Developing Manager Behavior Assignment

Developing Manager Behavior Assignment

Developing Manager Behavior Assignment


The Developing Manager Behavior Assignment of The Developing Manager is essential to understand thoroughly to be a successful manager in future. Manager or leader is someone who influences others to get the work done by them. Different managers has different characteristics that make them stand out of the crowd and easily noticeable by their activities in the organization. They are the guide, mentor, director, who tells the employees how to achieve growth and development along with organizational development.

The assignment has given wide scope to understand various management styles; leaders must have characteristics, how to adopt change and organizational culture, moreover the communication process under organizational context.

Here, the full opportunities are given to understand organizational practices, career development and other aspects by taking part in real time operations in DGHE cafeteria. It has enabled to understand the activities, strength and weaknesses, very much required in the future prospects.

Task 1

Understand the principles and practices of management behavior.

To answer the questions of task one, the organization has been chosen here is Mc Donald’s, an eminent fast food retailer having restaurants all over the world. The answers will be based on that.

1.1 Compare different management styles.

Every leader possess an unique style to manage its subordinates or team depending on the situations, these are called leadership or management styles, have been discussed below:

Management Style



Examples of Mc Donald’s


In this style subordinates need to follow the guidelines provided by the leaders, they have no involvement in decision making process; their ideas are not encouraged by the management.

In this style, the team members are completely dependent on the leaders or managers.

Subordinates task is to obey only the guidelines; they do not have any liberty.

Employees always work under the close supervision of the managers.

The mail tools to motivate employees are threats and fear.

In this management style, employees are found less motivated and involved in the organizational activities.

If the employees are skilful or underdeveloped, in both the situation, this style may be ineffective.

In Mc Donald’s mostly all types of management styles can be seen based on situation and requirement of control.

Managers are get trained in leadership to have a clear notion in which situation and how the employees can be handled effectively.

This style is taken by Mc Donald’s when the employees joined in work, they do not have enough knowledge of the organizational procedures, when the managers think any deviation may hamper the objectives and when conflicts arises in between employee relation  and cannot bear more risk.


In this style, leaders have the whole authority to take the best decision for employees as well as organization.

The policies are designed that the interest of both the parties must be fulfilled.

They set the pattern of work by communicating and encouraging ideas from the employees before taking any decision.

This type of leadership creates motivated, involved and loyal employees.

The style is effective when employees are underdeveloped and want to depend on guidelines in their work.

The style would be less effective if the employees do not want to depend on the directions of others.

In some department Mc Donald’s managers set guidelines of work to reduce error in work. For example, the neat and clean, hygiene requirement, food production department need to follow the standards, thus managers set pattern and employees follow that.

Democratic or Participative

In this style the managers always seek ideas from the employees to involve them in the work.

It provides flexibility and increases innovation in decision making.

The best decisions are taken in this leadership.

Here healthy and transparent communication is followed between managers and the employees.

Here employees are motivated by rewards for the team effort.

This style is effective when there is team cohesiveness in the organization, employees are experienced and know their responsibilities and may not be proved fruitful if employees are not skillful, in crisis situations, and lack of coordination in the organization.

The line managers as well as upper level managers follow transparency in work and give enough opportunity to the subordinates to involve in decision making process and share their ideas. Mostly this management style is followed in every department to make the team members motivated and loyal to the company.

Laissez Faire

In this leadership style, managers do not have any contribution in team.

They do not have any control on the activities or subordinates.

Subordinates are the decision makers and they do not depend on the managers.

This type of leadership is effective when the company is working under safe environment and employees are experienced in their roles.

This leadership may be dangerous if the employees are unskilled and want to achieve own interest rather focusing on the organizational goals.( Adeniyi, 2007)

This generally cannot be seen in mc Donald’s.

Managing By Walking Around

In this style, the leaders act as eminent factors of the organization.

In this style managers perform the roles of effective listeners and always seek suggestions from the team members.

Here the managers act as the mentors of the employees and guide them in any problem.

They prefer to walk around and help and oversee the employees rather sitting in his cabin and order.( Glanz, 2002)

This style is effective enough in any conditions.

Most of the line managers act as a mentor to their subordinates in Mc Donald’s. After joining the company as a crew member, the staff gets full information and extreme support while overseeing the day to day activities by the managers.

1.3 Evaluate communication processes in selected businesses.

Communication can be defined as the process of sharing information, ideas, thoughts, opinion to other to express our feeling. In any organization communication is the main media to interact internally and externally.

Communication Process:To communicate with employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders Mc Donald’s follow these steps.

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At first they decide the objective of the message, then encode it in written or verbal messages then transmit it via ant media for example, power point presentation or news paper advertisements. Then the receiver such as employees, customers, suppliers, they decode it as per their understanding of the information provided and then give feedback. (Mahoney,2014)

In Mc Donald’s mainly two types of communication processes are followed:

Internal Communication: The participants of internal communication of mc Donald’s are the line managers, upper level managers, crew members etc. Mc Donald’s follows a transparent and open communication method to the employees that everyone can participate in decision making. A channel is followed here. At first the information reach to the Restaurant manager, them he passes it to the shift manager, after that from him the message is delivered to the crew members. The communication process can be divided into following aspects;

Objectives: The objectives may be informing the employees about organizational procedures, any changes in pattern, sharing organizations goals and objectives, employee’s responsibilities, guide in better customer service and satisfaction.

Encode the Messages: The messages are encoded in written, verbal or visual as applicable.

Sending the messages:The messages are sent by some channels such as PowerPoint presentations, email, meeting etc (Miller,2012)

Decode The Message:The employees decode the message as per their understanding.

Feedback:The success of the communication process can be measured when employees accomplish any task or objectives in team. If the employees are not successful in performing the tasks or the employees cannot understand the message properly, the managers communicate with them and solve the issues immediately.

Several barriers can be found in internal communication, if the employees are not motivated, they are under stress, unclear message or complicacies in understanding language.( Iqbal, 2011)

External Communication:Externally Mc Donald’s communicate with their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. The same communication process is followed here;

Objectives: To make customers aware about their products, branding, positioning etc. (Talloo,2007)

While taking order, to communicate with the customers they follow three steps

  • Listen: They try to understand the expectations of the customers at first.
  • Repeat: They repeat the same to show they are listening and giving importance to them.
  • Confirm: Lastly, they confirm, if the customer confirm the repeated message as correct.

While face to face communication, they follows body language as main factor that includes the employees friendly behaviors, good interpersonal skill, soft skill, posture , gesture that make effective communication. In dealing with customers they at first smile and greet, take the order and then resolve any problems if they have.( Kippenberger,2002)

To make the customers aware about Mc Donald’s and to position their products successfully, they use commercial and print media as well as digital media in their external communication. They also publish video ads, banners, hoarding and use the mascot image and different logos to create a distinct image in customer’s mind. In their commercial ads they provide visual representation of their finger licking foods and in print advertisement they give full information of their products, offers, stores etc. They always open to any feedback of the customers and may be good or bad and rectify the processes if customers expect something else.

Task 2

2.1 Skills audit – you are expected to assess the necessary management skills to run an F&B service.

Personal Skills Audit

Personal Management skills





Critical Thinking




I have implied this skill for using my ability to reason as well as use logic to identify my strengths and weaknesses for alternative outcomes, or approaches towards problems. A little bit of improvement is required though.





I possess the ability to assess my own performing ability, of others as well as companies to improve on the limitations and for taking precautionary measures. A little bit of improvement is required though.





I possess the ability of eradicating the differences within people by bringing them together.

Complex problem solving




I have the ability for identifying the challenges and re-evaluation of the information to develop and evaluate the other options and the implementation of the outcomes.

Time management




I will use this skill for managing my own time and the time of other individuals as well. A little bit of improvement is required though.





I use this skill for adjusting my own action for coordinating with the actions of other individuals.

Learning strategies




I will use this skill for selecting the processes to train in respect of the circumstances that depends on learning new matters. I need to improve a lot in this respect.  





I will apply this ability for communicating in an effective manner for writing in an appropriate way in respect of the need of others.





I will use this skill for persuading another person to change their behavior or mindset. I need to improve a lot in this respect. 

2.2 SWOT analysis - you are expected to analyze your own personal strengths and weaknesses in the context of F&B service and potential opportunities and threats to your development as a manager.

SWOT Analysis of F&B Manager for DGHE cafeteria

  • Strengths
  1. Integrity: This is an essential requirement which I possess as the job demands absolute honesty.
  2. Dependability: This is the ability that I possess as the job has the requirement for having reliability, responsibility as well as dependability.
  3. Leadership:This is the ability that I possess as the job has the requirement for the need to lead, taking charges, as well as providing alternatives.
  4. Cooperation: This is the ability that I possess as an F&B Manager as the job has the requirement for being nice with others in relation to the job and to showcase a well mannered behavioural aspect.
  • Weaknesses 
  1. Getting sidetracked: At certain point of time, I get sidetracked in respect of minute details.
  2. Patience: Another weakness in me is that at certain times I get impatient with the junior staffs and my peers who cannot acknowledge my viewpoint in regard to a particular aspect.
  3. Getting nervous: This is another weakness that I possess where I tend to become nervous as well as less comfortable in regard to my ability for speaking at a public forum and because of that would love giving more presentations and effectively interacting before other individuals. (Lambin, 2007)
  • Opportunities
  1. I will be able to administer all F&B as well as daily functional aspects.
  2. I will be able to maintain optimum standard of internal as well as external services for the consumers.
  3. I will be able to plan outstanding menus, buy products as well as incessantly create required developments.
  4. I will be able to do the identification of the needs of the consumers and provide proactive responses.
  5. I will be able to direct the F&B team as a manager by the process of recruitment, training as well as appraisal of skilled individuals.
  • Threats
  1. Threat from other competitors focusing on the same post of the F&B department.
  2. Threat of losing out on the goodwill of the cafeteria by committing certain mistakes.
  3. Threat of losing the job if the management finds any kind of flaw in my work as an F&B manager of the DGHE cafeteria.
  4. Threat of terrorist attack on the DGHE cafeteria that may have create a threat to life.

2.3 Create short, medium and long-term objectives for your own self-improvement as a manager in the hospitality industry.

Short term objectives for self-improvement

  • Integrity: This is an essential objective for self-improvement as the job demands absolute honesty.
  • Dependability: This is an essential objective for self-improvement as the job has the requirement for having reliability, responsibility as well as dependability.
  • Leadership: This is an essential objective for self-improvement as the job has the requirement for the need to lead, taking charges, as well as providing alternatives.
  • Cooperation: This is an essential objective for self-improvement as the job has the requirement for being nice with others in relation to the job and to showcase a well mannered behavioural aspect. (Dwyer, 2012)
  • Stress tolerance: This is the ability to accept criticism and to deal productively with crisis scenarios.
  • Attention to detail: This is an essential objective for self-improvement that has the requirement for giving proper attention to detailing as well as thoroughly finishing the work.

Medium term objectives for self-improvement

  • Independence: This is an essential medium term objective that will give me an opportunity to function independently as well as making decisions that will require creative approach as well as accountability.
  • Relationships: This is an essential medium term objective that will give me an opportunity to offer my service to others and function collectively with my peers.
  • Support: This is an essential medium term objective that will give me an opportunity to provide assistance to the management that supports the staffs of DGHE cafeteria.
  • Recognition: This is an essential medium term objective that will give me an opportunity to provide for improvement, and a leadership potentiality. (Shaw, 2008)
  • Achievement: This is an essential medium term objective that will give me an opportunity for allowing me to utilize my abilities to the utmost that will give me a sense of achievement.

Long term objectives for self-improvement

  • Customer and personal service: This is an essential long term objective that will give me an opportunity to provide evaluation for the needs of the consumers, as well as assessing the customer satisfaction.
  • Administration and management: This is an essential long term objective that will give me an opportunity to allocate resources, as well as coordinating with various individuals.
  • Production and processing: This is an essential long term objective that will give me an opportunity to have the knowledge of the process for production, as well as different processes for optimum utilization of resources.
  • Education and training: This is an essential long term objective that will give me an opportunity to use methodologies for providing instructions to others as well as collection of individuals. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • Personnel and human resources: This is an essential long term objective that will give me an opportunity for recruiting, selecting, training, negotiating for the cafeteria as a F&B Manager.
  • Sales and marketing: This is an essential long term objective that will give me an opportunity to use methods for the promotion as well as sale of products and services for DGHE cafeteria as a F&B manager.

2.4 Explain how your personal and managerial skills will support career development.

Personal skills for supporting career development

  • Coordination: This skill is required to adjust action in regard to the action of others.
  • Speaking: This skill implies interacting with others for conveying the information in an effective way.
  • Critical thinking: This skill implies the use of logical as well as reasoning ability for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of substitute results, inferences or approaches to crisis situations.
  • Monitoring: This skill implies the evaluation of individual performance, different people or companies for improving the drawbacks and taking preventive measures. (Housden, 2007)
  • Social perceptiveness: This skill implies having awareness of the reaction of different individuals as well as to understand the reason for their reaction.
  • Time management: This skill implies the management of personal time and others time as well.

Managerial skill for supporting career development

  • Management of personnel resources: This skill implies having traits such as motivation, development, as well as providing direction to individuals in regard to their work so that the best individual in regard to the job might get identified.
  • System analysis: This skill implies the ability to determine the ways by which the functioning of a system should happen and in what ways changing aspects will occur in functioning as well as environmental aspects that would impact the resulting scenario.
  • Management of financial resources: This skill implies the ability to determine in what ways the money will be used for getting the work accomplished.
  • Management of material resources: This skill implies the ability to obtain as well as seek the proper utilisation of materials, and options that are required for accomplishing a particular activity. (Boone, 2015)
  • Systems evaluation: This skill implies the ability to identify the indicating aspect of performance of the system and the actions that are required for improving as well as correcting the performing ability which is related to system objectives.
  • Quality control analysis: This skill implies the ability to conduct assessments as well as evaluating products as well as services or aspects for assessing the performing capability.

2.5 Based on the Personal Development Plan, created in Personal and Professional Development class, revise the plan to assess current and future performance needs.



















Having a position of a F & B manager in the DGHE Cafeteria



I am assisting my senior in team management

Leading a team for managing the F&B business strategy

Functioning in a team will assist me to select the actual problem area of working with varied individuals having varied skill sets and expertise.

One year






Innovating new skills for operating in the DGHE Cafeteria that would reduce time and ability and improve the functioning of the cafeteria in a steadfast way.

I am using my skills based on patient listening providing support to my senior for managing the business and sharing my ideas with them.

To make sure that the viewpoints that I provide are actualized.

By developing my abilities, I am able to use certain standard procedures for sustaining work quality and supporting aspects for optimum utilization of time

One year






Having a senior manager post in DGHE Cafeteria

Presently working as an F&B Manager

To make certain the actualization of a senior position

Using various skill sets and constantly getting success in challenging work scenario.

Two years

Review on the Personal Development Plan

After two years of the implementation of the personal development plan successfully, I have managed to lead a team of five individuals for the F&B business that has supported me to choose the original area of crisis to work with different people possessing different set of skills and proficiency. It has also assisted me in using specific regular processes to sustain the quality of work and utilizing time in the best possible manner. It has also assisted me to use different set of skills and continuously actualizing success in challenging areas of work.

2.6 Create a Career Development Plan based on current and future performance needs.



















Having a position of a F & B manager in the DGHE Cafeteria



I am assisting my senior in team management

Leading a team for managing the F&B business

Functioning in a team will assist me to select the actual problem area of working with varied individuals having varied skill sets and expertise.

One year






Inaugurating a manpower consultancy for the creation of skilled manpower for the F&B segment.

I am assisting my senior in team management

Inaugurating a manpower consultancy firm.

Conducting a market research that will assist me in opening up the consultancy.

Three years

Review on the Career Development Plan

After three years of implementing the career development plan successfully, I am now leading a team of five individuals in the F&B business and also have been successful in opening a manpower consultancy firm. The career development plan has assisted me to choose the original area of crisis to work with different people possessing different set of skills and proficiency. Also, the career development plan has assisted me to conduct a market research that has supported me to open up the consultancy.

Task 3

Be able to show managerial skills within a business and service context

3.1 Before the task you need to agree with your lecturer on a series of objectives that you wish to achieve as a manager (they need to be SMART Objectives)

SMART objectives to fulfill as a manager:

S (Specific):The objectives are

  • Understanding the processes includes in various operations of the cafeteria.
  • Designing them as a manager to direct my team members as per the organizational policies.
  • Monitoring menu planning as per the expectations of my customers
  • Monitoring the performance of my team members in taking purchase orders, food preparation.
  • Providing staff adequate training on cash handling, how to do effective customer service.
  • Calculation of operational cost and profit by gathering information from cashier.
  • Promoting the cafeteria in colleges.

M (Measurable):

  • Employees’ growth as per the set benchmark.
  • Ensure organizations profit.
  • Advertising response.

A (Achievable):

  • Effectiveness in service and customer satisfaction.
  • An attractive menu to satisfy all.
  • Increase profitability.

R (Realistic):

  • Direct the team members
  • Increase value in customer service
  • Setting guidelines for smooth flow of operation
  • Promotional activities

T (Time Bound):Two days.

3.2 You will need to collect evidence of your day as a manager through pictures and testimonials of employees and customers.

To collect the evidences of my work and how successful I am in my task, I have taken feedback from my team members about my performance and how far I have achieved the said objectives. I prepared a review form for both customers and employees to rank me on different parameters.

The customer review form and score in various parameters:


Assessment parameters and scores obtained

Store Cleanliness

Food Quality

Handling dissonance












Service of the employees should be more prompt and effective.








Food delivered more than half an hour








All good, improve in cleanliness








Happy with your service








My problems were resolute very well.








I am very happy to be your guest








Need to improve a lot.








 Very well managed cafeteria.

The review of Employees on my managerial abilities:


Assessment parameters and scores obtained



Team work


Issues handled










Very good mentor as well as issues is handled effectively.








Great team work under your super vision








Should be more open while communicating.

From the above two evidences it can be judged effectively how far I am successful in my task. The employees has given me good score in all the parameters, show that I met their expectations while working in team. Only Richard has recommended being more open that I will remember and try to understand from him the lacking areas of mine.                                                           

The customers more or less have given good feedback about the cafeteria, under my management. Though they have given good score I think I have to increase my managerial abilities in monitoring and team work that all the objectives can be fulfilled from the next time.

3.3 You will need to write a personal reflection in the end of the day as a manager on:

- How you led and motivated the team throughout the day

- Did you achieve all of your goals and in case you haven’t what would you differently

- What managerial actions you needed to take to ensure you would achieve the objectives and what recommendations for improvement you think are necessary.

- As an F&B Manager at DGHE Cafeteria, I used various motivational skills to encourage my team throughout the day. The attributes that I have used are mentioned as under,

  • Giving rewards: Giving rewards in relation to productive work is a wonderful aspect for motivating staffs to work efficiently.
  • Giving recognition: Along with providing them with rewards, I also provided a platform where abilities are being recognized that will assist in motivating them.
  • Setting goals: I have also set objectives that had to be actualized at the end of the day which is itself a wonderful aspect of motivating the team to function efficiently.
  • Identifying the strength: I have also tried to find out the strength of every individual team member and tried to motivate them in concentrating on their strong features for actualizing the goals.

Unfortunately, I was not able to achieve all my goals. To be more precise, firstly, I was unable to achieve the effectiveness in service and customer satisfaction for which I need to give more attention to the quality of service provided to the customers as because they are the lifeline for any service industry and DGHE Cafeteria is no different from that. Secondly, I need to include more food items in the menu. It has been seen that because of limited options of food items, customers are not returning to the Cafeteria as because the competitive brands are giving them more options to select from their array of food items. Thirdly, and most importantly I was unable to increase the profitability. (Belch, 2012) Being the F&B Manager, it is sole responsibility to increase the profitability and in that respect, I need to ideate various marketing aspects that will bring profit to the Cafeteria.

The managerial actions that I need to take as an F&B Manager at DGHE Cafeteria are,

  • Customer and personal service: This is an essential managerial action that will give me an opportunity to provide evaluation for the needs of the consumers, as well as assessing the satisfaction of the consumers. .
  • Personnel and human resources: This is an essential managerial action that will give me an opportunity for recruiting, selecting, training, negotiating for the cafeteria
  • Sales and marketing: This is an essential managerial action that will give me an opportunity to use methods for the promotion as well as sale of products and services.

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This case study has mainly delved with the roles and responsibilities that are undertaken by me as an F&B manager for the DGHE Cafeteria. For actualising them, I have reviewed personal potentiality as a manager and also have been able to create a developmental plan in regard of employment within the organisation behaviour. For doing this, I have taken into consideration various skills audit, evaluation of SWOT, creation of various objectives that short term, medium term as well as long term. Also, I had done a personal evaluation of the various ways by which I have encouraged the team and managerial actions have I undertaken to actualise all the objectives.


Adeniyi., M.A. (2007).Effective Leadership Management. AuthorHouse.
Belch,G (2012). Advertsing and Promotion. McGraw-Hill. Publisher
Boone, L (2015). Contemporary Marketing. Cengage Learning.
Bremer., M.(2012).Organizational Culture Change .On Demand Publishing.

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