Unit 6 Research Project in HSC Assignment

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Unit 6 Research Project in HSC Assignment
Unit 6 Research Project in HSC Assignment
Unit 6 Research Project in HSC Assignment

Research Project In HSC | Assignment Writing Services

Task 1 Understand how to formulate a research specification


This research project has been executed over the topic Diabetes a major problem in United Kingdom. Diabetes is a group of diseases which affects the health of an individual due to the access availability of sugar in the blood of the individual. For the purpose of reducing the cases of diabetes in United Kingdom, evaluation has been done of the increasing cases of diabetes in United Kingdom, analyses has been done of the reasons or causes of the disease and discussion has been done of the symptoms of diabetes so as to make people aware about these aspects and to prevent the people from this disease. This report discusses the detailed information about diabetes and of the related aspects of contract law which helps in preventing this disease so as to enhance the quality of life of an individual. For this purpose of there is a need to promote the ill effects of this disease among the society so as to make them aware and to provide safety to them from this disease. For the better understanding an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected which is offering services to the patients of diabetes so as to improve their health and to make people aware of the disease and its impacts.

Diabetes | Assignment Writing Services


The aim of conducting this research in health and social care is to analyse various aspects related to diabetes so as to reduce the impact of this disease and to enhance the quality of life of the people of United Kingdom. This research aims at analysis of the causes, symptoms and measures for prevention from this disease and to make people aware of the precautions which prevents them from this disease.


Objectives can be explained as the set of goals which are required to be achieved from the execution of this program. The objectives for this research are based on the prevention from diabetes so as to reduce the number of cases of diabetes in United Kingdom. The objectives for this research program are as follows:

  • To analyse the symptoms of diabetes for making people aware of the disease.
  • To analyse the causes of diabetes in United Kingdom.
  • To analyse the measures for preventing diabetes and precautions helps in safeguarding from diabetes.

Rationale of the research project

For the purpose of providing a better of the different aspects of this disease and its impact in United Kingdom, an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected, which offering services to diabetic patients are named as “Novo nordisk” a global healthcare company founded in 1923. Its headquarter is located in Bagsværd, Denmark. It aims at enhancing the services or devices for diabetes so as to safeguard people from this disease. There is a “Novo nordisk foundation” an independent charitable organisation which is operating with a motive to support the diabetes research (Novo nordisk UK).

Literature review

Diabetes is one of the most complex groups of diseases which can be caused due to different reasons. There are various types of diseases which create an impact over the quality of life of an individual. One of the most common diseases is diabetes which is spreading at a very fast speed. Diabetes can be understood as the condition when the body of an individual loses the ability to utilise the glucose or sugar as a fuel. It affects the sugar level in the body of an individual. There are various ill effects of this disease over the health of an individual (Purnell, et. al., 2013). The main cause of diabetes is the lack of proper amount of insulin in a body or lack of ability in the proper use of insulin. It is a long term condition which creates high blood sugar levels in an individual. It is a metabolism disorder which creates huge impact over the lives of people. Metabolism can be understood as a manner or way used by the body of an individual digests the food for gaining energy and growth. Everything eaten by an individual is broken down into glucose which is a form of sugar present in the blood which acts as a fuel for the body (Peyrot, et. al., 2013). There are three types of diabetes which have different symptoms. These three types of diabetes include type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. These three types of diabetes have different impacts over the health of an individual. This section of the program discusses these different types of diabetes, their symptoms, causes and measures or preventions from the disease. For the purpose of preventing an individual there is a need to spread awareness among the society about this disease as most people are unable to identify this disease (Blak, et. al., 2012).

Causes of diabetes

Type 1: Diabetes are the lack of insulin which is the result of destruction of the cells that produces the beta cells in the pancreas, heredity when the diseases or disorders pass from one generation to another. Other reasons include bacterial or viral infection, an unidentified element which causes autoimmune reaction (Gosciewska, 2014).

Type 2: Diabetes is caused due to the involvement of more than one cause which causes diabetes. These causes involve living a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, increasing age of an individual or bad habit. Other causes include pregnancy or illness.

Causes of gestational diabetes can be family history, obese or overweight, due to the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome and having a large baby weighing above 9lb (Jonietz, 2012).

Symptoms of diabetes

  • Frequent urination
  • Intense hunger
  • Disproportionate thirst
  • Weight gain
  • Unusual weight loss (Ramachandran, 2014)
  • Increased fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritability
  • Cuts and bruises don't heal properly or quickly
  • More skin and/or yeast infections
  • Itchy skin (Song, et. al., 2014)
  • Gums are red and/or swollen - Gums pull away from teeth
  • Frequent gum disease/infection
  • Sexual dysfunction among men
  • Numbness or tingling, especially in your feet and hands (Bayramoglu, et. al., 2014)

Measures for preventing diabetes

  • Check your risk of diabetes
  • Manage your weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet (Becerra & Becerra, 2015)
  • Limit takeaway and processed foods
  • Limit your alcohol intake
  • Quit smoking
  • Control your blood pressure
  • Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease
  • See your doctor for regular check-ups (Saffari, et. al., 2015)

Research methodology: Research methodology discusses the detailed explanations of the numerous techniques or approaches used for the purpose of collection of information or data regarding the research. This explanations help in generation of better understanding of the techniques and approaches.

Research design: Research decision making discusses the different methods used for the purpose of collection of information. For this research program mixed method has been selected which includes collection of qualitative and quantitative information from the different sources (Wilson, 2016).

Research philosophy: Research philosophy explains that there is a need to follow certain rules and regulations which helps in the completion of the research in a better manner.

Research questions: Research questions are framed so as to collect the information for the execution of the research program. Research questions for this research program are as follows:

  • What are the causes of diabetes?
  • What are the symptoms of diabetes which helps in identification of the disease?
  • What measures need to be adopted so as to prevent diabetes?

Research strategies: Strategies need to be prepared so as to execute the research in a sequence. It forms a base for the execution of the research by collecting the information for the program (Thomas, et. al., 2013).

Choices: For the purpose of execution of the various activities of the different choices need to be evaluated so as to select the most appropriate alternative.

Time horizon: Research need to be completed within the specified time period so as to execute the program in an effective manner.

Action plan:



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



Preparation of plans

01 July 2016

3 days

03 July 2016

The first task is to prepare the plans.


Implementation of Plan

04 July 2016

9 days

12 July 2016

Plans are implemented as per the formulated plans.


Collection of data

13 July 2016


24 July 2016

Data is collected with the help of primary and secondary sources of data collection.



25 July 2016

5 days

29 July 2016

The information or data is analysed and evaluated.


Conclusions and recommendations

30 July 2016

2 days

31 July 2016

From the evaluated information conclusions are drawn so as to provide recommendations.

Gantt chart

Gantt chart in HSC | Assignment Writing Services

  • Data collection and analysis
    • Primary sources: This form of data is of raw nature and collected directly from the respondents.
    • Secondary sources: This form of data is collected by others for their work and used after their permission.
    • Data collection: for the purpose of execution of the research there is a need to gather information. Information has been collected with the help of a questionnaire.
  • Collection of data and targeted market: For the collection of data, population need to be identified from where information will be gathered.
  • Scope and limitations of the research: The main limitations faced during the execution of this program are the shortage of time for the collection of information and for the analysis and evaluation of the information.
  • Reliability of the research: The data collected from the respondents has been presented in a fair manner so as to maintain the reliability of the research.
  • Ethical considerations: For the execution of this research, information has been kept confidential so as to protect the data collected from the respondents.

Task 2 be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification

Literature review

This research project has been executed over the topic Diabetes a major problem in United Kingdom. Diabetes is a group of diseases which affects the health of an individual due to the access availability of sugar in the blood of the individual. For the purpose of reducing the cases of diabetes in United Kingdom, evaluation has been done of the increasing cases of diabetes in United Kingdom, analyses has been done of the reasons or causes of the disease and discussion has been done of the symptoms of diabetes so as to make people aware about these aspects of contract law and to prevent the people from this disease. This report focuses over the measures or ways through which this disease can be controlled or prevented from getting spread (Dave, et. al., 2014). There is an increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes in United Kingdom. According to the report of 2015 the number of people in United Kingdom suffering from diabetes was 3,453,034. It has been estimated that this number can increase at large till 2040. This increasing number of the cases of diabetes in UK has shown that there is an urgent need to deal with the disease so as to ensure the safety of the health and wellbeing of the people. Diabetes is becoming an alarming disease in the recent years. It affects the life of an individual at large level. This disease was firstly diagnosed by the ancient Egyptians around 3500 years ago. There are various ill effects of this disease which affects the quality of the life of an individual. There is an increase in the number of deaths due to diabetes which has increased the concern for prevention from this disease. According to the reports it has been shown that the 90% cases of diabetes in the world are of type 2 diabetes (Price, et. al., 2012).

Diabetes Checker | Assignment Writing Services

Diabetes is one of the most complex groups of diseases which can be caused due to different reasons. There are various types of diseases which create an impact over the quality of life of an individual. One of the most common diseases is diabetes which is spreading at a very fast speed. Diabetes can be understood as the condition when the body of an individual loses the ability to utilise the glucose or sugar as a fuel. It affects the sugar level in the body of an individual. There are various ill effects of this disease over the health of an individual. The main cause of diabetes is the lack of proper amount of insulin in a body or lack of ability in the proper use of insulin (Mcewan, et. al., 2012). It is a long term condition which creates high blood sugar levels in an individual. It is a metabolism disorder which creates huge impact over the lives of people. Metabolism can be understood as a manner or way used by the body of an individual digests the food for gaining energy and growth. Everything eaten by an individual is broken down into glucose which is a form of sugar present in the blood which acts as a fuel for the body. There are three types of diabetes which have different symptoms. These three types of diabetes include type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes can be explained as the situation when the body of a person stops producing insulin. It often starts at the childhood age. In type 1 diabetes the immune system of an individual by mistake identifies and attacks the pancreatic cells which perform the function of production of insulin and it results into reduction in the amount of insulin the body (MacDonald, 2011). Type 2 diabetes can be explained as non-insulin dependent diabetes in which the body produces the insulin but the amount of insulin the body is producing is not sufficient for the functions of the body. The production of insulin in this case is not sufficient for meeting the demand of the body. With the increase in the age the chances of type 2 diabetes also increases. Gestational diabetes mainly occurs at the time of pregnancy and gets solved after the birth of the child. These three types of diabetes have different impacts over the health of an individual. There are chances that the person suffering from the gestational diabetes develops type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. In this type of diabetes there are chances that the level of glucose in the body increase at a high rate and the body is not capable for the production of insulin which is sufficient to transfer the glucose produced by the body which results in increasing level of the glucose in the body. This section of the program discusses these different types of diabetes, their symptoms, causes and measures or preventions from the disease. For the purpose of preventing an individual there is a need to spread awareness among the society about this disease as most people are unable to identify this disease (Gohlar, 2011).

Types of Diabetes | Assignment Writing Services

This report discusses the various aspects related to diabetes which helps in better understanding of the impacts of this disease over the health of an individual. This report discusses the detailed information about diabetes and of the related aspects which helps in preventing this disease so as to enhance the quality of life of an individual. For this purpose of there is a need to promote the ill effects of this disease among the society so as to make them aware and to provide safety to them from this disease. For the better understanding an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected which is offering services to the patients of diabetes so as to improve their health and to make people aware of the disease and its impacts. Steps need to be taken so as to reduce the impact of this disease so as to maintain the health of the people. Government and various foundations or charitable institutions are working for this purpose (Gohlar, 2011).

For the purpose of providing a better of the different aspects of this disease and its impact in United Kingdom, an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected, which offering services to diabetic patients are named as “Novo nordisk” a global healthcare company founded in 1923. Its headquarter is located in Bagsværd, Denmark. There are 40,300 employees offering services to the users of the service. It aims at enhancing the services or devices for diabetes so as to safeguard people from this disease. There is a “Novo nordisk foundation” an independent charitable organisation which is operating with a motive to support the diabetes research (Novo nordisk UK).

Causes of diabetes

The causes of type 1 diabetes are the lack of insulin which is the result of destruction of the cells that produces the beta cells in the pancreas, heredity when the diseases or disorders pass from one generation to another. Other reasons include bacterial or viral infection, an unidentified element which causes autoimmune reaction. There are possibilities that the individual will need to inherit risk factors from both the parents. The chances of getting type 1 diabetes increases in the winter season in comparison to summer season and it is seen as a common disease at the cold places. The diet of the individual at the time of its birth also affects the chances of getting this disease. Greater the proportion of solid food at the initial stages after the birth increases the chances of getting type 1 diabetes. The person suffering from type 1 diabetes need to take proper injections of insulin for its whole life and a balanced diet need to be maintained so as to ensure that the correct amount of insulin is maintained and correct level of glucose is maintained in the body (Ho, et. al., 2016).  

Type 2 diabetes is caused due to the involvement of more than one cause which causes diabetes. These causes involve living a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, increasing age of an individual or bad habit. Other causes include pregnancy or illness. For the purpose of controlling this type of diabetes an individual need to maintain a healthy diet, by reducing the weight, performing exercises and regularly taking tests for the purpose of monitoring the level of glucose in blood. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with the increase in the weight of an individual as the activeness of the body is reduced and the eating habits also affects the weight of a person. It can be caused due to the family history and it is mainly seen in the people of older age, inactive people, and diet of an individual, lifestyle of an individual, obesity and genetic influence. It can be seen in the people who have low level of vitamin D which is caused due to lack of the sunlight. For the purpose of reducing the chances of this disease there is a need to maintain a healthy and active body so as to deal with this disease (Touma & Pannain, 2011).

Causes of gestational diabetes can be family history, obese or overweight, due to the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome and having a large baby weighing above 9lb. There are high chances that ethnic groups suffer from the gestational diabetes. Insulin Resistance and Beta Cell Dysfunction can also cause this type of diabetes. This type of diabetes is the result of change in the hormones or metabolic demands. There are various other causes which lead to diabetes. These causes include Genetic Mutations Affecting Beta Cells, Insulin, and Insulin Action, due to prolonged use of glucocorticoid therapy, Other Genetic Diseases including Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, Glucagonoma and Turner syndrome, Pancreatitis or pancreatectomy, Damage to or Removal of the Pancreas, Autoimmune Disorders, Endocrine Diseases, Medications and Chemical Toxins, or Lipodystrophy. The cause of diabetes differs from individual to individual. It is believed by the scientists that the genes and environmental factors can cause diabetes (Shimodaira, et. al., 2012;2011).

Common Sings include | Assignment Writing Services

Symptoms of diabetes

Frequent urination: kidney of a person performs the function of filtering the glucose back into blood. Lack of insulin in the body results in less effective or ineffectiveness during the process of filtering the glucose back into the blood by the kidney. And this leads to increase in the more intake of water from the blood by the kidneys which fills the bladder and leads to frequent urination.

  • Intense hunger: when the insulin is not sufficient then body searches for additional energy which leads to increase in the hunger of an individual.
  • Disproportionate thirst: Increase in the frequency of urination in an individual increases the demand of water in the body and leads to disproportionate thirst.
  • Weight gain: Weight gain can be due to the hunger which increases the intake of food by an individual (Yafi, 2016).
  • Unusual weight loss: Weight loss is commonly seen in the people suffering from type 1 diabetes. Lack of insulin leads to utilisation of the energy stored in the body which leads to loss of muscle tissue and fat.
  • Increased fatigue: lack of insulin in the body increases the tiredness and listlessness in the body.
  • Blurred vision: There may be chances that the tissues from the eye lenses get pulled which affects the ability of an individual to focus or view clearly.
  • Irritability: it can be result of the less energy in the body.
  • Cuts and bruises don't heal properly or quickly: availability of high amount of sugar in the body leads to increase in the time involved in the healing process of cuts and bruises.
  • More skin and/or yeast infections: level of sugar in the body affects the capability of a body to deal with the infections.
  • Itchy skin: the most common symptom can be itchiness in the skin of an individual.
  • Gums are red and/or swollen - Gums pull away from teeth: Swelling in the gums or redness of the gums can be a sign of diabetes (Metta, et. al., 2015).
  • Frequent gum disease/infection: a person suffering from diabetes may suffer from frequent gum infections or diseases.
  • Sexual dysfunction among men: this symptom is seen in the men above 50 years of age.
  • Numbness or tingling, especially in your feet and hands: High level of sugar increases the damage of the nerves and leads to numbness. 

Diabetes images | Assignments Writing Services

Measures for preventing diabetes: 

Check your risk of diabetes: Regular check-ups help an individual to identify this disease at early stages and helps in controlling the impact of the disease in the initial stages. Regular check-ups help in identification of the level of disease as well as providing the treatment of disease on time.

  • Manage your weight: Collection of body fat leads to increase in the weight of an individual especially around the abdomen. For reducing the chances of diabetes there is a need to maintain the weight of the body as well as perform exercises or walk so as to remain healthy and fit and maintaining a balanced level of glucose or insulin in the body. Excess body weight is one of the most common causes of type 2 diabetes.
  • Exercise regularly: physical activities need to be performed on regular basis so as to maintain the body. It makes the body of an individual fit and active which reduces the chances of any disease. Regular exercises help in maintaining the level of sugar in the body which helps in improved blood circulation and cholesterol (Gupta & Gupta, 2013).
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet: an individual need to reduce the amount of fat in its diet. The amount of fat in the diet of an individual must be according to the requirement. Less fat or excess fat can be a cause of diabetes. An individual need to consume fruits, vegetables and food consisting high fibre so as to maintain a healthy diet and a healthy body.
  • Limit takeaway and processed foods: Takeaway or processed food consist of high level of salt, kilojoules and fat. Consumption of quality food rich in vitamins and proteins helps in maintaining the level of sugar in the body and providing the required vitamins and proteins to the body.
  • Limit your alcohol intake: alcohol contains high amount of fat which increases the weight of an individual. It also increases the stress level of an individual and blood pressure and triglyceride levels of the individual. Less intake of alcohol leads to a balanced and healthy lifestyle and ness or no kidney problems.
  • Quit smoking: the chances of a smoker suffering from diabetes are double than that of a non-smoker. Smoking is injurious to the health of an individual as it affects the lungs of a person. 

Stop Diabetes | Assignment Writing Services

  • Control your blood pressure: for maintaining a controlled blood pressure, there is a need to maintain a healthy, balanced and stress free life which helps a person to live a healthy life. Regular exercises also help in controlling the blood pressure of a person (Yan, et. al., 2015).
  • Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease: the risk factors of Diabetes and cardiovascular disease are common. These risk factors include obesity and lack of physical activeness.
  • See your doctor for regular check-ups: environment and climatic conditions creates huge impact over the health of a person. A person needs to go for regular check-ups so as to safeguard itself from the diabetes and other diseases. It helps in keeping a check over the sugar level and blood pressure of an individual (Sanabria-Martínez, et. al., 2015).

Healty Food | Assignment Writing Services

Research methodology: For the completion of the research there is a need to gather information which helps in the understanding of the research in a better manner. It creates an understanding of the various aspects related to the research so as to provide knowledge to the user. Research methodology discusses the detailed explanations of the numerous techniques or approaches used for the purpose of collection of information or data regarding the research. This explanations help in generation of better understanding of the techniques and approaches. This section discusses the different methods or approaches which helps in the collection of variety of information or data. It also discusses the sources of data collection which has helped in maintaining the reliability of this program by supporting with the variety of data. This data has been collected from different sources. Health and social care is an important aspect. It aims at managing the health and safety and wellbeing of people so as to promote the safe and healthy society. Diabetes is a disorder which creates huge impact over the life of a person. For the analysis of different aspects of disease for the purpose of better understanding of these aspects different sources of data collection have been used.

Research design: Research design discusses the different methods used for the purpose of collection of information. The main reason behind selection of a research method is to gather information which is relevant for the purpose of the research so as to support the research. For this research program mixed method has been selected which includes collection of qualitative and quantitative information from the different sources. With the help of mixed approach or method variety of data gets collected. Qualitative approach helps in collection of the data or information which is of high quality and provides reliability or authenticity to the information. Quantitative approach or method helps in collection of the information in large quantity so as to present variety of information. In both these approaches data collected with the help of primary and secondary sources of data collection. It helps in the better understanding of the numerous aspects of the program so as to develop a better understanding and for enhancing the quality of life of the people and providing safety to them from this disease so as to promote a healthy and safe society (Toledo-Pereyra, 2012).

Research philosophy: Research philosophy explains that there is a need to follow certain rules and regulations which helps in the completion of the research in a better manner. It formulates a rough plan which provides a direction to the program. It explains the manner in which the data related to the research should be collected, analysed and evaluated so as to form an opinion over the data. It can be understood as a brief of the manner the research must be conducted so as to produce the desired results. It helps in the development of the background of the research. It helps the researcher by providing creativity which helps in the better presentation of the gathered information. Assumptions are made in the research philosophy so as to form a base for the research strategies (Winit-Watjana, 2016).

Research questions: Research questions are framed so as to collect the information for the execution of the research program. Research questions for the purpose of this research are based on the major problem or disease which is affecting the life of people at large. The motive of framing research questions is to provide the knowledge of the research to the users so as to explain the impacts of the disease and the measures which help in prevention from diabetes. Research questions for this research program are as follows:

  • What are the causes of diabetes?
  • What are the symptoms of diabetes which helps in identification of the disease?
  • What measures need to be adopted so as to prevent diabetes?

Research strategies: Strategies need to be prepared so as to execute the research in a sequence. It forms a base for the execution of the research by collecting the information for the program. A research strategy provides steps which helps in the completion of the program in a better manner and by following a process which involves various stages or steps. It outlines or draws the way in which the research needs to be conducted so as to provide a guide or direction to the research. These strategies helps in the collection of data related to diabetes and its impact in United Kingdom and analysis of the causes, symptoms of the disease and of the measures for prevention so as to generate awareness among the society and for ensuring the health and safety of the society.

Choices: For the purpose of execution of the various activities of the different choices need to be evaluated so as to select the most appropriate alternative. There are various choices available which helps in the execution of the program and for the effective execution there is a need to analyse or evaluate the level of effectiveness of these choices or alternatives so as to select the most appropriate or suitable choice or alternative for the research.

Time horizon: Research need to be completed within the specified time period so as to execute the program in an effective manner. Time horizon explains the span of time available for the completion of the research so as to complete it well on time which helps in generation of effective results. This action plan provides an idea of the activities which need to be conducted so as to execute the research in a successful manner.

Action plan



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



Preparation of plans

01 July 2016

3 days

03 July 2016

The first task is to prepare the plans.


Implementation of Plan

04 July 2016

9 days

12 July 2016

Plans are implemented as per the formulated plans.


Collection of data

13 July 2016


24 July 2016

Data is collected with the help of primary and secondary sources of data collection.



25 July 2016

5 days

29 July 2016

The information or data is analysed and evaluated.


Conclusions and recommendations

30 July 2016

2 days

31 July 2016

From the evaluated information conclusions are drawn so as to provide recommendations.

Gantt chart

Gantt chart in HSC jul 16 | Assignment Writing Services

Data collection and analysis

  • Primary sources: this form of data is of raw nature and collected directly from the respondents. Primary source is the most common method for the collection of data so as to gather information directly from the respondents so as to collect their views regarding the research. Primary source of data collection provides first-hand information which is dependent over the views or reactions of the respondents. This source of data collection is less reliable as the data or information is based on the responses of the respondents. The most common methods or ways for the collection of information from primary sources are surveys which include questionnaires, telephonic interviews or personal interviews.
  • Secondary sources: this form of data is collected by others for their work and used after their permission. Secondary sources of data collection are the reliable form of data as the data has been used in the work of others which provides authenticity to the data or information. The most common sources of secondary data include books, journals, internet, websites, newspapers or government notifications. It forms a base for the research by providing reliable source of data collection which enhances the quality of the data collected for the research (Lombard, 2010).
  • Data collection: for the purpose of execution of the research there is a need to gather information. Information has been collected with the help of a questionnaire. This has helped in the collection of the responses of the various respondents so as to analyse the knowledge they possess regarding the research. Data collection forms the base for the research as the research is conducted with the help of the information collected by using different approaches or techniques.

Collection of data and targeted market: For the collection of data, population need to be identified from where information will be gathered. For the collection of data there is a need to target a market or place or the population which will help in the execution of the research by providing information or data in the form of responses. For the purpose of this program information has been collected from the primary sources of data collection with the help of questionnaire.

Techniques and procedures: For the purpose of this research, sampling techniques have been used so as to analyse and evaluate the data or information collected. According to random sampling technique equal opportunity is provided to every data so as to conduct the research in a fair manner. Every sample gets an equal chance of getting selected which provides a better or effective method or approach for the execution of the research.

Scope and limitations of the research: The main limitations faced during the execution of this program are the shortage of time for the collection of information and for the analysis and evaluation of the information. Other limitations faced during the execution of this research program includes the lack of availability of financial resources for conducting the activities of the research, the data is based on the views of the respondents and variety of responses have been collected. For the analysis of the data collected, sampling techniques have been used so as to analyse the data well on time and to form an opinion. The main reason behind using random sampling is to complete the program within the time frame.

Reliability of the research: The data collected from the respondents have been presented in a fair manner so as to maintain the reliability of the research project. Secondary sources of data collection have helped in the collection of reliable information which produces the authentic data. Internet, notifications, journals, newspapers and articles have helped in providing reliable information.

Ethical considerations: The term ethics explains the border between the right and wrong. This border helps in bifurcating the right and wrong. For the execution of this research, information has been kept confidential so as to protect the data collected from the respondents. For the purpose of maintaining reliability of the research data has been presented in the manner in which it has been collected. No harm is done to the views of the society.

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Task 3 be able to evaluate the research outcomes

Finding and Analysis

This section of the research covers the analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the information collected regarding the research with the help of various techniques or approaches. For the purpose of collection of information questionnaire was framed and it was given to the targeted population with a motive to collect variety of reactions from the respondents.

Table 1: Hereditary is the most common cause of diabetes

common cause of diabetes in HSC | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: From the analysis of the collected information it can be concluded that majority of the respondents agree with the statement that hereditary is the most common cause of diabetes. Hereditary can be understood as the qualities or aspects which are passed from one generation to other. As per the survey it has analysed that mainly these types of diseases comes from one generation to another in the form of hereditary. There are numerous different causes which lead to diabetes. All these causes affect the quality of the life of an individual. There is a need to treat this disease on time so as to reduce the impacts over the health.

Table 2: Eating habits of an individual plays a vital role in maintaining a good health and avoiding diseases like diabetes

good health and avoiding diseases | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: From the analysis of the information or data collected from the respondent it has been analysed that most of the respondents agree with the statement that eating habits creates huge impacts over the health of an individual. A healthy and balanced diet helps in maintaining the health of the individual as well as keeps it safe from the various diseases. Diabetes is a disorder which acts as a threat to the life of an individual and in this disease the level of insulin the body changes which affects the health of the individual. For the treatment of the disease there is a need to analyse the cause of the disease and treatment is provided on the basis of such cause.

Table 3: Identification of diabetes at initial level helps in reducing the ill effects

initial level helps | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: According to the data collected from the targeted population it has been analysed that most of the respondents agree with the statement that identification of the type of diabetes, its causes and symptoms so as to determine the type of treatment which should be offered to the patient. Identification at the initial level helps in reducing the ill effects and proper treatment can be provided to the patient well on time so as to safeguard it from diabetes. The number of cases of diabetes is increasing and the main reason of this increasing number is the lack of knowledge about the disease.  

Table 4: Government awareness programs help in spreading awareness among the society about the disease

spreading awareness | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: as per the data collected from the targeted population it can be concluded that most of the respondents have agreed with the statement that the awareness programs initiated by the government of United Kingdom can help in spreading awareness in the society about diabetes and its increasing ill effects over the health and safety of the people. Government of United Kingdom need to place its focus over the awareness campaigns or health check-up campaigns so as to ensure the health and wellbeing of the people.

Table 5: Lifestyle or habits of a person affects its health and increases the chances of diseases

increases the chances of diseases | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: According to the analysis of the information gathered from the respondents it can be concluded that the lifestyle or habits of a person affects its health. A person needs to have an active lifestyle so as to maintain its health. The most common cause of diabetes is the increasing weight or physical inactiveness. Active schedule of an individual help it to manage its body and weight which support an individual in maintaining its health and free from the diseases. Lifestyle of an individual creates an impact over the physical health as well as affects the immune system of the individual.

Table 6: The frequency of your visit to a doctor for regular check-ups is an important aspect for maintaining a healthy life

important aspect for maintaining a healthy life | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: from the responses gathered from the respondents it has been analysed that most of the people in United Kingdom visits doctors for a regular check-up. And the reason behind this regular visit is the factors which affects the health. There are different types of diseases which not only affect the physical health but also affect the mental health of an individual. The source of keeping body fit and healthy is a healthy diet, regular check-ups, healthy and balanced lifestyle and activeness. Regular check-ups ensure that the individual is fit or in the identification of the diseases which helps in curing the person by providing proper treatment on time.

Table 7: Do you follow the precautions prescribed by the doctors

precautions prescribed by the doctors | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: it is must to follow the precautions given by the doctors as doctors provides guidance to the individual to adopt measures for the purpose of ensuring good health and safety of the individual. From the responses of the respondents it can be concluded that the people of United Kingdom are not strictly following the prescriptions given by the doctor which can be a cause of the increase in the number of cases of diabetes in United Kingdom.  Doctors give advices for the improvements in the condition of the individual and it are the responsibility of an individual to follow the guidelines provided by the doctors.

Table 8: How frequently you do exercises for keeping yourself fit

exercises for keeping yourself fit | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: from the analysis of the information gathered, it can be concluded that most of the people prefer to do exercises for the purpose of remaining fit and healthy. Exercise is an effective measure or way which ensures the health of the individual as well as controls the blood pressure of the individual by reducing the stress level and maintains the fat and sugar level of the individual. On the other hand few of the respondents have stated that they do not prefer regular exercise. This inactiveness of an individual affects the physical health of a person.

Table 9: How frequently you consume alcohol, smoking or tobacco

consume alcohol, smoking or tobacco | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis: From the analysis of the collected data, it has been seen that consumption of alcohol, smoking and tobacco in the youth of United Kingdom is increasing despite of the various strict rules and regulations. Government of United Kingdom need to frame laws which bounds the consumption of such elements which not only affects the health of the person who is consuming it but it also affects the health of the people living near the consumer. From the research or surveys it has been analysed that the chances of a alcohol consumer or smoker of suffering from diabetes is double of the chances of a normal person.


This report discusses the detailed information about the diabetes and its background or the impacts of the disease over the quality of the life. Quality of life depends upon the conditions of the environment, climate and health of an individual. For the purpose of remaining healthy there is a need to use various measures. Diabetes in a very dangerous disease and the number of cases of diabetes are increasing at a very fast rate. There are various reasons of this disease. This report discusses the different types of diabetes which are Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes and their causes which include Eating habits, environmental issues, climatic issues, genetic problems or overweight so as to generate an understanding of this disease and its causes so as to protect the health of an individual. This report covers different aspects which have helped in the generation of better understanding of these aspects. This program also discusses the symptoms of diabetes including itching, gain in the weight, Blurred vision, irritation, frequent urination and many more. These symptoms help an individual to identify the disease on time so as to safeguard the life of a person. For the purpose of safety from diabetes an individual need to adopt various measures which help in reducing the chances of this disease or helps in controlling this disease. An individual need to go for regular health check-ups so as to ensure a healthy body and a healthy life, regular exercise, less consumption or no consumption of alcohol and smoking, controlling blood pressure, eating healthy food, less consumption of unhealthy or food full of extra fat and many more. Treatment of the three types of diabetes is possible. And for this purpose of there is a need to possess knowledge of the different elements related to this disease.


  • For the purpose of ensuring the health and safety of the individuals, there is a need to make few changes or recommendations which will help in enhancing the quality of life of an individual. The recommendations for the purpose of controlling or reducing the impact of this disease are as follows:
  • Regular check-ups must be conducted so as to identify the disease at the initial stage as identification of the disease at initial level helps in treating the disease so as to prevent further loss to the quality of life of an individual.
  • Awareness programs need to be initiated so as to ensure that the society have knowledge of the disease and take necessary precautions for safeguarding the life of the people.
  • Government need to offer health care check-up facilities to the people so as to reduce the number of cases of diabetes in United Kingdom.
  • Healthy diet need to be maintained so as to ensure that the quality of life does not get affected due to the impacts of diabetes.
  • A check should be kept over the consumption of alcohol, smoking or tobacco so as to reduce the harm to the health of a person.

Future considerations

For the future consideration, further discussion can be made regarding the role of government in initiating the health promotion campaigns with a motive to ensure good health of the people. Apart from the research over diabetes research can be conducted over the other diseases which are affecting the life of people at large. 

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