Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample

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Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample
Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample
Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample

Task 1 – Report Writing (Reflective Journal)

Case Scenario 1

1.1 Compare personal values such as beliefs and preferences and principles

Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample4

Individual reflection

Personal value

Effect of the values on principles of support in Health and Social Care


Critical Thinking

In the health and  social care service, self-direction in the term of the critical thinking is important so that the professional is able to take the case based decision with efficiency (Stuart, 2014)

Equal right

The value of offering the equal right use to build the strong team work to offer the excellent service to the health and social care unit (Stuart, 2014)


Diversity maintenance among the workforce of any team of the health care professionals


The confidentiality should be maintained in the team work so that the ethical parameters will be strongly have an impact on the operational activities


The formal attitude in the term of the professionalism use to maintain the string discipline in the health and social care units to offer the customized care (Stuart, 2014)


The personal value of having pleasure will facilitate in overcoming the tension in the daily activities of the professionals to support the rule and regulations in the health and the social care unit (DiCenso, 2014).

1.2 Assess how values like culture and your own belief affect service users and others in health and social care settings

Personal culture and experience

Impact on the Personal culture and experience on health and social care units

The attitude in handling the diverse culture people with same reflection of the behaviour

This belief and the personal culture value use to help the social and the health care unit and also use to influence the others in the same professionals to offer the equal treatment to maintain the ethical concerns of the social and health care system in an effective manner (Reamer, 2013).

Refection of giving the priority on the ritual base of eh patients.

It use to help the people in need for the social and the health care unit to feel valued by the health and the social care professionals. This also use to motivate the others in the same unit to follow the path to make the target people know about giving the preference on the treatment plan along with the perfect balance in the ritual preference (Reamer, 2013). 

Act as leader in handling the daily diverse nature work with efficiency

This behaviour use to create the good organisation culture in the health and the social care unit to deliver the excellent customer care service in an effective manner (Jackson, 2013)s.

1.3 Discuss the impact of new developments

The recent developments that has been learnt from the daily experiment in the health and the social care units are as below:

  1. Be accountable by making sure that actions and the Omissions can be answered
  2. Offering the privacy, dignity, rights, and health and wellbeing to those people who use to avail for the health and the social care services in an effective manner.
  3. Work in the perfect collaboration with the other employees in the social or the health care unit so that the team work will deliver the best result to the service acceptor (Brett, 2014)
  4. Maintenance of the perfect communication between the service providers and the service acceptors to promote the health , safety and the wellbeing to the people
  5. Offering the respect to the confidentiality of the people’s right
  6. Continuous striving for the improvement of the quality of the health and safety offering to support the continuous professional development
  7. Promoting the equality, and diversity

Apart from that the developments of the code of conduct, the developments of the legislation and policies also have impacted on the personal values in working with the health and the social care unit. The human rights and equalities legislation, the care act, the mental capacity act 2005, and the mental health act 1983 have created the perfect guidelines to follow and also to work in a collaborate form by respecting the human value. 

Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample1

The primary legislation has impacted by creating legal duties and powers. Secondary legislation has impacted on the execution of the critical processes under the certain boundary and the statutory guidance has offered the guidance on best practice in meeting the legal obligations (Kadushin, 2014). Thus, developments in the legislations have impacted on the daily routine of the health and the social care providers to work under the stringent guidelines to maintain the code of conduct in an effective manner.

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Case scenario 2

4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of your own personal contributions

Team work is the most crucial aspects to execute any given work effectively. During my work expertise, I have worked with many teams. There are storing inter relationships between the different teams as below:

   Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample2

Working with the different teas has helped me to further development by skills and also to meet  SMART objectives in an effective manner.

Specific: The team work has facilitated the development of the critical thing ability and the perfect decision making ability (Galegher, 2014).

Measurable: Rather than from my sales profile in assisting the customers, I got the opportunity to develop my skills for the nursing care (Rubin, 2016).

Attainable: since the year 2014 till date, I have become the leader of the team handing the admin team to coordinate with other teams to have a smooth operational activities.

Relevant: My contribution has helped the team to match the required objective in terms of the people satisfaction and the rand recognition.

Time bound: the objective was required to be met by year on year. My experience with the different teams was good in matching the objectives of the care unit in delivering the best practice (Torrente, 2012).

But, during this execution, there were diversity and team attitude barriers to reflect my contribution in a perfect manner.

4.3 Analyse what actions you have taken in your practice to minimise barriers to effective team work in health and social care

To overcome the barriers in the team work, I have used the below tools and the exercises as per the requirement and also to maintain the strong diversity management.

  • Offering the team with the information about the team value to reach the overall objectives of the health and the social care unit by making them sit in circle so that the team can observe the expressions of each other for the proper acknowledgement of their personal values. In this way, the openness, the honesty will be maintained (Payne, 2014).
  • Sharing the views of the team members in open forum based on the influential section to work in this field by the individuals, reason for choosing the field to work with, describing himself or herself in front of others in short, and about the particular service that appeals the individuals.
  • Describing the team with the different forms of the power such as personal power, Instrumental power, projected power, and the official power so that the perfect collaboration in the tem work will be maintained (Payne, 2014).

This way, I have contributed in overcoming the barriers in forming the effective team work approach.

Task 2 – Portfolio

2.1 Assess your own current skills and learning style

This section is about to deal with my own SWOT analysis to highlight the strength. Weakness, opportunity and the threat factors associated with the personal development plan as below:


The key strength factor of me is the perfect critical thinking ability with the perfect etiquette to assist the customers in an effective manner.

This strength also use to facilitate the quick decision making abilities per the situation to have a solution for the problem

Usage of the democratic leadership style to solve any problem along with the help of the other employee

 Trust of myself in pursuing the assigned goal

The gain in confidence about the assigned task


One of the key weaknesses is lack of the tem control in case of controlling the diverse workforce to avoid the conflict in the health and the social care unit.

The lack of patience in the problem solving situation is another set of the weakness

The effective communication to have a perfect control over the team also is another weakness to further focus for development

Ore tie is required to take before planning a work


The usage of the personal development plan to minimize the weakness

To learn about the effective team controlling ability with the usage of the appropriate leadership is required

The attendance in the workshops in the personal development are required


The key threat is the lack of time in the professional life

The lack of patience in problem solving situation also can become my threat in pursuing the future activities due to tension.

The balance in work and the personal commitments

Analysing the SWOT analysis , the Gibbs Reflective model is required to be mentioned so that the perfect evaluation of my development will be described as below

Figure 3 Gibbs model

Unit 4 Personal Professional Development in HSC Assignment Sample3

The stages are

  1. Description is all about what has happened or what is required to be happened in terms of the development of my skills
  2. Feelings is all about the perception of mine regarding the development program as the beneficial art of my carrier (Potter, 2015).
  3. Evaluation is all about regarding having good or bad experience based on the development program
  4. Analysis regarding the degree of the development that has taken place in me
  5. Conclusion is regarding the decision making for the further devilment
  6. Action plan is regarding pursuing the further plan for development (Potter, 2015).

2.2 Produce a holistic development of your short term goals, medium term goals and long term goals

Setting goals with SMART objectives

What to learn?

What to do?

What support is required?

How to measure the success?

Target date for the effective review?

Greater depth of knowledge in the health and social care profile

Completion of the training and the development program offered by the organisation

  • Regional training centre
  • Support of the experienced employees
  • Course assessment
  • Appraisal report from the supervisors

Post the appraisal report


To have a perfect introduction with the team and also to build their trust factor on me.

Getting the advice for the line mangers and the feedback from them.

Self and the formal – informal appraisal

Post the appraisal report

Perfect understanding of the leadership styles and required approaches

Learn for the experienced supervisors those are associated with the organisation for many years.

Senior supervisors

Performance appraisal during the development programs

Post the appraisal report

Build the confidence in leaders management

Volunteer to lead the cross functional projects and to build the experience with the leadership style with the team for the further development

Line managers

Feedback from the team and also from the supervisors

After the completion of the project

Improvement on the patience skills

To get the support from the supervisors regarding the time management skills



After the completion of the project

Personal objectives:

Short term for 12 months:

  • Completion of the training and development program
  • Skill development to overcome the tension

Medium terms (2 – 3 years)

  • Good leadership and the managerial skill development to lead a successful team
  • To learn the time management skill while working with team (Husebø, 2015)

Longer team (beyond 3 years)

  • Achieving the promotion
  • Managing a large team to deliver the excellent health and the social care offers.

2.3 Produce a reflective account of how you have monitored your development plan

Monitoring of the development plan is required to take the further development process (Gardner, 2016). Thus, the monitoring process of my development play shared is as blow:

  • Getting the 360 degree feedback from the colleagues and managers will support to review the change in the performance and the attitude towards its work during the development program
  • Self-evaluation by asking the confidence level gained while attending the workshops for the development programs (Gardner, 2016)
  • Self-evaluation regarding the perfect interaction maintenance with the other employees at the work place
  • Self-evaluation about the knowledge regarding the time management by setting the personal short term goals in daily activities
  • Regular basis describing and analysing the  improvements those are required to be maintained based on the situation

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of your development plan to your own development/ practice as a health care professional

The effectiveness in the self development plan can be evaluated with the help of the following process

  • Completion of the degree as per the requirement in the health and social care service offerings so that the theoretical aspect can be used by me to have a strong influential in practice (Gardner, 2016)
  • As per the present situation , I am able to meet the project deadline with the help of the time management in an effective manner
  • The daily activities in offering the social and the health care services to the target customers are performed by me with the maintenance of the perfect team working
  • It also can be stated that the perfect interaction has been maintained by me with the other employees in pursuing the daily activities.
  • As per the present situation, I am also able to control my patience level during the completion of my goal with the help of the effective time management and the task priority management in an effective manner.

4.2 Explain how the limits of own work role impacts on work with others

As per carrier role in the health and the social care unit as the care management trainee, I also have some limitations in my work profile. Being into the management position, I am not allowed to collect the direct information from the clients to offer them the required service as my job role is not associated with offering the direct care service to the clients. Thus, the lack in the opportunity to have a direct coordination with the clients may arise the lack in tyhe truest and faith among the other colleagues those are from different team projects. Further , the lack in the opportunity in handling the data of the clients also may reduce my ability to get the proper in depth knowledge regarding the daily activities in the social care unit (Gardner, 2016). I will be limited with the management role in the decision making and controlling profile only. This also may rise the situation that any employee from the other direct service care team will not pay attention to my works by reflecting the perception regarding my less knowledge in the service process. Thus , the less interaction or the negative interaction will lead towards the violation in the organisation culture.

Task 3 – Professional Discussion/Report Writing

3.1 Explain the nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts

As per the view of Ginsburg (2016), professional relationship is the particular process by which staffs use to make the relationship with the other colleagues, clients, family members of the clients, service care authorities related with the health and the social care unit to have a string co ordination with them for the smooth operational activities. The nature of the professional relationship are as below.

  • Relationship with the service users in which all the service users should be offered the equal respect and value should be maintained. At the same time, it is also required to offer the services by the staffs and the other decision makers along with the maintenance of the confidentiality to abide by the rules of Care act and also to abide by the rules of ethical code of conduct in an effective manner (Johns, 2014 ).
  • The effective engagement with the co workers in the form of the service providers, the doctor team , and the other staffs also is required to be maintained so that the strong team work will effectively complete the project of offering the individual client service offering.
  • The maintenance of the safe work place along with the coordination with the human resource team , management team and the other project related team to make the best place to work.

3.2 Evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual

Personal effectiveness is the most important aspect to be considered in promoting the individual rights and supporting the individuals in offering them the equal respect. In this manner, it has been planned by me to offer the equal respect to the service providers and also the service users in an effective manner. The confidentiality will be strongly maintained by me to maintain the ethical code of conduct related with the health and the social care unit.

I will offer the reliability, trust worthiness and also the act of the dependence so that the service users and the other service providers will feel strong value offered to them and also will be able to maintain a strong collaboration with them in meeting the individual rights and also to complete the goal of the organisation in an effective manner. At the same time , I will also them to offer their opinions in completion of the care offerings to the individuals.

3.3 Discuss ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships

In maintaining the professional leadership with the other employees in the organisation , the following are the barriers use to come in picture

  • The lack of the leadership approach to offer the particular agenda to the team members to follow and also to perform in a better way
  • The lack in the maintenance of the transparent and effective communication for the perfect flow of the information and the knowledge transfer (Johns, 2014 )
  • The lack in the communication also may get rise in the conflict , lack in following the rules and lack effort in team co ordination in the accomplishment of the tasks

To overcome the barriers the following steps have been planned by me

  • Offering the trust to the colleagues
  • Maintaining the transparent communication with others
  • Focus on the team adhesion
  • Offering the respect to the team (Payne, 2014)
  • Proper controlling of the team
  • Offer them the chance to deliver their opinion in the decision making process

3.4 Discuss how to improve personal contributions to the collective effectiveness of a team

The personal contribution enhancement is dependable on the fact of the development of the personal attributes as below

  1. Sharing my views with others
  2. Offering the help to the service providers and users when required
  3. Explaining the roles and the responsibilities to the team members with the help of the transparent communication
  4. Offering the respect to everyone by giving them the moral value
  5. Offering the suggestion to establish the best place to work for the employees

In this ways, I will be able to improve my personal contributions for the effectiveness of the team.


Brett, J. S.?M. (2014). Mapping the impact of patient and public involvement on health and social care research: a systematic review. Health Expectations , 17 (5), 637-650.
DiCenso, A. G. (2014). Evidence-based nursing: A guide to clinical practice. London: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Galegher, J. K. (2014). Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work. Psychology Press .
Gardner, S. (2016). Improving Staff Satisfaction Through Peer-Led Professional Development. Gastroenterology Nursing , 96 .
Ginsburg, S. W. (2016). Professional Boundaries. Jama , 1706-1707.
Johns, R. (2014 ). Using the law in social work. Learning Matters .
Kadushin, A. D. (2014). Supervision in social work. USA: Columbia University Press.
Payne, M. (2014). Modern Nursing , 368-375.
Jackson, E. (2013). Medical law: text, cases, and materials. USA: Oxford University Press.
social work theory. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Potter, C. (2015). Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and Scharmer’s Theory U. Industrial and Commercial Training , 336-342.
Reamer, F. (2013). Social work values and ethics. USA: Columbia University Press.
Rubin, A. B. (2016). Empowerment Series: Research Methods for Social Work. London: Cengage Learning.
Stuart, G. (2014). Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. London: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Torrente, P. S. (2012). Teams make it work: How team work engagement mediates between social resources and performance in teams. Psicothema , 106-112.