Unit 3 Organization and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organization and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO
Unit 3 Organization and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO
Unit 3 Organization and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organization and Behavior – CAPCO 

QFC Level

Level 4


The objective of this unit 3 organization and behavior assignment CAPCO is to understand the individual and group behavior at work. Various leadership and motivational theories have been discussed. In the first task the relationship between the culture and structure of the organization has been highlighted. The effect of the culture on the efficiency and the performance of the employees within the organization have also been highlighted. The various characteristic of individual behavior have been listed. In the second task the significance of various leadership style have also been listed. These strategies of management and practices have been listed. In the third task we discuss various motivational theories and their application. The significance of motivation on the performance of the employees has been discussed in detail. In the last task the introduction of group work and team work have been mentioned. Effective teamwork helps in the management of the work effectively in a short span of time. The influence of technology in the management of the team and the other task in the company has been discussed in detail.

Unit 3 Organization and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO

Task 1

Understand the Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Culture

This task tells us about the relationship between structure and culture of the organization. We have done a deep research on the structure and culture of CAPCO. CAPCO is a company who manufactures CAPCOlactam and raw material of nylon.

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organization of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organizations.

The two companies being compared in this task are CAPCO and the SAMSUNG TOTAL PETROCHEMICAL. All the strategies within the company and the culture existing within the workplace have to be considered before answering this task. The framework within the organization highlights the structure of the organization. The chronology of the company from the top to the bottom level constitutes the structure of the organization. There are different job profiles and the different levels of mangers within the company. CAPCO has a tall organizational structure where there are many levels of the managers and the employees. The hierarchy of the organization consists of many levels. There are many functional departments within the company looking after different jobs such as administration, legal and regulatory service,  finances and human resources.  Each department has their own director. The culture of the organization covers the different principles and the values followed at the organization. The culture of CAPCO is very friendly. Employees can wear whatever they feel like, there are flexible work timings and everyone behaves in a friendly manner. The culture of the organization affects the efficiency and the performance of the employees within the organization. The culture of each and every organization is unique and different. As the employees of CAPCO determine their own time of working they work with increased efficiency. In turn the performance of the company increases. The structure of Samsung Total Petrochemical is flat. There are very few managerial posts available in the company. The structure of the company is as such that all the employees are involved in the process of decision making. The culture of the company is very formal type. Employee is expected to follow a proper dress code and wear decent clothes to the workplace. The hours of coming and going from the office are also fixed by the mangers. The culture of the company brings punctuality in the lives of the employees. (Biance, 2016)

culture of the company

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business

There is a very deep relationship between the culture and the structure of CAPCO. Many managers sometimes do not realize this importance. Both the culture and structure of the organization cannot be viewed and analyzed differently as they are very closely related. The culture existing within CAPCO tells us about the working of different employees within the workplace and the set of values and standard within the organization. The infrastructure and the hierarchical positions of the employees within the company determine its structure. Performance of the employees is dependent both upon the structure and the culture of the organization. The commitment and efficiency of the employee is determined by its structure and culture.

The developmental process of the employee is determined by the training the employee receives in the beginning. Training of the employees is determined by its culture. The culture of CAPCO also determines the customer and employee satisfaction at the company. The standard belief of the workplace also determines the values the employees have. The culture and the structure of the company can affect the attitude of the employees towards problem solving and handling their job. There should be a healthy and positive atmosphere within the workplace to retain the employees in the company. The structure if the company should be as such the employee should have a healthy competition among them but there should be no possibility of rising by unfair means. All the employees should be involved in the process of decision making as this will promote creativity and innovation within the workplace. All these factors when coupled together also increase the performance of the employees and the company. (Davoren, 2016)

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior in CAPCO or in any organization of your choice

The manner in which an individual behave during the process of problem solving individually or in a team determines the individual behavior at the company. Many factors affect the behavior of the employee as an individual within the organization. Some of the factors are listed below:

  • Attitude - Attitude is determined by the reaction of people towards a particular situation. CAPCO needs people with varied attitude such as diplomats, extrovert, introverts and many others.
  • Sex - At CAPCO both men and women are considered to be fit for all the managerial jobs. Both man and women are given equal pay for their equal work. There is no discrimination based on the basis of gender in the workplace.
  • Previous background - Background refers to the place where the people belong to. It also covers their racial background and the culture. It is made sure at CAPCO that there is no discrimination based on basis of race and religion of the employee.
  • Qualities - Qualities and skills present in the employee on the individual basis are considered before hiring the employee. The employees are given training in the company so that they can brush up their skills. Some of the skills are present in the individual by birth. CAPCO focuses on polishing such skills.
  • Experience - Experience refers to perception and insight an individual gains by working for many years. Experience makes the employees mature and handle the problems in a good way. The perception of the employees on various matters may also differ in accordance with their interpretation. (Kashyap, 2016)

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Task 2

Understand Different Approaches to Management and Leadership

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organization of your choice

Leadership style may affect the performance and effectiveness of the employees within an organization. The two type of leadership style that may be followed by CAPCO and Samsung Total Petrochemical are discussed below:

  • Autocratic -  Samsung strategy  Total Petrochemical follows autocratic leadership style in the workplace. The leaders and the employees are separate from each other. The employees are expected to follow the instruction of the managers. The major task of decision making lies in the hands of the managers and they instruct the employees to carry out the jobs assigned to them. The employees do not have a say in the process of decision making. They are not consulted when the important decisions of the company are taken. The leaders help the employees in performing their jobs and take reviews and feedbacks from them. Autocratic style of leadership does not include innovation and creativity within the company. The leaders do not keep a personal touch with the employees so the employee does not have a feeling of belongings to the company. They do not get valued and their ideas are not taken. The employees can lose motivation and their performance may decline.  
  • Participative - This type of leadership is also called democratic as the consent of all the employees are before coming to a decision. The leadership style of CAPCO is participative and it is very effective in managing the employees. It makes the employees feel valued within the company and they are included in the process of decision making. The employees are allowed to choose their way of working and may seek assistance from the mangers whenever required. The employee remains motivated in their work and bring in new ideas to the company. This leadership maintains healthy environment within the workplace where everybody motivates each other. (Pirraglia, 2016)

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relation theory) have had influence on the practice of management

The set of ideas and instructions that enable the mangers to efficiently manage the workforce within an organization are referred to as organizational theory. These theories also help the managers decide the practices of the company. It helps the managers to effectively manage the work of the organization while keeping the objective of the company in mind. Organizational theories play an essential role in determining the structure and culture of a company. The theory followed by an organization heavily affects the management practices of an organization. The leadership style, motivation and the environment of the workplace is affected by the theory it follows. It is the duty of the managers to properly inculcate a particular organizational theory in the workplace. The managers have to be trained on a regular basis to keep them updated. Various types of organizational theories are given below:

  • Classical theory - This is the oldest known theory to manage the workforce within the company. In his the employees are given training and made to work in accordance with the instruction given by the managers. This does not involve flexible working timing and involving the employee I the process of decision making. It is sort of autocratic in approach.
  • Contingency theory - This theory mainly trains the employees in coping up with the contingency situation and training of the managers how to handle the contingency situation. It tells us about the various strategies to be adopted and how to be prepared for any adverse condition. It helps the managers to cope up with the problem through effective management.
  • Scientific theory - This theory states that there is elation between all the departments of an organization and a change in one department may affect the other. It tells us about the scientific strategy of handling the employees. It also states that an organization is always in a dynamic state so it needs to be constantly updated with the trends in the market.
  • Human Relation theory - This theory mainly focuses on the motivation of the employee and increasing their efficiency through various practices. There should be healthy relations between the managers and the employees and the employee must try to understand the managers personally. (Slide Share, 2011)

Herzberg’s Theory

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organization

The approach followed by the company uniforms the practice of the entire organization and brings people together. All the employees work together to achieve a mutual goal. The management theory used by CAPCO is the scientific approach as all the modern theories are adopted by the organization. The consent of all the employees are taken in the process of decision making and it brings more creativity to the group. The more minds involved in the organization more innovation flows in. Feedbacks and reviews are taken from the employees on a regular basis so that they do not face any problem while in the workplace. This theory plays a major role the motivation of the employees and it keeps them working harder as they are responsible for the decision. The performance and the efficiency of the employees increases which increases the growth of the company. Samsung Total Petrochemical uses classical theory to manage their work. The managers are responsible for taking the decision and the employees follow it. The task are assigned to the employees and they are expected to them deliver them on time. The employees tend to lose motivation as they are working on the ideas of there. They start thinking they do not hold any important position in the company. This approach is basically autocratic where employees are used to work for the managers. (Cherian, 2013)

Task 3

Understand Ways of Using Motivational Theories in Organization

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

The behavior of the employees within an organization and their motivation is closely linked with the style of  leadership role  within the company. A good leader knows how to manage the employees and keep them dedicated towards their work. Managers give the employees feedback about their work and help them perform better in their assigned task. An efficient manager gives appraisal and rewards to the employee for their good work. The different type of leadership style within an organization is given below:

  • Democracy - The consent of all the employees’ is taken before arising to a final decision. The employees give in their best in the company as their ideas are respected. The leader takes the majority decision in the end.
  • Bureaucracy - This is a very strict form of leadership where all the work has to be done with great precision. The huge projects involving lot of money where leaders cannot afford a small mistake follow this type of leadership.
  • Autocracy - This type of leadership involves the managers giving instructions and the managers following it. The managers have the total power of decision making and the employees follow their instruction. This is inefficient form of leadership as the employee may start losing interest.
  • Work based - This form is adopted with an important job has to be done or a task has to be completed on an urgent basis. This may get autocratic at some points as great deal of care has to be taken.
  • Laissez-Faire - In this type of leadership the employees have the independence to work on their own and report their work in the end to the managers. The employees can work in accordance to their convenience. It increases the efficiency of the employees as they are responsible for their own self. At times the managers lose the control as employees become self-sufficient. (Johnson, 2016)


3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organization setting

The most important asset of the company is the employees as they work really hard to take the company forward. They are the ones who make strategies to carry out the functions of the company. To maintain the high performance of the company it is important that the employees remain motivated. There are various theories to help the managers to keep the motivation of the employees alive. The motivational theories are mentioned below:

  • Maslow’s Theory - Maslow state that to keep the employee motivated the organization must fulfill their five basic needs namely basic needs, need for job security, Social needs, respect for their self-esteem and fulfillment of their wishes. When the organization fulfills all their need the employees get a feeling of security and stay loyal to the company. They also give in their best to the company. This theory keeps the employees self-motivated.

Maslow’s Theory

  • Herzberg’s Theory - Herzberg did a research and found that there were some factors that actually motivated the employees while the other just satisfied their needs. There were some factors recognized which caused dissatisfaction among the employees. The factors which cause dissatisfaction among the employees must be avoided at all cost. He said the company should pay huge focus on the hygienic conditions within the workplace. CAPCO staff really love the  healthy and food safety  provided to them. They get motivated by the entertainment facilities provided to them within the workplace. (Zeiger, 2016)

Herzberg’s Theory

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workforce

It is the duty of the managers to handle the workforce of the company and make them work efficiently. It depends on the managers how to motivate the employees. The process of motivation is a very complicated process and it must be handled with precision as the growth of the company depends upon it. It is the responsibility to understand the employees fully and manage them accordingly. The mangers must maintain personal touch with the employees and try to understand them. The manager must adopt a particular theory and stick to it to keep the employees committed to their work. Orderly and strategic application of the motivational theory is very important. The benefits of the motivated employees must be understood before carrying out the function in order to understand the motivational theory fully. The motivational theory makes the manager understand the value of employees in the organization. The managers must treat the employees in a humane manner and must respect the effort given by them. The performance and the efficiency of the employee in the company are directly related to the effort managers put in to motivate them. Motivated employees work with increased commitment which helps in increasing the growth of the company. The managers must set the target for the employees to achieve in order to increase the efficiency of their work. When the employees are let to work on their own the new and the innovative ideas flow in. (Ingram, 2016)

Task 4

Understand Mechanism for Developing Effective Teamwork in Organization

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within CAPCO or your chosen organization

Group work is very important as it teaches the employees to work together in a coordinated way. Groups are made in CAPCO to carry out all the functions. In the training the employees are given training to work in the team. Group work increases the efficiency of the work in the company. It also reduces the time taken by a single person to complete the task. The task can be divided among few people. As all the members of the group share a common goal the efficiency of the group members increases and they work with increased commitment. When a number of people sit and discuss an idea many new creative and innovative approach come in role play. Each team member wok independently and report their work to the group leader. The group leader also controls the functioning of the entire group. It is the group leader that creates a pressure on all the other members to complete their work on time. Group also create friendly relations among people and helps them coordinate better with each other. CAPCO understands the importance of group work fully and encourages the employees to work in groups. Even the group members create a pressure on each other to complete their work on time. Various targets and incentives are set for the group members to achieve and drive their group forward. CAPCO also conducts various activities that help the group members to coordinate well with each other. The major functions that a group is expected to perform are given below.

  • Performance - This involves collecting data for the performing a task and then executing it in a strategic manner. All the major decisions are taken collectively by all the group members and then executed in a strategic manner.
  • Involvement - The group leader has to make sure that all the members of the group are involved in carrying out the task. The work should be divided equally among the members. The non-performing employees have to be pushed forward by the leader and the other members. (Hall, 2004)

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organization

CAPCO these days pays a lot of attention on building of team and promoting effective teamwork. This increases the efficiency of the team and the other employees associated with it. Formation of the team increases the coordination among the employees and provides them with lot of flexibility in working hours and conditions. It gives the team members to a lot of liberty in making their own decisions without the involvement of the team leader. The coordination among the team members help in smooth functioning of the team and the company on the whole. Each team should be composed of members of diverse streams as it will let the innovation to flow in the team. Each member of the team has different skills and is specialized in their area. It lets the team have expert work in each area. The diversity of age within the group helps in efficient division of labor. The efficiency of the team depends on the dedication of its members. (Wolski, 2016)


4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organization

CAPCO is greatly influenced by the technological advancement within the company. The technology has reduced the manual work as most of the mental work is done by computers these days. Technology has increased the flexibility in working conditions as employees can log on to the website of the company from anywhere. Technology has made the employees more independent and gives them the freedom to work in their comfort zone. Technology has greatly influenced the working of teams in CAPCO as the employees can remain well connected with the advancing technology. The members can convey the information of the company to one another through mobiles and laptop over email, messenger and messages. The technology enables the leader to keep a check on the performance of the employees by keeping a check on their previous work. Through technology the managers can distribute the work easily among the members. The managers can keep a check on the performance of the employees and rate their performance of accordingly. Technology also keeps the employees motivated as the managers can easily convey the message to the employees. (Ubarrie, 2015)

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This assignment majorly focusses on understanding of the individual and the group behavior at work. It also helps us have an understanding between the culture and the structure of the organization. The similarities and the differences between the both are highlighted. The leadership style followed at CAPCO has been highlighted and discussed in brief. Different type of organizational theories and different approaches to management has been discussed. Motivational theory and its impact on the organization have also been discussed. The application of motivational theory has been highlighted. The effectiveness of the teamwork has been highlighted and the methods of group work have also been discussed. CAPCO heavily encourages the teamwork within the organization. The domination of the technology in the organization these days has been highlighted.


Biance, A., (2016),  Organizational structure and culture  change, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/organizational-structure-culture-change-16106.html  [Accessed 06 July 2016]
Cherian, G., (2013), various approaches to management, [Article], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/georgetcherian/various-approaches-to-management  [Accessed 03 July 2016]
Davoren, J., (2016), Organizational culture and employee Performance, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/organizational-culture-employee-performance-25216.html  [Accessed 07 July 2016]
Hall, B., (2004), the nature of group and group behavior, [Article], Available: http://www.markedbyteachers.com/as-and-a-level/psychology/the-nature-of-groups-group-behaviour.html  [Accessed 07 July 2016]
Ingram, D., (2016), how to apply motivational theory in workplace, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/apply-motivational-theories-workplace-10962.html  [Accessed 05 July 2016]
Johnson, R., (2016), 5 different type of leadership styles, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-different-types-leadership-styles-17584.html  [Accessed 03 July 2016]
Kashyap, D., (2016), Top 3 factor affecting individual behavior, [Article], Available: http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/organization/individual-behaviors/top-3-factors-affecting-individual-behaviour/63786/  [Accessed 17 July 2016]
Pirraglia, W., (2016), the effects of leadership styles on the organization, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effects-leadership-styles-organization-10387.html  [Accessed 03 July 2016]