Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Sample Assignment

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Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Sample Assignment
Empowering Users of HSC Services
Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Sample Assignment


The assignment comprises of three case studies and one leaflet. All are based on the aspects, policies, legislations and the practices of the health and social care settings.

Case Study 1

1 Choose a legislation, standards requirements and organization policy that will maximize the rights of Taz.

Taz is an 18 year boy who has suffered from hearing impairment and physical disability. He no more speaks with anyone and not eats well. He has been referred to a rehabilitation centre where he exhibits aggressive behaviour with all the staff and even does not participates in the activities that are organized to take care of his health and safety.
There are various legislations that are designed and implemented in the health and social care that have to be implemented and enforced fully within the organization. The list of the legislations and the respective sector skills and policies are explained as under:


Sector Skills

Organization Policies/Practices

Justify the influence on maximizing Taz’s rights.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Skills for health, skills for care and development and skills fir security.

Organization ensures all the rules and regulations of this act are abide by. This would be done by enforcing these rules in company policies.

This will bring the note into Taz’s mind that in case he has to stay in the rehabilitation centre then he has to abide by the acts and organizational policies.

Manual handling operations regulations 1992

Skills for safety and care.

Organization ensures all the rules and regulations of this act are abide by. This would be done by enforcing these rules in company policies.

He will understand the use of the operational tools and equipment related to him and he may not avail services of his team and become independent.

Control of substances hazardous to health 2002

Skills for care, safety, security and the boosting the learning and development

Organization ensures all the rules and regulations of this act are abide by. This would be done by enforcing these rules in company policies.

He will understand the difference between the safe and hazardous substances that have to be monitored and controlled within the organization.

Reporting of Injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995

Skills for increasing the productivity, care, safety and reporting.

There are separate registers, forms and manuals prepared which have to be referred and reported in case of the injuries.

This would help him recover faster. He would get to know the standard operating procedure related to it.

Food and Safety Act 1990

Skills for filling the gaps and the shortages if any related to food. Ensuring that the food is hygienic.

Food and Drinks are checked before they are given to the service users as per the food policy and the practice of the health care organization.

It will ensure that the food given to Taz is hygienic and best in terms of its quality.


2 Analyse the contribution of effective communication between care workers and individuals of care.

Communication is a medium that ensures that both services users and the care workers understand and get along with each other. It helps in building the relationships and maintaining the social gaps between them (Blumenthal & Hsiao, 2005). Effective communication would take place when the service user will know that the care worker has been appointed for his benefit only and sharing his problems will help him in getting them solved at the earliest. Effective Communication helps in the following ways:

  • It will fill the gap between care worker and service user enabling a clear and comfortable discussion between them. In this way when the service user would be comfortable discussing on his problems then he will also listen to the following of the medication for the problem. He would be easily able to recover himself from all kinds of possible failures.
  • Enabling all health and social care activities been done in time. When the communication would be clearer and in time then all problems would be sorted out as per their deadlines.
  • Easy and quick recovery of Taz. When Taz would get right medication by right health care professional at the right time then surely he will quickly and easily recover from his illness (
  • Discussion at all levels and medication in all aspects to be given to Taz. There would be encouragement of the discussion on the personal and psychological feelings that will take out the heaviness in the heart and mind of Taz.
  • Regular update on health and safety of Taz as per care workers health records.

3 Explain the factors in this case study that may contribute to the loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people like Taz or other service users.

Taz has suffered from a tragic accident and he has been in a very serious state of mind due to the loss of the mental ability and suffering from the hearing impairment. He has been very young and had a lot of ambitions and desires that he must be wanting to fulfil but his condition has made him so that he has been unable to do anything related with his desires. The various factors that may contribute to the loss of independence non-participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people like Taz are:

  • Taz’s dependence on the other people and the care workers of the rehabilitation centre. His state is such that he is being admitted in the rehabilitation centre and has to be given proper treatment and the medication.
  • Lack of time for their own choices for the treatments due to their dependence. As his condition says, he is not being asked for his choice whether he wants to go for this treatment or not.
  • Changing everything related to them without their consent or the permission in doing so. He can no longer communicate on what is right or wrong for him so he is not consulted on the various actions that have to be taken in his regard that makes him feel bad.
  • Not taking their decisions. Since they can longer give their consent so they are not been included as a part of the decision making process.

The only problem is that Taz has now become totally dependent due to his state of mind that makes him depend on others for his daily requirements making him more ill due to dependency in his psychological mind and state (Mills et al, 2002).

4 Choose a specific health and social care context and analyse factors that may affect the achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users.

The specific health and social care context is the mental and physical disability of an individual. In this case the various factors that may affect the achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of the users are:

  • Giving proper inspirations and the guidelines with the action plan to the care workers on their daily tasks in the recovery of the service user. That will keep them aligned and directed towards the specific plan of action and the steps that they have to take in regard to the health and social practices they have to perform.
  • Ensuring the staff appointed for the care of the service user is specially trained and developed to take care of the people in specific needs.
  • Empowering the potential of the care workers – By telling the rules is not enough. It is also imperative that the service workers are given the authority and empowerment to develop their own action plan in this regard.
  • Inspection, Audit and the check process – This process in useful in getting the regular feedbacks on the quality, productivity and the working of the system. This would ensure in treating and removing the loopholes that exist in the system.
  • Information sources – The care workers should have a full and complete access to the information sources so that in case they suffer from any issue, they can easily refer to it. This will help them in taking the quick references.

Therefore communication helps in the effective interaction between the care worker and Taz and enables their effective relationship building enabling his easy and quicker recovery in all ways. The most important thing is that care worker should be given with the empowerment with the specific training and guidelines to perform and enact on the various situations. Rehabilitation centre has to abide by and make certain policies and regulations as per the various legislations that are given in health and social care by the government.

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