaviour which are making her more loud and weird which is due to her will to move into her own house which is challenging for her parents and they are unable to accept her decision which is making a situation of controversy and complexity(Whitaker, 2014). Jo who is a care worker is liable to resolve this problem, by making effective decision and define the various aspects related to the principles of HSC.

Fact sheet-




Dignity of individual is important to be maintained and must be considered in the context of users of HSC by their activities in different aspects. Dignity is defined as the self-respect and honour which is developed in individual with the time. Angela is user of HSC services so that the provider should consider her dignity while proving HSC services to her.


In the behaviour of any individual it is natural to make different choices which are influenced with their perceptions, behaviour andhabits. Users of HSC have right to make effective choices and the provider of HSC are responsible to consider these choices in their actions(Whitaker, 2014).

Respecting diversity

Diversity is a basic nature of individuality in which there are various aspects related to having different qualities and features and must be effectively handled in the process of effective service providing. There must be considered the diversity in individuality and give respect in different aspects.


While providing services to the users of HSC it is required to consider the Data Protection Act 1998 to ensure privacy of the information and data of users of HSC. According to this act there is provision to make the information protected and maintain confidentiality(Ham, 2011).


Independence is the basic right of individual which cannot be restricted by anyone. Independence of users of HSC should be considered in different aspects including decision making related to various aspects for different aspects.

The procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm-

In HSC there are various aspects which define how much it is important to protect clients, patients and colleagues in the  health social and care  organisation(Ham, 2011).Confidentiality and privacy, and different policies and procedures are the main considerations which are to be considered.

Confidentiality- According to the Data Protection Act 1998 it is required to maintain the information and data of the users of HSC and there are following rules which are to be followed for effective protection from any kind of harm.

  1. Information should be confidential of the service users, patients and colleagues as in there should not be any kind of misinterpretation of their information. There should be maintained trust and respect as a priority and the professional confidentiality which is important from different point of view(Resnik, 2016).This protection of information is also important for the purpose of retaining trust and support of individuals.
  2. Information of the users of health and social service can be share by the HSC workers in case it is required for giving effective services. There are defined parties with whom this information can be shared in case. It is required that the information is relevant and shared in the required proportion and make impact on the various aspects related to the safety aspects of the users of HSC services.
  3. Information is to be shared should be in the favour of the society and should help in generating huge benefit to the society and make impact on the welfare of the society and its different aspects. Anonymised information is valid to the extent it is not making any kind of harm to the society and having less risk.
  4. The right of an individual to protest against the sharing of information related to them and making impact on their privacy policies and their level of handling risk in different aspects(Resnik, 2016).
  5. There must be formed various policies and procedures related to the privacy and confidentiality aspects in every health and care organisation by which there can be handled various situations and conditions influencing life of users of the HSC. There must be effective policies and procedures related to the confidentiality and consent and related to the professional regulation and other approaches related to the various aspects must be considered in different manner.

Benefit of following a person-centered approach with users of HSC service-

Person centered approach is defined as effective approach towards thepeople using the health and care service providers and making impact on their overall effectiveness. In these approach users of HSC services plan their future by their own. It is an approach in which there are considered various  aspects of contract  related the different options and aspects from which they can select which can effectively support their needs and requirements(Becker, 2014). This approach focuses on the individual and its growth which make it more effective and efficient and this considers different qualities, abilities, interests, and preferences for individuals in different aspects which make impact on the services providing by the HSC providers as in they can customise their services in according to the users of the HSC services. This approach helps in identifying the users as dementia rather than ill person or disabled person which is effective to cure him(Becker, 2014).

Ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of HSC services

There can be arise various ethical dilemmas and conflicts in the process of providing services of HSC services as in there are emerges various aspects which can be related to the confidentiality, privacy and use of different policies and procedures and their use in different aspects. In the process of the providing health and care services providers should considered the all the legal and ethical perspectives while providing services and make impact on their level of growth.

Task 2: Understand the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organisation policy and practice

The implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in HSC

There are considered various aspects related to the implementation of legislation, regulations and codes of practice which are making impact on the HSCfor providing effective services to the users of the HSC(O'Dwyer, 2013). Following are different policies and regulations and legislations which are to be considered while providing HSC.

Policies-There are framed various policies which are to be considered for effective providing of the HSC services some of them are as follows.

  • There must be considered the policy in which it is defined that every child matters and equal services are to be provided to them on equal note.
  • There must be provided equal rights to the users of the health and service care services.
  • There must be provided quality protection to the users of the HSCusers making impact on the various aspects.
  • There must be provided effective protection to the children on priority basis and make impact as in providing procurement, working to safeguard children, promoting welfare of children and making impact on the various aspects of their life (Tondora, et. Al 2014).
  • There should be adopted policy in which people are valued instead of other things which can make impact on the different aspects of life and there should be effective policy to fulfil different promises made in the organisation.

Legislation- While providing health and care services there should be considered different legislative requirements which are the act making impact on the overall effectiveness of organisation and the services providing by the health and care service provider. The Care Standards Act, 2000 , The Children Act 2004 are example of legislations which are to be considered while providing service to the users who are making impact on the different aspects to provide care services in effective manner (Tondora, et. Al 2014).

Regulations- There are various regulations which must be considered while providing services to the users of HSC users some are as follows.

  • Care Homes Regulations, 2001- Including different rules and policies related to the various aspects of care regulations.
  • The Care Homes (Wales) Regulations 2002- There are defied various rules related to the wales which are making impact on the quality of life providing to the service users.
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC codes)- This is a department of health which is a non-public body supervising HSC services in England.

Code of practices- There are formed various code of practices involving code of conduct for the workers and providers of the HSC services and making impact on their performances. Code of practices for the ethical aspects involved in the performance of the nurses and other providers also framed(Dean, et. Al 2012).

Local policies and procedures developed in accordance with national and policy requirements

There are framed various policies and procedure by the organisations providing HSC and making impact on the different aspects of service providing which can make impact on the quality of services, effective monitoring and control over activities in the process of providing effective services. While making these policies there should be followed the following process.

  • Initially analyse and identify the nature of the services providing by the company in HSC in the diverse society including different concepts like prejudice, interpersonal, institutional and structural, empowerment and anti-discriminatory practices.
  • Inter-professional working is identified and analysed in different aspects related to the significance of partnership working which can be aligned with the social care, education, housing, and health and income maintenance(Dean, et. Al 2012).
  • Identifying various legal and regulatory requirements and make policies and procedures by considering them.

The impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice on organisational policy and practice

With the formation of the policies, legislation, regulation and codes of practice in organisation providing HSC services make impact on the overall working and execution of activities in the organisation. These policies make impact on the quality of the services provided by the organisation in different aspects which make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation and ultimately make impact in making their life better and effective(Martínez, T., et. Al 2016).

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Task 3: Understand the theories that underpin HSC practice

Theories that underpin HSC practice

There are various aspects related to HSC which make impact on the overall effectiveness of the services providing by these organisation. There are various theories which make impact on the practices and activities of HSC. Following are some theories of HSC(Martínez, T., et. Al 2016).

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

Erik Erikson has developed comprehensive psychoanalytic theory which is defining various stages in the psychological development of individual which includes different stages as follows.

  • Hope- trust vs. mistrust
  • Will- Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
  • Purpose- Initiative vs. guilt
  • Competence- Industry vs. inferiority
  • Fidelity- Identity vs. role confusion
  • Love- Intimacy vs. isolation
  • Care- Generativist vs. stagnation
  • Wisdom- Ego integrity vs. despair

There is another theory of Elisabeth Kubler Ross which is based on the stress and their management in different aspects of death, life and transition and different workshops. This theory helps in making the practices more effective and making impact on the life style and way of living their life in different aspects and making impact on their stress level.

Impact of social processes on users of HSC services

Social process makes impact on the HSC services on the various aspects which can be in positive or negative manner. There are emerging problems like marginalisation, isolation, and exclusion which can be due to poverty, unemployment, ineffective health, disablement and other reasons like lack of education and resources which make impact on the overall demand and requirement of the HSC services and also defines the level of effectiveness of the organisation(Price, et. Al 2014). The various work based problems also make impact on the demand and effectiveness of the HSC services and make impact on the various aspects.

Evaluate the effectiveness of inter-professional working

There is defined various aspects related to the effectiveness of the HSC services which are impacted on the effectiveness of the inter-professional working. There are included significance of the partnership working which make impact on the different aspects related to the collaboration with education, housing, health and income and legal aspects(Price, et. Al 2014). The effectiveness of the HSC services and their quality is increased due to various aspects as in with the impact of this collaboration. Scope is also increased of the services of the HSC in various aspects which also making impact on the lifestyle of the users of HSC services.

These all theories above make impact on the overall effectiveness of the level of services providing by the company and making impact on the various aspects of life which can enhance their standard of living and can enhance the scope of these services which ultimately make impact on their overall growth.

Task 4: Be able to contribute to the development and implementation of HSC organisational policy

                                                                            WITNESS STATEMENT

Learner name:





Unit number & title:

Unit 2: Principles of HSC Practice

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)

List your Roles and Responsibilities and accountabilities and duties within your HSC setting. (Be Specific)

Roles and responsibilities-

  • Care workers are responsible for providing effective and quality services to the users of the services.
  • Care takers should not be partial and there must be equality in their actions which can help in achieving effective results.
  • There must be considered dignity, choice, respecting diversity, independence, privacy and confidentiality in their actions which can make impact on the various aspects related to the behaviour of individuals (Huotari, et. Al 2016).
  • It is important to work in partnership for effective handling of information and making effective relationships.
  • Personal development should be considered by analysing own responsibilities and roles and  decision making  to improve them.
  • Plan for personal development is made by analysing reflective practices and different opportunities of learning are also considered.
  • There must be developed effective communication within the users and providers of HSC within the work place by considering preferred language, needs and choices.
  • They are responsible for following the all the required rules and procedure for maintaining confidentiality and privacy.

Accountabilities and duties-

  • The HSCworker arerequired to implement the duty of care in their actions in which they should understand the effective way to provide safe practices.
  • To identify different dilemmas and know how to address them in effective manner which are emerged between the rights of individual and duty of care taker.
  • To resolve all the complaints and comments by recognising them and knowing ways to handle the errors and their consequences and prevent any kind of harm.
  • It is duty of the care takers to identify any kind of harm and misbehave with the users of care services by analysing their behaviour and attitude (Willis, 2015).
  • They are liable to reduce the chances of any kind of abuse and misbehave with the users of HSC.
  • It is duty of care taker to consider all the national and local requirements for effective protection.

Assessment criteria (for which the activity provides evidence)

LO4 AC [4.1] Explain your own role ; your own responsibilities; accountabilities and your duties in the context of working with those within and outside the HSC workplace

Role of health and care service provider-

  • Care workers should work in team or partnership which makes impact on theirperformance and level and quality of services providing by them.
  • Care takers are the key person to analyse the requirements and needs of the users of HSC.


  • Care takers are responsible for analysing and identifying any kind of harm and risk in the health of the users.
  • They are responsible for the effective consideration of the person cantered approach in their activities which make impact on the personal development by considering personal qualities and interests (Benjamin, et. Al 2015).


  • It is duty of the care takers to prevent hazardous aspects which can make impact on the effective life of the users of HSC.
  • It is duty of the care takers to encourage personal development of individuals and users of the services.

How the activity covers the requirements of the assessment criteria, including how and where the activity took place (this does not confirm achievement of assessment criteria or confer an assessment decision)

To develop own roles and responsibilities there must be increase in the different aspects related to the person centrered approach by the care takers of the users of the HSC services as in this approach focuses on the development of the individuals and their personal choices, interests, behaviour and attitude which make impact on the overall thinking of the individualsand they can decide their future and various segments in which they want to develop their skills and various decisions (Benjamin, et. Al 2015).

Witness name:


Job role:


Witness signature:




Learner name:


Learner signature:




Assessor name:

Morris A. Anglin

Assessor signature:



November 11, 2015


This report is detailed study of various aspects related to the principles of HSC services providing by the organisations and making impact on the overall effectiveness of these services by ensuring effective quality and control over services. There has been identified and developed various ideas and analysed different aspects related to the roles and responsibilities and duties and accountabilities of the service providers and benefits and various aspects of the adoption of person centred approach in the HSC services which helps in increasing the level of development of individuals by considering their own choices, behaviour and perspectives.


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Benjamin, O., Nisim, S. & Segev, G. 2015, "Corporate Social Responsibility as Shaped by Managers’ Role Dissonance: Cleaning Services Procurement in Israel", Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 209-221.
Dean, S.G., Siegert, R.J. & Taylor, W.J. 2012, Interprofessional Rehabilitation: A Person-Centred Approach, 1st edn, Wiley-Blackwell, GB.
Ham, C. 2011, "Competition in the NHS in England: Debate about commissioning detracts from the radical extension of  marketing principles  in the HSC Bill", BMJ: British Medical Journal, vol. 342, no. 7794, pp. 395-396.
Huotari, P. & Havrdová, Z. 2016, "Stakeholders' roles and responsibilities regarding quality of care", International journal of health care quality assurance, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 864.
Martínez, T., Suárez-Álvarez, J., Yanguas, J. & Muñiz, J. 2016, "The Person Centered approach in Gerontology: New validity evidence of the Staff Assessment Person-directed Care Questionnaire", International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 175-185.
O'Dwyer, C. 2013, "Official conceptualizations of person-centered care: Which person counts?", Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 233-242.
Price, A., Chatterjee, P. & Biswas, R. 2014, "time for person centered research in neuroscience: users driving the change", Annals of neurosciences, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 37-40.
Resnik, D.B. 2016, "Examining the Social Benefits Principle in Research with Human Participants", Health Care Analysis, .
Tondora, J., Miller, R., Slade, M. & Davidson, L. 2014, Partnering for Recovery in Mental Health: A Practical Guide to Person-Centered Planning, Second;1; edn, Wiley-Blackwell, GB