Unit 3 Developing Manager Assignment

Unit 3 Developing Manager Assignment

Unit 3 Developing Manager Assignment


Travel and tourism industry boosts the economic condition of a country to a considerable level for which it takes the responsibility of certain important social activities. In addition to that, it is known as one of the fastest growing industry in the market due to greater availability of disposable funds, people’s inclination towards travelling in their leisure time and price drop in case of travelling expenses (Jones et al., 2013). With the changing time, airports become increasingly automated and as tourists find the air transportations are much easier to get information on places they want to pay a visit, the market of tourism grows (Cummings & Worley, 2014). With the advancement and implementation of Internet in this field has fuelled the growth of the travel industry and make the process simpler by offering online amenities and assessment as well. Internet has also offered community with the authority to explore various destinations and cultures from their personal computers or from other places where they can get the internet facility and make their well-versed choices before finalizing for any travel plans.

Nowadays, the tourism and travel industry is escalating its market all over the world and the reason behind it is the increasing trends, globalization as well as modernization of the environs. With having a promising future and by looking into the increasing market demand, it is likely to add new jobs and secure employment into its portfolio (Moore et al., 2015). To guarantee the sustainable development of the tourism industry, professional managers are very much essential who have the abilities to manage as well as proactively respond to confronts present in the organisation. For successfully carrying out this project, British Airways and Asian Airlines have been taken into concern.

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Task 1

1.1 Compare different management styles

Assigning the key responsibilities to the selected individuals is the principle of Sir Colin Marshall; according to him the management as well as leadership style that are found at British Airways had been autocratic. Lord King also voted for this style, but strictly following the functional segmentations and boundaries, a dignified ladder with overlooking and depersonalization of the subsidiaries (Egan, 2013). Later on with the changing time, the model has shifted to a personalized one by paying more attention towards training module, coaching and making powerful to the employees for handling the organisational issues effectively. The mutual relationships between employees and managers are managed now and the enterprise is more conscious towards empowering the subordinates for contributing towards achieving organisational goal (Swarbrooke & Page, 2012). Managers are making an effort towards offering an agenda for others to follow. Apart from that, they are also including themselves in order to empower the workforces for taking effective decisions while facing to the non-standard situations. Managers are optimistic in order to put up the support system and became pioneering as well as flexible towards making their decision.

In contrast, the management style and leadership style at Asian Airlines has been a laissez faire style. The management style of the Asian Airlines is informal in nature, yet not being casual. A serious approach towards business with having a risk taking and entrepreneurial management has lifted the Asian Airlines to new heights and helps it towards sky-scraping (Pedler et al., 2013). Under Asian Airlines manger’s magnetic leadership, the capability to communicate with its workforces, novel and forward thinking has proven him as the company’s biggest asset. The loyal and dedicated executive manager of Asian Airlines followed to the collaborative structure through which the managers and the workforces are equally regarded and get involvement in order to make the significant as well as effective decision that is in favour of the company and encouraged the workforces to be innovative as well as participative in the process of decision making (Noe et al., 2014). There is a trend of cross functionality present among the departments that are working in a conductive environment where every person be acquainted with each single entity. The secret that lies behind the success of Asian Airlines is its hierarchical structure, which looks upon to the workforces as their foremost priority chased by shareholders and consumers. This process is contrary to the traditional view of the hierarchy that is being chased at British Airways, which puts the major importance upon satisfaction of shareholders followed by the consumers and then the workforces (Patel et al., 2013).

1.2 Discuss leadership characteristics

The three leadership that are usually followed by the travel and tourism organisations are autocratic, democratic and transactional leadership. From these three styles of leadership, democratic leadership is best proven for the British Airways. The democratic leadership involves a high degree of participation in case of the workforces, improvises the decision making abilities among them and diminishes the resistance to transform (Atkins et al., 2012). The leadership style and behaviour of British Airways can also be improvised by implementing the task oriented approach. Due to the presence of low group performance in laissez faire style and giving birth to the informal group leaders, this leadership style is not being utilized by the organisation widely. Democratic leadership allows the workforces to take part in the decision making situations that ultimately lead towards outstanding development. At this point, the personnel feel free to express their thoughts to the managers and leaders and by this mean incentives gain that support the thinking of the motivation (Cullen, 2013). However, this is a high-quality leadership style present only in theory, in real life it results into slower execution of strategies due to presence of the democratic organisation and the outcomes get affected by it.

On the contrary, Asian Airlines uses to the transactional leadership for its betterment of the management process and improve the decision making process. Various motivational concepts such as- good quality reviews of performance, promotion, raise, new standard of responsibilities, changes of duty according to the desire of the employee etc. are included so that the staffs will feel ultimate job satisfaction and interest regarding the given tasks are maintained (Svedäng & Gipperth, 2012). Behaviour is one of the best factors which are evaluated in this particular leadership style and sustainability is the prime motto of the charismatic leaders.

1.3 Evaluate communication processes in selected businesses

Communication is very much essential in order to successfully and smoothly carrying out any organisation towards achieving success. Communication allows for the amplification of messages up and down as well as around the business. It may take virtually any of the shapes which are ranging from verbal to virtual discussion. Enhanced communication will allow for fewer glitches in the services being reduced, meaning that guests will certainly have an improved knowledge (Papa & Gleason, 2012). Managers from both these airlines often have to recommend team members or workforces with problems or complications that they are facing. These may range from discussing their past performance to discussing their difficulties that they are having while having relationships with their work endeavours (Dinwoodie et al., 2012). Stress is very often comes with the work stuffs and this may be the cause towards creating relationship problems at work. It can also be the cause for developing health related problems, if it is not properly being administered. The effects of stress may differ from person to person and some populaces are god gifted so that they have more capabilities in order to deal with the stressful situations while comparing with others (Swarbrooke & Page, 2012). Extreme stress may gain chaos on a team and may boundary its capability to perform in line with the targets. This is the prime reason why managers are always motivating workforces that plays a crucial part in the communication to confirm that they cultivate a positive viewpoint on their duties at work.

On the counter part, it will be ominously lessening the perception that stress and work are correlated with each other. However, the psychological contract is a spoken contract present in the communication concept which is the foundation where the professional relationship between employees and their employers exists (Atkins et al., 2012). An employer is always looking forward to be respected by his team members and an employee in return is always looking forward to grab good working conditions and earn respect from its employer. Though the psychological contract is spoken or oral or unwritten, it is the least that is being anticipated by the employees and employers while at work as a result it strengthens the foundation upon which professional relationship exists (Cullen, 2013).

1.4 Analyse organisational culture and change in selected businesses

The British Airways has experienced to the changeover in its organisational culture under the leadership of Sir Colin Marshall. By this means British Airways is demonstrating to the accomplishment of surviving pressure and handling it well in order to produce vividly outcomes. The culture changeover brought forward the benefits of greater client gratification, shareholder happiness, employee satisfaction and increased profits as well. This changeover that has been made by the British Airways in its organisational culture is considered as the first ever large scale transformation which has been made in the corporate history (Svedäng & Gipperth, 2012). By looking into this transformation many travel and tourism companies along with the Asian Airlines knows the value of the organisational culture and they also brought some changeovers into their organisational culture in order to have the taste of success and profit. Culture is something that can’t be taken apart from the organisation and also can’t be copied. In case of the airlines, improvisation in the culture of the workforces and customer courtesy alone has the ability to yield success and take the enterprise to new altitudes (Papa & Gleason, 2012). Because of the organisational culture transformation, these two airlines are nowadays at the top most position in the aviation sector across the world. The prime reason for adapting to this change is being triggered by the unfavourable environment that is over manned and due to presence of the disorganized work endeavours and not customer friendly surrounding, which have been changed with the time and by bringing the revolutionary change into the field of organisational culture.

Necessary changes and transformation: When these two airlines are not having the taste of privatization, they are fully covered with the bureaucratic, biased and authoritarian which was driven by the impersonal relationship present in between employees and management. More and more focus is being placed on the operations rather than on services or market orientations at the time of pre-privatization. During the period of post-privatization, it has brought revolutionary cultural change along with it. During this time, the corporate mission and vision is being revised as well as changed according to meet the competitive airline market and for responding well to the external environment (Svedäng & Gipperth, 2012). The cultural change that has been implemented is facilitated via training programs and appraisal systems in order to stimulate the change. However, the new corporate organisational culture is informal, customer oriented, innovative and encouraged to the participative management as well and so on.

Task 2

2.1 Assess own management skills performance

All the companies have personal goals with those objectives they apply different strategies to have the taste of success. Of which those are recognized as the marketing strategies by means of which the organisation can meet the expectation levels of the consumers. Organisational culture persuades the rate of development of a business and thus this has a direct effect on the effectiveness of that organisation (Atkins et al., 2012) First and foremost, performance is a factor which verifies the success related to the organisation.

A country’s developing economy is directly proportional to the number of successful organisations that it has and is not about the size of a company. It is about the success rate. Famous economists suggest that the performance of an organisation is the element which takes the position of the company in an upward or downward direction based on the performance of a company that affects the regular life of the common people in a country due to its impact on the financial structure of the nation. Therefore, performance of an organisation is the productivity of that organisation (Swarbrooke & Page, 2012).       

In case of British Airways and Asian Airlines, the divisional structures of these two organisations are the key by means of which systematic function and running of the company is made possible. The managers those are appointed at the top of each group help their employees so that the performance of the company will boost up gradually. The professionals also encourage the implementation of the advanced technologies inside the organisational environment in order to enhance the effectiveness of the organisation (Moore et al., 2015). While, in case of the organisational culture, performance of the company is depending upon its hierarchical system that creates a working atmosphere inside it and directly affects to the performance of the company. Optimistic working environment provide necessary helps to the employees for working effectively and give their 100% to the organisation by means of which they always try to get their job done within the timeframe and want to get all the organisational achievements.            

2.2 Analyse personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

SWOT analysis is conducted for the macro-environmental analysis related to an organisation. With this approach, the capabilities and strong points of the products and services offered by these two companies can be recognised. Along with this, the problematic issues can be identified in terms of weaknesses (Cummings & Worley, 2014). Points of opportunity towards future direction and long-term developments of the organisations have also been recognised with the help of this approach. The forthcoming threat issues related with the airline industry is also a point of concern in this case of analysis.       


  • Well-organised and well-ordered arrangements and facilities to fly
  • Fastest travelling by air with a record of great level of safety
  • Well experienced as well as talented workforces with high competency level
  • Diversified styles of services as well as pricing ranges and the related planning decisions have been applied for ultimate customer satisfaction by effective market segmentation.  



  • Requirement of higher amount of capitals as Airlines activities are much more expensive.
  • Uninterrupted communication along with monitoring is needed as many of the employees present all over the world in different geographic locations.
  • Impact on the commitments of Airline services because of the various difficulties in quick schedule as well as changes related with travelling programmes. 




  • Continuous improvement is possible in the airline industry due to more amount of disposable money found in case of the younger generation that creates wider opportunities for destination and tour packages of other tour operator agencies.
  • Due to technology-centred advancement, various automated systems and ultramodern styles of aircrafts have been integrated and this approach helps to boost the financial status as well as all the processes and operations of the companies have become time and energy saving as well as cost effective in nature.
  • Better financial structure can be gained due to the improvement of services in a customer-friendly way. Some of such services are- accessibility of internet within the flight along with other impressive value added services and products for special customers and consumers who are willing to pay the additional amount to get beneficial by the flight services.   


  • When economic recession period hits, this industry gets more affected than other industries as nobody has interest in leisure travel.
  • Fuel price has been increasing day by day and many airlines, like- British Airways as well as Asian Airlines get affected due to the ascendant spikes in fuel price. It also has severe impact on the business models of the companies.
  • Whether it is about natural disasters or manmade events and catastrophes, airline industry get negatively affected, like- terrorist attacks and intense climate change issues.
  • Policy intervention by different governments across the globe is one of the biggest threats which can result into changing the cost management plans of the organisations as well as intensity of the force called competitive rivalry gets increased.     

2.3 Set and prioritise objectives and targets to develop own potential

It is very much essential to plan for the personal operation being as a loyal employee to the company and identifies the values and vision of the work or career for the improvement of the profession. In order to prioritize the organisational goal, the knowledge and experience of the talented developing manager should be implemented in a suitable manner in order to achieve success (Jones et al., 2013). Thinking innovatively is and should always be the prime concern in order to taste the ripen success. However, there are numerous of other factors present which identifies the working capability of an individual within the corporation. Cultural factors, Motivation, Good leadership style, Job Satisfaction, Management style, adaptability and so on are some of the factors that affect the work of the folks.

  • Job Satisfaction:Job satisfaction is a noteworthy factor that affects the company’s performance level and it also affects the employees behavioural. Therefore, choosing a profession according to personal satisfaction is somewhat necessary (Moore et al., 2015). By means of this factor, a positive energy will always stay surrounded with the employees and make them remain happy with their job selection irrespective of what the company is paying to them.
  • Motivation:In case of the motivation a clear-cut ambition is necessary to know what is the ultimate goal and this ambition should be desired in proportion to the potential of the individual. Taking leisure time in between the long duration of time at work is another essential factor. All these factors work as motivations for an individual who is the building block for an organisation (Pedler et al., 2013). The working reasons are quite different with different people but all of them work to achieve something that lead the organisation towards achieving its objective and positive motivation acts like a fuel by which greater productivity and high-quality product come to the front.                    

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The entire report is based on management related to travel and tourism industry. It has been categorised into four major sections. The first task has been illustrated in the initial section of the project which is about gaining knowledge regarding the principles as well as practices related with management behaviour. Here the outline of the section holds various details, like- comparison among diverse styles of management, different leadership characteristics, and evaluation of communication processes for which two high-flying companies British Airways and Asian Airlines have been taken as references (Jones et al., 2013). Organisational culture along with change management is the last analytical part of this section of report. Re-evaluation of the individual potential as a perspective manager is the purpose of second segment of the report in which assessment regarding performance in relation to the management skills along with SWOT analysis as well as prioritisation of the targeted objectives of the companies have been taken into account. In the third section of the assignment, study regarding managerial skills in line with business as well as services context is the primary concern. The final section of the report holds the perfect career development approaches in business, in which both managerial along with personal skills and their impact on the process of career development has been described in details.   


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Moore, K. L., Persaud, T. V. N., & Torchia, M. G. (2015). The developing human: clinically oriented embryology. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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