Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development Solution Assignment

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Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development Solution Assignment
Sustainable Tourism Development Solution Assignment
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development Solution Assignment



Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development

QFC Level

Level 5


Sustainable tourism minimizes the costs and maximizes the benefits of tourism for natural environments and local communities. The sustainable tourism can be maintained by the tourism development department without harming natural beauty of Tunnataha Reef. Tubbbataha Reef is popular a natural park which is considered as protected area of Philippines in middle of the Sulu Sea. It has been observed that UNESCO has declared this Tunnataha Reef is one of the World Heritage Site in 1993 (Lockwood et al.  2012). This national park is considered as a unique example of atoll reef alongwith different types of marine species. It has been observed that the president of Philippines Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has tried to promote Philippines tourism industry by doing some underwater activities.  According to the Philippines Government, tourism industry is the most profitable dollar earning industry of the country. However, the activity of government has created issue by her activities such as touching corals (Krut and Gleckman, 2013. ). The government has planned to develop the tourism department by increasing employee resources and income opportunities. Therefore, the learner has appointed as a tourism expert to make this report based on the development approached to increase the value of tourist products which are extremely sensitive and economically viable.

unit 7 image of development

Task 1:

1.1 Discuss how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism developments with reference to the Philippines case study.

As stated by Panayotou (2013), the stakeholders are considered those individuals and organizations are directly connected with the organization. The government has planned to develop new management system to protect coral areas of Philippines. The government has planned to recruit employees for increase profit from travel and tourism industry. The government is specially focused on the people who are living in the coastal area and rural areas of the country. The travel and tourism is based on the most fragile of mature and culture environment.

The government has planned to attach semi government tourism organizations and private tour operators for promoting Philippines tourism all over the world. I6 has been observed that 3rd general membership meeting held on March 2016 among 300 member organization including Philippines government tourism department. Apart from the government tourism department, there were other tourism stake holders from accommodation sector such as Hotel Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI), Philippines Airlines (PAL), Philippines Travel Agencies Association (PTAA), Philippines Association of Conventional/Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers (PACEOS) and Management Association of the Philippines (MAP (Johnston, 2013). PHILTOA member Jose Clement has said that “Image of the Philippines as a destination has improved greatly in the past six years.”

The government has assured that tourism industry holds more than 7.5% market share of the country GDP but the tourism industry is considered as fifth largest industry in the country (Buckley, 2012, p.530). The new travel and tourism planning will create job opportunity for more than 4.98 million Filipinos. Therefore the private organization will get enough opportunity to increase their market share because the government has planned to increase market share of tourism industry by 12.5% in 2018 (Mbaiwa, 2011, p.1051). According to the  Assistant secretary “National Tourism Development Plan for 2016-2022 is now in the offing with the goal of further strengthening the DOT’s branding campaign and tourism marketing advertisement and promotion activities; institutionalizing the tourism coordinating council; enhancing local government units’ capacity on tourism planning and product development; implement the star rating system; among others ” (Zoomers, 2011, p.15). On another hand government is also planning for new pricing policy of the package tours to attract the tourist. Most tourist attraction of Philippines is its natural beauty and coral reefs, which has low maintenance cost and high attraction. Therefore the low package prices will attract the tourists. The marketing strategy of government will help government tourism organization and private tourism organization to attract the customers (Gallagher and Hammerschlag, 2011, p.798). It has been observed that more than 12.5% people of the country is attached with this travel and tourism business. Henceforth, new strategy of Philippines government will increase the economic factors of the countries and stakeholders.

1.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector tourism planning partnerships drawing on the Philippines case study

The president of Philippines has tried to promote tourism industry of Philippines by her photography under water. Her attempt was for improving the tourism industry of Philippines. Philippines is popular for its underwater coral reefs. It is like haven to the foreign tourists (Ruhanen, 2013, p.82). Therefore the attempt of president is considered as a symbol of sustainable tourism development in the country. Therefore there are some advantages and disadvantages regarding this tourism planning.

Advantages: It has been observed that tourism holds the promise to increase employment and income opportunities of the people who are living coastal areas and rural areas (Okazaki, 2014). The most advantage of this tourism planning is that the tourism concept is based on the most breakable of natural and cultural environments. It has been observed that the government has arranged a meeting with stake holders to evaluate the future development plans (Henderson, 2011, p.159). The government has realised that tourism is the future weapon for increasing economy of country. On another hand the government has planned to attach private tourism organizations with government tourism department to increase profit (Jalani, 2012, p.253). The government strategy will increase the employment ration on next few years. Therefore, the government strategy will improve the condition of tourism industry and increase the market share of the tourism industry from 7.5% to 12.5% by the end of 2022.

Disadvantages: It has been found that President of Philippines has tried to promote the travel and tourism industry by taking photograph under water and touching the corals. However, the promotional strategy has created mix affect in social media. However the activity of President creates a legal issue with her perceived violation of a cardinal rule of responsible diving tourism by touching corals (Vianna et al. 2012, p.268). It has been observed that the government tourism department already promised to increase the employee number and income opportunity of the private organization. However, the low pricing strategy of the government will create risk for the smalltourism organization. The government has planned to employ the people who are living in coastal area and rural area. Therefore the knowledge of those people will create negativity in this planning (Buckley, 2012, p.528). On another hand most inconsequential and innocent of human gesture can easily cause destruction on the site resources. The government has planned to increase the number tourists but population of the tourist may create the barriers on the biodiversity (Ziegler et al. 2012, p.693). It has been noticed that tourist market and the Philippine tourism industry have affected by the negative environmental and social costs associated with tourism development. New development approaches which are environmentally sensitive and economically viable have not been accepted by all private tourism organizations.

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Task 2:

2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels with reference to the Philippines case study:

The government has planned to develop the tourism industry of Philippines for attracting new tourist during summer season (Büscher and Dressler, 2012, p.368). The success of the tourism development plan depends on the safety and security of the tourist will come to visit Philippines during summer season and festive season. The aim of the government is to develop the tourism industry in such point so that the tourist feels they can enjoy scuba diving and sea bed walking (Ruhanen, 2013, p.82). It has been observed that there are three different level of tourist such as:

National tourist: According to the tourism development planning, the tourism management should coordinate with each other. On another hand the large region of the country should coordinate with each other to achieve the target (Gössling et al.  2012, p.3). The tourism development plan will cover the development policy which is related with the tourism sector. The government has planned to improve the standard of the service and hospitality of the entire tourism industry. The government has taken the aim to attract the tourist through natural and cultural environments (Mustika et al. 2012, p.15). However, it is expected that number of national tourist will be less than international tourist at that time. The government expected the national tourist will maintain friendly environment for international tourists.

International tourist: Basically the government has developed the tourism development plan for attracting international tourist. The tourism development plan has been developed by the government for international market (Estoque and Murayama, 2013, p.63). The government has already observed opportunity to attract large number of tourist will visit in the country. Therefore, the aim of the government is to provide safety and security to the tourist so that they can enjoy their tour.

Facility or at the site level: The government has planned to improve the infrastructure to improve the transport and accommodation level. Apart from that, the government has planned to increase the level of food quality and variety, lodging comfort and transport quality because those are necessary for visitors.

2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development with reference to the Philippines case study:

Interactive planning refers to the main focus on the future design and presence. The interactive planning is considered as one another type of planning for instance reactive planning, proactive planning and inactive planning (Zahra and McGehee, 2013, p.23).
It has been noticed that interactive planning is more focusing on present situation. The interactive planning is based on the future belief that they will get more and more in future. The future plan will be successful if the stakeholders provide something good in the present. Interactive planning has three different characteristics such as:

  • Interactive planning is a continuous process
  • This process will involve stakeholders effectively
  • It will develop better future for tourism industry

It has been observed that interactive planning is considered as a most important part to the Filipinas tourism through natural and cultural environments (Westerberg et al.  2013, p.175). The tourist department has focused on the governmental promotional strategy of the president because it will attract the tourist in future. The new strategy of the government will increase the reputation of the Philippines tourism department. However, it will be difficult for tourism department to change everything within 1 year.

Requirement of interactive planning:

  • Interactive planning is required to develop the segmentation in the market into different groups and sub-groups.
  • It is quite important that tourism industry need to develop all things for tourist
  • The development process will be supported by the interactive planning regarding marketing and understand the requirement of the tourist
  • The interactive planning helps the manufacturing and development process of goods and service for specific market through the tourism industry will achieve the goal
  • Interactive planning helps the tourism organization for managing proper safety and security in Philippines Island.

2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to Philippines case study.

There are different methods which are implemented by the tourism department of the Philippines tourism:
Environment measures: It has been observed that in different the tourism department spend their money on Environment Impact Assessment (EIA). It helps to measure and prevent the effect environment activities on tourism industry such as form any future risk and economical imbalances. On another hand it also gives compensation for any damages which is caused by nature.

Social measures: As stated by O’Brien and Ponting (2013, p.159), social measure also helps the measuring process of socio-economic effects on the economic tourism. It has been observed that this process is qualitative and subjective in nature.

Economic measures: Economic measure can measure the effectiveness of the tourism planning. Now every tourism department provides the advancement in the tourism study. The effect of the tourism sector is laid upon the finance of the country (Ruhanen, 2013, p.82). It has been observed that tourism department provides different opportunities to improve country’s economy, employment, business strategy, tax benefits and other.

Impact of tourism different methods of tourism:

  • The tourism development department will be  able to measure the changing volume and value of tourism locally on a reliably accurate basis
  • The tourism department will assess the positive and negative impacts of visitors on local communities.
  • Environment measure and social measure reflect what local businesses do (and do not do) and the policies and actions (and inactions) adopted and implemented or not by local authorities.
  • Marketing, planning and development responsibilities has been identified by the environmental measuring process
  • Development of more sustainable tourism has been identified by the economical measurement
  • Making bids for central and regional funds
  • Compliance with information demands from national and regional government
  • Devising effective visitor management plans for destinations and monitoring the results over time


This report is based on the different aspects of travel and tourism development of philippics tourism organization. It has been observed that president has become the face of the promotion of travelling and tourism department. However it becomes controversial matter whether the president was right or wrong. Therefore, the learner has appointed as  tourism expert and developed this report. In this report the learner has analysed the benefits of stakeholders from planning and developing the sustainable tourism development. After this the learner has described the advantages and disadvantages of tourism sector and tourism planning. The learner has described the features of tourism development planning at different levels. Finally the learner has compared current issues associated with tourism development. After that the learner has provided suitable recommendation for future development of tourism.

Reference list:

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Büscher, B. and Dressler, W., 2012. Commodity conservation: the restructuring of community conservation in South Africa and the Philippines. Geoforum, 43(3), pp.367-376.
Estoque, R.C. and Murayama, Y., 2013. Landscape pattern and ecosystem service value changes: Implications for environmental sustainability planning for the rapidly urbanizing summer capital of the Philippines. Landscape and Urban Planning, 116, pp.60-72.
Gallagher, A.J. and Hammerschlag, N., 2011. Global shark currency: the distribution, frequency, and economic value of shark ecotourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(8), pp.797-812.
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