Unit 7 The Developing Manager Solution Assignment

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Solution Assignment

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Solution Assignment


Diploma in Hospitality Management

Unit Number and Title

Unit 7 The Developing Manager

QFC Level

Level 5


The developing manager solution  is process of crafting improvement in the set of own skills to manage the operations and functions of organization to achieve the personal and professional objectives. This process involves the areas like leadership style, training and development of employees, cultural and social development that have significant impact on the cognitive, behavioral and environmental skills. The report will compare different management styles that used by the organizations for maintaining the standard and flow of services to meet the satisfaction level of customers and staff members. Moreover, it will discuss about the leadership characteristics and evaluate the communication process for analyzing the effectiveness in operation. In the next task, report will explain the motivation of team for achieving the agreed goals and objectives for Covent Garden, London as well as justify the managerial decisions made to support achievement and give the recommendation for improvement. At the end, report will develop the career development plan for personal and managerial skills and review it for future needs by considering the current performance.

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Solution Assignment


1.1 Comparison of different management styles

The travel and tourism industry of UK is growing with rapid speed that also has positive impact on the GDP of nation. The organizations like Thomas Cook and TUI are offering the quality services and products to the customers by developing the effective process of managing their resources. The top management of both the organizations is following different management styles to design and develop the products and services using the trends and needs of the market and offering the training to staff for having optimum utilization of resources. Following the management styles that both the organizations are following to meet the goals and objectives of organizational prospective and gain the support of staff members.

Thomas Cook

The organization is known for high quality travel and tourism products and services and for that role of staff and management is critical to maintain the effectiveness in design and development of services. According to observation it is been identified that, the top management of Thomas Cook is using the Active management style for running and maintaining operations and engaging the staff members (Graves, 2013). By using this style of management, Thomas Cook is focusing on safety, physiological needs and self-actualization that helping them to motivate the staff to improve their performance. By using this style of management, organization is directing the staff and collecting their feedback for further improvement and planning of the activities to meet the benchmarking standards for individual. Active management style is effective in terms of motivating staff members to perform the tasks efficient manners to increase the margin of profit.


TUI is also one of the leading brand in travel and tourism industry of UK that offering the full services to customers. In order to manage the services and products quality, top management is using the Consultative management style. According to this style, manager and supervisor are forecasting the activities and needs and offering the training and motivation to employees to arrange resources and meet the requirements. The management is collecting the information and views of staff members and developing the plan for design and delivers the services. This is a conceptual process of target analysis and determination of standard that requires meeting the values and needs to offer quality services. This theory of management is helping organization to develop two way communication and hierarchical structure of assigning role and responsibility to managers and staff members by analyzing the skills and capabilities.

1.2 Leadership characteristics in the organizations

The selected business in the above task is Thomas cook and the styles of leadership adopted within this business are autocratic and participative. In travel and tourism sector the autocratic leadership style allows to take the decisions with any interference of others. One can take the decision by his/her own freely and has the total authority control the other employees. Organization follows this leadership style and benefits the employees who require close supervision. Autocratic leaders are like automobile engines that drive people under their command, whether it’s a big political leader, an organizational CEO, etc. It is not good to say autocratic leaders are self driven, but if their role is in government or business to drive others, then their description is appropriate. For example, a manager of Thomas Cook who has power to take all the decisions including financial, judicial and marketing matters, it is called as autocratic leader (Mazaheri.et.al. 2011). Similarly, if the CEO of Thomas cook makes all the decision about the organizational process from employee policies to budget, it is said to be an autocratic leader. The decision making in the autocratic leadership is very fast because very few people are involved in taking the decision. Organization sometimes goes through task oriented situations, so autocratic leader works more efficiently in the best interest of the group for each individual to be able to focus of their own job.

Organization also need participative leaders as this leadership values the input of whole team members, but the final responsibility of decision making is on the participative leader. The role of these types of leaders is to boost morale of co-workers, as they play a key role in completing a task. Whenever Thomas cook want to make any changes in the organization the participative leadership style helps the employees to accept changes very easily. Different types of leadership styles exist in work environment, advantages and disadvantages are there in each leadership style. The goals and culture of the organization determine which leadership style fits it best (Schein, 2010). Depending upon the necessity of tasks to complete and departmental needs, some organizations offers different leadership styles within the firm.

1.3 Communication process of organization

For travel and tourism organization, communication is one of the key elements to maintain the flow of services and planning of the activities according to trends and needs of the conditions at different level. This is a basic process of interaction between management and staff for offering the information and collection of feedback from the staff to identify the issues and make changes in business strategy. According to analysis, the top management of Thomas Cook is using the following communicating process to share and manage the information to keep the staff update:


In the current scenario, this is one of the most used method for communication and offering the information to staff at different level of organization. Thomas Cook management is using this method for sharing the knowledge and guideline to staff members. This is a upward communication process that is having positive impact on the communication approach of travel and tourism organization. Through this process, management is offering detail information to specific staff or all employees for processing and managing the resource and operations according to organizational culture and objectives that organization is looking to achieve (Trudel and Reio, 2011).


This is another method that manager of Thomas Cook are using for developing and maintaining the interaction with the staff members. This is formal communication process which is effective in terms of getting the real time reaction of staff members for particular project and management practices. The management of Thomas Cook is using this method for having interaction with the managers and supervisors of different departments to offer them guideline about the working environment, staff motivation, allocation of resources and evaluation of performance.


This is a traditional process of sharing the information with the staff or key members of organization. The management of Thomas Cook is using written communication including, news-letters, notice and letter heads for different level like upper, middle and lower level staff (Wood, 2015). For example, organization is sharing common information through notice and news-letter to all level of Thomas Cook. However this is effective communication process but it consumes lot of time and fund for processing and offering of the information.

1.4 Organizational culture and changes

Thomas Cook is large organization that offering the services across the world according to needs and trends of particular areas. For managing the activities and decision making organization has developed and implemented hierarchical structure for allocating the resources and collecting the feedback from delegated authority. This kind of structure is helping to maintain the professional approach in working as well offering of travel and tourism services. Apart from that, the culture of organization is based on the locations and target customer groups which are helping to attract the customers and staff to deal with organization and support them for managing and updating the services. Organization has developed friendly and supportive culture for all level of departments that helping them to gain the support from the staff members and perfume the task professional manners. For example, the senior staff of Thomas Cook is providing the essential support and guideline for staff members that encouraging staff to work as per the standard along with rules and regulations proposed by management. The healthy relationship, competitive working environment and coordination among the staff of Thomas Cook is strength of organization which helping to maintain the culture (De Hoog.et.al. 2010).

There are various factors that forcing organization to make changes in the culture and on-going process. These factors involve demographic and economic those have direct impact on the process of managing culture. Within business employees are asked to take the responsibility for enhancing their risk taking potentials. It has also been observed that CEO of the business has been laying down appropriate culture for their staff. The belief and values of individual has been used for supporting the culture and developing the positive working environment. Economic conditions and cost of managing the operational activities also have significant impact on the cultural activities.


3.1 Leading and motivating team to achieve goals and objectives

According to given case, I am working for the famous Chef Jamie Oliver and I have given the responsibility to lead a new restaurant in Covent Garden, London. In order to manage the resource and planning of the activities it is essential for me to keep my team motivated and engage them into the culture and structure of organization to deliver quality services. This kind of approach will help to meet the customer satisfaction and objectives of organization. In order to lead and motivate the team at restaurant I will use the following activities:

Team building

For any successful organization it is essential to a good knowledgeable team that can perform tasks according to benchmarking standard. Considering that fact, I will develop a team by offering training and directions by conducting meetings and interaction with individual. This process will help team members to understand their role and responsibilities and make positive contribution to achieve personal and professional goals (Carter, 2012). For building a team I will consider the skills and knowledge of individual as well experience of individual to assign important role for services development and delivery.


To boost the morale and keep the staff engage motivation is important. In order to motivate the individual it is necessary for me to analyze and understand the needs. For that I will consider the Maslow hierarchical needs that will help to consider the Esteem, Social, Safety and Physiological needs. This would be very helpful to making decision about the position, salary, safety and working environment development and treating the staff with equality. In spite of that I will offer rewards to the better performing team members that will support to develop competitive and healthy working environment that will help to achieve the goals and objectives of restaurant (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2012). Moreover, I will try to give confidence to team members that will support to maintaining the performance level and discipline to deal with the situations .

3.2 Justification of managerial decisions made to support achievement of goals as well as recommendation for improvement

In order to lead and run the retardant I have to make various decisions to make the operational and functional process effective. Following are the key decisions that I have to make to manage the services and products of Jamie Oliver restaurant to achieve the goals.

Strategic planning

To run an organization, it is important to develop and implement the plan for operational activities. For that planning of activities and process of assigning role and responsibilities will be performed by me.  I will analyze the past activities of organization and identify the issues that influencing the performance. By considering the factors I will make decision for make changes in the communication, monitoring and delivery mode of services. Apart from that, I will also undertake the reviews of customers for making decision to implement the changes in food products development and delivery to meet the satisfaction level of them. This kind of approach will support to meet the objectives more professional manners (Biesta, 2011).

Relationship building

For small organization, relation between staff and management plays critical role to maintaining the services as well communication to complete the tasks efficient manners. For that purpose I will make decisions to conduct meetings and get together of team members that will aid to understand the behaviour and value of team members.  By offering the respect and support to peers and subordinates the working team of restaurant will able to achieve the desired outcome. In addition to this, coordination and empowerment of staff members will influence the performance.


To craft improvement in management tactics and process of meeting the objectives of organization, it is been recommended to Jamie Oliver management to focus on the customer needs and offer training to staff accordingly. The working environment of organization is good but the management is lacking in control and delegation of authority to right person. For that, manager and supervisors needs to collect the real time feedback from customers and staff to identify issues and make the plan to resolve the as soon as possible. Additionally, organization can ask for the suggestions from customers to encourage the standard of products and services (Beebe.et.al. 2011).  


4.1 Own managerial and personal skills to support career development

I am looking to built my career in travel and truism industry organization like Thomas Cook of UK which is having many opportunities to gain the higher position by contributing in the organization culture, following the direction and process proposed by management. For that purpose, it is essential for me to have some managerial skills and qualities to contribute and get the recognition of top management. Following are the key skills that have and requires for managerial activities:

Communication skill

To work with travel and tourism organization, I have to good at communication as to make interaction with local and international visitors its plays important role. According to self evaluation, I can say that I have good command over the verbal and non-verbal communication which will help to interact with culturally diverse people. Communication skills are major part of personal and professional development as well as built the relation at work place to sustain the position. In spite of that, I have to make improvement in verbal communication for dealing with international visitors. For that I will learn different languages (Hargie, 2010).


In order to gain the higher position and recognition of top management I need leadership skills. I have knowledge about leading the team as I have completed training projects with teams and managed them effectively. This skill will support my career most to gain the authority to make and implement the decision and offer direction to peers and other staff members. In addition to this, a manager should have this skill to sustain at workplace with effective control over human and other resources.

Time management

In the current scenario, time management is playing important role in career development. Travel and tourismorganization like Thomas Cook is more concern about the timely development and delivery of services to meet the desired satisfaction level of customers and achieve the objectives. I am lacking in time management skill which need to improve soon to obtain the desired place within organization and meet the objectives in both personal and professional context (Keyton, 2010).


The environment of working is changing as globalization and standard of services is increasing with time. Now for me it is necessary to improve my adaptability to implement the changes as well develop more opportunities to explore my personality. This kind of skills will help me to assign with the critical role and responsibility that will support to built my career in travel industry more professionally.  This skill encourages the learning which is more important for building a secure career in travel and tourism industry.

4.2 Review of career and personal development needs and development of future plan

In order to meet the personal and professional objectives, I have to focus on the set of skills that are essential for performing the tasks and utilization of resources. To obtain the higher position at workplace, I have to make improvement in the following skills. For future development and planning I will undertake the following proposed plan:

Table 1: Development plan


Time Line

Actions Taken

Team building skills

1 month

To work in a practical environment and improve interaction with peers and subordinates


2 months

By joining the communication classes and taking the active participation in presentations    

Free of stress

2 months

Going for meditation classes and getting the support from the team members


4 months

Observing the leading people and reading the online articles  

Time Management Skills

Continuous Learning

Joining courses and review of past activities

Issue Management Skills

Continuous Learning

Learning from the people around


From the above study, it is been considered that developing manager is major task for individual who want to plan and implement and control the operations of an organization. Report has discussed about the active and consultative management styles and leadership characteristics. In the next part report has provided the information about leading and motivating the staff members at workplace and justified the decisions made to support the achievement of goals and objectives. At the end, report has developed the plan for future improvement and maintaining the effectiveness in working.


Aaker, D. A. and Joachimsthaler, E. 2012. Brand leadership. Simon and Schuster.
Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J. and Redmond, M. V. 2011. Interpersonal communication. Allyn & Bacon.
Biesta, G. J. 2011. Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning, and the Politics of Citizenship: Education, Lifelong Learning, and the Politics of Citizenship. Springer Science & Business Media
Carter, L. 2012. Best Practices In Leadership Development And Organization Change: How The Best Companies Ensure Meaningful Change And Sustainable Leadership, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
De Hoog, J., Cameron, S. and Visser, A. 2010. Dynamic team hierarchies in communication-limited multi-robot exploration. In Safety Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), 2010 IEEE International Workshop. Pp. 1-7.
Graves, N. (Ed.). 2013. Learner managed learning: practice, theory and policy. Routledge Publisher.Hargie, O. 2010. Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory and practice. Routledge.